"Immortal Law, it should be called Immortal Law, but it is somewhat similar to the Gate of Samsara." Feng Wuchen smiled. Feng Wuchen had already felt that the power of the Immortal Law was quite similar to the Gate of Samsara, but it was different. After all, the Gate of Samsara did not have such a strange and terrifying Immortal Law.

"Immortal Law! Immortal Law!" Long Shitian and Long Xiaoyang were all excited, looking at Feng Wuchen with awe and admiration.

"Feng Wuchen, you are the strongest in the ancient immortal world. Since you have been caught by this guardian today, how can I let you escape? You kneel down obediently!" The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor roared, and then sacrificed the blood jade token.

The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor threw the token out, and then it turned into a huge barrier.

"Sealing formation!" Feng Wuchen frowned and said, "It seems that you want to trap me to death in it, so that you can slowly consume my strength."

"That's right! Your strength is too strong, and this guardian can't beat you, but the sealing formation is enough to trap you. When your strength is exhausted, this guardian can easily kill you!" Nine Star Ancient Immortal Emperor said fiercely.

Hearing this, Feng Wuchen shrugged and said, "So that's how it is. I thought you had some powerful immortal spell or artifact. It seems that I misunderstood. Your sealing formation is really weak."

Hearing Feng Wuchen's words, the Nine Star Ancient Immortal Emperor Guardian almost vomited blood and was furious.

"Boom boom boom!"

Long Xiaoyang and the others were also amused by Feng Wuchen, and they all laughed.

"Stinky boy, you are looking for death!" The Nine Star Ancient Immortal Emperor Guardian scolded, staring at Feng Wuchen fiercely, his eyes were scarlet, like a ferocious beast.


In a flash, a blood-red lightning bolt burst out from the body of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian, and in an instant condensed into a huge phantom several feet long.

"Blood Demon War God?" Long Xiaoyun and others were shocked and frightened.

"This guy actually summoned the Blood Demon War God!" Long Tianchou and others were frightened again.

The Blood Demon War God is at the peak level of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor, a more terrifying existence than the Ancient Immortal Emperor. Long Xiaoyang and others are extremely afraid of him, let alone Feng Wuchen?


The Blood Demon War God suddenly opened his blood-red eyes, and then stepped on the void and swooped down, suppressing him fiercely and ruthlessly, as if a towering giant mountain fell, and the momentum of destruction was breathtaking.

The Blood Demon War God was extremely fast and arrived in an instant.


Feng Wuchen tapped the void with his toes, dodged strangely, and disappeared like teleportation, ignoring the Blood Demon War God.

"What kind of body movement is this?" The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian was shocked. He couldn't catch Feng Wuchen's figure at all, and couldn't even feel any breath.



Feng Wuchen appeared again, and his fist suddenly blasted out. With a bang, the Blood Demon God of War was directly blown to ashes.

"What?" The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian was shocked and exclaimed: "So fast!"


Before the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian could recover, Feng Wuchen disappeared again, and his figure appeared behind him like a ghost, and punched the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian on the head again.


The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian spurted blood, his whole face turned pale, and his body shot to the ground like a cannonball.


In a blink of an eye, the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian smashed into the center of the square, and the square shook violently.


Feng Wuchen appeared in a flash, and stepped on the chest of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian, forcibly stepping him into the ground, and the floor exploded.


Long Xiaoyang and the others swallowed their saliva in fear, staring at Feng Wuchen with wide eyes.

"How... How is it possible? Brother Feng actually defeated the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor with one move, this... This is impossible?" Long Xiaoyun said in a trembling voice, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Brother Feng just used a body movement, I have never seen it, and it is a very strange and weird body movement." Ling Xiaoxiao shook her head solemnly, her beautiful eyes flashing with brilliance.

"That is not a body movement, but a fairy method, it is the power of the fairy method." Ye Jianhun guessed.

"Fairy method?" Everyone was shocked.

"As expected of Brother Feng, he is really powerful!" Long Qinghun said excitedly, his face full of excitement.

Feng Wuchen loosened his feet slightly and asked calmly: "What's your name?"

The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor Guardian said coldly: "If you want to kill me, just kill me. Why ask more questions?"

"Oh? Really?" Feng Wuchen raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

When Feng Wuchen's voice fell, he suddenly urged his soul power, instantly covering the whole body of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor Guardian, and performed the soul control technique.

The soul control technique is extremely domineering, even the Immortal Emperor strongman, I am afraid it will be difficult to bear.

"What did you do to me? Why are you controlling me?" The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor Guardian suddenly struggled and roared, saying fiercely: "Asshole! Let me go! Let me go!"

Feng Wuchen said coldly: "Let you go? Are you sure? If you don't want to live, I can help you."

"Asshole! Asshole! I don't want to die! Please, save me." The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor Guardian begged hurriedly, not realizing that Feng Wuchen had controlled his consciousness at all.

"You can live, but the prerequisite is to tell me how the Ancient Luo Palace was destroyed." Feng Wuchen said coldly.

The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian gritted his teeth and said, "I destroyed the Ancient Luo Palace. I want to avenge the Ancient Luo Emperor!"

"Humph! Trash!" Feng Wuchen scolded without any hesitation: "Just you?"

"No, it's not me. I don't have this ability." The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian quickly denied it.

"Who killed the Ancient Luo Emperor?" Feng Wuchen asked coldly.

The protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor said: "He is the elder of the Holy Soul Sect. His cultivation has reached the realm of Immortal Lord. Although the Ancient Luo Immortal Emperor has the early cultivation level of the Ancient Immortal Emperor, he is no match for the elder of the Holy Soul Sect."

"Holy Soul Sect?" Feng Wuchen narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly: "Holy Soul Sect is the strongest sect in the ancient immortal world, with seven or eight powerful immortals sitting in charge. How can the Ancient Luo Immortal Emperor fight with him?"

"I don't know either." The Protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor shook his head.

"The strongest sect in the ancient immortal world, with seven or eight powerful immortals. No wonder the ancient immortal royal family and the Tiandao Futu Sect can't resist the Holy Soul Sect even if they join forces." Feng Wuchen frowned deeply and said to himself: "I don't know if Master and the others are now How’s it going? I hope it’s okay.”

Thinking of this, Feng Wuchen immediately took out the teleportation talisman. In order to prevent Wanhuo Immortal Mansion from being in danger, Feng Wuchen had already refined many teleportation talismans.



Feng Wuchen waved his hand, and all the teleportation talismans exploded. A bright golden light enveloped a radius of 100,000 feet. A strong space ripple spread out, wrapping Feng Wuchen. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared with Feng Wuchen. Long Xiao Yang and others also disappeared.

"Space teleportation talisman? He actually refined the space teleportation talisman." Seeing the shining brilliance of the teleportation talisman, Long Xiaotian was overjoyed and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Space teleportation talisman! This is Brother Feng's unique alchemist method." Long Xiaoyang said with a happy smile.

"I have been studying Brother Feng's techniques for these years, but unfortunately I have never been able to fully understand them. I really don't know how Brother Feng learned the techniques of an alchemist. It is really unbelievable." Beidou Yan praised.

"This technique is too mysterious. I have been studying it for so long, but I still can't understand it at all. I don't know how much Feng Wuchen has understood, maybe he has surpassed us." Liu Qingyang said with a bitter smile, looking defeated.

"You idiots, how many years of research does such a simple alchemist's technique require?" Long Xiaotian rolled his eyes angrily.

After hearing what Long Xiaotian said, everyone was stunned.

"Father, what do you mean? Isn't this simple?" Long Nitian asked in confusion.

"Of course it's simple, because this is a simplified version of the space formation. The space formation is a very powerful fairy method. Its power is far greater than the space teleportation talisman. It is not only powerful, but can also travel through space. You only need to use the formation to depict Creating a space to lead to another space is a very powerful formation," Long Xiaotian explained with envy in his eyes.

"So that's it." Long Xiaoyang suddenly realized, and thought to himself: "Such a powerful immortal method, my father actually said it was simple."

"Brother Feng actually knows the space formation. It seems that this guy bumped into him by mistake." Long Xiaoyang grinned.

"Brother Feng's alchemist attainments are really terrifying. He can actually use space formations to a superb level. I'm afraid his alchemist realm has already reached the level of an immortal alchemist, right?" Long Qinghun secretly guessed in his heart. .

"Brother Feng, your alchemist realm has reached the immortal level. This is something you cultivated yourself and has nothing to do with us. If you don't want to reveal your identity, you can leave at any time. Don't force me to kill you!" Long! Xiao Tian said in a deep voice, murderous intent rising to the sky.

"I don't want to kill you, don't worry." Feng Wuchen said calmly.

"Then what do you want to do? I won't tell you any secrets about the Ancient Luo Immortal Palace!" the Protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor scolded angrily.

Feng Wuchen shrugged and sneered: "Since you don't cooperate, then I will kill you!"

"call out!"


As soon as Feng Wuchen finished speaking, he flicked his finger, and a silver needle shot out, piercing the Dantian of the Protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor, and streams of black blood gushed out along the wound.


The protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor was frightened, the extreme pain spread throughout his body, and the heart-rending screams resounded over the ancient city.


"Who are you? Who are you?" The protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor howled in pain.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Puff puff!"

Feng Wuchen flicked his finger, and hundreds of poisonous needles flew out, all piercing the chest of the Protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor. Each poisonous needle contained extremely domineering and terrifying poison.

"You, you, poison me." The protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor was extremely frightened.

Feng Wuchen smiled coldly and said coldly: "Yes, this is exactly the poison, it is enough for you to bear."


The poison entered the body, and the protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor howled wildly and miserably. His whole body twitched, his face was twisted and ferocious, and he stared at Feng Wuchen fiercely.

"Fengfeng Wuchen, you... just wait for me, Guluo Immortal Palace won't let you go," the Protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor roared with all his strength. Before he could finish his words, his head tilted and his life was cut off.


The corpse of the protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor slowly floated into the void.

"Feng Wuchen, kill him! He is the third elder of Guluo Immortal Palace, you are looking for death!" The companion of the Nine Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's protector roared angrily, staring at Feng Wuchen with fierce eyes, wishing to break Feng Wuchen into pieces Thousands of corpses.

"I didn't stop you from killing him, just go ahead and kill him." Feng Wuchen shrugged and said with a smile.

"." The companion of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's protector.

"You two stay, everyone else can go." Feng Wuchen said indifferently, and glanced at Long Tianqiu and the other four.

"Yes! I obey my orders!" Beidou Yan and the five others clasped their fists respectfully, retreated one after another, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"call out!"

Feng Wuchen waved his hand, and a storage ring was suspended in the air. Feng Wuchen said calmly: "Take it, there are three thousand yuan crystal stones and two hundred million fairy spirit stones in it, which will be considered as compensation for you. "

"Thank you, Brother Feng!" Long Shiyun bowed excitedly and thanked him. After collecting all the items, he left immediately.

"Three thousand Yuan Crystals! Two hundred million Immortal Spirit Stones!" Long Xiaoyang widened his eyes in shock, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

"Feng Wuchen is so generous? Where did Feng Wuchen get so many Yuan Crystals and Immortal Spirit Stones?" Liu Qingyang said in shock, with a confused look on his face.

Beidou Yan and the others also looked at Feng Wuchen in confusion.

"Where did Brother Feng get so many Yuan Crystals and Immortal Spirit Stones? This is too scary, isn't this kid an alchemist? How could he have so much wealth? Did he hide his identity?" Nangong Huang was full of confusion.

Liu Qingyang and Ye Jianying were all in a state of confusion, and they couldn't believe that these things belonged to Feng Wuchen.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Don't you think it's strange? I'm an alchemist, how can I have so much money, and I'm so bold to kill the third elder of Gu Luo Xian Palace, aren't you curious?" Feng Wuchen asked back.

"Brother Feng is really smart. I admire him." Long Tianchou gave him a thumbs up.

Beidouyan shook his head and smiled: "Now I finally understand why Gu Luo Xianzun wants to accept Brother Feng as his apprentice. Brother Feng's talent is really terrible."

Liu Qingyang curled his lips and said: "Although Brother Feng's alchemist realm is only one level lower than mine, I feel that Brother Feng's alchemist realm is even more unfathomable than mine. How long has it been? Brother Feng has broken through the two-star alchemist in succession. This speed is simply a demon."

"Haha! It's worthy of Brother Feng! It really didn't disappoint us." Long Zhanye laughed excitedly.

"Brother Feng, you are now a seven-star alchemist. You have improved by two stars in such a short time. It's really fast. It won't be long before you catch up with me." Liu Qingyang laughed excitedly. He was very excited when he thought that he would catch up with Long Zhanye soon.

"No matter what, Brother Feng, I will remember this favor." Long Tianchou said seriously.

"The leader has been very kind to us. This little thing is nothing." Feng Wuchen waved his hand and smiled.

Seeing Long Tianchou and the other two people in tears of gratitude, Feng Wuchen was very pleased.

Long Tianchou frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed: "Brother Feng, to be honest, I will tell you the truth. I deliberately lured the Gu Luo Palace to this relic to test the Gu Luo Palace. Brother Feng, this relic was discovered by Gu Luo Xianzun, so..."

"So that's how it is." Feng Wuchen nodded slightly.

Long Tianchou said helplessly: "Alas, the relic has existed for many years, but no one has ever entered it. The appearance of Brother Feng may have brought this relic back to the light of day, but Brother Feng's strength is indeed a little weak. Over the years, I don't know how many people the Gu Luo Palace has sent, even including Saint King Realm powerhouses. If they find this place, Brother Feng will definitely suffer. How can the Gu Luo Palace allow an alchemist to provoke them?"

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