"Greetings, guests!!!"

At this time, Chu Yunshan and his wife, along with many senior members of the Chu family, knelt in front of the group of people and said respectfully.

"Get up!!!"

A burly middle-aged man said directly.

This middle-aged man has reached the peak of the pseudo-reincarnation realm, and is only half a step away from the reincarnation realm.

"I don't know why you all come from afar, welcome."

Chu Yunshan smiled at these people.

"Are you Chu Heng?"

"The current head of the Chu family?"

Suddenly, an old man in a green shirt among the group looked at Chu Heng and shouted directly.

"That's right."

Chu Heng said lightly.

"In that case, then stop talking nonsense and let my Chu family take charge of your Chu's business company."

"This way you can continue to live."

The old man in a green shirt said coldly, looking at Chu Heng with a playful look on his face.

"Who do you think you are?"

"You actually want to get involved in the Chu's business company!!!"

Suddenly, a cold and murderous shout spread directly throughout the street.

Xiao Yifeng came over with Li Feifei and the other two.

Hearing this familiar voice, Chu Yunshan suddenly looked at Xiao Yifeng.

His pupils shrank, and his expression looked extremely ugly.

Chu Yunshan's wife looked at Xiao Yifeng in shock, her eyes wide open.

She looked incredible.

Swish swish swish!!!

In an instant, many masters of Chu's Trading Company all stared at Xiao Yifeng.

"Boy, is it you?"

At this time, Chu Heng looked at Xiao Yifeng.

He frowned and his face sank.

He stared at Xiao Yifeng with a cold and captivating light in his eyes.

"Yes, it's me."

"How about it? Unexpected?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled playfully.

"Why are you here?"

Chu Heng said coldly.

"Why can't I be here?"

"This is not the property of your Chu's Trading Company."

"This is my friend's shop, I can come and go as I please."

"As for what I do here, it has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chu Heng and said coldly.

"Boy, tonight is your death!!!"

Chu Heng stared at Xiao Yifeng and shouted word by word, with a cold light in his eyes.

"I will leave your son's life there for the time being."

"Wait until tomorrow to take it away. I hope you two don't miss each other too much."

Xiao Yifeng sneered at Chu Heng.

"Hmph, arrogant, if you are still alive tomorrow."

"I promise that you will definitely live a life worse than death!!!"

Chu Heng's eyes flashed with a strong murderous intent and looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted.

"Don't bother with this."

Xiao Yifeng curled his lips.

"Who are you?"

At this time, the seven representatives of extraordinary status looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"Starry Sky Emperor!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.


After hearing Xiao Yifeng's introduction, the faces of the powerful people from the Chu's Trading Company and the Chu family were all condensed.

They looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of shock in their eyes.

Although this group of people did not belong to the ancient world.

But they had all heard of the deeds of the Starry Sky Emperor.

The Starry Sky Emperor was the benefactor of their Chu's Trading Company.

He also helped the Chu's Trading Company to overcome several crises.

Now that the other party came to the Chu's Trading Company in person, the Chu's Trading Company naturally could not neglect him.

"It turned out to be the famous Starry Sky Emperor."

"I have heard of you for a long time. It is a pleasure to meet you."

The seven representatives looked at Xiao Yifeng and said with their fists.

Their attitude was much better than that of Chu Heng just now.

After all, they were different from Chu Heng.

They had not seen Xiao Yifeng's deterrence and strength.

"Please take a seat, the banquet is about to begin."

Chu Yunshan said to the seven representatives.

These representatives led their strong men to sit down next to them.

As for Chu Heng, he stared at Xiao Yifeng with a sinister look in his eyes.

"Father, this revenge must be avenged!!!"

Chu Hao looked at his father and said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely get it back."

Chu Heng said coldly.

He waved his hand.

Two of the guards in the early stage of Nirvana came behind Chu Heng.

Obviously he planned to secretly send someone to deal with Xiao Yifeng.

"This Chu Heng is not simple."

Looking at Chu Heng's actions, Chu Feixue said softly.

"I want to see what tricks he can come up with!!!"

Xiao Yifeng snorted coldly.

At the same time, in the city lord's mansion.

Chu Yunxiong looked at Chu Tianlong and said:

"Chu Heng's strength is getting more and more terrifying."

"As expected of a person who has awakened his bloodline, he is indeed extraordinary."

"But he should soon break through to the Emperor Realm."

"And he has the Nine Nether Saint Body, so his cultivation speed will be even faster!!!"

Chu Tianlong said softly.

And in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion, on a loft.

Two figures sat cross-legged here.

"I didn't expect that adult to let him appear in advance."

One of the old figures said softly.

"Are you ready?"

The white-haired old man said slowly.

"Master, just give me your orders."

Another gray-clothed man bowed and said.

"I want you to lure this adult back to the sect immediately!!!"

The old man shouted directly and coldly.

"Yes, sir!"

The gray-robed man said solemnly.

"All the foundation accumulated by my Chu family over the years was lost because of him."

"I must make him pay for it."

"As long as he dies, everything will be over."

The white-haired old man said coldly with a cold and piercing cold light in his eyes.

The next day-

All the people from the major families in Tianhe City gathered in the Chu's Trading Company.

They were all invited to watch the martial arts festival.

On this day, all the people from the Chu family were present.

Chu Heng also stood on the stage with a group of senior executives of the Chu's Trading Company.

Today's martial arts festival is hosted by the Chu's Trading Company.

At Chu Heng's signal, his eyes swept around.

"The martial arts festival officially begins!!!"

Chu Heng shouted directly.

A burst of noisy gongs and drums sounded immediately.

Afterwards, an elder of the Chu's Trading Company walked onto the stage with a loudspeaker.

He shouted, "Today the martial arts festival begins!!!"

Boom boom...

With the order from the elder of the Chu's Trading Company.

Suddenly, a roar of explosions came from the void.

The void twisted and collapsed.

A terrifying breath permeated from the depths of the space channel.

In an instant, the entire area where the Chu's Trading Company was located was shrouded in invisible oppression.

This terrible sense of oppression shocked everyone present.

They looked at the space channel, their eyes full of surprise.

"Is this the space channel of the ancient world?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes swept towards the space channel, his eyes shining with brilliance.

"Master, the space channel of the ancient world does exist."

The Sky Devouring Demon Beast said.

"This Chu's Trading Company is really extravagant."

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

"Master, look at what that is?"

Suddenly, the Sky Devouring Demon Beast said fiercely.

Xiao Yifeng looked over.

I saw a giant egg floating at the entrance of the space channel leading to the ancient world space.

And on this giant egg, there are dense lines.

It exudes a mysterious breath.

As the words of the elder of Chu's Trading Company fell.

A roar came from the entrance of the entire void channel.

Then a golden door descended from this space channel.

A primitive and ancient breath spread out from this golden door.

This breath makes people tremble inexplicably, and there is an impulse to kneel down and worship.

Swish swish swish!!!

As this golden door descended.

A group of people stepped out in the void.

They exuded endless murderous aura, like a killing machine.

Each of them has the strength of the mortal realm, the lowest is the middle stage of the mortal realm, and even a few have reached the great perfection level of the mortal realm.

These people are all martial arts masters above the God King realm.

And they are all martial artists who came to participate in the ancient martial arts festival.

These people are martial arts masters from the top forces of the ancient world.

They came to the square of Chu's Trading Company.

These people looked around, with strange lights flashing in their eyes.

"Welcome everyone to come from afar to participate in the ancient martial arts festival. I am the judge of this martial arts festival-Chu Yunxiong."

Chu Yunxiong looked at everyone present and said loudly.

"This Chu's Trading Company is really generous. It actually invited so many top masters of the ancient world."

"It seems that this battle will be an extremely fierce battle!!!"

"I wonder what the collision between the two peerless monsters will be like?"

"The talents of these two people have surpassed us, and they can be called monsters."

"If these two people collide with each other, the scene must be very intense and spectacular!!!"

The people from the major forces in the ancient world talked about it.

Among them, there are some forces with terrifying strength and background.

"Today is the Ancient World Martial Arts Festival. Let me tell you the rules first."

"Today's competition is a best-of-three format."

"In the three rounds, the one with the most victories wins."

"In the second and third rounds, each side will send five martial arts elites to fight to determine the final winner."

"The losing side will pay the winning side ten times the bet."

"Of course, if the losing side is willing to admit defeat or give up."

"You can also choose to admit defeat or continue the competition!!!"

Chu Yunxiong said solemnly.

"I understand."

Everyone present nodded.

"Now, the first competition begins."

Then Chu Yunxiong announced.

"Master Chu Heng, I hope your Chu's Trading Company can keep the qualification for this martial arts festival!!!"

An elder of the Chu's Trading Company next to Chu Heng looked at Chu Heng and said.

"Don't worry, since I dare to hold this martial arts festival, I have naturally been prepared for it."

Chu Heng said indifferently.


"I want to see who can win the championship and become the new young master of Chu's Trading Company this year."

At this time, Chu Heng's father shouted coldly.

The others all showed excitement in their eyes.

"The competition begins."

Then Chu Heng shouted again.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

In an instant, a series of sharp and piercing sounds of breaking through the air exploded in this martial arts field.

A series of dazzling sword lights bloomed.

The disciples of Chu's Trading Company used their martial arts to attack Chu Heng.

All of these disciples were above the Divine Realm.

The power of their attacks was enough to kill any warrior below the Divine Realm.


In a blink of an eye, the void where Chu Heng was was completely covered by the sword light.

The overwhelming energy swept out.

It seemed to annihilate and destroy this void.

Chu Heng looked calm.

He was not in a hurry to resist.

"Starfall Palm!!!"

At this critical moment.

Suddenly, a cold shout came out.

A stream of light passed through the void and instantly penetrated the sword rain.

Immediately, the bodies of the hundreds of participating disciples were all stiff.

Then blood spurted out from their eyebrows.

All these hundreds of people fell to the ground, and their lives were annihilated.

Puff! ! !

At the same time, Chu Heng waved his hand, and a ball of fire gushed out.

Instantly, all of them were burned to ashes.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Heng eliminated hundreds of disciples from Chu's Trading Company.

This included several elders in the early stage of the Godly Realm, all of whom were killed instantly.

Obviously, Chu Heng has the cultivation of the Half-Emperor Realm, and his strength is extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the people around him changed continuously.

"So powerful!!!"

"I didn't expect that Chu's Trading Company would hide such a genius against the sky this time!!!"

At this time, several strong men in the crowd couldn't help but exclaimed.

They narrowed their eyes slightly, staring at Chu Heng with a cold light in their eyes.

Obviously, they are very concerned about this Chu Heng.

"Humph, sneak attack!!!"

Chu Yunxiong stared at Chu Heng with a gloomy look, with a cold light in his eyes, and shouted directly.

"This is not called sneak attack, I just fight back."

"What? Unhappy?"

Chu Heng looked at Chu Yunxiong and spat coldly.


Hearing Chu Heng's words.

Chu Yunxiong's face looked very ugly, and his fists creaked.

"Okay, very good, the martial arts festival ends tonight."

"I will personally destroy your Dantian and throw you to the Black Stone Mine to mine."

"Let's see what you can do to be arrogant in the future?"

Chu Yunxiong roared.

"You can't destroy my Dantian!!!"

Chu Heng shouted with a cold face.

His eyes stared at Chu Yunxiong with contempt, and he didn't take him seriously at all.

"Arrogant, wait."

Chu Yunxiong shouted coldly.

He looked high and mighty, controlling everything.

"Today is the day when the martial arts festival begins, but you are here to show off your power."

"Don't you take my Chu's Trading Company too seriously?"

Suddenly, in the headquarters of Chu's Trading Company.

A voice filled with coldness resounded directly through the void.

A buzzing sound came from the void outside the headquarters of Chu's Trading Company.

Then a figure condensed out of thin air.

As soon as this figure appeared.

An invisible pressure spread out.

The whole space was frozen.

The people watching from all sides felt their breaths choked.

"It's the elder of the headquarters - Elder Chu Feng."

The elders of the Chu's Trading Company in the crowd immediately froze and muttered to themselves.

This figure is Chu Feng, the great elder of the Chu's Trading Company headquarters.

He had just come out of retreat and practiced, and he noticed that there was a battle in the martial arts field.

Chu Feng rushed over immediately.

At this time, everyone present was looking at the figure in the void.

They looked solemn and nervous as they looked at Chu Feng, the great elder of the Chu's Trading Company.

The headquarters of the Chu's Trading Company was established by the Chu's royal family.

There are a large number of martial arts masters gathered in it.

The lowest strength of these martial arts masters is the martial arts master realm.

And there are also some god kings, half saints, emperors, and quasi-saints among them. (End of this chapter)

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