"As expected of the third prince of the Li Dynasty, this momentum is so frightening that I tremble all over." Gu Xuanyang swallowed his saliva, his expression stiff.

Thousands of warships formed a steel torrent, covering the sky, which was terrifying.

"Haha! Is this the Wanjian Pavilion? It is indeed vulnerable!" Li Yuanba's teasing laughter came, echoing throughout the southern mountains.

Li Yuanba led the army to surround the entire Wanjian Pavilion mountain range, with an extremely arrogant attitude, and did not take the Wanjian Pavilion seriously at all.

"Li Yuanba's strength is getting stronger and stronger. During this period, he must have practiced the magic skills!" Gu Xuanyang gritted his teeth and whispered, his fists clenched and crackled, and cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Where is the big brother? Why didn't he come?" Gu Mengxi asked in confusion, looking around with beautiful eyes.

"Gu Mengxi, Gu Longfei's cultivation has been abolished, and Gu Linlong is dead." Gu Xuanyang said lightly.

Hearing this, Gu Mengxi's body trembled, her head buzzed, her pretty face turned pale, she was stunned for a long time before she reacted, she cried in grief, tears falling down.

Gu Longfei and Gu Linlong are Gu Mengxi's biological parents.

Gu Linlong's death made Gu Mengxi crazy, she wanted to kill Li Yuanba.

Gu Mengxi said in grief: "Li Yuanba, I will definitely avenge my parents!"

Gu Xuanyang shook his head slightly and comforted: "Don't be sad, your parents will be proud of you in the underworld."

"Li Yuanba, you killed my son, humiliated my wife, and destroyed my Wanjian Pavilion. Today, you will pay for this with your life!" Gu Jianyun gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

Gu Xuanyang said coldly: "I have long expected that you, the Wanjian Pavilion, will fight to the death, but this is your last chance."

"If you are willing to submit to me, I may spare your life."

"Don't even think about it!" an elder roared, his eyes red.

The other disciples were also angry, gritting their teeth, wishing to skin Li Yuanba alive.

Gu Xuanyang smiled sinisterly: "Since you are stubborn, then prepare to die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xuanyang suddenly waved his sleeves and shouted angrily: "Flatten the Wanjian Pavilion and kill without mercy!"

"Roar! Roar!"

Thousands of warships roared deafeningly, and the vast and majestic momentum burst out, pouring down like a flood.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thousands of warships burst out, carrying a monstrous fierce power, crushing the air waves in space, and swooping down with unstoppable power.

"Open the defensive barrier!" The top leaders of the Wanjian Pavilion shouted immediately.

Thousands of warships attack, whoever blocks will die.

Dozens of elders at the peak of Nirvana Realm made hand seals and injected powerful true essence into the buildings of Wanjian Pavilion. In an instant, Wanjian Pavilion shook violently, and a huge battle formation was revealed.


In an instant, the battle formation burst into brilliant golden light, piercing people's eyes.


"Bang bang bang!"

Thousands of warships rushed over with a monstrous killing aura, and rumbling noises broke out one after another, deafening, and waves of energy ripples raged in all directions.


The next moment, warships collided with each other, and the roar mixed with shrill screams suddenly sounded, and corpses fell down one after another, and the scene was shocking.

In just one battle, hundreds of warships were nearly half destroyed, and the remaining warships stopped one after another, looking at Wanjian Pavilion with fear and dread.

The joint attack of thousands of warships was no match for the defense of Wanjian Pavilion.

"How is this possible!" Li Yuanba's eyes widened, his heart twitched violently, his eyes full of disbelief.

"How could this happen? Wanjian Pavilion's mountain protection formation is so terrible? It actually blocked our attack!" Li Yuanba's face was extremely ferocious and full of shock.

"The mountain protection formation is indeed good, but it's a pity that your warships are too rubbish." Gu Xuanyang sneered.

Wanjian Pavilion's mountain protection formation is a powerful formation left by the ancestors of Wanjian Pavilion, which is enough to compete with the strong men in Nirvana.

"Li Yuanba, all these years, we have been forbearing and allowed you to bully us. Today, it is finally our turn for Wanjian Pavilion to take revenge on you!" The elder of Wanjian Pavilion glared at Li Yuanba and roared.

"Revenge? Haha..." Hearing the roar of the elder of Wanjian Pavilion, Li Yuanba laughed wildly.

Li Yuanba laughed and said, "I have now broken through the Nirvana Realm. You ants are not qualified to be defeated by this general. Submit to me obediently, otherwise I will destroy your Wanjian Pavilion!"

"What a rampant bastard!" Gu Jianyun was furious, clenched his fists, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

"It's just the early stage of Nirvana Realm, and this elder doesn't even bother!" Gu Xuanyang said sarcastically, not afraid at all.

"You want to die, I will fulfill your wish!" Li Yuanba said fiercely, and then suddenly shouted: "Attack!"



More than 5,000 warships opened fire at the same time, and the overwhelming shells gushed out, bombarding with a devastating force, ruthlessly covering the Wanjian Pavilion, and the scene of destroying the world was spectacular and terrifying, shocking and suffocating.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Looking at the dense and intensive shells, Gu Xuanyang and Gu Xuantian simultaneously urged their true essence, and formed strange and mysterious hand seals with their hands. A mysterious picture appeared behind Gu Xuanyang.



As soon as the picture was formed, a huge blue ball flew out of the picture, expanding rapidly and emitting a dazzling purple halo.

"Immortal grade immortal method, purple lightning ball!" Gu Xuanyang shouted, waving his arms violently.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

The purple lightning ball roared out with a sharp and piercing sonic boom. Thousands of shells were easily shattered wherever it passed. Its terrifying power was even more devastating and unstoppable.

“What? This... This is a fairy magic!” Li Yuanba’s face changed again, and his eyeballs almost fell out.


Tens of thousands of soldiers and billions of cultivators all took a breath of cold air, stunned and petrified on the spot.

“What kind of fairy magic is this! It has such terrible power!”

“Isn’t the foundation of Wanjian Pavilion too deep? Just taking out a fairy magic, it is so powerful!”

“I wonder if it can be resisted?”

Countless exclamations, discussions, and even questionings resounded through the void.

Everyone in Wanjian Pavilion was very worried at this moment.

“Damn it! How did this kid master the fairy magic? No wonder he is so arrogant!” Li Yuanba gritted his teeth and cursed, panicking in his heart, feeling like he had encountered a ghost.

Thousands of warships and thousands of strong men could not stop the attack of the Wanjian Pavilion's mountain protection formation. This was completely beyond Li Yuanba's expectations.

Gu Xuanyang sneered: "Although the immortal method is powerful, it does not belong to you!"

The elder of the Wanjian Pavilion said in a deep voice: "Pavilion Master, there is no need to waste time talking to them, just destroy them directly."


The moment the words fell, the elder of the Wanjian Pavilion took a step forward, and his figure turned into lightning and disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already in front of Li Yuanba.


The elder grabbed Li Yuanba's chest with a claw in the air. There were no fancy moves, simple and straightforward, but it contained extremely terrifying power. Li Yuanba had no way to avoid it. A bloody hole was directly pierced in his chest, and blood spurted out, causing Li Yuanba to scream in pain.

"You" Li Yuanba stared at the elder of the Wanjian Pavilion with wide eyes, a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, his expression was stiff and unbelievable.

"How dare you sneak attack me!" Li Yuanba gritted his teeth and roared, his face twisted.

Li Yuanba never thought that Wanjian Pavilion would attack him.

The elder of Wanjian Pavilion said coldly: "Humph!"

"Li Yuanba! Don't forget that I saved your life that day, but what about you?" Gu Mengchen said coldly, and the cold murderous aura swept across the entire sea.

"Gu Mengchen, of course I haven't forgotten!" Li Yuanba said fiercely: "You are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!"

Li Yuanba is insidious and cunning, despicable and shameless. In order to achieve his goals, he doesn't recognize his relatives. In order to improve his status and power, he will do anything.

"In this case, we don't need to hold back." Gu Mengchen said indifferently.

"Swish, swish, swish!"


As Gu Mengchen's voice fell, more than 300,000 soldiers sacrificed their spiritual weapons one after another, and their momentum rose steadily, and the monstrous murderous intent enveloped the entire sea.

All three hundred thousand soldiers used their martial arts, and countless terrifying sword beams tore through the void, bursting out like a flood. The scene was horrifying and the momentum was earth-shaking.

Three hundred thousand soldiers activated their martial arts at the same time, what a spectacular scene!

The cultivators who were watching from hundreds of miles away were so scared that their souls flew away.

The disciples of Wanjian Pavilion were trembling with fear.

The terrifying attack of the most elite disciples of Wanjian Pavilion would probably kill even those in the early stage of Nirvana.

"Li Yuanba, do you have any last words? If not, you can go!" Gu Mengchen said coldly, his cold eyes locked on Li Yuanba.

"Gu Mengchen, you will pay a heavy price for your stupid actions today!" Li Yuanba said fiercely, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Buzz buzz!"

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers from Wanjian Pavilion used their celestial martial arts with all their strength, and a vast and terrifying energy wave raged. Countless dazzling sword beams, like falling meteorites, bombarded the army led by Li Yuanba.


Li Yuanba roared, and the horn of war sounded.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two armies collided with each other, and the roar sounded, shaking the earth, and the ripples of energy that destroyed the world rolled, and the sea water violently churned up, one wave higher than the other, as if the end of the world was coming.

Li Yuanba led hundreds of warships to the front of the team, trying his best to meet the army of Wanjian Pavilion.

"Kill for this commander!" Li Yuanba said angrily, and his fighting power broke out. He slashed with a sword, and the terrifying sword beam slashed out with even more terrifying power. Wherever the sword beam passed, palaces and streets collapsed and annihilated.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The strong men of Wanjian Pavilion also activated their immortal magic at the same time. A storm of destructive sword energy spread wildly, swallowing up everything around them in an instant. It was extremely terrifying and shocked the world.




The two devastating attacks collided fiercely, shaking the void. Endless energy raged, countless people were repelled, and casualties were heavy. For a time, wailing was everywhere, which was extremely tragic.

"Boom, boom, boom!"



After a series of collisions, Li Yuanba and the great elder of Wanjian Pavilion vomited blood and flew out. The great elder of Wanjian Pavilion was seriously injured, and Li Yuanba was also injured.

The great elder of Wanjian Pavilion was a seven-star alchemist, and his strength was far superior to Li Yuanba.

"Listen, disciples of Wanjian Pavilion, kill all the enemies, leaving no one alive!" Gu Xuanyang roared, with murderous aura.

"Yes!" More than 300,000 soldiers shouted in unison, and the murderous aura gathered into a black line and rushed straight towards Li Yuanba's army.

"Li Yuanba, let's help!" Long Shiyun and other senior officials of the Zhuge family and Donghuang Temple stepped forward and launched terrifying attacks against Li Yuanba's army.

"Bastard!" Li Yuanba was angry and frightened, and immediately ordered a retreat.

"Kill me, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!" Li Yuanba roared, full of anger, but he had no choice but to run away.



Gu Xuanyang stepped forward and punched Li Yuanba mercilessly on the abdomen, causing Li Yuanba to vomit blood.



With one punch, Li Yuanba vomited blood one after another, felt severe pain in his abdomen, and his body flew out.

"Leader, the Great Elder of Wanjiang Pavilion is very powerful, much more powerful than Li Yuanba." Liu Qingyang said respectfully.




When the disciples of Wanjiang Pavilion saw Li Yuanba's retreat, they all looked at him with concern and worry.

"Leader, leave quickly! If you don't leave, it will be too late." The great elder said hurriedly.

"Leader, let's leave first!" The second elder and other senior officials of Wanjiang Pavilion spoke one after another.

"Leader, leave quickly! Leave them alone. If it's any later, Wanjiang Pavilion will be really in danger."

The soldiers of Wanjiange said anxiously.

"Wanjiange! I told you a long time ago, don't force me to go on a killing spree!" Gu Xuanyang said fiercely, with a scarlet bloodthirsty luster in his eyes.

Li Yuanba and others' expressions suddenly changed, as if they had seen a ghost. They all obviously knew Gu Xuanyang.

Seeing the angry and ferocious young face in front of them, the senior management of Wanjiange Pavilion, Li Yuanba and others were stunned.

They simply couldn't understand why Gu Xuanyang had such terrifying strength.

"Li Yuanba, I spared your life back then, but you didn't know how to cherish it. No one can save you this time." Gu Xuanyang shouted angrily, exerting force on his arms suddenly, and then circled his arms, and his body suddenly swelled.

"Gu Xuanyang! What do you want to do?" Li Yuanba's face was filled with panic. He seemed to have guessed what Gu Xuanyang was going to do, and immediately shouted hoarsely.

"Haha! Li Yuanba, I said you must die in my hands, now it's your turn to taste my power!" Gu Xuanyang said with a ferocious smile.



The extremely terrifying aura burst out, instantly causing changes in the heaven and earth. Endless dark clouds covered the sky, lightning and thunder, as if the end of the world was coming. It was extremely terrifying.

Feeling the terrifying energy spreading from Gu Xuanyang's body, everyone present was frightened.

"What does this kid want to do?" Ye Jingqiu asked with a deep frown.

Gu Xiaoyun said in a deep voice: "Gu Xuanyang must have used forbidden magic, which is a kind of evil magic that consumes very much vitality. He wants to die together with Li Yuanba. Although Gu Xuanyang is a waste, he is a descendant of the ancient Immortal Emperor after all. His strength is He is extremely powerful and Li Yuanba cannot stop this forbidden technique."

"Forbidden technique!" Xiao Yifeng narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly clicked his tongue in his heart.

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