"Chu Yunhe, I'm going to kill you!"

Chu Heng roared angrily, his eyes were about to burst, and he wished he could tear Chu Yunhe into pieces.

"Boy, you are so stubborn when death is imminent!"

"The disciples of Xuanjian Mountain listen to my order and destroy this Chu family. No one will be left alive!"

Chu Yunhe said with a ferocious smile on his face.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Xuanjian Mountain disciples around them raised their swords to kill everyone in the Chu family.

This scene frightened the people of the Chu family, their livers and gallbladders trembled.

Especially Chu Heng and his son, they were so frightened that they even lost their souls.



the two shouted.

"Heng'er, run quickly!"

Chu Tianhu shouted anxiously.

At this moment, he had lost the ability to fight again and could not stop the Xuanjian Mountain disciples at all.

"Hahaha, I want to run, but it's too late!"

"Today, I will destroy your Chu family and make the chickens and dogs restless!"

Chu Yunhe was extremely arrogant, he said teasingly.

"call out!"

Just when the disciples of Xuanjian Mountain were about to kill Chu Heng and his son, a strong wind suddenly roared and blew his robe.

With a "bang", those Xuanjian Mountain disciples were pierced by a spear and nailed to the ground.


Chu Yunhe was horrified and immediately looked around vigilantly.


Immediately afterwards, several sharp arrows came through the air and hit his chest.

He stared at the person with wide eyes, and finally his body collapsed and fell to the ground, completely dead.

"It's you!"

When Chu Heng and his son saw the person coming, they were startled for a moment and then overjoyed.


Chu Heng immediately got up from the ground and came to Chu Tianhu to investigate the situation.

"Ahem. Ahem. Heng'er, let's get out of here quickly."

Chu Tianhu coughed a few times and said.


Chu Heng nodded, supported Chu Tianhu, and walked out.

As long as you leave the city, you will be safe.

However, they don't know.

At this moment, many people had already been ambushed at the gate of the Chu family manor.

The leader was a tall and majestic man in his thirties, who was Zhao Yong, the deacon of the Xuanjian Sect.

Behind him were a group of inner and outer disciples from Xuanjian Mountain.

"Senior Brother Zhao, this Chu family is really lucky to have recruited such an outstanding pair of twin girls. They have made a lot of money!"

"Yes, if I can spend a night with them, it will be worth it even if I lose a hundred years of life."

"Hey, let's go in, capture them, and present them to Senior Brother Zhao for enjoyment.

Then, he destroyed Chu Tianhu's cultivation and threw it to those monsters as food. "

"Good idea, I agree."

These inner disciples talked unscrupulously, not caring that this was the Chu family's mansion and regarded it as their home.

With that said, he walked straight into the Chu family.

Among the Chu family.

Chu Heng's grandfather Chu Hengtian, aunt Chu Ying, uncle Chu Minghao and others all knelt on the ground, trembling.

Chu Yun was tied up and thrown beside Chu Heng.

Her eyes were filled with tears and her eyes were filled with sorrow.

After so many years, they have suffered for too long, and now they can finally escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

But he didn't expect that Chu Yunhe would lead the powerful men from Xuanjian Mountain to come.

"Father, aunt, uncle, why are you all kneeling here?"

Chu Heng asked doubtfully.

Only then did he notice that there was a strange young man standing next to him.

"Chu Heng, this is the helper I invited. With him here, our Chu family will definitely rise."

Chu Heng's mother, Wang Qiuyue, explained, with deep joy in her eyes.

"Oh, I see."

Chu Heng nodded suddenly and then said:

“This is an elixir that can heal injuries after taking it.

You eat it first! "

He took out a green pill and handed it to Chu Heng's mother.

"Thank you son!"

Chu Heng's mother nodded happily and swallowed the pill.

After a moment, a bright white halo was seen emanating from his body.


Wisps of thin mist rose up and enveloped Chu Heng's mother.

It made her complexion turn rosy.

This is the effect produced by the elixir.

"What kind of elixir is this? It's so magical!"

Chu Heng's mother's eyes were filled with brilliance and she couldn't help but praise.

"This is a holy healing product that can cure any disease!"

Chu Heng said with a smile.


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Even Chu Heng's father, Chu Tianhu, looked surprised.

"Did you refine this?"

he said in disbelief.

This is the legendary spiritual elixir, extremely precious.

The entire Eastern Wasteland may not be able to see that Chu Heng, a small martial arts disciple, actually possesses this kind of elixir.

"Well, this is what I got by chance, it's not worth mentioning."

Chu Heng said calmly.

His words immediately aroused the envy, jealousy and hatred of everyone around him.

Such a treasure was actually taken advantage of by this kid, which is really enviable.

However, they did not dare to show it. After all, Chu Heng was a ruthless character who could defeat Liu Yuanba, and they could not afford to offend him.

"Humph, just pretending!"

Chu Yunhe's eyes were filled with coldness and he said with a cold snort.

"A mere martial artist can refine any powerful elixirs. The elixirs of our Xuanjian Sect are all Xuan-level miraculous elixirs, and they are much stronger than the rubbish in your hands.

Later, your sister Chu Yan will definitely be played to death by me.

As for you, haha, you can’t escape either! "

Chu Yunhe said sadly.

"People from the Chu family, listen!

If you are wise, surrender obediently, otherwise, don’t blame me for destroying flowers with my ruthless hands! "

Immediately, Chu Yunhe turned his head and scolded everyone in the Chu family.

"Bah, who do you think you are, Xuanjian Mountain, and you want us to surrender? What a dream!"

"Come if you feel like it. My wife and kids are right here."

"You want us to surrender unless we die!"

In an instant, everyone in the Chu family shouted.

"court death!"

Chu Yunhe's face was gloomy, he roared angrily and was ready to take action.

But his words had just fallen.

Then he felt a figure flickering in front of him, followed by a sharp pain.


I saw Chu Heng slap Chu Yunhe on the cheek with his hand.

This slap was extremely loud, and instantly caused Chu Yunhe's cheek to swell like a pig.

"Asshole, you dare to beat me, I'm going to kill you!"

Chu Yunhe was furious, vomiting blood, and glared at Chu Heng.

This slap almost knocked out his teeth.

"You want to kill me?"

Chu Heng's eyes narrowed and he slowly approached Chu Yunhe.

In an instant, an icy aura swept out, like a demon god, terrifying.

Chu Yunhe's expression changed drastically.


Chu Yunhe wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Chu Heng.

"Chu Yunhe, don't you want my sister?

Now, she is over there, you go over there. "

Chu Heng pointed at Chu Yun and said.


Chu Yunhe's face was full of fear, and his body couldn't help but shrink back.

At this moment, his heart was full of regret, why did he want to show off his power and provoke Chu Heng.

Well now, I shot myself in the foot!

Not only did he fail, but he offended the disciples of Xuanjian Mountain.

What made him even more desperate was that he actually wanted to go there and abuse Chu Yun in front of the Xuanjian Mountain disciples.

This is simply killing him.

Chu Yunhe secretly cursed himself for being stupid.

If he had known this earlier, he would have captured Chu Yun quietly.

Now it's better, you can't steal the chicken but lose the rice!

Chu Yunhe gritted his teeth and walked towards Chu Yun with heavy steps.

"Master Yunhe, you...don't do this!"

Wang Cuifen exclaimed and hurriedly stopped her.

However, Chu Yunhe completely ignored her and continued walking.


The next moment, there was a muffled sound.

Chu Yunhe had already walked in front of Chu Yun.

Then, he raised his hand and slapped it with his palm.

Although Chu Yun tried her best to avoid it, she was unable to resist due to her low strength. She immediately screamed and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Hahaha, Chu Heng, this is your sister!

Now it's still in my hands! "

Chu Yunhe said with a wild smile.

His eyes were red.

On the other side, Chu Heng's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw this scene.

He never thought that Chu Yunhe would actually be so cruel.

Chu Yun was the biological sister he had grown up holding in the palm of his hand, and now she was being humiliated like this.

It made him furious, and the blood in his body seemed to be burning, boiling and roaring.

"You, damn it!"

He roared, and the sound rolled out, turning into a hurricane and sweeping in all directions.

Chapter 7 Decisive Killing


Explosions continued in the void.

Chu Heng's eyes shone brightly, like two sharp blades.

Chu Yunhe's whole body was so cold that his hair suddenly stood up and he almost peed his pants.

Chu Heng's state at this time was really terrible.

It made him tremble with fear.

Moreover, his cultivation level was far from Chu Heng's.

Therefore, if you dare to stay anywhere, you will run away.

However, before he could take a step forward, Chu Heng had already arrived in front of him.

He clenched his right fist and punched it out fiercely.

Although Chu Heng was only at the peak of the ninth level of martial arts.

But the combat power is terrifying.

A punch was thrown out, carrying tremendous power, like a meteor falling to the ground.


Chu Yunhe didn't even have time to use his martial arts skills to resist, before his chest collapsed after being beaten, and he flew out and landed a hundred feet away, with blood spurting out of his mouth.

"Chu Heng, you actually dare to violate the agreement and attack me, you are finished!"

Chu Yunhe shouted angrily, his eyes were scarlet, and he stared at Chu Heng fiercely.

At the same time, there was a strong sense of fear deep in my heart, and I didn't understand why I failed.

"Hmph, Chu Yunhe, I advise you not to move around. I will only cripple your limbs this time. If you dare to move even half a bit, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Chu Heng sneered and said.

Then, his eyes turned to the Li couple next to Chu Yunhe again.

"Do you also want to be buried with Chu Yunhe?!"

The cold voice echoed throughout the audience.

It made everyone's heart tremble.


And at this moment.

The elder of the Li clan actually knelt on the ground without any bones and begged: "Master Heng, spare your life, please spare your life!"

He saw clearly how strong Chu Heng was. If he dared to say no, he would be torn into pieces by Chu Heng in the next second.

At this moment, he realized how wrong he was and how he had offended someone he shouldn't have offended!

"Master Heng, spare my life. I am willing to compensate you for your losses.

Please let us go."

The patriarch of the Li family was also kneeling on the ground, trembling, and didn't even dare to raise his head.

This ending made all the onlookers open their eyes wide.

No one could believe that Chu Heng was so terrifying.

With his own strength, he oppressed the three disciples of Xuanjian Mountain so much that they dared not move.

You know, Xuanjian Mountain is one of the top sects in the entire Qingyang County.

There are countless disciples in it.

There are also innate fifth-level and even sixth-level masters sitting in charge.

And now, Chu Heng actually used his own strength to confront the three disciples of Xuanjian Mountain. How fierce is this!

"Hmph, I said that anyone who hurts my mother must pay the price.

Since you want to kill her, you should be prepared to die. It's too late to beg for mercy now!"

A hint of coldness appeared at the corner of Chu Heng's mouth.


Chu Yunhe let out a shrill roar.

His body trembled, and he struggled hard to stand up regardless of the pain.


However, Chu Heng did not give him a chance at all, and attacked again, stomping down hard.


Chu Yunhe's knees were broken.

He let out a painful wail.


His arms drooped to one side, obviously broken.

"Father, save me!

Save me quickly!"

Chu Yunhe cried desperately with tears and snot.

"Chu Heng, my son is an inner disciple of Xuanjian Mountain.

You dare to hurt him, do you want to be an enemy of Xuanjian Mountain?

If you do this, you will bring disaster upon yourself!"

Butler Wang shouted angrily.

He did not dare to act rashly, so he could only move out of Xuanjian Mountain, hoping that Chu Heng would be afraid.

However, Chu Heng sneered after hearing this and said:

"Haha, he is just an inner disciple.

Even if he is a core disciple, he will be killed without hesitation!"

The tone was indifferent, but it revealed a cold murderous intent.

"Okay, very good, you are so arrogant, one day you will pay the price!"

Butler Wang scolded.

"Hmph, do you think you still have that chance?"

Chu Heng sneered, then waved his hand, and a ray of sword light splashed out.


In an instant, a head flew up.

Chu Yunhe's head fell to the ground, his eyes widened.

There were bloodstains on his neck, and the bright red blood flowed.

This was left by Chu Heng on purpose.

After all, killing Chu Yunhe in front of everyone would not be good for his future development.

However, he was not afraid of others causing trouble, but he did not want to implicate Chu Yun!

If these people dare to attack Chu Yun, they must pay the price.

"Chu Heng, I will remember you!

One day, I will grind you to dust!"

Before his death, Chu Yunhe cursed bitterly.

"Hmph, you don't have that chance. Don't worry, your body will be thrown into the wilderness to feed the wolves!"

Chu Heng's face was extremely cold, and he sneered.

Then, he looked at Chu Yun and said with guilt:

"Sister Yun, I'm sorry, I came late and made you suffer!"

After that, he picked up Chu Yun and walked away.

His eyes were full of determination and tenderness.

When the people around saw this, they all sighed.

"Chu Heng is indeed the pride of our village. He is young, powerful, and knows how to care for women. He will definitely achieve something in the future."

"Alas, what a pity. She could have married into a wealthy family, but now she has to live with Chu Heng."

"Yes, if I had such an excellent boyfriend, I would probably wake up laughing in my dreams."

Listening to the discussions around him, Chu Yunhe's face kept changing. (End of this chapter)

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