
Chu Yunhe roared and punched down.


Seeing this, Chu Heng just snorted coldly and punched away as well.


However, the next second, Chu Yunhe screamed miserably.

Click, click...

The sound of broken bones sounded clearly, accompanied by Chu Yunhe's wailing, which was extremely harsh.

Everyone saw that Chu Heng crushed Chu Yunhe's arm with just one move.

Moreover, half of Chu Yunhe's arms were drooped, and blood and flesh were flying everywhere, which was extremely tragic.

"This, this is impossible!"

Chu Yunhe's face was full of horror, and he didn't want to believe that all this was true.

However, the pain coming from his arm could not be concealed!

"You...you actually hid your strength!

Your cultivation is not only at the seventh level of Body Tempering, but at least at the ninth level of Body Tempering! "

Chu Yunhe gritted his teeth and roared.

He is not willing to give in!

Chu Heng obviously only has the seventh level of body tempering!

Why can he possess the strength of the ninth level of body tempering?

This goes against common sense!

However, Chu Heng was too lazy to explain this doubt.

He slowly walked to Chu Yunhe, looked down at him, and said lightly:

"Remember my words, from now on, all of you in the Chu family must surrender to me!"


Chu Yunhe roared.

"Chu Heng!"

Chu Feihong glared at Chu Heng and said through gritted teeth:

"If you dare to touch our father and son, Xuanjian Mountain will definitely not spare you!"


Chu Heng smiled contemptuously and said coldly:

“Xuanjian Mountain alone is not qualified to threaten me.

As for you father and son, I would like to give you a chance.

Kneel down and kowtow to apologize.

I will pretend that what happened today never happened, otherwise, you will definitely die.

Moreover, everyone in the Chu family will be buried with you! "

Chu Heng's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

"Chu Heng, you are going too far!

Our Chu family is a third-rate family in the empire, and you actually made us kneel down and kowtow to apologize! "

Chu Yunhe laughed in anger.

However, facing Chu Yunhe’s questioning, Chu Heng still said indifferently:

"I said, I will make your Chu family pay the price, and no one can stop me!"

After saying that, an evil curve appeared at the corner of Chu Heng's mouth.

Immediately, he raised his right leg and kicked it out suddenly!


The void explodes!

A golden shadow of legs cut through the sky, carrying unparalleled power, and blasted towards Chu Feihong.

"not good!"

Chu Feihong's expression changed drastically.

A strong sense of crisis arose in his heart!

He hurriedly used his body skills to avoid it.

Unfortunately, it's too late!


Chu Feihong's shoulder blade received another blow and shattered on the spot!

His whole body was more like a cannonball, falling straight to the ground!

At this time, his hair was disheveled and he was in a mess, and he still looked like a young man from an aristocratic family!


Chu Heng's younger brother Chu Annan quickly ran forward and helped Chu Feihong up.

"Let's go!"

Chu Feihong's face was filled with resentment.

He growled.

Chu Annan was stunned for a moment, then turned and left.

But his speed is too slow.

"Want to escape? Can you escape?"

Chu Heng sneered, tapped the ground with his toes, and his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he caught up with the two of them and struck Chu Annan in the head with a palm.


A crash of thunder.

The violent zhenqi condensed into a golden dragon claw and flew away in the air!

This dragon claw is several feet in size, and seems to be destroying the sky and crushing everything!

Chu Annan was frightened. He tried his best to resist, but in the end, he couldn't even resist a single blow!


The dragon's claw hit Chu Annan on the forehead.

On the spot, blood splattered, his whole head sunk, and he lay softly on the ground, blood gushing out!

At this moment, Chu Feihong went completely crazy!


He looked up to the sky and roared wildly.

Then, a dazzling golden light suddenly lit up around him.

At the same time, Chu Feihong's entire body was shrouded in golden light.

It was as if he was a god descending into the world, his whole body glowing with brilliance.

“I don’t accept it, I absolutely don’t accept it!

I am the direct descendant, you are just a foreign surname.

Why should we, father and son, kneel down and admit our mistakes?

Today, even if I give up my cultivation, I will not let you insult me! "

Chu Feihong shouted, his body trembling.


This Chu Feihong is quite loyal. "

Chu Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, looking thoughtful.

"Haha, he is indeed a direct ancestor, but he is different!"

Chu Heng murmured.

Then, he flicked his finger.


A sword energy shot out and instantly pierced Chu Feihong's chest.


Chu Feihong opened his mouth and spit out blood.

His expression was ferocious.

Unfortunately, he didn't even have a chance to struggle.

Died on the spot!


Chu Heng took out the spirit stone.

In an instant, rich energy fluctuations filled the air.

“This… is actually a fifth-level spiritual stone!

How could this waste...have such a precious spiritual stone!


Feeling the strong vitality, Chu Yunhe's eyes almost fell to the ground.

Chu Heng actually obtained the fifth-level spiritual stone, which was simply unbelievable.

Moreover, what was the martial arts he used just now?


Seeing this scene, Chu Heng couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh:

"It's just a fifth-level spiritual stone, what does it matter?

By the time I refine the fifth-grade elixir, this spiritual stone will still be too little for me.

With your IQ, are you still trying to fight me? "

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed across the depths of Chu Heng's eyes.

He stretched out a big hand and grabbed Chu Feihong hard, preparing to skin him alive and devour him!


At this critical moment, suddenly, a shocking sound of shouting came from Chu Feihong's arms.


Chu Heng frowned and stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a young man poked his head out of Chu Feihong's arms!

This young man was about sixteen years old. He was dressed in white and had a handsome face.

Especially his pair of pupils, as dark and deep as the night sky.

This man's name is Chu Haoyu, and he is Chu Yunhai's only son!

"Brother Haoyu?!"

Seeing this young man in white, Chu Yunhe was suddenly filled with surprises!

"Haoyu, please save me and dad.

He is crazy and wants to kill us. Let’s go! "

With that said, he dragged Chu Yunhong and tried to escape.

However, Chu Haoyu stopped in front of the two of them and said in a deep voice:

“Don’t panic yet.

Hear me out! "

Chu Haoyu looked at Chu Heng and said:

"Chu Heng, do you know where this is?"

"Prince Chu's Mansion!"

Chu Heng replied calmly.

Although he has never seen the imperial city in this world, the Chu Palace has long heard about it.

Therefore, he did not show the slightest surprise.

"Haha, now that you know this is the Chu Prince's Mansion, you actually dare to commit murder and harm the direct descendants of the Chu family!

Aren't you afraid of the Chu family's revenge? "

Chu Haoyu shouted coldly.

"Why should I be afraid?"

Chu Heng's eyes showed strange light.

“Our Chu family has been standing in the imperial capital for hundreds of years. We have fought many wars and remained standing.

And our head of the family is a great master of the divine realm.

You, a mere warrior, actually dare to kill me, a direct descendant of the Chu family!

You are looking for death!

I advise you to quickly surrender and avoid being tortured! "

Chu Haoyu's tone was cold.

He felt he was right!

After all, no matter how powerful Chu Heng is, how can he compare to the Chu family?

When Chu Heng heard this, he shook his head and sighed.


When Chu Heng sighed, Chu Haoyu was startled and then mocked:

"Haha, look at your devastated look, could it be that I have told you something that is on your mind?"

"What's on your mind?" Chu Heng sneered: "Are you worthy?"

"Humph! You're stubborn!"

Chu Haoyu sneered.

Chu Heng's words made him very angry!

Then, he continued:

"Let me tell you, my father Chu Heng is the thirty-eighth eldest grandson of the Chu family.

He is a super strong man in Tongxuan realm.

I advise you to just surrender and capture him! "

"Oh? It turns out he is from the Chu family." Chu Heng suddenly realized.

"You know you're afraid now?"

Chu Haoyu joked.

"No, it's not your father I'm afraid of, but you!"

Chu Heng shook his head and said lightly:

“Your father’s cultivation is certainly strong.

However, in my eyes, I am still just a chicken and a dog!

If you don't worry about the power behind your father.

He wouldn't survive now. "

Chu Heng was telling the truth. In his eyes, the Chu family was indeed like ants.

But after hearing this, Chu Haoyu became furious!


However, you are indeed very strong for being able to kill my father.

However, my master is the top martial arts master in the imperial capital—Chu Yunhe!

If you know this, kneel down and beg for mercy immediately! "

Chu Haoyu gritted his teeth.

"Chu Heng, you must die today!

You caused my parents to die tragically!

I will never let you go! "

Chu Heng's eyes became more and more sinister: "I'll give you a way to survive. Cut off your limbs and get out of the Chu family!"

“What a majesty!

Today, I will clean up the house for your parents! "

Suddenly, an extremely cold drink sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a haggard old man with gray hair appeared in the house.

"Meet Grandpa!"

Seeing this, Chu Haoyu and Chu Feihong both knelt on the ground.

This is the great elder of the Chu family—Chu Feilong!

The terrifying existence at the peak of Tongxuan Ninth Level!

Moreover, he is proficient in formations!

Unless he is in the realm of divine connection, no one can defeat him!

"You little bastard, why don't you kneel down and die!"

Chu Feilong stared at Chu Heng coldly.

"Haha, old guy, who are you?

Dare you order me? "

However, Chu Heng's response made everyone change their minds.


He actually called him Chu Feilong? "

"Hiss, this good-for-nothing Chu Heng is not only arrogant, but also has a brain problem!"

Chu Haoyu's expression also changed drastically.

He didn't expect that Chu Heng would dare to humiliate the great elder like this!

This is a terrifying existence that even Chu Heng cannot afford to offend!

"Chu Heng!

Are you seeking death? "

Chu Haoyu gritted his teeth and roared angrily:

“The eldest elder of our family is the core elder of the Chu family!

How can you humiliate me! "

"Core elders? Haha, so what?"

Chu Heng said calmly:

"In my eyes, there is no difference between core elders and useless ants!"

"What did you say?!"

Chu Feilong was furious.

The figure flashes.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Chu Heng.

"You little beast, go to hell!"


The fist was as strong as a mountain, crushing towards Chu Heng with a devastating force.

This punch is enough to easily blow up an ancient tree.

It can even blow Chu Heng’s body into pieces!

However, Chu Heng still stood there.

He seemed completely unaware of the approaching danger.

"Haha, Chu Heng is finished!"

Chu Haoyu was overjoyed.

"This is the result of not knowing whether to live or die!"

Chu Feihong sneered.

“It’s so ungrateful!

Chu Heng, go to hell! "

Then, he closed his eyes, as if he had seen the miserable appearance of Chu Heng being beaten.

But the next moment, a huge impact hit him violently!


He flew out and smashed the wall of the house!

"Damn it!"

Chu Feihong climbed up with difficulty, covering the wound on his chest, his eyes filled with resentment.

Chu Heng's power is too weird.

He was obviously only at the first level of Body Tempering, so why could he be defeated so easily?

He doesn't understand!

He doesn't understand!

"You...how did you do it?"

Chu Haoyu was so shocked that his eyes widened.

He didn't resist the blow just now, so he was hit with severe pain all over his body and his bones were broken.


Ants are ants after all, and they will never be able to make waves! "

Chu Heng said indifferently.


Chu Haoyu's lips trembled with anger!

He wished he could immediately draw his sword and chop off Chu Heng's head.

It's a pity that he can't do it.


Chu Heng scolded him coldly, and then looked at the great elder Chu Feilong:

"Old man, this matter has nothing to do with Chu Yunhe, let him go!"

"Are you ordering me?"

Chu Feilong narrowed his eyes, stared at Chu Heng coldly, and said:

"You know my temper. Anyone who disrespects me will have only one result, and that is death!"

There was a faint smile on Chu Heng's lips:

"You can try!"


Chu Feilong snorted coldly, his eyes instantly sharp as a knife:

“You are very strong.

However, you have to remember that this is the Chu family.

It's the foundation of our Chu family, and you can't help being so arrogant! "

Chu Heng said calmly:

"My patience is limited, I'll give you half a cup of tea to think about it!"

As soon as the words fell, a powerful momentum suddenly bloomed!


Chu Feilong groaned and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His face was full of shock and fear!

Because this momentum does not belong to Chu Heng.

But it belongs to another terrifying existence!

This person is none other than Lin Qianxue, a master at the peak of the sixth level of divine connection!

She stood next to Chu Heng like a guard.

"Miss Qianxue!"

Chu Heng nodded slightly in greeting.

"You're welcome, young master!" Lin Qianxue responded respectfully.

"Chu Heng, you... actually asked Lin Qianxue to protect you!"

Chu Feilong was trembling endlessly, inexplicably frightened.

Who is Lin Qianxue?

That is an existence at the peak of the seventh level of divine connection!

There is only one step left to reach the level of the invincible king at the eighth level.

And the eighth level of divine connection is only a hair away from the realm of the divine palace!

In front of the ninth level of Tongxuan, the first level of Tongshen and the seventh level of Tongshen are as different as clouds and mud!

"You don't have to worry about where I come from. All you have to do now is hand over your storage ring and martial arts secrets!"

Chu Heng said coldly.

"Don't even think about it!"

Chu Haoyu's eyes were about to burst!

"Chu Heng, you lunatic!

My father is a strong man in the realm of the gods!

If you dare to rob what he left behind, it is tantamount to challenging the Chu family's authority!

You will definitely be executed!

Let me go! "

Chu Haoyu was trembling with fear and struggled desperately to escape.

"Don't want to hand it over?"

Chu Heng's eyes were cold and his tone was low:

"Then you can only die!"


A terrifying aura burst out!

Chu Haoyu was suppressed instantly!

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