

Two crisp sounds!

Chu Haoyu's arm was broken, and the bones exploded!


Heart-rending screams resounded throughout the audience!

"Yes, this physical body has been cultivated quite well!

Just right to be my slave! "

Chu Heng looked at Chu Feilong with a smile:

"Since you don't want to hand it over, then pay with your life!"


He flicked out a silver needle.

The silver needle pierced the void, pierced the center of Chu Feilong's eyebrows, and died immediately!

This is a secret technique that Chu Heng learned in his previous life. It can kill people from a distance!

"Chu Heng, you bastard!

How dare you kill my father?

I am going to kill you! "

When Chu Feihong saw this, his eyes were about to burst.

"Chu Heng!

Chu Heng!

How dare you kill my grandfather! "

Chu Haoyu fell to the ground in despair.

Chu Heng actually killed the elders of the Chu family?

Isn't he afraid of being chased by the Chu family?

"Chu Heng, I advise you to just surrender and surrender the secret technique and storage ring you obtained from the ruins to your family!"

Chu Haoyu suddenly raised his head, showing a ferocious expression:

"Perhaps, I can still think of my family ties and let you live!"

However, Chu Heng just shook his head:



Chu Haoyu's face twitched wildly.

He is a direct disciple with outstanding talents.

He even has a fifth-grade innate cultivation, and he actually calls himself a fool?

"However, I can forgive your crime." Chu Heng said again.

"What did you say!"

Chu Haoyu was stunned.


Chu Heng glanced at him lightly, and then turned around.

"You, you actually let me go?" Chu Haoyu was stunned, feeling extremely unbelievable.

He never thought that Chu Heng would suddenly stop!

Many other disciples were also dumbfounded.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Chu Feixiang frowned and said questioningly.

Chu Heng's behavior was as if he was stupid.

Doesn't he know that he is challenging the Chu family's majesty?

He actually has the guts to let Chu Haoyu go?

This is simply seeking death!

"fear death!"

Chu Heng nodded seriously and said:

“However, I believe you, you definitely don’t dare to take action against me.

After all, the Chu family has rules that prohibit harming fellow members. "

Hearing this, Chu Feixiang suddenly became furious:

"Well done to you, Chu Heng!"

He waved his sleeves:

"Today, if I don't show you some color, you really take yourself seriously!"

After saying that, he stepped forward.

The other disciples retreated for fear of getting into trouble.

"Haha, Chu Heng, Chu Heng, you have even forgotten the family rules."

"Is this little beast crazy?

He actually asked his second uncle to teach him a lesson? "

"Hey, he's going to be miserable now."

Chu Feipeng and others gloated.

"Second uncle, kill him!"

Chu Haoyu roared and shouted excitedly.

However, Chu Feixiang stopped three meters away from Chu Heng and did not take action.


Chu Heng’s eyes narrowed:

"Why don't you take action?"

He saw that Chu Feixiang's expression was a little strange. He seemed nervous and hesitant.

This made him very strange.

Logically speaking, Chu Feixiang shouldn't be like this.

Because, before this, Chu Feixiang had an arrogant attitude.

Why have you turned into a coward now?

"Chu Heng!

Although you have the strength of the first level of psychic power, you are still no match for me!

I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy as soon as possible, otherwise, you will pay a heavy price! "

Chu Feixiang said through gritted teeth.

Chu Heng's appearance made him very angry!

Because he felt that his dignity had been challenged.

However, he did not dare to take action easily.

Because Chu Heng's strength exceeded his expectations.

He wasn't sure he could defeat Chu Heng.

"Oh, just you?"

Chu Heng sneered:

"A waste-like existence!

If it weren't for your surname Chu, I would have killed you long ago! "

"you wanna die!"

Chu Feixiang was furious and shouted:

"Brothers, help me!"

call out!

A spear flew out like a swimming dragon.

"Breaking air marksmanship!"

Chu Feixiang danced his palms, and his true energy surged!

The spear drew arcs in the void and shot towards Chu Heng!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of collision of gold and iron came from Qingyue.

Chu Heng clamped the spear between his fingers and held it firmly.

Chu Heng's body was extremely terrifying, it could be said to be made of copper poured into iron!

A mere spear can't hurt him at all!

"How can it be?"

Chu Feixiang's eyes widened.

That was the air-breaking spear technique just now!

Even the martial arts master at the peak level of the fourth level of Tongshen may not be able to stop him!

How could Chu Heng be so powerful?

"The air-breaking marksmanship is so rubbish!"

Chu Heng pouted.

Then with a sharp squeeze, the spear instantly turned into powder.


Chu Feixiang was horrified.

His weapon was actually destroyed!

"Your marksmanship is not good, and the moves you perform are not proficient either.

However, I can barely make it work! "

After Chu Heng finished speaking, he punched him!


The fist wind howls!


Chu Feixiang screamed and flew out.

"Chu Heng, do you dare to sneak attack me?"

He was lying on the ground, vomiting blood, and his face was extremely pale.

"Sneak attack?

I'm just sparring with you! "

Chu Heng shook his head.

"You're talking nonsense! You're clearly attacking me!" Chu Feixiang roared.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

"I'll fight you!"


Chu Heng slapped Chu Feixiang with his backhand, causing Chu Feixiang's mouth to be filled with blood.

Bang bang bang!

Chu Heng continued to strike, and each slap made Chu Feixiang dizzy.

"An ant like you is worthy of being my enemy?"

While cursing, Chu Heng lifted Chu Feixiang up and threw him into the pool.


Chu Feixiang was extremely embarrassed, standing wet in the middle of the lake, his face turned red!

Chu Feixiang was furious!

He is the majestic young master of the Chu family, the top evildoer of the younger generation of the Chu family!

Today, I was thrown into the lake to take a bath in public. It is simply unreasonable!

Not only that, Chu Heng actually dared to call him a bastard!

How could he bear this?

"Chu Heng, you are looking for death!"

He raised his head to the sky and roared, the true energy in his body boiling, like a landslide and tsunami, majestic!

He jumped up and stepped on the void with his feet, as if he were stepping on steps. His figure was elegant and unrestrained!

"Flying Eagle Claw Technique!"


He stretched out his hands and turned them into claws, spitting out cold light, unparalleled in strength!

There was a loud bang!

The water splash explodes!

The water surged into the sky and splashed all over Chu Heng.

"you wanna die!"

Chu Heng was furious.

He stamped his feet on the ground, making a dull sound, and then he rose up from the ground and rushed into the sky.

"Chu Feixiang, I'm going to break your neck!"


Chu Heng made a fist with his right hand and hit Chu Feixiang's chest like a cannonball!


The sound of bones breaking was heard.

Chu Feixiang screamed and fell to the ground from mid-air.


He clutched his chest, shocked.

How can this be?

I have been promoted to the seventh level of martial arts. Why am I still not Chu Heng’s opponent?

"Chu Heng, how dare you destroy my Dantian!"

Chu Feixiang roared viciously.

He felt that Chu Heng had actually destroyed his energy!

This made him almost crazy and heartbroken!

"Abolish Dantian?

You think too much! "

Chu Heng said indifferently.

"You have destroyed my cultivation talent!"

Chu Feixiang's face was distorted and he roared hysterically:

"I am the star of hope of the Chu family!

I will be the head of the Chu family in the future!

I want to marry Gongsun Xueer! "

His eyes were scarlet.


Chu Heng snorted coldly: "Since you like her so much, then I will help you snatch her away!"

Chu Heng raised his hand and punched Chu Feixiang hard in the face.


Chu Feixiang's nose collapsed and blood bleeded from the corners of his mouth.

"Chu Heng, I won't let you go!"

He was miserable.

"Brother Chu Heng, don't kill him!"

Gongsun Xueer saw this and hurriedly stopped him.

After all, Chu Feixiang is a member of the Chu family. If he is killed, it will cause trouble to the Chu family.

Besides, she was unwilling to marry Chu Feixiang.

"get out!"

Chu Heng said coldly.

"Sister Xue'er, Chu Heng bullies us, and you still protect him?"

Chu Feixiang screamed.

He hated Chu Heng with all his heart.

"Shut up, who allowed you to call Xue'er like that?"

Chu Heng's eyes were cold and murderous.

"Sister Xue'er?

What the hell?

Inexplicably, Chu Heng’s brain is showing off, right? "

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Immediately, they all showed sarcasm.


He is indeed stupid!

I told you so!

This Chu Heng is a fool, he doesn't know what it means to accept and receive sex between men and women!

He actually called me sister! "

Chu Feipeng laughed even more.

"you wanna die!"

Chu Heng's eyes narrowed.

He raised his hand and patted Chu Feipeng's head, preparing to smash his skull.

At this time, Chu Feixiang shouted:

"Chu Heng, stop!"

he shouted quickly.

"Chu Feixiang, what do you want to do?"

Chu Heng asked with a frown.

"I am the second young master of the Chu family. If you kill me, the Chu family will fight you to the death!"

Chu Feixiang said coldly.

Hearing this, the surrounding Chu family disciples suddenly showed fear.

They knew that Chu Feixiang’s parents were two deacons of the Chu family and had very high status!

"Oh, it turns out he is the second young master of the Chu family. No wonder he is a bit arrogant and domineering!"

Chu Heng was stunned.

"But what the hell does this have to do with me?"

He said calmly.


Chu Feixiang was shocked.

I didn't expect Chu Heng to be so arrogant.

"Chu Feixiang, I remember you once said that your parents are the deacons of the Chu family!

That’s easy! "

Suddenly, Chu Heng grinned.

Then, he waved his right hand.

Swish, swish, swish!

Six strong winds in a row tore through the void!


next moment.

Six daggers penetrated Chu Feixiang's throat!

Blood spurts!

Chu Feixiang opened his eyes wide and refused to close his eyes!

His eyeballs were bulging and bloodshot, full of unwillingness and regret!

Before he died, he finally understood the meaning of Chu Heng's previous words!

Chu Heng wants to seize the position of deacon of the Chu family!

“Holy shit, is this kid crazy?

The deacons of the Chu family, even the weakest first-grade warriors, are powerful!

Chu Heng, with a mere fifth-level cultivation, also wants to shake the position of deacon?

Isn’t this just nonsense! "

All the disciples of the Chu family were shocked.


Gongsun Xueer was also frightened.

She looked at Chu Heng blankly, not knowing what to say!

Chu Heng actually committed a murder in public and killed the direct heir of the Chu family!

If word spreads, Chu Heng may be expelled from the family or even executed!

However, Chu Heng looked relaxed and unworried!

What is his origin!

"I'm going to tell my father and uncle!"

Gongsun Xueer's pretty face turned pale and her delicate body trembled.

"Let's go."

Chu Heng waved his hand and smiled lightly.

He took Chu Heng and walked towards the outside of the martial arts arena.

Chu Feixiang's body was left to Gongsun Xueer to clean up slowly.

He just left.

After a while.

A piece of news spread throughout the Chu Mansion.

Chu Feixiang is dead!

And Chu Heng was also punished and his cultivation was abolished!

And, he was kicked out of his home!

"Although this Chu Heng was born with a weak pulse, he has outstanding talents and a bright future. Why did he suddenly become like this?"


"Isn't he supposed to be in Lingwu City, enjoying all the glory and wealth, with no worries about food and clothing? Why did he come back?"

"Maybe... it's because of Gongsun Xueer!"


Some people sigh, some feel regret, and some are jealous and envious.

Chu Feixiang is dead!

The eldest son and future heir of the Chu family died at the doorstep!

This is definitely a big event that shocked the imperial city!

Chu Heng killed his eldest son and injured Chu Feixiang!

If the crime is increased, Chu Heng will definitely be kicked out of the house!

At the same time, Gongsun Long of the Gongsun family was furious!

Gongsun Long, a third-grade warrior, controls a large amount of property and power of the Gongsun family!

Chu Heng's behavior completely angered him.

Immediately ordered a large number of servants to be sent to various parts of the imperial city to search for Chu Heng's traces and to arrest him!

As long as Chu Heng is found, he will be killed without mercy!

At the same time, the Gongsun family also sent out invitations, inviting heroes from all over the world to attend Gongsun Xueer's engagement ceremony.

This matter caused a big fuss, so the entire empire knew about it!

Chu Heng’s name has also completely risen in the Chu family!

It has become a taboo in the Chu family!

No matter who it was, everyone's expression changed when they mentioned the name Chu Heng.

And the other side.

Chu Feixiang's body was thrown out of the Chu family.


The body fell to the ground and shattered into pieces!


A sad and sad cry came from the Wang family.

“Come and help!

Chu Feixiang is dead, wuwuwu..."

The guards of the Gongsun family immediately dispatched to pull Chu Feixiang's body back for cremation.

After Chu Feixiang's parents learned the news, they were heartbroken and indignant!

Fainted on the spot and fell into a coma!

And at the same time.

Inside the palace.


Chu Heng, the deacon of the Chu family, beheaded the eldest son of the Chu family?

Are you sure you're not lying to me? "

In the Jinluan Palace, Emperor Chu Haoxuan suddenly stood up with a look of horror on his face!

Chu Heng was his hand-picked consort and the only bargaining chip he could use to suppress other princes.

But now, Chu Heng has killed Chu Feixiang!

Chu Heng's value instantly dropped by 90%, and he has completely lost the value of use!

This is something he will never allow to happen!

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely true!

I just returned to the imperial city and encountered such a thing!

Chu Heng was so audacious that he not only killed Chu Feixiang, but also dumped his body at the door of Chu's house! "

The people kneeling on the ground reported respectfully.


Chu Haoxuan cursed angrily, his whole body filled with murderous intent, like a demon:

"I don't believe he can kill Chu Feixiang!

You continue to investigate and be sure to arrest Chu Heng! "

Chu Feixiang's death spread quickly!

It caused a sensation!

Especially people from the Gongsun family!

"Damn it, this evil!

He is simply looking for death!

How dare you kill a direct descendant of my Gongsun family! "

Gongsun Hu had a ferocious face and gnashed his teeth!

Gongsun Xueer's beautiful little face was stained with tears.

At this moment, I was holding my father's leg and crying.

"Father, you must help Brother Feixiang get revenge! Woohoo..."

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