However, since Chu Heng was a beginner, his vitality was very weak, and he could only heal the surface scars, and could not achieve an immediate effect on the internal organs.

"Don't worry, I will do my best to help you heal your body." Chu Heng comforted.

Liu Yuting nodded slightly, her pretty face flushed, and she was extremely embarrassed.

"You lie on the bed and rest." Chu Heng ordered.

Liu Yuting nodded obediently, then closed her eyes and began to rest.

Yuting did not sleep, but listened to the movement outside the door.

She was worried that Yue Shanhai and others would come back and take revenge on Chu Heng.

After all, the Yue family is a famous wealthy family in Nanyang County, and Chu Heng is an orphan and a widow. If Yue Shanhai and others come back, wouldn't it be terrible!

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Liu Yuting was immediately happy in her heart. Could it be that Chu Heng beat Yue Shanhai and others away?

She quickly put on her clothes and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" Liu Yuting asked.

"Yuting, it's Dad and Mom."

Liu Yuting was very excited when she heard the familiar voice coming from outside the room, and she quickly opened the door.

After the door opened, Wang and Yue Shanhai were standing at the door, both of them looked embarrassed, with bruises on their faces.

"Dad... Mom! Why are you here?" Liu Yuting was extremely surprised and didn't understand.

"Ahem, Yuting, our house was robbed, your grandma asked me to take you back and take your brother back by the way." Wang smiled awkwardly to cover up her guilty conscience.

Liu Yuting frowned and said, "Mom, where is my grandpa? Why is he not here?"

"Your grandpa... Oh, don't mention it, it's all because of the damn Zhang family, who dared to rob our family's only valuable antique. Your father and I are discussing going to the county government to sue them." Wang sighed.

"Those things originally belonged to our family. Why did you sell them to them? I absolutely do not agree. Dad, Mom, don't worry about this matter. I will handle it myself." Liu Yuting said firmly.

Although she was weak and timid, she was stubborn.

"But..." Wang wanted to continue to persuade.

"There is no but. I am tired and will rest first." Liu Yuting shook her head and closed the door.

"Ouch... my old waist..." Wang rubbed her waist in pain.

Yue Shanhai hurriedly supported Wang and said, "Wife, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just fell down..." Wang shook her head and said.

"Mom, you were too reckless just now. Do you know that I almost died?" Yue Shanhai glared at Wang with hatred.

"Uh... son, you can't blame me for this. The situation was critical at the time. I couldn't just watch you get beaten. Otherwise, we would both be killed by that beast surnamed Chu." Wang said aggrievedly.

"Mom, don't worry, our Yue family will not let that little bastard go!" Yue Shanhai said viciously.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, go back quickly, lest Chu Heng regret it and really let him take the treasure away!"

Wang glared at Yue Shanhai.

Yue Shanhai said no more and left with Wang.

Outside the house.

After Yue Shanhai and Wang walked away, Liu Yuting half of her head stuck out of the window and looked at their background.

She bit her lips lightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of disappointment and worry.

"Why, why did you become like this? We have always depended on each other and supported each other, why did you lie to me?"

"If you told me the truth earlier, maybe we wouldn't have to suffer."

Liu Yuting murmured to herself.

"Yuting, don't be silly, you are not my biological daughter at all, we are adopted, we not only don't love you, but even hate you."

At this time, Chu Heng walked into the house and said to Liu Yuting calmly.

"What did you say?" Liu Yuting raised her head suddenly, staring at Chu Heng in disbelief, and said, "What did you say? I'm not your biological child? How could you possibly doubt me?"

"Hehe, because I once met a strange man in my early years, and he told me that my father was the direct descendant of a secret sect." Chu Heng explained with a smile.

"What? Sect bloodline? How is that possible!"

Liu Yuting was even more shocked and couldn't believe it. "Then why don't you recognize them?"

"Because I'm afraid of getting them into trouble."

"Your father is not a sect bloodline, but he has extraordinary medical skills. That sect will definitely send experts to kill your father. At that time, the whole family will be destroyed."

"In order for my family to survive safely and to protect them from being implicated, I chose to endure."

"And you are the sacrifice for me to protect my family. I will not recognize anyone, nor allow anyone to disclose my father's secrets."

"I don't want what happened today to happen again, otherwise, I will make everything public."

Chu Heng looked solemn, staring at Liu Yuting with burning eyes, and said word by word.

Liu Yuting was stunned for a long time without saying a word.

"What if I don't agree?"

After a long time, Liu Yuting spoke faintly, her fists clenched, her body trembling, and she looked very painful and struggling.

Chu Heng took a deep breath and stared at Liu Yuting sharply: "Well, please forgive me for offending you."

Liu Yuting's body trembled even more violently.

Chu Heng did not hesitate and walked towards Liu Yuting. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed Liu Yuting's slender white neck.

At this moment, Chu Heng had decided that Liu Yuting must be killed no matter what, so that he could keep this secret forever.

However, the moment Chu Heng got close to Liu Yuting, Liu Yuting suddenly jumped out of the bed and ran towards the door.

"Humph, in that case, we can only use special methods!"

Seeing this, Chu Heng sneered and moved out like lightning, blocking Liu Yuting.

At the same time, he stretched out his left hand, pinched Liu Yuting's shoulder, and held her firmly in place.

Liu Yuting struggled hard but to no avail, her pretty face turned red from holding back, she breathed heavily and growled: "Chu Heng, you...are you crazy? What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to hurt you, but if you hadn't been stubborn and insisted on marrying a scum like Yue Shanhai, how could you have ended up like this!" Chu Heng glared at Liu Yuting.

Liu Yuting cried and shouted: "Let me go, let me go, let go..."


Chu Heng used his right arm to forcefully twist Liu Yuting's arm.

Blood spurts!

Liu Yuting's arms drooped. The severe pain made her tremble all over, and large beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.

Chu Heng slowly squatted down, reached out and pressed Liu Yuting's abdomen, stimulating the vitality and injecting it into her body.

In an instant, Liu Yuting felt as if her abdomen was burning with fire, and the scorching temperature spread throughout her limbs.

Liu Yuting's pretty face turned pale from the pain and she almost fainted.

"Hold it! I'll help you heal right away." Chu Heng scolded in a deep voice.

Liu Yuting gritted her teeth and tried to control her breathing, trying not to faint.

As time passed, Liu Yuting gradually adapted to the warm air flow, the pain slowly dissipated, and her body returned to normal.

Chu Heng stopped and stood up, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He took the medicine box, found the golden sore medicine and sprinkled it on Liu Yuting's broken arm.

After a while, the golden sore medicine melted and penetrated the skin.

Liu Yuting sat up with difficulty.

"Hiss—" She gasped, tears of pain flashing.

This time she really saw Chu Heng's ruthlessness.

Liu Yuting lowered her head, her eyes were red, and crystal tears fell down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry! I wrongly blamed you! You are the ones who truly love me."

"Well, okay, your arm is fine. You just need to calm down and recuperate." Chu Heng nodded slightly and said calmly.

"Well..." Liu Yuting nodded silently, then turned her head and looked at the bright moon outside the window, dazed.

"Are we sisters?" Chu Heng asked.

"We are cousins..." Liu Yuting replied softly.

"Your name is Yu Ting, and my name is A Heng. These are our nicknames. My mother has called us that since we were young..."

Hearing these words, Liu Yuting's delicate body suddenly trembled, and tears welled up in her eyes again.

Over the years, what she longed for most was that her mother could take care of her and pamper her like her own daughter.

But she understood that her mother always had her brother in her heart and did not like her daughter at all. No matter how much she did, she could not compare to her brother in her mother's heart.

Tears welled up in Liu Yuting's eyes.

She covered her mouth and sobbed.

"I know you are aggrieved, and I understand your feelings. But please remember one thing. You are an orphan. You have had no father or mother since you were a child. In this life, you can rely on no one except your parents, including your husband Yue Shanhai. Do you understand?" Chu Heng sighed, patted Liu Yuting's shoulder and comforted her.

Liu Yuting wiped her tears and nodded heavily.

"um. Thank you!"

"No need to thank you. I saved you not because of guilt, but because you were kind to me. After all, it was you who saved my life."

With that said, Chu Heng pointed to the closet next to him and continued: "What I told you before is still valid. If you want to stay, you can stay. If you don't want to, just leave as soon as possible."

Liu Yuting said nothing, looked at the closet, and shook her head sadly.

"Okay, take care of yourself then."

After Chu Heng finished speaking, he picked up the satchel on the sofa, turned around and left.


Suddenly, Liu Yuting stopped her.

Chu Heng paused and turned to look at Liu Yuting, "Is there anything else?"

Liu Yuting's beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and she stared at Chu Heng sadly.

"I...I have lost my memory now, do you mind thinking of me as another woman?" She lowered her head, her face full of shyness, and her voice became weaker and weaker, like a mosquito buzzing.

Hearing this, Chu Heng was immediately stunned. He looked at Liu Yuting in surprise and was speechless for a long time.

"What? Do you mind?" Liu Yuting raised her head and asked expectantly.

"Mind! If you want to stay here, be honest and don't play tricks, otherwise, I will make you die miserably." Chu Heng warned in a deep voice.

"Yes." Liu Yuting nodded obediently, and then said: "By the way, you should call the police and send Yue Shanhai to prison to avenge my parents."

"Revenge? Why?" Chu Heng asked with a frown.

"He kidnapped my parents and forced me to marry him!" Liu Yuting clenched her fists angrily and said through gritted teeth.

"Do you think I am qualified to take revenge?" Chu Heng sneered.

"No, aren't you very good at fighting?"

"I can fight, but it's a pity that I can't beat Yue Shanhai!" Chu Heng curled his lips and shrugged.

"Then call the police!" Liu Yuting widened her eyes and said hurriedly: "Does the police station not care about this matter?"

"This is a personal grudge between me and the Yue family. The police will not intervene." Chu Heng shook his head.


Liu Yuting hesitated for a long time before she said with difficulty: "Then...then...then can I beg you?"

"Beg me?"



"I want the police to help clear my parents of the wrongful charges!" Liu Yuting's eyes were firm.

Chu Heng thought for a moment and said, "Okay. But I have a condition."

"You say."

"You will follow me in the future."

"What?" Liu Yuting was stunned when she heard this. For a moment, she didn't quite understand what Chu Heng wanted to do.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't want to possess your beauty or your body. I'm not interested in things between men and women."

"Then...then you..."

"I mean, let you be my bodyguard. I'm responsible for giving you money, and you're responsible for protecting my safety." Chu Heng said seriously.

"Bodyguard?" Liu Yuting blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at Chu Heng in surprise.

"Yes, bodyguard." Chu Heng nodded in confirmation.

"But... I don't know much about martial arts..." Liu Yuting said a little nervously.

"It doesn't matter, just study."


The next morning.

The sun shone through the curtains into the bedroom.

Chu Heng opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the empty bed beside him. He couldn't help but smile.

Last night, Liu Yuting agreed to be his bodyguard and offered herself, but he refused without hesitation.

Chu Heng dressed neatly and walked out of the bedroom and came to the restaurant for breakfast.

Just after eating two or three bites, he heard a noise coming from outside.

Chu Heng got up, pushed the door and walked out, but saw a little girl about five or six years old kneeling in front of the dining table, putting a bowl of porridge in her hand on the dining table, and then stepped aside.

Next to the little girl, stood two strong men in black clothes in suits and leather shoes, staring at them fiercely.

Behind the little girl stood a man in a black hoodie. He was extremely tall, more than 1.8 meters tall, with muscles like dragons and explosive power.

His eyes were extremely sharp and cold, with a murderous aura that seemed to penetrate people's souls.

This man was the person sent by Yue Shanhai to monitor Chu Heng, and also Yue Shanhai's personal bodyguard - Li Zhongyi!

"Uncle Li, have a cup of milk to warm your stomach. This is freshly brewed soy milk, especially sweet and delicious. Try it." The little girl looked at Li Zhongyi timidly and said softly.

"Thank you, little princess." Li Zhongyi showed a kind smile to the little girl, reached out to pick up the milk cup, took a sip, and praised: "It tastes good, you can try it too, this is Uncle Li's own grinding, no need to add any saccharin or salt."

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