"The Ancient Immortal Emperor was willing to let a waste like Gu Xuanyang perform forbidden techniques. It seems that he is determined to kill Li Yuanba. This guy doesn't know how to live or die. He dared to provoke the Wanjian Pavilion. He is simply looking for death!" Long Qianye said coldly, his eyes were murderous.

"The descendants of the Ancient Immortal Emperor are really hateful. He dared to perform forbidden techniques!" Chu Tianshu's face was full of hatred.

"Boom boom!!!"

Gu Xuanyang's body quickly grew taller and turned into a five-meter giant. His muscles bulged, full of explosive power, surging momentum, and breathtaking.

The whole person stood in the void like a huge mountain.

As Gu Xuanyang performed secret techniques, his cultivation soared, and Li Yuanba's face became more and more ugly, and his expression was solemn.

"Humph!!!" Gu Xuanyang shouted angrily, and suddenly slapped Li Yuanba through the air.



A palm blasted out, the void exploded, and a devastating energy storm rushed out with the momentum of destroying the world.

Li Yuanba had just recovered and had no time to defend himself. He was blown away and spurted blood from his mouth.

At this time, Gu Xuanyang had already rushed up and used the forbidden technique again, punching Li Yuanba hard on the chest.

"Bang bang bang"


Gu Xuanyang waved his fists wildly and hit Li Yuanba, without any reservation, punching Li Yuanba in the flesh, making Li Yuanba scream.

"Ah Pu!!!"

Li Yuanba spit out blood and screamed miserably.

Although Li Yuanba's body was strong, the difference in realm was too great, and he could not resist it at all.

"Leader." The disciples of Wanjian Pavilion cried out in grief.


The disciples of Wanjian Pavilion were in grief and anger.

Li Yuanba fell directly to the ground, dying.

"Li Yuanba, you go to hell!!!"

Gu Xuanyang roared fiercely, kicked out, hit Li Yuanba's head, and kicked Li Yuanba out directly.



The disciples of Wanjian Pavilion cried out in grief and anger.

With a plop, Li Yuanba fell to the ground and completely fainted.

The great elder of Wanjian Pavilion led a group of Wanjian Pavilion disciples to kneel on the ground, crying in grief, their hearts aching.

It was ironic that Wanjian Pavilion, the most powerful of the four super sects in Jiuzhou, had such a fate today.

"All the people of Wanjian Pavilion, I, Gu Xuanyang, will slaughter you today, and none of you will survive."

Gu Xuanyang said coldly, pinching the seal with both hands.

"Gu Xuanyang, you are too much!!!" A Wanjian Pavilion guardian stood up and accused.

"Too much?" Gu Xuanyang's mouth drew a disdainful arc, and said coldly: "Since you think this young master is bullying, then I will kill you, isn't it more fair."

"Ten Thousand Swords Formation!!!"

At this time, the great elder of Wanjian Pavilion suddenly shouted angrily, and all the people of Wanjian Pavilion behind him formed seals, and the majestic and vast power poured into Li Yuanba's body.

"Boom boom boom"

As the power of these Wanjian Pavilion disciples was injected into Li Yuanba's body, Li Yuanba was filled with dazzling golden light, and a terrifying sword pressure was released, shocking the sky.

Sword lights appeared out of thin air, covering the main hall of Wanjian Pavilion. A total of 736 long swords formed a terrifying Wanjian sword formation, suppressing the eight wastelands.

At this time, Gu Xuanyang also burst out with dazzling golden light, and a terrifying golden energy in his body swept out, like a flood bursting through the dam, raging and raging, with a monstrous momentum.

A terrifying pressure spread out, suppressing the entire space, as if the sky was falling and the earth was sinking, suppressing suffocation.

This is the sword martial soul that Gu Xuanyang himself obtained after tens of thousands of years of hard practice.

Once the sword martial soul is stimulated, the combat power soars to the peak, enough to rival the early stage of the Divine Pill Realm.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the void exploded.

Gu Xuanyang and Li Yuanba disappeared on the spot.

The horrifying collision sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, and waves of terrifying energy ripples spread in all directions.

The surrounding space was completely shattered, and shocking black cracks appeared, swallowing everything around.

At this moment, everyone could feel a suffocating and trembling breath.

They were throbbing in their hearts, fearful and uneasy, as if they were about to kneel down and surrender! ! !

Puff! ! !

Soon the two figures separated, Li Yuanba stepped back a few steps, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, staining the ground red.

At this moment, Gu Xuanyang stood in place, unharmed.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the people from the major sects and forces around looked very solemn.

This Wanjian Pavilion really has a hidden trump card.

Even Li Yuanba, who is at the level of a saint, is not Gu Xuanyang's opponent. It seems that Wanjian Pavilion is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

"Alliance leader, go quickly, don't worry about us!!!"

At this time, the guardian urged with pain.

"Hmph, you are all Li Yuanba's lackeys, all of you deserve to die!!!"

Gu Xuanyang's face was distorted, his eyes were filled with deep resentment, and he roared word by word.

"Gu Xuanyang, you dare!!!"

"If you dare to attack them, I promise you will regret it!!!"

Before Gu Xuanyang finished speaking, a cold and murderous voice came from the distant void.

Two figures walked in the air and appeared here, one man and one woman.

The man was wearing a green long gown, his face was feminine, his eyes were narrow and long, revealing a bit of weirdness. He was the core disciple of Xingchen Academy - Xingchen Sword Master Yang Tian.

"Senior Brother Yang Tian!!!"

Looking at Xingchen Sword Master appear.

The disciples of Wanjian Pavilion shouted one after another.

Gu Xuanyang glanced at Yang Tian.

Boom! ! !

Instantly, a terrifying and sharp sword intent burst out from Gu Xuanyang's body, directly locking onto Yang Tian, ​​filled with endless murderous intent.

"Yang Tian, ​​you are finally here."

Gu Xuanyang sneered at Yang Tian, ​​with a bloodthirsty cold light flashing in his eyes.

"You... Gu Xuanyang, what do you mean?"

Yang Tian stared at Gu Xuanyang with a frown.

"It doesn't mean anything, I will destroy Wanjian Pavilion today!!!"

Gu Xuanyang shouted in a cold tone and a cold look.

"What a big courage, you actually want to destroy my Wanjian Pavilion!!!"

Hearing Gu Xuanyang's words.

Yang Tian looked very ugly.

"You Wanjian Pavilion first joined forces with other sects and forces to attack Xingchen Academy."

"You crippled my son and caused my mother to die. How can I, Gu Xuanyang, let you Wanjian Pavilion go easily?"

Gu Xuanyang looked at Yang Tian and said indifferently.

He took out a jade pendant and threw it on the ground.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a ball of light burst out from the jade pendant, soaring into the sky and turning into a scorching sun.

"The second ancient clan of Wanling Continent - the strong man of the Fire Clan has arrived!!!"

At this time, a loud voice suddenly sounded from the depths of Wanling Mountain.

The next second, in the surprised eyes of everyone, a figure burning with red flames flew out from the depths of Wanling Mountain.

A scorching and surging terrible momentum crushed the whole scene.

This is an old man wearing a red robe, exuding scorching air waves all over his body.

His temperament is noble and his eyes are sharp, which makes people stay away and dare not look at him.

"The head of the Huo family in Huoyun City, Huo Lietian."

Gu Xuanyang looked at the old man in red and said in a deep voice.

"You Wanjian Pavilion want to destroy my Fire Clan. Do you really think that my Fire Clan has no one?"

"You actually invited a strong man in the Saint Realm."

Huo Lietian stared at Gu Xuanyang with a gloomy face, with a hint of brilliance in his eyes.

"Boy, you talk too much nonsense. Surrender yourself or I will kill you!!!"

Gu Xuanyang shouted arrogantly.

"Okay, today I will learn how powerful the legendary saints are."

Huo Lietian said with a cold expression.


A blazing flame that could burn the sky and destroy the earth burst out from Huo Lietian's body.

"Ten Thousand Beasts Flame Palm!!!"

Suddenly, Huo Lietian displayed a terrifying martial art, bursting out with a terrifying and ferocious might, and blasted towards Gu Xuanyang.

The raging flames swept out, turning into a giant palm of fire that covered the sky and the sun and slapped Gu Xuanyang.

This palm contained the power to destroy the world.

"A trifle."


Gu Xuanyang said with contempt.


In an instant, a series of harsh explosions came from Gu Xuanyang's body.

A thick and huge purple thunder whip emerged, emitting destructive lightning.

The thunder whip blasted out fiercely.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the thunder whip directly pierced through the giant palm of fire and blasted towards Huo Lietian.

Seeing this, Huo Lietian's expression changed and his pupils shrank.

"Destruction Fist!!!"

Huo Lietian immediately mobilized the power of the law of fire in his body and performed a holy-level martial arts.

The raging flames burst out and turned into a flaming giant burning with terrifying flames.

The flaming giant waved his flaming fist and slammed towards Gu Xuanyang fiercely.

The two opposite energies collided with each other, and a sharp roar and explosion sounded.

The raging flames and thunder intertwined.

The terrifying energy aftermath burst out, and a series of roaring explosions came from the void, like a bolt from the blue.


With one blow, the flaming giant was destroyed.

Huo Lietian's body was blown back repeatedly.

"You can actually block my attack."

Huo Lietian looked cold, looking at Gu Xuanyang with a bit of disbelief.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Then a series of roaring explosions sounded.

The entire mountain where Wanjian Pavilion was located was reduced to ashes under this terrible attack.

The Wanjian Pavilion that stood in the Northern Wilderness Empire millions of years ago completely disappeared in the dust of history.

There was chaos over Wanjian Pavilion.

Smoke swept across the sky.

"Why are you still standing there? Get out of here!!!"

Looking at Yang Tian and others, Gu Xuanyang scolded with a cold face.


"You Wanjian Pavilion are bullying too much."

"Sooner or later, Wanjian Pavilion will make you pay for your blood debt with blood."

Yang Tian looked at Gu Xuanyang and spat coldly.

Then they turned and left.

As for the people of other forces, they also left here one after another.

"The Wanjian Pavilion is finished."

At this time, an elder of the Wanjian Pavilion had a sad expression on his face, and a look of regret appeared in his eyes.

"My Wanjian Pavilion has existed for tens of thousands of years, but now it has fallen to such a fate."

"It is really sad!!!"

Yang Tian shook his head and sighed.

"Father, why did you stop me just now?"

"Now this Gu Xuanyang has recovered his cultivation and has grown even more."

"Once he rises, he will definitely become a major concern for my Wanjian Pavilion!!!"

Yang Tian looked at his father and said.

"He is not worth worrying about!!!"

"If he is really the young master of the Wanjian Pavilion, I hope he dies outside."

"Because he is not qualified to inherit the position of Young Master of Wanjiang Pavilion!!!"

Yang Tian said indifferently.


Yang Tian wondered.

"Why do you think Wanjiange chose him as its young master?"

"It's not because he has the bloodline of Ten Thousand Swords."

"As long as people with this kind of bloodline enter Wanjiange Pavilion, they will be recognized as ancestors by Wanjiange Pavilion, and will be protected and cultivated by Wanjiange Pavilion."

"As long as the Wanjian bloodline is successfully awakened, he will become the future master of Wanjian Pavilion."

Yang Tian said.

"I see. No wonder my father is unwilling to let me participate in this test to seize the Ten Thousand Swords Blood Lotus."

"I see, that makes me feel relieved."

Yang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth raised a cold arc.

Uh-huh! ! !

The next second, Gu Xuanyang walked toward Wanjiange.

Behind them followed a group of people from the ancient tribe. They looked solemn and looked like they were sharing life and death.

"Stop, this Wanjiange Pavilion is not the place you should come to!!!"

Yang Tian looked at Gu Xuanyang and said coldly.

boom! ! !

In an instant, Gu Xuanyang punched Yang Tian.

A terrible punch hit the opponent directly in the chest.

Poof! ! !

Yang Tian spurted out a mouthful of blood and his body flew out.

He fell heavily to the ground and lay dying on the ground.

"You...you dare to hurt me?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"You are looking for death!!!"

"I am the young master of Wanjiang Pavilion."

"If you kill me, Wanjiange will never let you go."

"The strength of Wanjian Pavilion is even more terrifying than that of your Wanjian Sect."

"Even if the three top forces of Wanjian Sect and Wanling City unite, they are no match for Wanjian Pavilion."

Yang Tian roared with a ferocious expression, his eyes staring at Gu Xuanyang with deep hatred.

"Wanjiange Pavilion?"

"A mere ant is worthy of being called a sect. It is simply a disgrace to the ancestors of Wanjiange!!!"

"Today you Wanjiange must pay the price!!!"

Gu Xuanyang shouted with a cold expression.

"My Wanjiang Pavilion has been inherited for thousands of years, how can I allow you to act wild!!!"

At this time, an angry voice came from Wanjiang Pavilion.

Then a group of people appeared here.

The leader of this group of people was a man wearing a white robe and a bamboo hat.

"Master of Wanjiang Pavilion?"

Gu Xuanyang glanced at the other party.

"That's right, boy, I am the master of Wanjiange Pavilion. You dare to offend me, Wanjiange Pavilion, and even hurt my young master, Wanjiange Pavilion."

"You can't escape today!!!"

The Pavilion Master of Wanjiang Pavilion stared at Gu Xuanyang with a cold expression and shouted, exuding a monstrous killing aura.

The fighting spirit was rising crazily.

At this moment, all the disciples of Wanjiang Pavilion were attracted.

Countless thousands of Jiange disciples gathered here to observe the situation here.

"Are you sure you want to attack me?"

Gu Xuanyang sneered, his eyes flashing with a cold light.

"Stop talking nonsense and risk your life!!!"

The master of Wanjiang Pavilion shouted angrily.

He directly activated a half-step holy weapon.

An extremely sharp sword like a scimitar was held in his hand.

A terrifying aura erupted from his body, and he was ready to take action.

Uh-huh! ! !

At this time, a beautiful figure suddenly rushed over.

She was holding a black spear and was the woman next to Xiao Yifeng.


Seeing Concubine Xiao appear, everyone in Wanjiang Pavilion was surprised.

They all know that Concubine Xiao is the eldest lady of the Xiao family. (End of chapter)

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