When these strong men unite, even if they encounter a great emperor, they will have no choice but to flee.

Therefore, due to the fear of Chu's Trading Company,

the martial arts forces of the major ancient clans in the entire Cangqiong State basically dare not provoke Chu's Trading Company.

After all, once this behemoth is angered.

They will all suffer a catastrophic disaster.

"See the Great Elder!!!"

At this time, Chu Yunxiong and others bowed and shouted directly.

"Well, what are you doing?"

This Chu Feng looked at everyone and scolded.

"Great Elder, this kid not only offended me, but also humiliated Chu's Trading Company, and even threatened to provoke my entire Chu's Trading Company."

"Please ask the Great Elder to deal with him, otherwise my Chu's Trading Company will lose face."

Chu Yunxiong pointed at Chu Heng and said with an angry expression.

"Oh, just a martial arts master."

"Still want to provoke Chu's Trading Company? It's simply looking for death!!!"

"Come on, catch him for me, take him back and teach him a lesson."

Chu Feng said directly.


Immediately, a group of Chu's business elders and strong men came out and rushed towards Chu Heng.


At this time, a hot breath burst out from Chu Heng's body, turning into a fire unicorn roaring out, instantly devouring the group of people rushing towards him.

Bang bang bang!!!

In an instant, the group of Chu's business elders and the participating disciples were all blown away by the red flame beast released by Chu Heng.

Chu Heng took a step forward and stood on the empty arena, looking at Chu Yunxiong and others with a look of contempt.

"Are all the people in your Chu's business useless?"

"You can't even beat a junior, you are really useless!!!"

Chu Heng said with contempt.

At this time, the people in the martial arts field were all shocked.

They looked at Chu Heng with shock in their eyes.

This guy is so young and his strength is so terrible that even the elders of the Chu's business can't do anything to him.

No wonder he is so arrogant and not afraid of Chu's Trading Company at all. It turns out that he is so powerful.

The elders of Chu's Trading Company watched their disciples and a large number of Chu's Trading Company elites being defeated by a teenager.

Their expressions were changing from dark to bright, and they looked extremely ugly.

"Good boy, you are strong enough, no wonder you dare to provoke Chu's Trading Company, in this case."

"Leave one arm and one leg today."

The second elder of Chu's Trading Company shouted coldly.


The elder of Chu's Trading Company did not say much, and his body shook.

A huge palm appeared beside him and suppressed Chu Heng.

This palm exuded a terrifying martial arts power.

Like the palm of a god, it exuded a vast power, wanting to wipe out Chu Heng.

When Chu Heng saw this scene, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


He activated the Burning Heaven Art to perform the Burning Heaven Seal.

This red Burning Heaven Seal burst out and collided with the huge palm in an instant.

The monstrous energy spread out.

The Burning Heaven Seal collided with the attack of the great elder of Chu's Trading Company.

A terrifying energy swept in all directions.

The void exploded, revealing a dark crack.

Dengdengdeng! ! !

Then the two were shocked back.


At this moment, the pupils of the great elder of Chu's Trading Company shrank and his expression condensed.

His eyes stared at Chu Heng, with a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to have some strength!!!"

The great elder of Chu's Trading Company said indifferently.

"My strength is far beyond what you can understand!!!"

"If you want to kill me, first consider whether you have the strength."

Chu Heng's expression was cold, and he exuded an invincible domineering aura that was above the heavens.

It seemed that in his eyes, these people were not worthy of his attention at all.


The elder of the Chu's Trading Company shouted coldly.

He punched out again.

Boom! ! !

A terrible power of martial honor burst out from the elder of the Chu's Trading Company.

Then he tore the void with a punch and fiercely attacked Chu Heng.

A sharp sound of breaking through the air came from the void.

It was like thunder.

The strength of the elder of the Chu's Trading Company has reached the third level of martial honor.

This level of strong people is enough to crush most people in the entire Dongzhou.

However, it is still not enough to deal with Chu Heng who has an emperor-level spiritual vein.

Whoosh! ! !

Facing the attack of the elder of the Chu's Trading Company.

Chu Heng said indifferently:

"You don't deserve it!!!"

He waved his hand, and the Burning Heaven Seal crossed the space.

Instantly blocked the elder's attack.

Then the Burning Heaven Seal burst out with a monstrous flame and attacked him.


As the Burning Heaven Seal and the Chu's Trading Company elder collided with each other.

A series of explosions were heard immediately.

A huge energy ripple erupted.

The Chu's Trading Company elder, who was at the peak of martial arts master strength, retreated hundreds of meters.

However, the Burning Heaven Seal was not damaged at all and continued to attack the Chu's Trading Company elder.

Watching the Burning Heaven Seal coming.

The Chu's Trading Company elder's face darkened.

He pinched the mysterious seal with both hands.

There were bursts of roars in the void, and elements surged in the sky.

"Heaven-level martial arts-Heaven Fire Seal!!!"

The Chu's Trading Company elder shouted directly.

As he said this.

His body disappeared from the spot.

The next second he appeared in the void.

He held a long sword and slashed into the void.


Then the great elder of Chu's trading company slashed down with his sword.

A thunderous explosion sounded in the void.

A blazing flame burned the void.

Tremendous energy splashed out.

This Burning Sky Seal was forcibly destroyed by the Great Elder.

"The great elder of Chu's trading company is really terrifying!!!"

"His strength is unfathomable!!!"

"This boy is probably in more danger this time."

The people watching the battle around were talking a lot.

They looked at the great elder of Chu's trading company with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"You are quite powerful!!!"

Watching his Burning Sky Seal being destroyed.

Chu Heng looked at the elder of Chu's trading company and curled his lips.

He stared at the other person with a twinkle in his eye.

"Hmph, how can our Chu's Trading Company tolerate provocation from outsiders? You must pay the price for what you just did today!!!"

The chief elder of Chu's Trading Company hummed indifferently.

Then he punched directly towards Chu Heng with terrifying martial arts power.

Watching the opponent punch him.

Chu Heng's cold eyes narrowed, and he also used the Burning Heaven Technique to urge the Burning Heaven Seal to fight forward.

Boom! ! !

The two were another strong blow.

This time the two of them stepped back.

“Come again!!!”

Then Chu Heng gave a cold shout and activated the Burning Heaven Technique again.

A stream of terrifying fire elemental power gathered crazily in the Burning Sky Seal.

"Burn the sky and destroy the world!!!"

Then Chu Heng roared angrily.

A terrifying golden flame burst out directly from this Burning Sky Seal.

The flames directly enveloped the elder of Chu's trading company and burned towards him.

In an instant, the chief elder of Chu's trading company felt a strong sense of danger.

His expression changed, and he mobilized all his strength to resist.

But the power of Jin Yan is too terrifying.

He could only resist for a few seconds.

All the clothes on the great elder's body were burned to ashes.

The skin and muscles on his body were also burned and smoking, causing extreme pain.

Finally, the great elder screamed and his body turned into ashes.

The dignified elder of Chu's trading company, a strong man at the ninth level of the Martial Master Realm, fell like this.

And it all happened so fast that no one could react in time.

Everyone present was completely shocked.

"How...how could this happen?"

The three elders of Chu's Trading Company and all the onlookers warriors were stunned and did not react for a long time.

The people from Chu's Trading Company were so frightened that their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

It’s incredible that the great elder of Chu’s Trading Company was so powerful and died here.

And these people were even more surprised when they looked at Chu Heng.

They didn't expect that this abandoned child of the Chu family would become so terrifying now.

"My dear, my son is too fierce!!!"

Inside Chu's Trading Company, Chu Xiong heard the sound of fighting coming from outside.

His expression changed slightly.

Then he walked out and saw Chu Heng's figure standing in the void.

The great elder was dealing with Chu Heng, but was killed by Chu Heng with one move.

At this moment, Chu Xiong's eyes widened when he looked at Chu Heng, showing an expression of disbelief.

"He...when did he become so strong?"

"Is it because the blood evil beads were swallowed and refined?"

"Otherwise, how could he, a mere piece of trash, kill a strong man at the seventh level of the Martial Lord Realm so easily?"

Chu Xiong watched Chu Heng's expression change continuously.

There were constant speculations in his mind.

"Chu Heng!!!"


Soon the second master of Chu's trading company rushed out.

Seeing Chu Heng standing in the void, he stared at Chu Heng with an angry look.

His eyes glanced at this Chu Heng, and he yelled through gritted teeth.

"You loser dares to go against me."

"court death!!!"

Immediately, Chu Heng stared at the second master with cold eyes.

"Father, help me!!!"

Suddenly, the second master of Chu's Trading Company suddenly knelt in front of Chu Xiong and screamed for mercy.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Chu Heng knocked it away with one palm.

Chu Xiong looked cold and frowned.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the second brother, who was usually arrogant, domineering and extremely arrogant, would actually do such a thing.

"Father, you can't just die without saving me."

"This little beast wants to kill me, and I asked my father to help me kill him!!!"

Chu Haoyu, the second master of Chu's Trading Company, looked at Chu Xiong's miserable look begging for mercy and shouted quickly.

Swish, swish, swish! ! !

In an instant, all the senior executives of Chu's trading company came here.

Except for Chu Heng's father Chu Feng and several other masters of Chu's trading company.

Chu Heng's uncles and brothers and many core members of Chu's trading company all came.

These people saw the duel between Chu Heng and the great elder of Chu's trading company in the void.

They were all stunned, their eyes flickering, and they said nothing.

They didn't interfere.

After all, this great elder is the enshrinement of their trading company.

If they interfere, it will be a betrayal of the great elder.

In Chu's Trading Company, all the senior executives' eyes were focused on the great elder.

"Whoever can kill this evil son, I will reward 50 million spiritual stones!!!"

At this time, a gray-haired old man came through the air.

He looked at Chu Heng in the void and roared with a sinister look on his face.

Hearing the fifty million spirit stones, everyone in Chu's trading company began to breathe quickly.

This is a huge amount of money.

Especially the guards at the head of Chu's Trading Company, all of them had excited looks in their eyes.

They were gearing up one by one, ready to take action.

"Let's see who dares to kill!!!"

Chu Feng shouted directly.

His body swayed and he appeared in front of the group of guards, exuding an inexplicable sense of oppression.

The guards were all shocked when they looked at Chu Feng.

At this moment, all the eyes of the hundreds of people present were focused on Chu Feng.

Their expressions changed continuously.

They didn't expect it at all.

The good-for-nothing third young master of Chu's Trading Company has now transformed into a martial arts master.

And he seems to be a strong man.

Has the level of martial arts in this world improved so quickly?

"Let's see who dares to move!!!"

Chu Hong and Chu Heng's mother Xiao Yun also appeared here.

They looked at Chu Hong and others and shouted coldly.

"Father, mother!!!"

"Why are you here?"

"Do you know that this traitor killed my eldest brother!!!"

Chu Xiong pointed at Chu Heng and shouted solemnly.

"Eldest brother is dead. What you should do now is to discipline this rebellious son well and don't let Chu's Trading Company fall into your hands."

Chu Hong looked at Chu Xiong and said in a deep voice.

"Humph, my eldest brother was killed by a traitor like you."

"He should have been kicked out of the Chu family a long time ago!!!"

Chu Xiong looked at Chu Hong and shouted directly.


Chu Hong's face turned red with anger.

"Okay, no need to argue."

"From now on, I will control Chu's Trading Company."

"Whoever dares to stop him will be shot to death!!!"

Chu Heng took one step forward.

He shouted with a cold expression, his eyes full of contempt as he looked at the core members of Chu's Trading Company in this room.

After hearing Chu Heng's words, the expressions of all the people in Chu's Trading Company changed.

There were complicated expressions in their eyes, including anger, resentment, and fear.

"Chu Heng, you are so presumptuous!!!"

"Chu Xiong is the patriarch of Chu's trading company."

"You have a humble status and are not worthy of inheriting Chu's Trading Company!!!"

Immediately, the third elder of Chu's Trading Company scolded Chu Heng with anger.

boom! ! !

In an instant, Chu Heng activated the Star Overlord Body Technique, and a surge of overwhelming power erupted from his body.

An extremely terrifying star energy burst out and spread around, forming terrifying energy ripples.

The energy of the stars swept across like a tidal wave, suppressing all directions.

Kick, kick, kick! ! !

In an instant, the senior executives of the Chu Trading Company surrounding Chu Heng, including the two strong men at the peak of the ninth level of the Martial King Realm, were all shocked by the star energy and retreated.

Each of them was vomiting blood and suffered heavy injuries.

And all this is just the breath released by Chu Heng.

Plop, plop! ! !

There were bursts of muffled sounds.

The senior executives of Chu's trading company knelt on the ground one after another, looking at Chu Heng with horrified and solemn expressions in their eyes.

Chu Heng's terrifying star energy just now made their hearts throb.

"Is this a strong man at the level of a martial artist?"

Chu Xiong looked at the young Chu Heng in the void, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

The rest of the people in Chu's Trading Company all had surprised expressions on their faces, dumbfounded and unable to say a word.

"Although my son Chu Heng is a good-for-nothing, he is also a direct descendant of my Chu Company."

"I will never allow anyone to bully him."

Chu Feng looked at Chu Xiong and shouted sternly.

"You all should stand down first!!!"

Immediately, Chu Xiong waved his hands.

All the powerful people from Chu's trading company left here one after another.

"Chu Heng, have you really awakened your bloodline martial spirit?"

Chu Xiong looked at Chu Heng and shouted directly.

"Yes, that's exactly it!!!"

Chu Heng nodded. (End of chapter)

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