"It is indeed a Martial Emperor-level technique."

"Only with these "Nine Styles of Burning Immortals" and my own strength."

"And the third-level exotic treasure 'Xuanjin Sword' in his hand is enough to sweep the Chu family, dominate Chuzhou, and achieve the position of Emperor Wu."

Chu Heng murmured to himself.

Although he had seen more than one Martial Emperor-level technique in his previous life, only this "Nine Styles of Burning Immortals" made him sigh.

Because this is the most terrifying one among the Martial Emperor-level techniques he has practiced so far.

"There are eight styles in total of the Nine Styles of Burning Immortals. Each style has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth."

"Every time you improve one move, the power of the martial arts can be doubled."

"The first form of Burning Sky Fury Flame can instantly condense the shadow of a fire unicorn."

"The second form burns mountains and cuts off water, and can summon magma all over the sky."

"The third form is to burn the sun and the moon, condensing a huge immortal-burning fire phoenix."


At this moment, Chu Heng observed the Emperor Wu's technique in detail, and then remembered it in his mind.

"This Martial Emperor technique is perfect for me."

Chu Heng's eyes were filled with excitement, and his heart was filled with joy as he thought.

"I want to start practicing immediately!"

Then Chu Heng sat cross-legged on the ground and performed the nine techniques of Burning Immortal.


With the operation of the Nine-Stage Burning Immortal Cultivation Technique.

The flame energy in the fire unicorn beast entered Chu Heng's body crazily and turned into nutrients for his body.

At the same time, Chu Heng also activated the "Nine Yang Sacred Technique" to absorb all the power of fire contained in the fire unicorn beast element.

The flame merges with the star flame.

There was a crackling sound inside Chu Heng's body.

His skin was red all over, with patches of red scales covering his skin.

These scales were beating like flames, emitting a dazzling light.

"Finally, the training is completed. Now there is just a chance to successfully practice the first form of Burning Sky Fury Flame."

Chu Heng stopped the practice process.

"Huh? Someone is attacking!"

But at this time, Chu Heng frowned suddenly.


Chu Heng opened his eyes, and a piercing cold light burst out from his eyes.


Chu Heng's cold voice slowly floated out.


at this time.

Suddenly there was a deafening explosion in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Heng felt an extremely rich blood-evil aura permeating the air.

"This is... a vicious beast is fighting!"

Smelling the smell of blood in the air, Chu Heng's expression suddenly changed.

"Come on, go see what's going on?"

Chu Heng shouted lowly.

Immediately, he led everyone to fly away into the distance.

In just a moment, he arrived at the area filled with blood mist.

I saw a blood lion several hundred feet long standing on the spot.

His eyes sparkled with bloodthirsty cruelty.

Several corpses lay at its feet, blood staining the ground red.

"Is it Chu Yunhe?!"

Chu Heng's eyes fell on the corpse on the ground, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted in surprise.

among these corpses.

There was actually Chu Yunhe’s body.

"Chu Heng, you are really useless."

"You even dare to kill your own father, you are simply crazy."

"Today, I will send you to reunite with your father."

The blood lion said with a ferocious smile.

On its back stood five or six masked men in black.

The leading masked man turned out to be Li Tianxiang from the Li family.

"Haha, Chu Yunhe deserves to die."

"As for you..."

Chu Heng chuckled lightly, stared at Li Tianxiang, and sneered:

"Li Tianxiang, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Li Tianxiang stared at Chu Heng with sinister eyes and said bitterly:

"Chu Heng, you have committed a heinous crime by killing members of the Li family, and you must pay with your life."

He said through gritted teeth.

"Haha, I will kill you sooner or later."

Chu Heng showed no weakness and said tit for tat.

The two of them were at odds with each other, and no one was willing to back down.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand over the Nine Styles of Burning Immortals."

"This way you may be able to keep a whole body, otherwise I will kill you today."

Li Tianxiang's eyes became more and more fierce.

"Nine Styles of Burning Immortals?"

Chu Heng asked with narrowed eyes.

"That's right, it's the Nine Styles of Burning Immortals."

Li Tianxiang said proudly.

"Then you can show me how to use it."

Chu Heng sneered and didn't take it to heart at all.

The Nine Forms of Burning Immortals are the unique skills of the Chu family.

Where is Li Tianxiang, a junior, he can see it just by looking.

"Hmph, I think you are looking for death!"

Li Tianxiang snorted coldly, his eyes boiling with murderous intent.


The next moment, the blood lion on the side looked up to the sky and roared.

Then he raised his right paw towards Chu Heng and grabbed it.

The power of terror swept across all directions.

All the surrounding vegetation was bent down.

It was as if he couldn't bear the strong pressure.

"Nine forms of burning immortals, burning for eternity!"

Seeing the terrifying blood lion claws grabbing at him, Chu Heng's eyes glowed with blazing light.

In an instant.

Chu Heng punched the blood lion's claws.


It was accompanied by a muffled sound.

The claws of Chu Heng and the blood lion collided.

The two were deadlocked.

The blood lion's attack was very powerful, but Chu Heng blocked the claw.

After being tempered by the Fire Qilin Beast Yuan, his body is as hard as a top-grade spiritual weapon.

Although this blow was very fierce, it did not harm Chu Heng at all.


However, Chu Heng's reaction was also very fast. He recognized the origin of the blood lion at a glance and couldn't help but be surprised.

"This is an ancient alien blood lion. I didn't expect it to survive until now."

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

You know, even if a strong martial artist encounters such a being, they will run away.

But now he is trapped in a ruins. It is obvious that the blood lion has been surrounded and suppressed.

Moreover, the blood lion seemed to have lost its fighting ability.

"Hahaha, little beast, where are you going this time?"

At this moment, a wild and violent sound came out.

A young man led several people in black robes and appeared in Chu Heng's sight.

The leading young man, tall and ferocious in appearance, is none other than Chu Yunhe!

"It's you."

When Chu Heng saw the person coming, a hint of sarcasm appeared on his lips.

This person was none other than Chu Yunhe whom he met in the auction house.

"Little bastard, let me see how you die today!"

Chu Yunhe glared at Chu Heng fiercely and said.

He had been lurking in the dark for a long time.

Just wait for this moment to suddenly attack and seize the secret book of the Nine Styles of Burning Immortal.

"Want to grab the secret book? Get through me first!"

At this time, another voice came out.

Chu Tianhu and Chu Heng's grandfather rushed over and stood on the left side of Chu Heng.

"Hahaha, Chu Tianhu, Chu Heng, you father and son have actually joined forces."

"What a pity, you are destined to be unlucky today!"

Chu Yunhe laughed loudly after seeing Chu Heng and his son.

"Stop talking nonsense and come on!"

“It’s still unclear who will win!”

Chu Heng's eyes flashed with an icy cold light, and he said in a deep voice.


Following Chu Heng’s order.

Chu Tianhu rushed to the front and launched an attack on Chu Yunhe.

Chu Heng followed closely and killed him.

"You, father and son, are trying to intercept me?"


Chu Yunhe looked extremely ferocious and spit out cold drinks.

next moment.

A surge of true energy surged out of his body.

A huge bloody lion half a meter high condensed out, its whole body burning with hot golden flames.

The fire unicorn opened its mouth and swallowed Chu Tianhu and Chu Heng immediately.

Then the bloody unicorn disappeared and returned to the appearance of Chu Yunhe again.


The blood unicorn just disappeared.

The figures of Chu Heng and Chu Tianhu appeared.

At this moment, both of their chests collapsed.

The whole person flew out.

He fell heavily to the ground, his life or death unknown.

"Chu Heng!"

Chu Tianhu screamed sadly.

He struggled to get up, rushed towards Chu Heng, and held Chu Heng in his arms.

"Father, the child is unfilial!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Heng was heartbroken.

His heart was filled with guilt and self-blame.

If it weren't for him, Chu Tianhu wouldn't have been seriously injured.

"Hahaha, you loser, you still want to kill me with your little strength."

"How ridiculous!"

Looking at Chu Heng who was holding his head and crying, Chu Yunhe mocked disdainfully.


"You will not die well."

Chu Heng was extremely angry. He took out the healing elixir from his storage ring and stuffed it into Chu Tianhu's mouth.


Seeing this scene, Li Tianxiang was stunned.

His face was full of shock and confusion.

When did Chu Heng possess such an advanced healing elixir!

To know.

Even some sect elders couldn't produce this healing medicine, let alone Chu Heng.

"Are you stupid?"

"Can't you see that this is an illusion?"

Suddenly, a joking voice sounded.

Then I saw a group of middle-aged men and women in their thirties wearing gray and white gowns approaching.

"Xuanjian Mountain?!"

"I didn't expect them to get involved."

Li Tianxiang frowned deeply and muttered to himself.

"Who are you?!"

Chu Heng looked at the disciples of Xuanjian Mountain and asked with narrow eyes.

"Xuanjian Mountain, Xuantian!"

A man in white robes came out and said indifferently.

"Xuanjian Mountain, Xuantian?"

Hearing this name, a strange color flashed across Chu Heng's eyes.

This is a name that Chu Heng remembers in his previous life, and it is also a disciple of Xuanjian Mountain that he is familiar with.

In his previous life, Xuantian was a sword cultivator with superb swordsmanship, and was invincible among the younger generation in Beihuang County.

In fact, even some strong men in the Martial King realm couldn't do anything to him.

However, Xuantian died in a cave and became history.

Not only that, all of his companions perished, and only a few escaped with their lives.

"Unexpectedly, they are still alive."

Chu Heng whispered, feeling quite surprised.

"Since you are Xuantian, why are you still following me!"

Chu Heng said with a solemn expression.

He had a deep impression on Xuantian because Xuantian had helped him in his previous life and allowed him to escape a catastrophe.

"Haha, I am no longer a disciple of Xuanjian Mountain."

Xuan Tian chuckled lightly, with deep bitterness and unwillingness in his eyes.

Then, he glanced at the rest of the people, with an impatient look in his eyes, and urged:

"Are you going to fight or not?"

"let's go."

Chu Heng said directly.

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this, Xuan Tian's pupils shrank and he looked at Chu Heng in surprise.

"Chu Heng, are you crazy?"

"That's the Burning Sky Demonic Lion!"

"Our combined efforts are not enough for it to slap us in the face."

Chu Heng's attitude was so decisive that Chu Tianhu was confused.

"Dad, I believe in Brother Heng."

Chu Heng shook his head and said.

He looked at Chu Tianhu and said with firm eyes.

"Okay, Heng'er, dad believes in you!"

"Even if I risk my life, I won't let anyone hurt you!"

Chu Tianhu patted Chu Heng's shoulder heavily, then stood up, preparing to face the bloody unicorn shadow.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Xuan Tian's expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly stopped Chu Tianhu.

"Hmph! They're just ants."

"Kill me and leave no one alive!"

Chu Yunhe glanced at Chu Heng and his son coldly, and ordered everyone around him.

In an instant, a group of Xuanjian Mountain disciples rushed over.

These Xuanjian Mountain disciples have all reached the realm of martial arts disciples, and their strength is terrifying.

They each showed their magical powers and used their treasures to blast out.

In an instant, he burst out with overwhelming power and blasted towards the Chu family members.


Chu Heng and his son couldn't resist at all, and their bodies were directly overturned.

"Bang bang!"

Chu Heng and his son hit the wall hard, and blood continued to flow from their mouths.

"Damn it!"

Chu Heng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Hey, Chu Heng, did you see it?

This is what you call family. "

Seeing Chu Heng's angry look, Chu Yunhe showed an excited expression on his face.

Then, he turned around with cold eyes and murderous intent.

As he raised his hand, majestic spiritual energy surged.

He punched out fiercely, hitting Chu Heng and his son.

Although Chu Heng had already reached the sixth level of martial arts, he was still unable to resist.

There was a muffled "bang" sound, and the whole person hit the ground.

Blood flowed from the corner of the mouth.


Chu Heng roared.

"Heng'er, run away quickly and leave me alone!"

At this time, Chu Tianhu’s voice came out.

He moved with difficulty to protect Chu Heng's side.

"Want to leave? It's too late!"

"Suffer death!"

Seeing that Chu Tianhu dared to stand in front of Chu Heng, Chu Yunhe's eyes narrowed and he said in a cold voice.

Immediately, he stomped the ground with the sole of his foot and turned into an afterimage and rushed over.

He raised his arm and slashed hard at Chu Tianhu's neck.

His right leg whipped like a steel whip, containing astonishing power.

"Xiao Heng, leave quickly!"

Chu Tianhu roared loudly, his turbid eyes bursting with bright light, and he stepped forward without fear.

Chu Tianhu's figure was as tall as an iron tower, full of oppression.

He used all his strength to push Chu Heng away.

"Bang" sound.

His fist collided directly with Chu Yunhe.


The sound of cracking bones was clear and harsh.


Immediately afterwards, a heartbreaking pain hit his whole body, and Chu Tianhu screamed.


He opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, staining his clothes red.

His fist had been broken by a violent kick.

Displacement of the five internal organs and severe pain.


Chu Yunhe stared at Chu Tianhu with cold eyes and shouted coldly.


Chu Tianhu roared.

He dragged his half-broken body and attacked Chu Yunhe again.

"court death!"

Chu Yunhe shouted coldly.

He took one step forward and appeared in front of Chu Tianhu like a ghost like lightning.


Chu Yunhe grabbed Chu Tianhu and threw him away.

The moment Chu Tianhu's body fell to the ground.

Vomiting blood, not knowing whether to live or die!

All of this was done in a flash of calcium carbide, leaving no time for Chu Heng to react.

When he woke up, Chu Tianhu was seriously injured and dying.

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