"Chu Heng."

A slightly weak voice sounded, with a hint of crying: "I'm not alive anymore!"

This is Liu Yuting's voice.

Originally Liu Yuting had woken up, but her body was still in unbearable pain.

She wanted to get up and put on clothes, but her body was so limp that she couldn't muster the strength to even sit up.

At this time, Chu Heng's words rang in her ears: "Sister Yuting, you are too seriously injured, so you should lie in bed and rest."

Immediately afterwards.

She felt a warmth on her right shoulder.

A warm force surged into her body.

In an instant.

She felt that her whole body was full of strength.

"Thank you"

Liu Yuting's eyes were moist, a strong warmth surged in her heart, and she burst into tears of gratitude.

Such a gentle man is worthy of being entrusted with him for a lifetime!


"Brother Chu Heng, what do you mean by the word 'death' you just said?

Are you in any trouble?

Sister, let me help you figure it out. "

Liu Yuting asked worriedly.

Chu Heng said indifferently: "No need."

Liu Yuting sighed when she saw this.

She also knew that Chu Heng had a stubborn temper and rarely had room to change his decisions.

She no longer struggled, since she had already identified Chu Heng.

She wants to protect Chu Heng and accompany him through every day of her life.

Then, she asked Chu Heng what he planned to do next.

Chu Hengze said: "I plan to practice in seclusion and try to see if I can fix the problem of essence and blood deficiency."

Hearing this, Liu Yuting was extremely surprised.

You know, Chu Heng is not very old now, but he has the peak combat power of a third-level warrior.

This kind of cultivation speed is incredible!

Moreover, Chu Heng's cultivation level improved extremely rapidly.

Such talent is simply appalling.

You know, even in the imperial city, it is extraordinary, enough to rank among the top twenty.

Chu Heng actually planned to practice in seclusion, which was too desperate.

"Sister, I believe you can do it.

It can definitely become more powerful.

At that time, my sister no longer has to worry about you, and she can stay by your side with peace of mind.

I believe that you can create miracles, make yourself stronger, and protect the two of us! "

Liu Yuting clenched her fists with a look of determination on her face.

She didn't want to drag Chu Heng down.

Therefore, I plan to sneak out to practice while Chu Heng is in seclusion, strive to improve his strength as soon as possible, and repay Chu Heng's kindness.

"Don't move around and take good care of yourself."

Chu Heng gave instructions.

"Don't worry, someone will take care of me. It'll be okay."

Liu Yuting smiled.

There was a sly arc at the corner of her mouth.

Chu Heng had no doubts, and after a few words of warning, he left the courtyard and returned to his rental house.

During this retreat, he needed to buy an elixir to recover from his injuries.

Chu Heng planned to buy a barrier-breaking pill and take it to quickly recover from his injuries.

Barrier-breaking pill can instantly increase spiritual power by about ten times.

However, this elixir is expensive.

Chu Heng just bought one.

He used the remaining spirit stones to buy materials and medicines.

He wants to refine the concentration pill.

However, the biggest problem now is the lack of materials.

If you want to refine the Condensing Pill, you must first gather the main ingredient for refining the Concentrating Pill - Millennium Ice Soul.

As for things like thousand-year ice soul, according to the plot introduction of "The Eternal Saint".

It seems to be a legendary treasure.

Only those high-ranking martial arts masters, or super powerful people above the martial arts master level, would possess treasures of this level.

“I hope the system doesn’t cheat me!”

Chu Heng prayed.

He was lucky enough to find a thousand-year ice soul in the system store.

Although the quantity is only a small amount, it is barely enough.

Chu Heng planned to refine the Concentrating Pill immediately.

But before that, he needed to purchase a batch of auxiliary medicines to help him recover.

Chu Heng searched in the room for a long time, and finally chose to buy some auxiliary drugs.

For example: Yi Gu Gao, Bu Yuan Dan, Zhuang Gu Dan, Guyuan Dan, Ximui Pills.

These medicines are necessary for healing, detoxifying, and recuperating the body.

After Chu Heng bought the medicine, he walked out of the room.

Liu Yuting was still immersed in Chu Heng's background story, and she was in a daze.

Chu Heng walked to the door and called Liu Yuting: "Sister Yuting."

"Ah? Oh!" Liu Yuting was startled. She quickly raised her head, looked at Chu Heng, and asked, "Brother Chu Heng, what do you want me to do?"

Chu Heng asked: "Are you hungry?

If you want something to eat, my brother-in-law will treat you. "

Liu Yuting smiled playfully: "Aren't you afraid that your sister will make you poor?"

Chu Heng laughed and said, "Don't worry, my brother-in-law's family owns a mine, and it's absolutely impossible to overwhelm him."

Liu Yuting chuckled and said, "Your mouth is still so slick."

"Then brother-in-law will take you out to eat delicious food?" Chu Heng asked.

Liu Yuting said: "Okay, sister is waiting for you~"

Chu Heng took Liu Yuting and left the apartment.

On the road.

They met Wang Yunyang and his sister Wang Feifei.

"Cousin, are you back?!"

After seeing Chu Heng, Wang Feifei's face showed a look of joy.

Chu Heng smiled and nodded to Wang Feifei, then took Liu Yuting out of the courtyard and came to the street.

"Cousin, I'm going to take you to dinner." Chu Heng glanced at Wang Feifei and chuckled, "What do you want to eat?"

"Hehe, anything is fine!" Wang Feifei said with a smile, "Let's go to Zuiyuelou."

"Well, okay, let's go."

Chu Heng nodded.

Zuiyuelou is located in the urban area of ​​​​Kyoto and is one of the top restaurants in China.

This restaurant is a place dedicated to special receptions for dignitaries.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have a meal at Zuiyuelou without ten or eight gold coins.

When Chu Heng and the others walked to the door of Zuiyuelou.

Suddenly, their bodies all stagnated.

Because they felt the unique spiritual fluctuations from a girl who walked in front of Zuiyuelou.

"Such a pure spiritual energy!"

Chu Heng's pupils contracted.

The girl was full of spiritual light, and she was actually a cultivator in the Qi Refining Realm.

"I never thought that there would be such a person in this secular world!"

"It is worthy of being Zuiyue Tower, it is indeed full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

Chu Heng muttered to himself.

He looked at the woman, his eyes slightly focused.


Chu Heng raised his eyebrows slightly.

He vaguely noticed that the woman's cultivation had not broken through the level of martial generals, but she exuded a wisp of unique aura fluctuations of a strong man in the realm of martial zong.

"How is it possible?! This woman is obviously only the ninth stage of martial arts, how can she have the aura of a martial zong?!"

Chu Heng's heart was filled with huge waves.

In the martial arts domain, there are warriors, warriors, martial arts masters, martial lords, and martial lords.

Each realm is divided into four small stages: early, middle, late, and peak.

The realm of martial arts apprentices, martial arts seventh stage, martial arts sixth stage, martial arts fifth stage, martial arts third stage, martial arts second stage, martial arts first stage, martial arts second stage and above.

The realm of martial arts master, martial arts master, and martial arts emperor are divided into four realms: low-level martial arts master, middle-level martial arts master, high-level martial arts master, and great perfection.

There are seven major realms: the realm of martial general, the realm of martial king, and the realm of martial saint.

In the martial arts domain, the realm of martial arts is divided into low-level martial arts master, middle-level martial arts master, high-level martial arts master, great perfection martial arts master, martial saint, and martial god.

The strong men in the realm of martial arts emperor and martial gods have basically stood at the peak of the human race.

In the entire Xuantian Continent, there are rare existences on billions of stars!

Even the most powerful martial arts house in Xuantian Continent can hardly cultivate a martial arts master.

In addition, even ordinary martial gods are rarely seen.

Like Chu Heng, he just met a martial arts master cultivator not long after his rebirth.

This is really too shocking!

"Brother Chu Heng, what are you looking at?" Liu Yuting noticed Chu Heng's abnormality and asked.

"Nothing." Chu Heng shook his head.

He did not tell Liu Yuting about the girl.

After all, we are still in a feudal society.

Here, it is common for men to take concubines.

Some people even regard having many wives and concubines as an honor.

If Liu Yuting knew the girl's true identity, she would probably be very embarrassed.

What's more, Chu Heng's parents died early.

He grew up with his grandfather.

Therefore, Chu Heng attaches great importance to family affection.

No matter what, he will never allow others to bully his sister.

Otherwise, even if he risks his life, he must protect his sister!

Chu Heng took Liu Yuting's arm and the two entered Zuiyue Tower together.

Zuiyue Tower is the most luxurious restaurant in Kyoto City.

It covers a wide area, hundreds of meters.

The restaurant is beautifully decorated and the environment is quiet.

As soon as you step into Zuiyue Tower, you can smell the strong aroma of wine.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

"It's so comfortable! I can't help but want to drink!"

Chu Heng heard many exclamations.

"Let's sit here and wait, the dishes will be served soon!"

Chu Heng smiled faintly and pointed to the table next to the window.

It was a separate box, empty inside.


Liu Yuting responded.

The two sat down.

Chu Heng poured a cup of tea for Liu Yuting and said, "Sister, have some tea."

Liu Yuting took the tea, took a sip, and then said with a smile, "This tea is good. When did you learn to make tea?"

"When I was playing in the mountains before, I learned it when I was bored in my spare time." Chu Heng smiled.

"So that's it." Liu Yuting smiled.

A moment later, the waiter brought the dishes up, all kinds of delicious dishes with good color, fragrance and taste, which made people's appetites whetted.

The two ate very quickly.

About half an hour.

Chu Heng and Liu Yuting were full and left after paying the bill.

When he was leaving the house.

Chu Heng saw that the girl was also outside the door.

The girl was petite and delicate, wearing a red long skirt, with a beautiful and refined appearance, like a fairy in a painting, full of fairy charm.

Her steps were slow and leisurely, and her pair of white jade legs were straight and snowy.

"Her cultivation is deeper than I expected!"

Chu Heng narrowed his eyes, his eyes were sharp as lightning, and he stared at the girl's waist tightly.

The girl's waist was slender and soft, and it seemed that it would break if you applied a little force.

"This girl's cultivation has actually reached the level of a martial artist!" Chu Heng frowned: "What on earth is going on? Why did her cultivation improve so quickly?!"

Chu Heng remembered it very clearly.

When he died, this girl was only at the second level of martial arts, and her cultivation level was only equivalent to the innate realm.

But after just a few hours.

She actually broke through from the second level of martial arts to the realm of martial arts master!

Chu Heng was puzzled.

However, Chu Heng was too lazy to care so much.

In the martial arts domain.

Miracles are being born every moment.

Perhaps this girl's body contains some kind of treasure that can make her advance by leaps and bounds.

Anyway, now that Chu Heng has been reborn, he has also avenged his past hatred.

In this life, there will be no more worries!

Since the girl's cultivation has reached the level of a martial artist.

So, today he would help the girl along the way and change her destiny.

Chu Heng took his sister and walked straight outside Zuiyue Tower.

"Wait, let me go with you!"

The girl looked at Chu Heng, opened her lips lightly and said.

"Are you... with us?" Liu Yuting heard this and immediately opened her eyes: "What are you going to do? Do you still want to follow us?"

"That's right." The girl nodded without hesitation and said, "My name is Liu Shiyun, what's your name?"

"Liu Shiyun?"

Chu Heng muttered something.

Information flows in the mind.

In an instant, all the information came into Chu Heng's mind.

Liu Shiyun is a new student at Jiangzhou Martial Arts School.

A martial artist at the peak of his cultivation is the best among the martial arts masters!

Under the martial master, it is rare to meet an opponent!

However, this does not mean that Chu Heng is afraid of her.

The lifespan of a strong martial artist far exceeds that of ordinary people.

If Chu Heng wants to survive, he must try to increase his strength as much as possible!

He must obtain enough training resources in a short period of time to regain his strength as soon as possible.

Otherwise, as he grows older, Chu Heng's potential will be exhausted and he will eventually fall.

"Shiyun, you can't do that. Although you are a martial artist, my brother is..." Liu Yuting hurriedly stopped her and her words stopped abruptly.

Liu Yuting seemed to realize that she had let something slip.

She quickly shut up, her pretty face flushed, and her eyes averted.

"I understand, I understand." Liu Shiyun covered her mouth and smiled sweetly.

Liu Yuting breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Chu Heng would blame her for revealing his secret.

After all, Liu Yuting had no feelings for Chu Heng.

I just think that Chu Heng has a gentle personality and is very suitable to be his brother.

Her wish will come true soon!

At this time, Chu Heng spoke.

"My surname is Chu, and my single name is Heng." Chu Heng introduced.

"That's it." Liu Shiyun nodded.

"I am Liu Yuting, you can just call me Ting'er." Liu Yuting said with a smile.

"Okay, Ting'er." Liu Shiyun nodded in agreement.

"Let's go." Liu Yuting took Liu Shiyun's arm and prepared to leave.

"Wait." At this moment, Chu Heng reached out and stopped Liu Yuting and Liu Shiyun.

"What's wrong, Brother Heng?" Liu Yuting asked doubtfully.

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