Gu Xuanyang's face suddenly changed, his pupils suddenly shrank, his figure shook, and he quickly disappeared from the spot.

"Young Master!" Zhang Wuhun was shocked.

"Oops!" The hunchbacked old man's face changed drastically, and he cried out in his heart.

However, at this moment, tens of thousands of brilliant golden lights shot up into the sky, completely enveloping the ancient tomb.

The ancient tomb was covered by golden array patterns, and an invisible barrier emerged, blocking the arrows.


Countless arrows touched the invisible barrier and shattered one after another.

Endless arrows could not do anything to the ancient tomb barrier.

"How is it possible? There is a powerful array arranged in the ancient tomb! There is also such a powerful defensive array, what level of array is this?" The hunchbacked old man was extremely shocked.

The hunchbacked old man never thought that there was a powerful array hidden in the ancient tomb.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

In the tombs on all sides of the ancient tomb, skeletons stood up one after another, exuding an evil aura.

There were more than 200,000 skeletons, with terrifying auras, and waves of soul-stirring gloomy auras swept over.

"So many corpses? Who were they in their lifetime? They actually buried more than 200,000 lives!" Zhang Wuhun and other guards were shocked.

"As expected of the Phantom God Emperor, he actually ambushed so many corpses!" Gu Xuanyang exclaimed in his heart, and his face couldn't help showing greed.

In addition to some ordinary corpses, there are also many cultivation resources in the ancient tomb.

"Two hundred thousand corpses, there are at least 20 to 30 pieces of holy weapon-level armor, and even higher-level holy-level exercises. It is worthy of being the tomb of the Phantom God Emperor. The harvest is really rich!" Gu Xuanyang was very excited.

Chapter 19 Illusion

"Young Master, retreat first. I always feel that this place is very dangerous and must leave immediately." Zhang Wuhun said solemnly, with a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

"No hurry." Gu Xuanyang waved his hand lightly and said, "Although the Phantom God Tomb has been destroyed, there are still many opportunities and treasures inside. It would be a pity if we just gave up like this."

"Young Master, these corpses are very powerful. We may not be able to deal with them. Besides, there are still many guards in the ancient tomb. It's too risky to do this." Zhang Wuhun advised.

"Don't worry about this. I am sure I can deal with these corpses. Besides, my father is the Phantom God Emperor. The ancestors of the Gu family have to call me Young Master. They are all loyal people of the Gu family and will never disobey my orders." Gu Xuanyang said confidently.

"Young Master, let's leave now, otherwise it will be too late to regret it!" The Seventh Uncle also persuaded.

Gu Xuanyang sneered, "What are you afraid of? Are you still afraid that I can't get the inheritance? You just need to cooperate with me. Remember, we are allies now, and you can't betray me."

Hearing this, Zhang Wuhun and the Seventh Uncle looked at each other and nodded immediately.

"You go first, I'll catch up with you later." Gu Xuanyang said lightly.

After he finished speaking, Gu Xuanyang immediately performed the "Nine Netherworld Fire Art".

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The next second, nine groups of deep purple flames appeared out of thin air, with a terrifying temperature, and flew out like lightning, approaching Gu Xuantian, Zhang Wuhun, and the Seventh Uncle.

Gu Xuantian and the other five were all powerful God Kings, and they also controlled the Saint-level skills.

However, under the pressure of the Nine Netherworld Fire, the five people hurriedly used the Saint-level skills to resist, not daring to underestimate it, because they all knew the Nine Netherworld Fire Art.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Nine groups of deep purple flames clashed with everyone, and roars sounded one after another, and the wind raged, and the void was twisted.

"Is this a Saint-level flame? And it also contains soul power. His spiritual power is very powerful!" A god general said in horror, his eyes flashing with surprise.

Another guard was surprised and said, "He is actually an alchemist!"

"Alchemist?" Gu Xuanyang frowned slightly.

There are indeed many powerful elixirs in the ancient tomb, but there are no alchemists, so Gu Xuanyang never thought that Gu Xuanyang is also a part-time alchemist.

"Haha! It turns out that he is an alchemist, no wonder his mental power is so strong!" Seeing that Gu Xuanyang is an alchemist, Zhang Wuhun burst into laughter.

Gu Xuanyang's expression was completely frozen on the spot.

Once Gu Xuanyang's identity as an alchemist is exposed, it will definitely lead to a fatal disaster.

"Humph! Alchemist, so what? My father is the Great Emperor of Illusion God, they must know what to do." Gu Xuanyang gritted his teeth and hated secretly, praying in his heart that the great elder of the ancient tomb would never let Gu Xuanyang reveal his identity as an alchemist.

"Zhang Wuhun, let's go quickly, I am enough here." Gu Xuanyang urged.

"But..." Zhang Wuhun hesitated to speak.

"I know you are worried about me, but it's okay. Our ancestors of the Gu family have helped the ancient god tomb master. They will never attack me easily, otherwise my ancestors of the Gu family would have met with an accident long ago. They have done us a favor and will not embarrass me." Gu Xuanyang said.

Zhang Wuhun and the others hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"Young master, be careful." Zhang Wuhun respectfully warned.

"I know." Gu Xuanyang nodded.

In the ancient tomb, all the corpses have been resurrected and all besieged Gu Xuanyang.

"Illusion! Break it for me!" Gu Xuanyang shouted, turned his hands, pinched out a handprint, hit the void, and then roared.


In an instant, the entire tomb shook violently, and the space suddenly fluctuated violently.

Strangely, all the corpses stopped instantly and did not move.

"This is an illusion. It is true. It seems that the illusion array in the ancient tomb is still in operation, and the treasures left by the Great Emperor of Illusion God are still there." Gu Xuanyang was very excited, and his eyes swept to every corner of the tomb, hoping to find the inheritance of the ancient tomb.

What Gu Xuanyang didn't know was that this was the illusion array left by the Great Emperor of Illusion God, just in case.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

At this moment, more than 200 puppets suddenly rushed out from the caves in the walls, each of which had the cultivation base of the initial stage of the God General Realm.

Gu Xuanyang's face changed drastically, and he immediately used the Phantom Step to avoid it.


"Puff, puff, puff!"

More than 200 corpses crashed into the ground of the valley. The fierce collision caused the entire tomb to shake violently, and the earth shook violently.

The extremely terrifying destructive force almost tore Gu Xuanyang into pieces.


Seeing this horrible scene, Zhang Wuhun and others were so scared that their livers and gallbladders broke, their faces turned pale, and their bodies trembled.

"Illusion!" Gu Xuanyang suddenly looked up at the stone door, his eyes bulged, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his mind was in a mess.

The phantom step that Gu Xuanyang had just performed was actually an illusion, but he failed to break it and was directly trapped in the illusion array.

"This is... the soul-confusing array, and it is the top-notch illusion array!" Gu Xuanyang widened his eyes, his heart twitched fiercely, his face was ferocious, and he was extremely frightened.

The soul-confusing array is a very fierce and domineering illusion array. Even if you are at the peak of the God Realm, if you are not careful, you will be caught by Gu Xuanyang.

"Master, what's going on?" Zhang Wuhun asked hurriedly.

"We are in the wrong place! Run for your lives!" Gu Xuanyang yelled, and ran out of the hall in panic, not paying any attention to Gu Xuantian and the others.

Zhang Wuhun and the other six people's faces changed drastically again, and they did not dare to hesitate at all. They rushed out one after another and sprinted with all their strength.

Gu Xuanyang was very fast, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. He was obviously frightened.

"Young Master!" Zhang Wuhun and others shouted, and they were extremely anxious. They did not dare to stay for a moment and rushed out of the palace frantically.

"Want to leave?" A hoarse and angry roar sounded, and then a dark stream of light shot out like lightning.

The speed of the dark stream of light was extremely fast, and it intercepted Zhang Wuhun and others in an instant, exuding a murderous aura.

Seeing the appearance of the person blocking the way, Zhang Wuhun and others were stunned.

"Emperor Gu Xuantian! Isn't he dead?" Zhang Wuhun said in a daze, and a huge wave of waves rose in his heart.

"Gu Gu Xuantian!" The other four gods were also shocked.

Gu Xuantian's body was cut off, and they saw with their own eyes that Gu Xuantian's Nascent Soul left his body and was dead.

But now Gu Xuantian was standing in front of them, which simply overturned their cognition.

More importantly, Gu Xuanyang was gone!

"You are so bold that you actually deceived this emperor! You are unforgivable! This emperor will send you to the west today!" Gu Xuantian shouted angrily, and his cold murderous intent locked onto Zhang Wuhun and others.

"It's over!" Zhang Wuhun and others' faces suddenly changed drastically, and they were completely frightened and felt extremely dangerous.

"Where is Gu Xuanyang?" Seeing the reaction of Zhang Wuhun and others, Gu Xuantian's face changed drastically.

This is the result that Gu Xuantian is most worried about!

Zhang Wuhun and the other six did not dare to say it at all, and they could not say it.

"Speak! Why don't you speak! Tell me, where did Gu Xuanyang go? Who let him out!" Gu Xuantian roared wildly, his eyes red, and he looked crazy.

"Young master, he..."


Zhang Wuhun had just opened his mouth when he was slapped in the face, and he flew out with blood flowing from his mouth.

"Young master, he is Gu Xuantian, don't worry about his life or death, let's run for our lives quickly, there are too many taboos in the ancient tomb, we can't afford to provoke him at all!" One of Gu Xuantian's subordinates shouted.

"That's right! Let's go!" Zhang Wuhun immediately agreed, and then led the Gu family's high-level people to flee in panic, fearing that they would be half a second late.

"Gu Xuanyang! Zhang Wuhun! How dare you deceive this emperor! You must die!" Gu Xuantian roared wildly.

However, Zhang Wuhun and others seemed not to hear it and continued to run.

Gu Xuantian roared, clenched his fists, pointed at the sky, and roared: "Ah--!"


The next moment, Gu Xuantian was furious, vomited blood, and fainted, falling straight to the ground.

Although Gu Xuantian only had his Nascent Soul left, he was a strong man in the Divine King Realm after all. Even if he only had his Nascent Soul left, he still had terrifying power.

Gu Xuanyang was a strong man of the Divine Lord, so he naturally could not bear the anger of Gu Xuantian's Nascent Soul and fainted on the spot.

Once Gu Xuantian died, the Gu family disciples fell into a desperate situation and were no match for the ancient tomb guards.

In just three breaths, hundreds of Gu family disciples had been slaughtered.

The Gu family's strong men were completely wiped out, and Gu Xuanyang and other eight generals were also killed or wounded.

"Young Master!" Seeing this miserable scene, Zhang Wuhun and others were heartbroken and tears fell.

"I swear to protect the young master to the death. Even if I fight to the death, I will protect the young master!" A general gritted his teeth and roared.

"Swear to protect the young master to the death, die on the battlefield, and never live in vain!" The other seven people roared one after another, determined to die.

Zhang Wuhun gritted his teeth and said gloomily: "Young Master, we will cover you, go quickly!"

Zhang Wuhun and the other five people sacrificed the artifacts and kept a close watch on the situation in the ancient tomb.

Zhang Wuhun and the other six did not feel ashamed for sacrificing themselves to save Gu Xuanyang.

"Elder Zhang, we can't abandon you!" Gu Xuanyang shook his head.

"Go, we don't need you to save us! We just want to save our lives, you don't have to worry about us, as long as you are alive, the Gu family can revive!" said the other five people.

"Our mission is to protect you!" Zhang Wuhun shook his head and said, "Young Master, go quickly, don't let this old slave down!"

"Elder Zhang." Gu Xuanyang sighed apologetically, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Let's leave together!"


As he spoke, Gu Xuanyang turned into a residual shadow and rushed out.

Gu Xuanyang and others soon arrived at the gate of the palace.

"The ancient tomb has been closed. If you want to leave here, you can only use the palace teleportation array!"

"The teleportation array has been damaged and cannot be activated at all. It is difficult to leave the ancient tomb!"

Zhang Wuhun and others all frowned and shook their heads.


At this time, another stream of light flew over from the distant sky, and it was Gu Xuanyang.

"Young Master is back!" Zhang Wuhun and the others said happily, and their eyes full of expectation fell on Gu Xuanyang.

Gu Xuanyang looked miserable, his clothes were messy, his face was swollen like a pig's head, and there were drops of blood at the corners of his mouth, which looked extremely miserable.

But Gu Xuanyang's face was full of smiles, as if he had picked up a treasure.

When Gu Xuanyang turned his palm, a jade card emerged, and the soul power was injected into it, and the jade card immediately released a strong green light.


The next moment, the void suddenly rippled, and a halo condensed out of thin air in an area of ​​thousands of feet.

"Teleportation array!" Zhang Wuhun and others were immediately surprised.

This teleportation array is very secretive, and there is almost no power fluctuation. If you are not particularly familiar with the environment of the ancient tomb, it is difficult to detect the existence of the teleportation array.

Gu Xuanyang stepped into the teleportation array and said, "Don't get close, otherwise if the ban is triggered, you will definitely die!"

"Yes! Follow the instructions of the young master!" Zhang Wuhun respectfully clasped his fists and saluted.

"Damn it! That little beast actually escaped!" A fierce curse came from the hall of the Gu family mansion.

A young man was furious, his whole body was filled with terrible murderous aura, and his ferocious old face looked extremely creepy.

"Great elder, Gu Xuanyang will definitely not run far! There are so many taboos in the ancient tomb, we will chase him immediately! Once we catch Gu Xuanyang, we will definitely not let him go!" A middle-aged man said angrily.

"Humph! He thinks he is safe hiding in the ancient tomb?" Gu Yunyang sneered.

"Gu Xuanyang, you wait for this elder! This elder will definitely cut you into pieces to vent the hatred in this elder's heart!" Gu Yunyang said angrily, full of resentment and hatred, and murderous aura.

"Brother Yunyang, the strength of those ancient tomb guards is very strong, especially that Gu Xuanming, his strength is stronger than you! There are a total of twenty ancient tomb guards, can we really beat them?" The great elder frowned and asked, feeling uncertain.

Gu Yunyang gritted his teeth and said, "Great Elder, don't worry! Gu Xuanyang is seriously injured and his Dantian is destroyed. He is not qualified to be the young master at all!"

"He still has a lot of precious spiritual medicines, enough for us to break through the realm of God King! And with the help of the ancient tomb guards, our cultivation will surely advance by leaps and bounds, even surpassing my father!"

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