The stronger Chu Heng gets, the more fear he feels in his heart!

"No, we must not let Chu Heng leave here alive!"

His eyes narrowed into a thin line, shining with a sinister and ruthless light.

Then, he suddenly shouted towards the place where Chu Heng disappeared:

"Chu Heng, you can't escape!

Let me tell you, you have been blacklisted in Xuanjian Mountain!

I promise, Xuanjian Mountain will definitely trace your whereabouts, and when the time comes, you won’t be able to escape! "

Chu Heng's face suddenly darkened, and murderous intent surged in his eyes.

"I, Chu Heng, hate threats the most in my life."

He stopped, turned around slowly, glanced at everyone, and said in a cold voice:

"From now on, anyone who dares to stop me from killing Chu Yunhe will be my enemy, Chu Heng, and will be killed without mercy!"

Domineering, cold and cruel!

Chu Heng's posture at this moment seemed to have transformed into an invincible demon king.

It’s daunting.

How did this little farmer become so powerful?

Chu Heng's words exploded like thunder.

Everyone was shocked.

Chu Heng's aura just now was really terrifying.

Like a majestic giant mountain, it makes people breathless.

At this time, Chu Yunhe finally reacted.

He roared crazily: "Chu Heng, you don't dare to kill me!

Because of my special status, if you kill me, Xuanjian Mountain will definitely not let it go! "

"Oh?" Chu Heng raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is your identity?"

" you know who the head of Xuanjian Mountain is?"

Chu Yunhe gritted his teeth and said viciously: "His name is Chu Feng, my father's master!

He is the deacon of Xuanjian Mountain.

If you dare to touch me, Chu Feng will never let you go! "


Chu Heng suddenly slapped him.

Chu Yunhe was convulsed with convulsions, half of his cheeks were swollen, his mouth was full of blood, and two of his teeth were missing.

"Are you threatening me?"

Chu Heng's voice was low, and a terrifying beam of light shot out of his eyes.

"Chu Heng, don't bully others too much.

Xuanjian Mountain is unusual.

If you dare to kill Chu Yunhe, Xuanjian Mountain will definitely not let you go!

By then, you won't even have any room to run away. "

Upon seeing this, Butler Wang quickly stepped forward to persuade him and tried to change Chu Heng's mind.

Although he hated Chu Heng with all his heart, he also understood that Chu Heng had a profound background and must not be offended.

Otherwise, he will be doomed.

However, Chu Heng didn't buy it at all.

"Get away!"

He punched out like thunder.

How could Butler Wang dare to resist?

Scared out of my mind.


He was beaten back more than ten meters, knocking over tables and chairs.


Seeing this scene, the onlookers around him all gasped.

This is too strong.

One punch knocked away Butler Wang, who was at the second level of Xuanwu Realm.

It's simply terrifying!

"If you dare to kill me, Xuanjian Mountain will never let you go."

Butler Wang spit out two molars, covered his chest and said:

"If you don't believe me, go and find out. My Wang family has a close relationship with Xuanjian Mountain. If you kill me, all your relatives will be buried with you!

Including yourself, and your wife!

I want your entire family to pay for my son’s life! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present changed their colors.

What Butler Wang said was really terrifying. He actually wanted to destroy the entire Chu family!

Many people stared at Chu Heng with pity, sighing secretly that he was too reckless.

"you wanna die!"

Chu Heng's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Without any hesitation, he walked over, raised his leg and kicked it out.

With a muffled sound of "bang", Butler Wang's head was kicked to pieces!

Blood mixed with brains, splattering everywhere.


After everyone saw this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

"This... is too cruel!

No room left at all!

His behavior is completely driving himself to a dead end! "

Someone sighed.

“Yes, Xuanjian Mountain is so powerful that no ordinary force can contend with it.

Moreover, Chu Feng is an alchemist with ninth-grade spiritual patterns.

Once he is promoted to a senior alchemist, he will be protected by Xuanjian Mountain.

By then, the entire Jinling City will be the territory of the Chu family.

By that time, Chu Heng's status will only rise!

Unless Xuanjianshan is desperate and uses all its strength to suppress Chu Heng, it will definitely not be able to do anything to him. "

Another person said.

Chu Heng's training speed is very fast. In just over two years, he has reached the ninth level of physical training.

According to normal circumstances, children aged three or four should have their pulse quenched for the first time.

But Chu Heng's physical body has long surpassed the mortal body.

He has not needed this level of tempering for a long time.

Therefore, after practicing the "Spirit Devouring Art", more spiritual energy was stored in his body, and his training speed became faster.

In just over a year, he reached the ninth level of foundation building.

Now, there is only one step left to enter the innate realm!

The innate state is the transformation of a warrior!

As long as you step into Xiantian, your lifespan can be extended for hundreds of years.

At that time, ordinary people can only bow their heads and tremble in front of him.

And he is not yet a true warrior.

He can only use martial arts secrets to display martial arts.

However, these martial arts secrets are, after all, external objects and are not as powerful as pure physical strength!

Chu Heng's combat power is several times higher than that of warriors of the same level!

"What about Xuanjian Mountain?

It’s okay for me, Chu Heng, not to provoke you.

Since you have provoked me, you must pay the price! "

He snorted coldly and looked around: "If you want to die, I don't mind giving you a ride!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd retreated.

Chu Heng glanced over, and those people immediately fell into silence, and no longer dared to say a word.

They are all ordinary people.

Facing Chu Heng, who possesses mysterious and unpredictable power, no one dares to make mistakes.

"Haha, Chu Heng, don't be so arrogant!

My grandfather is a disciple of Xuanjian Mountain.

Our Xuanjian Mountain not only sent two core disciples here, but also sent three elders.

If you dare to hurt me, then you will have a deadly feud with Xuanjian Mountain.

At that time, you will be in big trouble! "

Chu Yunhe scolded angrily.

He was confident and not worried at all.

"Okay, since you want to play with fire, then I will play with you."

Chu Heng grinned.

Immediately, he waved his hand, and a gust of wind roared over.

With a crash, Chu Yunhe instantly turned into a rag bag.


He struggled desperately.

However, Chu Heng's method was extremely weird. He couldn't break free at all. He was hung in the air, and his clothes were torn apart, revealing his strong muscles and various hideous scars.


Miserable wailing sounds continued to come out of Chu Yunhe's mouth, making everyone's scalp numb.

" could this happen?

He is actually the core disciple of Xuanjian Mountain? "

Everyone was shocked when they saw the various scars on Chu Yunhe's body.

The core disciple of Xuanjian Mountain has an extremely noble status.

Even if he is just a handyman disciple, he can be domineering and do whatever he wants.

Not to mention the core disciple Chu Yunhe.

"Hahaha!" Chu Yunhai couldn't help laughing happily:

"Chu Heng, my son is the core disciple of Xuanjian Mountain, and he is the one you look up to all your life.

If you dare to hurt a hair on my son's body, Xuanjian Mountain will dig you out three feet into the ground and crush your bones into ashes! "

Xuanjian Mountain is one of the top sects in the Tianlan Dynasty.

It has been passed down for thousands of years, is deeply rooted, and has huge influence.

Anyone who dares to offend Xuanjian Mountain will die!

No matter how fierce Chu Heng is, no matter how evil he is, after all, he is just a direct descendant of the Chu family.

Compared with the huge Xuanjian Mountain, it is not worth mentioning at all.


Chu Heng gave a soft drink.

Then, he stretched out his index finger and thumb and joined them together to form sword fingers.

With a puff, Chu Yunhe's right arm was pierced!

Click, click!

A crisp sound of fractures resounded in all directions!

Chu Yunhe roared in pain, sweating profusely!


He screamed like a wild animal, his face was twisted in pain, and his facial features were squeezed together!

"Chu Heng, let my son go!"

Seeing this, Chu Heng's parents were shocked and angry.

But they didn't dare to move an inch.

Because, Chu Heng's body exuded suffocating pressure.

"Shut up!"

Chu Heng frowned and shouted coldly.


Chu Heng's parents immediately fell to their knees on the ground, their faces full of fear, and they did not dare to question him again!

"Chu Heng, let my son go!

I promise to let you leave Jinyang City safely! "

At this moment, a loud and violent explosion reached everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, there was a surge of evil energy.

At this moment, everyone's expressions became solemn, and they all turned their heads and looked over.

I saw.

At the door of the restaurant, several men and women walked in.

The middle-aged man at the head has a majestic and majestic appearance.

He walked like a dragon and tiger, and sat down with his big horse and golden sword.

Beside him stood several young heroes with sharp auras.

One of them, in particular, stands out from the crowd!

This man is young, has a well-proportioned and strong figure, and looks like a jade tree standing in the wind, with a heroic appearance.

Beside him, there were two maids serving him, serving him with utmost tenderness.

Although he did nothing, his aura alone was able to make many young men here feel convinced and bow respectfully, without daring to make any mistakes.

His cultivation realm is not weak, and he has reached the peak level of the seventh level of body tempering.

"Chu Yunhe, who gave you the courage to actually attack a member of the direct lineage of the Chu family?"

The man spoke indifferently.

There is a touch of arrogance in the tone!

He is Chu Yunhe, the only grandson of the eldest elder of the Chu family, Chu Feihong!

"it's me!"

At this time, Chu Heng suddenly spoke.

He raised his eyes and stared at the man calmly.

Chu Feihong!

The Great Elder of Xuanjian Mountain!

The powerful existence of a first-grade martial artist!

Once, he saw this person with his own eyes and beat the second elder to death in front of him.

This kind of person is comparable to King Wu.

"Chu Heng, is it you?"

After hearing Chu Heng's words, Chu Feihong's pupils suddenly shrank.

He stared at Chu Heng's face carefully for a long time, and then suddenly realized.

"It's exactly the same as in the portrait. That's right, you were the one who killed my deacon of Xuanjian Mountain."

Chu Feihong's expression was a little gloomy.

As the great elder of Xuanjian Mountain.

Chu Feihong naturally knew one thing.

That is, the man who deposed Chu Heng was named Chu Heng.

This matter caused a great uproar and became very popular.

In the entire Tianlan Dynasty, except for the royal family, no one knew Chu Heng.

Now, Chu Heng has joined the Chu family, the number one alchemy family in the Tianlan Dynasty.

If he just wanted to take revenge on the Chu family, then Chu Feihong still thought it was possible.

But the problem is that he even dares to torture his disciples in Xuanjian Mountain. This is really scary!

It’s simply lawless!

"Chu Heng!

You must have an explanation for killing me, the deacon of Xuanjian Mountain!

Otherwise, don’t blame me for turning against the elder! "

Chu Feihong's eyes were cold and he roared in a deep voice.


As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind whipped up around Chu Feihong, making his clothes rustle!

It's like a fairy coming to the world!

There was a terrifying light in his eyes, locked on Chu Heng, with a majestic momentum.


Hearing this, Chu Heng was slightly startled, and then he sneered:

“The Chu family’s bitch actually dared to bite back.

It’s so boring!

Don’t leave today either!

Come and stay alive! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Heng flicked his fingers and shot out a ray of spiritual energy.

It suddenly penetrated into Chu Feihong's body!


In an instant, Chu Feihong felt as if his body had been hit hard by a heavy hammer!

A sharp pain came from my chest!


He groaned, a gurgling sound coming from his throat.

With a pop, he fell to the ground, his face was pale, his forehead was sweating, and his whole body was shivering.

"Chu Heng, what are you doing!"

Seeing Chu Feihong's sudden collapse, Chu Yunhe looked stern.

"Dad, save me!"

Chu Feihong covered his chest and yelled for help with a face full of fear.

At that moment, it felt like a sharp blade was inserted from behind!

It made him tremble with pain and break out in cold sweat.

"Damn it!"

Chu Yunhe cursed secretly.

Chu Feihong is the only son of Chu Feihong, the great elder of Xuanjian Mountain.

If Chu Feihong makes any mistakes, he will never be able to escape his involvement!

"Get away!"

He scolded the two maids and wanted to pounce on Chu Heng.

"Your opponent is me!"

However, Chu Yunhe did not wait for him to approach.

A shout suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man stood in front of Chu Yunhe.

This man is the guard from before.

Chu Feihong was severely injured by Chu Heng and now needed someone to take care of him. How could he let Chu Yunhe get close to Chu Heng?

"Who do you think you are?

How dare a mere servant stop me? "

Chu Yunhe was furious.

How could he, a majestic eighth-level body-tempering master, be blocked by a guard?


As he spoke, he stretched out his right palm, turned it into a palm print, and slapped towards the guard!

"Little tricks!"

The guard sneered.

He stepped out with his feet, clenched his fists, and blasted out without any fancy!


The two collided, and the wind roared.

Deng Deng stared!

Chu Yunhe was knocked back three or four steps by the huge force!

"How can it be!"

His expression changed drastically.

You know, he is a martial arts master at the eighth level of Body Tempering.

However, there is nothing you can do about an ordinary guard at the seventh level of body tempering?

This made him unbelievable!


Seeing this scene, Chu Heng shook his head and said sarcastically:

"Chu Yunhe, your performance in the Tianlan Dynasty has gotten worse and worse over the years!

He was reduced to relying on a slave for protection, which was a disgrace to the Chu family! "

"What did you say?"

Chu Yunhe was furious, his eyes blazing with anger:

"Chu Heng! Since you are seeking death, I will help you!"

After saying that, he suddenly stepped forward, jumped into the air, and looked down at Chu Heng.

"If you are not afraid of death, just let your horse come over!"

Chu Heng was not afraid at all and said with a sneer.

"Okay, very good, I hope you dare to continue to hold on later!"

Chu Yunhe gritted his teeth.

The next moment, he jumped up and pounced on Chu Heng like an eagle fighting a rabbit!

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