"Okay, thank you Uncle Li." The little girl smiled happily and quickly picked up the chopsticks to pick up the fried egg and started eating.

At this time, Chu Heng came out of the guest room. After seeing this scene, he couldn't help frowning.

"Chu Heng, are you awake? Sit down and eat." Liu Yuting smiled gently. She didn't dare to be presumptuous to Li Zhongyi, and even spoke very respectfully. It can be seen that Li Zhongyi has a very high status in Yue Shanhai's mind.

Chu Heng glanced at the food on the table and said indifferently: "You cook?"

Liu Yuting nodded and said: "My mother is sick, so I cook every day. Today is the first meal, I hope it suits your taste."

"You cook delicious food." Chu Heng smiled slightly.

He did not eat directly, but sat on the sofa, looking at Liu Yuting opposite with interest.

Liu Yuting was a little flustered, her pretty face was slightly red, she lowered her head, and ate the food in the bowl silently.

Chu Heng stared at Liu Yuting's exquisite body, and the scene of last night flashed through his mind. He couldn't help licking his tongue and sighed that this woman was so beautiful.

Suddenly, Chu Heng noticed the necklace hanging on Liu Yuting's neck.

It was an ancient bronze plate with a strange symbol engraved on it, like some kind of totem, but it seemed to be just a few simple strokes.

Chu Heng's eyes fell on the bronze plate and instantly fell into a sluggish state.

At the same time, the immortal emperor memory in Chu Heng's body actually ran wildly, and released a mysterious and majestic energy, pouring into the ancient bronze plate.

In an instant, a dazzling silver light bloomed on the ancient bronze plate.

Chu Heng felt a huge amount of information pouring into his mind.

This information was very complex and contained countless messages. Chu Heng could only barely absorb part of it, but still felt his head swollen and painful.


Chu Heng couldn't help but groan, covering his head and falling on the chair, closing his eyes, sweating all over.

"Chu Heng, what's wrong with you?" Liu Yuting was startled and worried.

"I'm fine, just take a rest." Chu Heng slowly opened his eyes, rubbed his forehead, took two deep breaths, and opened his eyes again after calming down.

Chu Heng looked at the ancient bronze plate on the table, and his face showed excitement.

This ancient bronze plate is a magic weapon!

It is called "Demon Seal"!

This ancient bronze plate has extremely terrifying power. Even the weakest magic weapon is as powerful as the full-strength attack of a strong man in the early stage of Qi training who has practiced for nearly a hundred years!

Not only that, the "Demon Seal" also has the functions of attack and defense, and can withstand all attacks below the foundation-building realm!

More importantly, the "Demon Seal" is still a complete magic weapon. If you can find all the materials, it can be upgraded to a "spiritual treasure" with various amazing effects!

However, at this stage, the "Demon Seal" can only be regarded as a half-step spiritual treasure.

But even so, this has made Chu Heng very excited!

Because, according to the incomplete memory of the Immortal Venerable, as long as the materials needed to refine the magic weapon are gathered, it can be promoted to a "spiritual treasure"!

"Hahaha, I'm rich now!" Chu Heng laughed wildly in his heart.

Although the "spiritual treasure" cannot be used easily, it does not prevent Chu Heng from familiarizing himself with its abilities in advance.

After all, Chu Heng is an alchemist, has many adventures, knows how to refine many precious pills, and even knows the formula for refining "Gathering Spirit Pill"!

As the name suggests, the Gathering Spirit Pill can increase the cultivation speed of the user, and is a must-have pill for the foundation-building realm!

Of course, this is just the most common pill. In ancient times, this kind of pill was not worth much at all.

But in today's Dharma-Ending Age, it is a rare and precious pill that can only be encountered and is expensive. Even in an international metropolis like Beijing, it is a priceless existence.

Chu Heng is now in the body-refining realm, and there is still a lot of things to go before the foundation-building realm.

And this kind of Gathering Spirit Pill can help him break through the bottleneck!

Chu Heng turned on the computer and searched for the recipe of "Gathering Spirit Pill". He found that the herbs needed for Gathering Spirit Pill were very rare and hard to find, especially the most important spiritual medicines, which were even rarer and could not be found anywhere.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself to slowly accumulate spiritual stones for the time being." Chu Heng muttered to himself, and then he moved his eyes to Li Zhongyi.

This old guy should know the specific location of the spiritual stone vein!

Chu Heng immediately got up and walked straight out the door.

"Chu Heng, where are you going?" Liu Yuting asked nervously.

Chu Heng stopped, turned his back to her, and said lightly: "I'm going to buy some vegetables."

"Buy vegetables?" Liu Yuting was stunned at first, then shook her head and said: "Chu Heng, don't waste money, I'll cook for you tomorrow."

"I want to eat the food you cook, I miss it." Chu Heng said without turning his head.

After hearing this, Liu Yuting was stunned.

Then, her pretty face flushed, her heart pounded, her beautiful eyes were watery, and filled with deep friendship.

A happy smile appeared on the corner of Liu Yuting's mouth, and she murmured softly: "Silly..."


One night.

In the morning, the sun poured through the window onto the floor, illuminating the ground.

On the bed, Chu Heng woke up.

Chu Heng stretched his muscles and bones, only to feel sore all over, as if he had been run over by a truck.

"It's so fucking cool!" Chu Heng grinned, feeling refreshed.


On the other side, in the suspended world, in the Immortal Palace.

A group of elders from the Immortal Emperor Palace and a young man in black robes knelt in front of a high platform.

This young man in black robes has a handsome appearance and a well-proportioned figure, but he exudes a sinister and cold aura.

His eyes were shining with golden light, like two dazzling stars, which was extremely breathtaking.

The name of the young man in black robe is Qin Beihai. He is the core disciple of the Immortal Emperor Palace and is very powerful.

"Qin Beihai, a disciple of the Immortal Emperor Palace, has met the senior Immortal Emperor." The young man in black robe bowed and saluted.

The high platform was shrouded in mist, making it impossible to discern the reality.

After a moment, a vast and ancient voice slowly came out, "Why do you want to see me?"

"Senior Qi, I need a medicinal herb to make an elixir. I hope you can help me." Qin Beihai said respectfully, with a very humble attitude.

"Oh?" There seemed to be a hint of surprise in the Immortal Emperor's voice, and he said, "You are the most talented person in the Immortal Palace. What kind of pill can stump you?"

Qin Beihai said: "The elixir I want to refine is extremely special. It requires a rare and precious herb to have a chance to refine it..."

"Tell me about the elixir you want to refine." The Immortal Emperor's voice returned to calmness.

Qin Beihai smiled slightly and said: "Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit."

"Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit?" The Immortal Emperor's voice was full of surprise and shock: "What do you want it for?"

Qin Beihai explained: "The Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit contains extremely pure fire energy. I plan to use the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit as the main ingredient to refine a furnace of the ninth-grade pill 'Breaking Realm Pill'."

"Breaking Realm Pill!" The Immortal Emperor's voice sounded again, filled with a strong sense of shock.

Qin Beihai asked: "Senior, do you know Jiupin Dan?"

The Immortal Emperor's tone was a little excited, and he said: "Of course I know it! The Breaking Realm Pill is the most top-notch existence among the ninth-grade elixirs. Even in the memory of the Immortal Lord, I can't find the detailed formula of the Breaking Realm Pill!"

Immediately, the Immortal Emperor changed the topic and said calmly: "Since you want to use the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit as the main ingredient, then forget it. For ordinary monks, this Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit is a priceless treasure. Even the Immortal Lord is salivating. Not to mention us."

Qin Beihai frowned and said unwillingly: "Senior, please allow me to give it a try. What if I succeed? I want to use the Breaking Realm Pill to step into the realm of the Immortal Lord. I beg Senior to help me!"

The Immortal Emperor pondered for a moment, agreed, and said: "In that case, it's up to you."

"Thank you, senior." Qin Beihai was extremely happy.

"Wait until you have mastered the Realm Breaking Pill and then report to me." The Immortal Emperor's voice fell, and the room returned to silence.

Qin Beihai smiled happily and murmured: "I can finally enter the realm of Immortal Lord. I will definitely be able to catch up with that guy!"

Thinking of that terrifying man, Qin Beihai's eyes flashed with murderous intent.


After a moment, Qin Beihai's face darkened and he said: "How dare you humiliate me even though you are just a loser! I will kill you right now!"


At this moment, the sky above the Immortal Emperor Palace suddenly trembled, and a dazzling golden light burst out from the clouds.


The entire suspended world shook violently, as if the end was coming.

"what happened?!"

Panic and panic shouts rang out from all over the Hanging Realm.


A ray of sword light passed by, spanning a thousand meters in an instant, splitting through layers of thick dark clouds, rushing straight into the sky, tearing a huge gap in the sky, and a brilliant golden light burst out.

The brilliant golden light penetrated the sky like a sharp blade.

In an instant, all the monks in the entire Hanging Realm raised their heads and stared at the sky.

In their sight, a golden giant divine sword lay across the void, exuding a heart-stopping majesty that made people's souls tremble.

One after another, brilliant rays of light flew out from the golden divine sword, filling the wasteland with incomparable splendor.

"This is... an immortal weapon!" Someone in the suspended world cried out in horror.

"The Immortal Weapon is born! The Immortal Weapon is born!" The monks in the Hanging Realm yelled in horror.

"Whoever possesses the immortal weapon will gain eternal life!"

"Hahaha...yes, we can definitely survive!"

"We will definitely survive!"

The suspended world is boiling.

Countless monks cheered and shouted excitedly.

In their view, being able to obtain an immortal weapon is like a blessing from heaven and a great blessing.

Only Qin Beihai's face turned livid.

Although he is a disciple of the Immortal Lord, he does not possess any immortal weapons. He only has third-grade immortal armor.

Originally, he wanted to use the third-grade immortal armor to compete with Chen Fan for the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit.

But now, the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit has been eaten by him.

Although the inheritance of the Immortal Lord is powerful, it is just a foreign object after all. Even the weapons used by the Immortal Lord are not valuable. Unless you can refine an immortal weapon, otherwise, even if you get the inheritance, it will be useless.

Therefore, he must rely on himself!

Although the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor is good, it is obviously not worth mentioning compared with his own life.

"Damn guy! After you become an Immortal Lord, I will crush you to ashes!" Qin Beihai clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

At the same time, deep in the Hanging Realm, in a cave on a mountain peak, an old man with white hair and a childlike face was sitting cross-legged.

"The inheritance of the Immortal Emperor appears..." The old man opened his eyes, his gaze was like a torch, and the light shot out, as sharp as an arrow, as if it could cut off everything.


The old man disappeared into the cave. In the blink of an eye, he came to Qin Beihai and said with a smile: "Congratulations, nephew Beihai."

"Thanks to senior." Qin Beihai said respectfully.

The old man chuckled, and then asked: "Nephew Beihai, you just said you were going to use the Nine Nether Fire Fruits to refine the realm-breaking pill in preparation for breaking through to the Immortal Realm, right?"

Qin Beihai nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, I will immediately ask someone to help you collect the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruits." The old man said with satisfaction: "However, you must guarantee the success of the alchemy."

"Don't worry, I will definitely succeed." Qin Beihai's chest thumped.

Qin Beihai's master is a second-grade immortal doctor from the Immortal Palace. He once heard his master talk about the effects of the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit. It is said that only one Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit can help someone advance to the first level...

Qin Beihai believed that as long as he got the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit, he would be able to successfully advance to the first level.

"In that case, I will just wait for the good news." After the old man finished speaking, his figure flashed again and disappeared in an instant.

Qin Beihai looked at the direction in which the other party disappeared, with a strong look of greed on his face. Immediately, he returned to normal and recalled what he had just encountered: "What is the origin of that mysterious young man, and even the Immortal Lord is afraid of him? Moreover, he also took away my Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit, I will never I won’t let him go…”

Thinking of this, Qin Beihai gritted his teeth with hatred. He felt that he had been deceived. The other party deliberately played a trick on him and took away the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit before leaving.

Of course, Qin Beihai also understood in his heart that the mysterious young man was too strong. He was no match for the other party. It was natural that the other party was unwilling to hand over the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit.

In short, Qin Beihai was not going to let him go.

"Hmph, I'll be waiting for you in the suspended world. I want to see how long you can hide for?" After snorting coldly, Qin Beihai turned and left the valley, finding a place to lurk, waiting for the other party to show up.


Qin Beihai lurked in the Hanging Realm, preparing to wait for Chen Fan to appear and then kill him.

Chen Fan didn't know this. He took Wu Zimeng and Liu Xiaoyu to fly for half a stick of incense, and the two women fell into coma.

So, he quickly stopped flying, released the two women from the Qiankun Ring, and hugged them.

Wu Zimeng woke up, glanced around first, then stared at Chen Fan and said, "I remember, we should be in the southwest corner..."

At the end of her words, she moved her head a little and looked towards the palm of Chen Fan's right hand.

Soon, she noticed something: "The Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit, Chen Fan, is really the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit."

After saying this, she became excited.

Chen Fan also saw the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit. For a moment, his eyebrows raised, and he felt ecstasy in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be nonchalant: "Oh, this is the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit."

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