"Brother Yunyang is right!" The elder nodded and said gloomily: "Since Gu Xuanyang has escaped, we must take advantage of his illness to kill him, otherwise it will be even more difficult to kill him!"

Hearing this, Gu Yunyang narrowed his eyes and flashed with cold murderous intent, and said gloomily: "That's right! Let's find Gu Xuanyang first and kill him! Seize the spiritual objects in his body!"

"Young Master, leave here quickly! The guards of the ancient tomb will be out soon!" Zhang Wuhun shouted in front of the ancient tomb teleportation array, with anxiety and worry on his face.

"Okay! I know!" Gu Xuanyang immediately stepped aside, urged his strength, injected it into the teleportation array, and was ready to use the teleportation array at any time.


A powerful force burst out from the teleportation array and instantly submerged Gu Xuanyang.


In an instant, a dazzling white light flashed, dazzling and dazzling, and then enveloped Gu Xuanyang, forming a huge light column that went straight into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Xuanyang, Zhang Wuhun and others disappeared, and the teleportation array returned to calm.

"Young Master and the others have left, and they are finally safe!" Zhang Wuhun's relieved laughter came from the ancient tomb.

"Haha! The young master finally left smoothly!" In the ancient tomb, the other four elders cheered excitedly.

"Elders! You must leave the ancient tomb quickly, lest the guards of the ancient tomb kill you by mistake."

Gu Xuanyang's voice resounded, and it was obvious that he had left the ancient tomb.

Hearing Gu Xuanyang's voice, Zhang Wuhun and the other five were stunned, and a huge wave of shock rose in their hearts.

In this case, shouldn't Gu Xuanyang stay to help? Why did he remind them to leave the ancient tomb?

"Not good! The young master is in danger! Let's rush to the ancient tomb immediately to protect the young master!" Zhang Wuhun shouted in panic.

The four elders in the ancient tomb also realized the seriousness of the matter.


The ancient tombs trembled, and pairs of scarlet eyes slowly opened, exuding a bloodthirsty and violent murderous aura, which was terrifying.

"Oh no! They've awakened!" Zhang Wuhun screamed, "Go!"

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The five people rushed out of the gate frantically, racing against time to escape.

However, their speed was too slow.

The ancient tomb guards chased them in an instant, and hundreds of ancient tomb guards instantly surrounded Zhang Wuhun and others.


Zhang Wuhun and the other seven were instantly bound by the iron chains of the ancient tomb guards and could not break free at all.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

Zhang Wuhun and the other seven had no resistance, and after a brief struggle, they all died.

Half an incense stick of time later.


In the depths of the dark and deep forest, there was a violent explosion, followed by a terrifying wind wave sweeping out.

"Puff, puff, puff!"

Dozens of towering trees were broken in half on the spot, and wood chips flew everywhere. The scene was quite spectacular.


The next moment, a golden sword broke through the air, carrying a destructive force, tearing through space and heading straight for Gu Xuanming.

Feeling the terrifying pressure of the golden sword, Gu Xuanming's face changed drastically, and he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were broken, and his soul was surging. He desperately dodged to the side.


In an instant, a mushroom fireball exploded, and rolling heat waves swept in all directions. Within a radius of dozens of feet, no grass grew, and a large area of ​​soil was melted.


Then, a wisp of black mist rushed out from the smoke and dust, and rushed towards Gu Xuanming like teleportation.

The black mist was extremely fast, and Gu Xuanming had no time to react before he was entangled by the black mist.


In just a few blinks of an eye, Gu Xuanming's neck was twisted and broken, and he fell to the ground.


The black mist shrank rapidly, and finally condensed into a palm-sized skull.

The skeleton is the soul of Gu Xuanming, which has not been completely annihilated, because Gu Xuanyang still needs to rely on his power.

The skeleton drilled into Gu Xuanyang's head and instantly merged into Gu Xuanyang's body.

At this moment, although Gu Xuanyang's body has died, it still retains a strong aura. This is the soul of Gu Xuanyang, the ancient tomb guard he refined.

"Young master, we have completed the things you asked us to do. Please leave the ancient tomb as soon as possible!" said a subordinate of Zhang Wuhun, with a worried look on his face.

They knew that Gu Xuanyang was only one step away from successfully passing through the ancient tomb and becoming the new owner of the ancient tomb.

If Gu Xuanyang succeeded, the entire ancient tomb would be under his control.

Now, the guards in the ancient tomb have completely awakened, which makes them anxious.

"Don't worry, I still need to continue to retreat for two months. The ancient tomb guards in the ancient tomb have not yet fully awakened, and they dare not act rashly." Gu Xuanyang waved his hand, looking confident.

Zhang Wuhun and the others looked at each other, not understanding why Gu Xuanyang was so confident.

"Young Master, do you want to use the power of these tomb guards to find treasures?" An ancient tomb elder asked tentatively.

"That's right! This time the ancient tomb was opened, I came here for this thing!" Gu Xuanyang stared at the crystal coffin in the center of the stone chamber.

In this crystal coffin, there was a corpse lying. The appearance of this corpse was very similar to Gu Xuanyang, but the breath was very weak.

"Is this the corpse of the owner of the ancient tomb?" The ancient tomb elder asked in confusion.

"The owner of the ancient tomb is my grandfather. I stole the spiritual medicine in the ancient tomb and was chased by my grandfather. I finally escaped by luck. Not long ago, I met a master by chance. He gave me a secret book and a pill recipe and asked me to refine a spirit puppet according to the method recorded in the secret book and the pill recipe. It turns out that my grandfather died thousands of years ago, leaving only this remains." Gu Xuanyang explained, his eyes filled with deep sadness.

"Young Master, please mourn. The old city lord is brave and good at fighting. He certainly doesn't want to see the young master in such pain. Please cheer up and avenge the old city lord!"

"Yes! Young Master, we swear to follow you to death. Even if we are torn to pieces, we must avenge the old city lord!" The elders roared indignantly.

"Well!" Gu Xuanyang nodded, looked into the distance, and murmured: "I have decided that this time, I will take down the Wanjian Sect! The Wanjian Sect is the last piece of pure land of our family, and it is absolutely not allowed to be touched by other sects!"

At this time, the Wanjian Mountains.

A team of dozens of people, flying in the air with flying weapons, came with great momentum.

The leader was Li Yuanba, wearing a purple gold armor, with bulging muscles all over his body, as if cast in steel and iron.

In addition, behind him, there was a group of young men and women, each of whom had reached the three-star nirvana realm, a total of six people.

"Brother Yuanba, we are getting closer and closer to the Wanjian Pavilion. Can we really defeat the Wanjian Sect? There are many strong people in the Wanjian Pavilion, and we may not be able to defeat them." A young man frowned and said with a look of fear on his face.

"Hmph! When has our Li's Palace ever been afraid of others? We have three elders in the Li's Palace, and they are at the peak of the Nirvana Realm." Li Yuanba sneered, "My father and mother led the Li's Palace army to block the Wanjian Pavilion. Today, I want to see who can save them!"

Another young man said, "There are two Nirvana Realm warriors in the Wanjian Sect, plus the elders and deacons of the Wanjian Sect. Our strength alone is not enough!"

Li Yuanba said disdainfully, "The two early Nirvana Realm elders of the Wanjian Sect are trapped, and the other Nirvana Realm warriors are simply vulnerable! As long as my father leads the Li's Palace army into the Wanjian Mountains, he can slaughter the Wanjian Sect disciples."

"As for the other strong men in the Wanjian Pavilion, I will personally kill them."

"Young Master, let's go and destroy the Wanjian Sect first!" An elder said urgently, murderous.

"Yeah." Gu Xuanyang nodded lightly.

At the same time, the Wanjian Mountains.

The disciples of Wanjian Pavilion gathered in the square, everyone's face was full of worry, even a little panic.

"What should we do? Li Yuanba has already sent troops and is about to attack. Can we really not stop the Li's royal palace army?" A Wanjian Pavilion disciple said in panic, with a hint of fear in his tone.

Hearing this, the others sighed in a low voice, their faces solemn.

"Li Yuanba is ambitious. During this period, they must have conquered everywhere. If the Li's royal palace army breaks through our defense line, we will definitely die!"

"What should we do? Should we ask for help from Wanjian Sect?"

"No! Wanjian Pavilion is the heart of Wanjian Sect. If Wanjian Sect knows about this, they will definitely not stand idly by. We must persist!" An elder said, his face extremely serious.

"That's right! Li Yuanba only led a few Nirvana Realm. If we unite, we can definitely resist Li Yuanba and his men!" Another elder echoed.

"Okay! In that case, let the enemy know how powerful our Wanjian Pavilion is!" A middle-aged man shouted angrily, and then stood up.


As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged man immediately burst out with the terrifying momentum of the Nirvana realm, and the fierce momentum was suffocating.


The middle-aged man used all his strength to activate his true energy, and his arms danced, waving out a dazzling light all over the sky, forming a huge formation diagram.

"Everyone, follow me to set up the formation, and never let the enemy take a step, otherwise the Wanjian Pavilion will be destroyed!" The middle-aged man shouted majestically, and then pinched the magic formula with both hands, guiding the vast true energy and injecting it into the formation diagram.

In an instant, the formation diagram burst out with a monstrous light, which made everyone unable to open their eyes.

As the true energy poured into the formation diagram, the brilliance emitted by the formation diagram became more and more blazing and dazzling.


In an instant, the void shook violently, and a surge of suction force suddenly spread, covering the entire world, which was extremely amazing.

This is a formation, called "Tian Gang Zhu Xian Formation"!


"Bang Bang Bang~"

Under the traction of the Tian Gang Zhu Xian Formation, a large number of warriors gathered from all directions, flew over one after another, and landed within the range of the formation.

In an instant, hundreds of warriors from Wan Jian Pavilion were all present.

"Meet the Pavilion Master!"

Everyone knelt down respectfully.

"Everyone, please stand up." Gu Xuanyang raised his hand and motioned everyone to stand up.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master!" Everyone stood up and then turned their eyes to Gu Xuanyang.

"Pavilion Master, when will we take action?" A young man asked.

Gu Xuanyang glanced at everyone, a cruel arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly: "If we take action now, we will definitely be able to sweep Wan Jian Pavilion like a rotten wood."

"But you must listen clearly, our target is only Wan Jian Pavilion. As long as it is razed to the ground, those ants are nothing to worry about." Gu Xuanyang added, his face full of arrogance and contempt.

"Understood!" Everyone responded with excitement.

With the army of the Li Dynasty approaching, the Wanjian Pavilion would definitely be defeated.

Gu Xuanyang's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing an evil and sinister smile.

The army of the Li Dynasty has already arrived at the Wanjian Pavilion, and the Wanjian Pavilion is in danger and at risk of destruction at any time.

The disciples and guards of the Wanjian Pavilion all have nervous expressions on their faces.


At this moment, a figure rushed from the depths of the Wanjian Pavilion.

"Disciples of the Wanjian Sect, come to the meeting room quickly!" The person shouted, and it was the messenger from the Wanjian Pavilion Hall.

"Here!" Gu Xuanyang's eyes lit up, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

In the meeting room, all the high-level people of the Wanjian Sect gathered together, and the atmosphere was solemn and depressing.

"Gu Xuanyang led the Li Dynasty's 500,000 troops to force the palace, which is a disaster that will destroy the family." Gu Jianyun's old face showed a solemn expression.

Gu Xiaotian frowned deeply and said solemnly: "Although my Wanjian Pavilion has more than 20 Nirvana Realm masters, they can't do anything to the Li Dynasty army, not to mention that Li Yuanba has broken through the middle stage of Nirvana Realm. It is too difficult to resist them."

Wanjian Pavilion has only 12 Nirvana Realm masters in total, scattered in various war zones, and cannot be withdrawn at all.

"Pavilion Master, what do you think we should do now? Should we wait for the Li Dynasty army to arrive and let them slaughter us?" An elder said, his face full of worry.

"What should we do?" Everyone said anxiously.

Gu Xiaotian looked around, pondered for a moment, and slowly said: "Li Yuanba came for the Wanjian Pavilion treasury. He wants to annex us and monopolize the wealth of Wanjian Pavilion. Moreover, he has a team of 1,000 people under his command, and his combat effectiveness is extraordinary."

At this point, Gu Xiaotian narrowed his eyes slightly and continued: "Although our Wanjian Pavilion is not as good as the Li Dynasty, it is also considered to be the top force in the Western Region. If we surrender like this, I am afraid it will bring disaster to the sect."

Everyone in Wanjian Pavilion realized the seriousness of the situation and fell silent.

This is related to the survival of the sect, and we must not retreat!

"Everyone, although our Wanjian Pavilion is weak, we have a belief in protecting the sect! Even if we suffer heavy casualties today, we must defend the honor of the sect. We would rather die in battle than surrender!" Gu Jianyun's loud and resolute voice resounded in the meeting hall.

"Defend the sect to the death!" Everyone in Wanjian Pavilion roared.

Seeing the Wanjian Pavilion disciples who sacrificed themselves for justice, Gu Xuanyang was very moved, but his face remained calm. He cursed inwardly: "Hmph! Stupid fellow, you dare to go against me. When you are all dead, I will slowly rule Wanjian City."


Suddenly, a roar came from the distant void, and an extremely violent energy swept over.

"Something is happening! Look!" A disciple pointed at the distant void with a horrified expression.


"Swish, swish, swish..."

In an instant, many disciples of Wanjian Pavilion performed sword control techniques and turned into streams of light and flew over.

Gu Xuanyang and others also flew out.

"This... This is..." When they saw the densely packed black warships in the distant void, they were immediately frightened.

Thousands of black warships were like bloodthirsty beasts, releasing a terrifying aura that was breathtaking, as if they came from the Nine Nether Hell, cold and intimidating.

"The Li Dynasty's army!" Liu Yichen's old face became very solemn. (End of this chapter)

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