"Ah..." Liu Yuting opened her mouth in astonishment, and her pretty face was full of embarrassment and blushing.

It turned out that her good intentions were exposed by this guy on the spot, which made her feel very shy.

But Liu Yuting's psychological quality was beyond ordinary people. Although she felt a little embarrassed, she did not show it.

Then, Liu Yuting hurriedly said: "Sir, whether it is true or false, we don't mind. It's enough for you to buy this set of swordsmanship."

"Hehe, then I can get it for you?" Chu Heng smiled slightly.

"Please!" Liu Yuting nodded, her beautiful big eyes full of expectation and excitement.

"Hey, little kid, hand over the things!" The street performer stepped forward and blocked Chu Heng, and shouted coldly: "This kind of swordsmanship can only belong to the great swordsman. How can you, a mortal, ruin it!"

"Get out, or die!" Chu Heng said with a frosty face and a cold tone.

"Oh, you still dare to threaten me?!" The street performer was immediately furious, stretched out his big hand like a palm leaf fan, and slapped Chu Heng fiercely.

This palm contained a terrifying internal force. Once it hit, it would definitely break bones and splatter blood on the spot.

"A trifle!" Chu Heng snorted coldly and punched casually!

Bang! !

The two fists collided, and a huge force came, causing the street performer to step back two steps. His knuckles hurt and almost split!


The street performer took a deep breath, his face full of horror, his eyes fixed on Chu Heng, as if he had encountered a ghost!

This seemingly gentle boy could actually block his move that he had accumulated for many days. How could this be possible? !

"You, who are you!?" The street performer asked vigilantly.

"Grandpa's name, how can a despicable villain like you know it?" Chu Heng said contemptuously.

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"What, he is Grandpa's name?! No wonder he said 'small tricks' just now."

"Grandpa is the 125th-ranked master in our martial arts rankings! He is Grandpa's name!"

"No wonder he felt so familiar with this set of swordsmanship just now, it was because of Grandpa's name."

The people around were talking about it, and their eyes were all focused on Chu Heng.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to know me!" Chu Heng was a little surprised.


The street performer laughed coldly: "Boy, since you know me, you should know the reputation of my sword saint Yue Shanhe! I advise you to kneel down and kowtow to confess your guilt, so as to avoid physical pain!"

"Hehe..." Chu Heng laughed and said indifferently: "A mere innate early stage trash is so weak in my eyes!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Sword Saint Yue Shanhe roared and rushed up again!

"Sword Saint? Hehe! Today I will let you see how powerful I am!" Chu Heng also roared.

Bang bang!

The two collided again, and fierce sparks broke out!

"Huh?!" Yue Shanhe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he found that he was actually at a disadvantage!

"This is impossible!" Yue Shanhe shouted.

"Why, you are not convinced?" Chu Heng mocked.

"Impossible!! How could I, a great sword saint, lose to you, a stinky boy who is still wet behind the ears?!" Yue Shanhe roared.

"Then fight again!"

Bang bang bang...

The two of them started a crazy fight in an instant!

One is a martial arts master in the innate realm, and the other is a top warrior at the martial arts level. The aftermath of the fight between the two made the onlookers retreat again and again, panicking.

"Damn it! Run!"

"Oh my God! This is too exaggerated!"

"Too scary! Hurry up!"

The onlookers fled one after another, fearing that they would be affected.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought several meters away, and the fight was evenly matched.

This scene shocked Liu Yuting so much that her heart was pounding and her heart was trembling. She even forgot to breathe and stared at Chu Heng's back in a daze. She felt like she was electrocuted!

"This young man... is so handsome!"

Liu Yuting murmured, her eyes intoxicated.

"Little sister, why are you still standing there?! Go! Otherwise, I may not be able to protect you after they finish fighting!" A passerby reminded.


Liu Yuting screamed and hurriedly stepped back two steps.

"Oh my god!"

At this moment, a sudden scream resounded throughout the street!

The street performer was lying on the ground with his right arm in his arms, wailing and screaming!

"How is this possible!"

"That kid used conspiracy and trickery to sneak attack to win against my father, how could he defeat my father!!"

Liu Yuting's beautiful eyes widened, and a huge wave of waves rose in her heart!

"Haha... vulnerable!" Chu Heng raised his head and roared, domineering and majestic.

"I'll fight you!" Yue Shanhe was furious. He struggled to get up from the ground and rushed towards Chu Heng again.

Bang, bang, bang...

In the blink of an eye, the two fought for dozens of rounds!


Under Yue Shanhe's fierce attack, Chu Heng couldn't resist after all. His chest was scratched and bleeding.

Yue Shanhe seized the opportunity and kicked Chu Heng with a flying kick, knocking him to the ground. He fell heavily on the floor and groaned.

"Little thief! Go to hell!"

Yue Shanhe laughed grimly and slapped Chu Heng's chest with one palm!


The sound of bones breaking suddenly rang out, Chu Heng's chest collapsed, his ribs were all broken, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

"You...you are so vicious! You actually lost my son's left hand!" The Wangs and their daughters were heartbroken.

"Hmph!" Yue Shanhe snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "I, Yue Shanhe, have always been aboveboard in doing things, and I have never been sneaky! I did this to save people's lives!"

Hearing this, Wang and his daughter were stunned and looked at Yue Shanhe with confused expressions, not understanding what Yue Shanhe was talking about.

"Dad is right, stop pretending to be confused! I tell you, this kid killed my brother, I will not only destroy him, but also kill him for revenge!"

Yue Shanhai sneered, pulled out a dagger that shone with cold light and pointed it at Wang and her daughter: "None of you can leave alive!"

Yue Shanhe's son is Yue Shanhe's biological brother, and the two brothers have a very close relationship and a very deep relationship.

At this moment, after learning that his son died tragically, Yue Shanhe was deeply saddened and decided to avenge him and kill Chu Heng to avenge him.

"No... please let my mother go, I am willing to be buried with you!"

Liu Yuting's delicate body trembled slightly, and she knelt down on the ground crying, begging for mercy from Yue Shanhe.

"You bitch, what do I need from you!" Yue Shanhe was furious and stepped on Liu Yuting's shoulder, slamming her into the floor tiles.

Upon seeing this, Yue Shanhai immediately rushed to help.

"Don't even think about bullying my wife and daughter!"

At this moment, Chu Heng jumped up from the ground and kicked the long knife away from Yue Shanhai's hand.

Yue Shanhai was caught off guard and was kicked in the crotch. He covered his crotch and fell to the ground on the spot. He grinned in pain and had blue veins popping on his forehead.

Chu Heng sneered, raised his leg and kicked Yue Shanhai unconscious. Then he came to Liu Yuting and pulled her up.

"Thank you." Liu Yuting burst into tears.

"It's just a little effort, why bother!"

Chu Heng waved his hand.

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, his eyes suddenly froze, and he said in surprise: "It's strange, why do you have such a strong fragrance?!"

"Eh? How do you know!" Liu Yuting was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

Chu Heng smiled: "It seems I guessed right!"

Then, Chu Heng stretched out a hand and put it on Liu Yuting's head, closed his eyes and listened carefully for a moment, and said, "My guess is indeed correct. You have a special spiritual vein in your body, and it is of a very high level!"

"What!? How do you know?" Liu Yuting's eyes widened, her pretty face filled with disbelief!

"Hehe! I also know that you also have a golden elixir!" Chu Heng said with a smile.

"No...no...I don't believe it!" Liu Yuting shook her head repeatedly, her face full of disbelief!

"I'm not lying to you." Chu Heng slowly opened his eyes.

Liu Yuting looked into Chu Heng's eyes. She felt as if she was sinking into a vast ocean, as if she was firmly locked by something, unable to move even half a minute!

Chu Heng smiled faintly and said: "Don't be nervous. Although I am not a decent monk, I am not a bad person either. I appreciate a girl like you who has the qualifications of golden elixir and spiritual veins!

Therefore, I will accept you as my disciple, teach you martial arts and martial arts, and help you reach the top! "

Hearing this, Liu Yuting was startled at first, and then her eyes lit up.

Over the years, due to her family's poverty and the early death of her parents, her life has been very difficult, with not enough food and clothing, let alone any cultivation.

If Chu Heng is really willing to teach her how to practice and let her become a strong person, maybe this situation can really be changed.

"I promise you! I will accept you as my teacher!" Liu Yuting's eyes showed determination.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Liu Yuting."

"If you are willing to become my disciple, you will become my disciple. Since you are my disciple, you must give me a greeting gift, right?" Chu Heng asked with a smile.

"Uh..." Liu Yuting's pretty face flushed, she lowered her head and said shyly: "Okay..."

As she spoke, she stretched out her slender hands as white as lotus joints, took out her wallet, took out three hundred taels of silver and handed it to Chu Heng.

"What are you doing? How can you get enough money?"

Chu Heng frowned. He could see that this girl Liu Yuting was not only simple, but also very kind.

"You...don't you want it? Then forget it..." Liu Yuting's pretty face showed a look of disappointment, and the hope she had just raised was shattered. She lowered her head and sobbed silently.

Chu Heng shook his head and sighed, thinking to himself that he was too weak. If he was not strong enough to protect Liu Yuting and his daughter, they might be in danger.

"Okay!" Chu Heng shook his head helplessly, took the bank note from Liu Yuting's hand, and said solemnly: "This is the apprenticeship fee."

With that said, Chu Heng stuffed a Yuan Yang Pill into Liu Yuting's mouth.

Liu Yuting felt a burning sensation in her belly, and then a surge of pure energy surged throughout her body, nourishing her body and making her feel extremely comfortable!

Liu Yuting's pretty face was flushed, her beautiful eyes were watery, she looked at Chu Heng with splendor, and said, "Thank you very much, this elixir is very powerful...can it cure my illness?"

"Haha, it's just a minor problem, I solved it easily." Chu Heng smiled faintly.

"What, it's that simple?!" Liu Yuting was stunned and felt unbelievable.

At this time, Wang and his wife also arrived here.

Looking at Chu Heng, the Wangs and his wife had angry expressions on their faces!

"You brat! I'm going to kill you!" Wang yelled and punched Chu Heng very quickly.


Chu Heng dodged lightly, stretched out his right hand, grabbed the arm Wang was hitting, and twisted it hard!


There was only a crisp muffled sound, accompanied by Wang's screams, and his entire arm was dislocated instantly, hanging limply on his shoulder.

"You dare to attack the master, you are looking for death!"

Seeing this, Yue Shanhai roared, wielding a steel knife and slashing at Chu Heng, with a fierce momentum.

"If you dare to touch my disciple, I will send you to the west!"

Chu Heng's eyes were extremely cold, and he suddenly threw Wang more than ten meters away, fell to the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chu Heng took a step forward, came to Yue Shanhai, raised his right foot, and kicked him directly in the lower abdomen.


Yue Shanhai flew out again, fell to the ground, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Hiss..." Seeing Chu Heng's ferocious appearance, the people around him took a breath of cold air and trembled with fear.

Yue Shanhai struggled for a few times, but couldn't stand up at all. He stared at Chu Heng with a face full of resentment: "Little bastard... You must die today! I will chop you into meat sauce and feed it to pigs!"

"Oh? Are you sure?" Chu Heng said indifferently.

"I am sure!"

"Well, I will satisfy you." Chu Heng nodded, stepped on Yue Shanhai's knee, and with a click, the crisp sound of broken bones resounded everywhere!


A heart-wrenching scream suddenly sounded, and Yue Shanhai rolled on the ground in pain.

"Kill me... Kill me if you dare! Hahaha..." Yue Shanhai laughed crazily.

Chu Heng snorted coldly, walked forward, pinched Yue Shanhai's neck, and lifted him up directly.

"Kill me..." Yue Shanhai panted violently, his eyes rolled back, and his pupils were dilated. It was obvious that he would not live long.

Chu Heng raised his hand and slapped him without hesitation!


A dull bang sounded, and Yue Shanhai was knocked unconscious by a slap.

"Wife, let's go back!" Chu Heng shouted to the dazed Liu Yuting.

"Yeah." Liu Yuting came back to her senses, nodded, and followed Chu Heng.

Leaving the place where the villagers gathered, Chu Heng carried Liu Yuting back to the house.

"Take off your clothes, I'll help you heal your wounds."

Hearing this, Liu Yuting's pretty face blushed like a red cloud. She bit her teeth and gently took off her coat.

A flawless body appeared in front of Chu Heng. Her skin was as white as snow, smooth and tender, her breasts were plump and upturned, and her waist was slender and flexible. She was a top-notch beauty.

Liu Yuting was extremely ashamed. She hurriedly covered the key parts, but a touch of spring light still leaked out.

Chu Heng's breathing quickened and his heart was pounding.

"Don't let your imagination run wild. Help me heal quickly." Liu Yuting urged with a red face.

"Oh oh." Chu Heng came back to his senses, suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart, sat cross-legged on the bed, and practiced the Chaos Creation Art. A powerful vitality emerged from his body and entered Liu Yuting's body.

"This is..."

Liu Yuting was extremely surprised. At this moment, she didn't feel any pain at all, and her body was not even hot. The feeling of fatigue and thirst in her body subsided a lot.

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