Chu Heng smiled and explained: "We just finished eating, and our digestion is not very good. Why don't we go shopping and then find a teahouse to rest."

"This... okay." Liu Yuting thought about it and felt that what Chu Heng said made sense. She nodded and agreed.

Then, the three of them continued to walk forward.


"Huh?" Chu Heng stopped and looked at a shop door plaque.

There were four gilded characters on the plaque - Juxian Pavilion!

"This shop seems to be quite high-end." Liu Yuting said: "Should we go in and take a look?"


Chu Heng nodded and stepped in.

The shop was decorated in a simple and elegant style, exuding a faint herbal fragrance.

Behind the counter stood a young woman with a graceful and enchanting figure.

"Welcome, sir! Do you need anything to buy?"

The young woman saw Chu Heng, Liu Yuting and Liu Shiyun come in, and hurriedly came forward with a warm smile on her face and asked.

Chu Heng looked at the things on the counter and nodded slightly: "What do you sell in your store?"

"In our store, we have healing pills, healing spirit liquids, and some spirit medicines for treating hidden diseases." The young woman introduced with a smile.

She looked at Liu Yuting with a hint of surprise.

Liu Yuting's skin was crystal clear, beautiful, and her figure was slim and attractive.

Especially the fullness of her chest, which was extremely visually impactful.

The young woman was envious. She knew that Liu Yuting was from the Liu family and also worked part-time as a nanny.

If she could get close to the Liu family, wouldn't it be a big success?

Thinking of this, the young woman immediately put on a polite smile, leaned close to Liu Yuting's ear, and whispered: "Miss, this Juxian Pavilion is not an ordinary place. It is a place for masters above the martial arts master to trade."

Hearing this, Liu Yuting's pupils suddenly contracted.

"Is it true?" Liu Yuting asked in surprise.

"Haha, it's absolutely true!" The young woman nodded and said in a low voice: "This Juxian Pavilion was opened by a hermit master. There are usually not many people."

"Oh?" Liu Yuting's expression changed: "You mean... this Juxian Pavilion is specially opened by that master to entertain high-level warriors?"

"Yes!" The young woman nodded affirmatively and said: "The owner of Juxian Pavilion is a real big shot."

"Big shot?!" Liu Yuting's pretty face showed a touch of surprise: "Where is he?"

"Upstairs." The young woman pointed to the third floor and said: "This big shot is talking to his friends upstairs."

"Let's go up and take a look!" Liu Yuting got excited and pulled Chu Heng's arm to run to the third floor, but was stopped by Chu Heng.

Chu Heng shook his head and said: "Ting'er, don't rush for success, take your time."

"Okay, it's up to you." Although Liu Yuting was very disappointed, she still chose to believe Chu Heng's judgment.

The two wandered around the street for a long time, and only left Guangyuan City late at night and returned to the house where Chu Heng lived.

At this time, the lights in the room were dim, with only a single lamp lighting it, and it seemed very quiet.

At the wick, a thumb-sized gem floated in the air, emitting a faint fluorescence.

"Okay, you sleep on the bed, and I'll sleep on the sofa." Liu Yuting whispered to Chu Heng.

"I'll go get you a glass of water." Chu Heng smiled and shook his head, took a paper cup from the bedside, poured a cup of warm water and handed it to Liu Yuting.

"Thank you..." Liu Yuting took the cup, drank a sip of water, put the cup on the table, and suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said to Chu Heng: "Brother Heng, I won't go back tonight."

"Huh?! Why?" Chu Heng was stunned when he heard the words, and blurted out.

"Because... because I want to stay here to accompany you." Liu Yuting blushed and gritted her teeth.

"Accompany me?"

Chu Heng was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly widened: "Ting'er, you mean... you want to do that with me?!"

Liu Yuting nodded shyly, mustered up the courage to look at Chu Heng, and said: "Yes! Brother Heng, I like you, want to do that with you, can you accept me?"

After that, Liu Yuting gave her most precious first kiss, closed her eyes, and waited for Chu Heng to caress her.

Seeing this, Chu Heng's mouth twitched twice, and he almost sprayed out.


You are my wife!

Why are you still thinking about that? !

No wonder in movies, after the hero and heroine get married, the heroine always secretly follows her husband and wants to do that with him. It turns out that there is a reason!

However, Liu Yuting's behavior caught Chu Heng off guard and even a little flustered.

After all, Liu Yuting is really beautiful.

Even if she is not as beautiful as Li Fei'er, she is not much inferior.

Although Chu Heng has not married and had children, he still has some traditional ideas in his body. He believes that since he has married Liu Yuting, he should be responsible to the end.

But what is the situation now? !

Liu Yuting wants to practice dual cultivation with him?


After a moment of silence, Chu Heng scratched his head and said awkwardly: "Ting'er, I have a way..."

"Hmm? Brother Heng, do you have a way to help me improve my strength? Tell me quickly!" Liu Yuting's eyes lit up immediately.

"There is a way, but you must first tell me why you want to do that with me..." Chu Heng hesitated. After all, men are very traditional creatures to some extent.

"It's because..." At this point, Liu Yuting's face became more red. She lowered her head and said in a mosquito-like voice: "Because I... I'm afraid that you will dislike me and abandon me in the future, so I'm thinking..."

"Oh my god!" Chu Heng almost vomited blood when he heard this.

Liu Yuting's worries are justified. After all, he already has the "Purgatory Holy Body" and is destined to reach the top in the future.

And Liu Yuting is just an ordinary little maid.

There must be a huge gap between the two of them!

"You think too much." Chu Heng sighed and comforted: "How could I dislike you? You will always be my good sister. No matter who bullies you, I will not sit idly by!"

"Yeah." Liu Yuting nodded, and her nervous mood gradually eased a little.

At this time, she suddenly remembered something and quickly took out a silver note from her bosom: "Brother Heng, I made money tonight, this is a hundred taels of silver note."

Liu Yuting stuffed the silver note into Chu Heng's hand and smiled sweetly: "This is a reward for you to take me shopping tonight!"

"Uh, didn't you say you didn't lack money tonight?" Chu Heng frowned.

"Hehe, I don't lack money today because you bought it too cheaply! I feel comfortable spending this money." Liu Yuting smiled mischievously, and then continued: "By the way, this is the second sum of money I made today, and I have a share too!"

"Then let's share it together!" Chu Heng said happily, feeling warm in his heart.

"Yeah!" Liu Yuting nodded obediently, and then said: "I don't have much money on me now, so I'll trouble you to take me out shopping every time in the future."

"Silly!" Chu Heng stretched out his hand and rubbed Liu Yuting's hair, and said dotingly: "In the future, I will take you shopping together, okay?"

"Okay." Liu Yuting smiled sweetly, and then seemed to remember something and asked: "Brother Heng, do you want to have a meal before going to bed?"

"Okay." Chu Heng nodded and said: "What do you want to eat?"

Liu Yuting smiled and said: "I just passed by the town and saw a roast goose shop in the town. I will treat you to roast goose."

"Okay." Chu Heng readily agreed.

Roast goose is the predecessor of xiaolongbao, a specialty of Nanyang County, and is a famous delicacy in the entire Nanyang County.

After the two packed up and put on their clothes, they walked towards the roast goose shop.

The outside of the roast goose shop was full of various wooden signs with the prices of various dishes written on them.

"Boss, bring two roujiamo and a pot of wine." Liu Yuting said.

"Hey! Wait a moment, sir!" The shop owner immediately came up to greet him warmly, and then asked the waiter to bring two bowls of egg soup, two roujiamo, and took out the only remaining jar of strong liquor in the store.

"Boss, bring four roast geese and four bowls of rice." Liu Yuting said to the boss.

"Okay." The boss agreed with a smile and turned around to do the preparations.

Not long after, all the food was served.

Liu Yuting and Chu Heng touched each other's bowls and chopsticks, and then began to taste the roast goose.

"Wow, this roast duck tastes really good."

"Yeah, and the sesame cakes and steamed buns are also delicious!"

"And this donkey meat in sauce is so fragrant and delicious!"

"Brother Heng, try this roast goose, it's really delicious, even better than the roast goose in the largest restaurant in our county!"

Liu Yuting ate with relish and kept praising.

"If it tastes good, eat more. There are still a lot here." Chu Heng smiled.

"Well, Brother Heng, thank you!" Liu Yuting smiled sweetly at Chu Heng with gratitude, then picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth, chewing it slowly and tasting it.

After finishing the meal, Liu Yuting stood up. When she was about to leave, she was suddenly attracted by a strange smell.

Liu Yuting looked in the direction of this strange smell and found that it was actually emitted from the street performer who was setting up a stall under the eaves not far away!

The street performer was tall and strong, wearing a ragged coarse cloth, with messy hair and a shrewd look in his turbid eyes.

"Brother Heng, look over there..." Liu Yuting pointed at the street performer and exclaimed, "That guy is actually at the level of a martial artist!"

Chu Heng looked in the direction Liu Yuting pointed and saw the street performer sitting at the foot of the courtyard wall, performing acrobatics.

The man was holding a big knife in one hand and pinching his orchid finger with the other hand. After a while of nonsense, he suddenly swept the knife out.


A white knife light burst out instantly! It shook the snowflakes in the air away.


"My brother is awesome!"

"This warrior, I respect you as a hero!"

"Awesome, it's really awesome!"

The pedestrians around applauded and cheered loudly.

"What a skill you have! If I had such skills, I would have gone out to the martial arts world and become famous." A fat man said with envy.

The others echoed.

"Hey, brothers, my sword skills are a unique skill. Once you have mastered it, it will be extremely powerful. Not everyone can practice it! You want to learn it, but I can't teach you!" The street performer laughed and said proudly.

After that, he deliberately pretended to be disappointed, shook his head and sighed, "Hey, it seems that I will never have the chance to learn this set of unique secrets in my life! Alas!"

"Tch, I'm not afraid of showing off my tongue when I'm bragging." At this time, a young man curled his lips in disdain and said, "Just you? Are you worthy of being called a peerless secret book?"

"Little baby, don't drag me like you have some dirty money! Believe it or not, I will slap you to death!"

"You bastard, how dare you insult my master! Believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

"You dare to hit me?!" The young man glared at the busker, looking eager to try.

The busker was not afraid at all. He snorted coldly: "What's wrong with hitting you? I just can't stand how cool you are! What's wrong? If you have the ability, hit me. If you don't hit me, I'll be your grandson!"

"Hmph, my master is an extremely powerful man. Even if I give you a thousand guans or ten thousand guans, I can't buy you a treasure!"

The young man obviously admired his master.

"Tch, blow it! You yellow-haired kid knows nothing!"

The busker was not afraid at all and retorted: "I tell you, I have been practicing this sword technique for thirty years! I have never failed! What do you know, you inexperienced kid?"

"Thirty years?!"

"As expected of a performer, it actually took him thirty years to reach the level of a martial artist! This speed is astonishing!"

After hearing this, the guests at several tables nearby showed surprised expressions.

Liu Yuting frowned secretly.

"This busker looks a little weird." Liu Yuting mused secretly: "He doesn't look like a busker, but more like a charlatan. But if he is a charlatan, why does he exude inner energy? Could it be that his martial arts skills are unparalleled?"

"Isn't this impossible? Could it be that this person is a hidden master who keeps his secrets secret?" The more Liu Yuting thought about it, the more incredible she became.

Her guess was not wrong, this busker was indeed an expert in the field. Moreover, he is also an internal master in the innate realm.

It's just that this master of the innate realm has lived for sixty or seventy years, and his eyes have become chaotic. He no longer remembers whether he has practiced before.

"Master, this young master looks very rich. Can you let him buy your sword skills? I am willing to pay for it!" Liu Yuting hesitated for a moment and gritted her teeth.

The busker was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "Girl, I don't sell sword skills. My sword skills are secret skills passed down from ancestors. No one sells them except me."

"This..." Liu Yuting hesitated.

At this time, Chu Heng said calmly: "In that case, I will reluctantly buy it."

"Really?!" Liu Yuting was immediately filled with joy and said happily, "Thank you so much, young master. I will keep this kindness in my heart!"

At this time, Chu Heng suddenly came close to Liu Yuting's ear and whispered: "This set of sword skills is fake and has a false name."

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