"Hey, this is the extremely precious Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit. What are you doing..." Seeing this, Wu Zimeng hurriedly knelt down to check, trying to stop him.

Unfortunately, Chen Fan ignored it at all and continued to trample on it, even crushing it completely.

"Chen Fan, you are crazy!!!"

Wu Zimeng finally couldn't help but became furious.

"You are crazy. No matter how precious the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit is, it is now broken and useless." Chen Fan spread his hands and said.


Wu Zimeng was so angry that he stamped his feet, looking like he hated iron.

For a moment, she seemed to have figured out something, raised her head and looked at Chen Fan and said: "Chen Fan, did you deliberately lure me and Xiaoya here, and then destroy the Nine Netherworld Fire Fruit, so that others would mistakenly think that we destroyed it!!! "

Chen Fan shook his head twice and sighed: "Oh, things like IQ are indeed hereditary. I just talked nonsense, and you can guess it, Zimeng."

"I bother!!!"

Wu Zimeng cursed angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense and get us out of this damn place quickly!" Liu Xiaoyu urged urgently.

In response to this, Chen Fan did not leave any ink, took another step, flew up, and flew away into the distance.

The direction he chose this time was no longer towards the interior of the Hanging Island.

Because he knew that there were many forces inside the Hanging Island, including immortals, and it was absolutely unsafe to break into it rashly.

The most important thing is that he is not sure whether he will encounter danger after entering the Hanging Island. Therefore, the safest way is to leave the Hanging Island.

Chen Fan left with Wu Zimeng and Liu Xiaoyu. However, the route he took away was not to the outside of the Hanging Island, but to the inside of the Hanging Island.


Chen Fan took the two girls and followed the map of the Hanging Island to find the treasure while flying.

It took them a full day to fly over most of the suspended island.

However, during this period, the two women's injuries were basically healed after nearly ten hours of training.

Chen Fan sent the two women to the inner area of ​​the Hanging Island. The two women felt the rich spiritual energy around them and exclaimed.

Especially Wu Zimeng, who looked shocked, opened his mouth and murmured: "The inner area of ​​Hanging Island is actually like this..."

She had always heard Chen Fan talk about the scene in the inner area of ​​Hanging Island before, but she had never seen it with her own eyes. Now she finally saw it.

At this moment, Wu Zimeng's heart was filled with admiration and admiration for Chen Fan.

Now that Chen Fan is not only highly skilled, but also knows such powerful formations, she feels that she has made a lot of money by following him.


Seeing Wu Zimeng's appearance, Chen Fan grinned with an evil smile.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fan said: "Okay, let's go separate ways. I will continue to look for the strange beasts inside the Hanging Island. You guys go look for the elixir. When you find the elixir, come back and tell me immediately."

After finishing speaking, Chen Fan turned around and swept in another direction.

When Wu Zimeng and Liu Xiaoyu saw this, they quickly caught up without any delay.

After a moment, when Chen Fan disappeared from their sight, they paused for a second, then sped up and ran towards the depths of the Hanging Island.

They all knew very well that time was running out now and they could only race against time to find the elixir as soon as possible.

However, as the two of them fled into the depths of the Hanging Island, they encountered many monsters along the way, but no matter what level of monsters they were, or monsters at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, they only needed to sacrifice one With one move, you can easily deal with the opponent without any pressure.

The fighting power of the two women was much stronger than when they met Chen Fan before.


At the same time, somewhere outside the Hanging Island, three young men and women gathered together.

The young man was dressed in black clothes, with a scimitar embroidered on his left chest.

The man on the right is wearing a white shirt and carrying a sword on his back.

The man on the left is a bald monk, tall and burly, with exposed skin covered with various tattoos.

They are Long Ying and others.

"Amitabha, donor, does that boy named Chen Fan really have such terrifying power?" The man in white shirt asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, the bald monk scanned the surroundings and saw that no one was paying attention to his side. Then he leaned close to the bald monk's ear and whispered: "Brother King Kong, I once heard someone say in the cultivation world of China that that boy, He is the second immortal cultivator in thousands of years to understand 'Martial Arts', and it is said that his cultivation has reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment Mirror, and his strength is extremely abnormal..."

Hearing this, the bald monk's eyes widened: "This..."

"No way? That kid is only in his early 20s?"

The man in white shirt also showed a surprised expression, completely frightened by the news told by the bald monk.

After a moment, the man in white shirt calmed down his shock and asked again: "Since Chen Fan has such strength, why do you say that he can't kill that blood demon?"

The bald monk shrugged his bald head, curled his lips and said, "I'm also puzzled. The opponent's strength is obviously so terrifying, but in front of us, he didn't even have a chance to resist, and was directly subdued by us..."

"I estimate that his cultivation has not reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment Mirror. Otherwise, we may not be able to defeat him if we join forces."

The man in white shirt nodded, acquiescing to his words.

Then, the man in white shirt pondered for a second, and then asked: "By the way, did he say what he came to Hanging Island for, what is his goal?"

The bald monk shook his head and said, "No," without even thinking about it.

"Hmm." The man in white thought for a moment: "So it seems that he entered the Hanging Island this time just for training, without any other purpose..."

Immediately, as if he had thought of something, he ordered his two subordinates: "Let's go back to Haiqing City immediately, find helpers, and get rid of Chen Fan."

After that, the three of them left together.


Chen Fan didn't know that he had already alarmed many people by taking Wu Zimeng and Liu Xiaoyu into the interior of the Hanging Island.

In fact, even if he knew, he didn't care. Anyway, this is the interior of the Hanging Island. No matter what happens, outsiders don't know and can't control it.

Chen Fan took Wu Zimeng and Liu Xiaoyu into the interior area of ​​the Hanging Island, and didn't wander around aimlessly like he did on the periphery of the Hanging Island.

But while detecting the fluctuations of spiritual energy, he swept towards the depths of the Hanging Island.

In this way, for more than two hours, Chen Fan kept detecting the fluctuations of spiritual energy, but he never got any spiritual herbs or medicines.

Occasionally, he encountered a few monsters, but he easily defeated and killed them.

However, since Chen Fan, Wu Zimeng, and Liu Xiaoyu had always acted separately, they didn't know what they had encountered.

"Chen Fan, I feel that the fluctuations of spiritual energy are getting more and more dense. Could it be that we are getting closer and closer to the spiritual medicine!!!"

Suddenly, Wu Zimeng's excited voice sounded and reached Chen Fan's ears.

Upon hearing this, Chen Fan immediately raised his feet and walked towards the source of Wu Zimeng's voice.

Sure enough, in a moment, he came to Wu Zimeng and joined him.

"Chen Fan, we found a sixth-grade spiritual medicine and a fifth-grade spiritual medicine." Wu Zimeng said excitedly.



Hearing her words, Chen Fan opened his eyes instantly, and a joyful color appeared on his face.

Immediately, he asked in an extremely excited tone: "Where, where is the spiritual medicine???"

Although he had long guessed that there must be good things in the depths of the Hanging Island, he didn't know what they were.

And since Wu Zimeng said he had found a sixth-grade and a fifth-grade spiritual medicine, how could he not be excited?

After a moment, they looked in the direction Wu Zimeng pointed, and suddenly saw a pile of medicinal herbs, a tree, and a boulder next to a lake. On the boulder, there was a small hole with two spiritual herbs in it.

Chen Fan did not hesitate at all, and rushed over.

However, he did not rush to pull the spiritual herbs and branches out of the ground, but squatted down and used a dagger to dig out the spiritual herbs in the small hole.

Obviously, he was going to dig out the spiritual herbs, take them back to Huashan, and give them to the old Taoist priest.

However, because these spiritual herbs were buried in the soil, Chen Fan had a lot of effort to dig them out.

It took him several minutes to finally dig out the spiritual herbs and trees and put them neatly on the ground.

Afterwards, Chen Fan took out a pen and paper, drew the pattern of the spiritual medicine and the tree on the paper, and gave it to Wu Zimeng, asking him to take the spiritual medicine and take Liu Xiaoyu to a safe area to rest and wait for him.

Wu Zimeng looked at him worriedly, but finally did not refuse. He handed the package containing the spiritual medicine and the tree to Liu Xiaoyu, and the two left together.

After the two women walked away, Chen Fan sat on the ground for a while, stood up, and prepared to look for more spiritual medicines.

After all, they have now confirmed that there are a large number of monsters living on this suspended island.

In this case, Chen Fan did not dare to guarantee that he would not encounter any monsters or any dangers.

Therefore, before there was accurate information, he did not want to expose his cultivation strength.

In this way, Chen Fan continued to look for spiritual medicine while being alert to the surroundings to prevent the monsters that suddenly appeared to attack him.

Unfortunately, he searched for a distance and still had nothing to gain.

Of course, he was not disappointed. After all, this suspended island was at the other end of the ocean. There were many monsters in the ocean. Even if he wanted to find a large number of spiritual medicines in a short time, it would be very difficult.

"Hey, I hope we can find other spiritual medicines quickly and leave the suspended island. This place is so weird and strange!!!"

Chen Fan sighed, turned around and left the original place, and walked out of the suspended island.

In this way, he left the inner area of ​​the suspended island.

However, he had not walked for long when he suddenly stopped.

Then, he turned his head and looked in a certain direction behind him.


And when he found that the other party seemed to be a human, not a monster, his brows were wrinkled into a Sichuan shape.

"Hehe, I wanted to follow you secretly. Since you have noticed it, I will show up."

Then, a voice came from the end of Chen Fan's sight.

When Chen Fan heard the voice, he immediately raised his guard and made a gesture to meet the enemy.

Soon, as the voice approached, two figures came into his sight.

"It's you, didn't you leave? Why haven't you left yet??"

When the two figures approached to a distance of 20 to 30 meters from Chen Fan, Chen Fan took a clear look at their faces and couldn't help but blurt out.

That's right, these two people were none other than the two people who had been saved by Chen Fan in Nanyue Country and Beiming Sect in the God Realm.

Among them, the disciple of Beiming Sect was stunned to see that Chen Fan actually recognized him, and then asked in confusion: "Hey, Brother Chen, how do you know us, don't you remember? ? ? "

After hearing this, Chen Fan took the initiative to explain without Wu Zimeng introducing him this time: "Oh, we met in Beimo City, Nanyue Country..."

Hearing this, the two suddenly realized that the other party's words meant that the other party had forgotten.

Suddenly, the two looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They didn't expect that the two of them were so good at hiding that they didn't escape Chen Fan's eyes.

After a moment, the thinner man said again: "Brother Chen, hello, my name is Hu Feitian, I am a disciple of Beiming Sect, my uncle is the leader of Beiming Sect, this is..."

At the end, Hu Feitian introduced the other party's name to Chen Fan, and Chen Fan shook hands with him politely: "Chen Fan."

Then, Hu Feitian asked: "Brother Chen, what are you doing on Hanging Island?"

Chen Fan smiled and replied: "Haha, we are here to experience."

Hearing this, Hu Feitian said in surprise: "Experience, did I hear it wrong? Brother Chen, your cultivation..."

He looked at Chen Fan twice, his face full of disbelief

Because in his impression, Chen Fan and the other two, except Chen Fan, were relatively strong, while the other two women were weak, and they didn't look like cultivators who came to practice at all.

Chen Fan understood Hu Feitian's meaning and said, "We two have low cultivation, so when we came to the Hanging Island, we could only hide in a safe area and wait for our teammates to find us..."

Hu Feitian understood and said, "Then we can help you."

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "No, thank you, but you also need practice..."

Although the other two had helped them many times, they were strangers after all, so how could they let them accompany them to practice?

Hu Feitian persuaded Chen Fan again, and seeing that he couldn't persuade him, he stopped persuading him.

However, he looked at the giant bird perched in the sky, hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Brother Chen, let's go quickly, that bird is too scary, it's not suitable for us to stay here now..."

Chen Fan didn't mean to delay at all, he flashed and quickly disappeared from the sight of Hu Feitian and the others.

Seeing this, Hu Feitian and his companions looked at each other, and then quickly disappeared.

However, when they left, they did not forget to collect the spiritual medicine on the ground and put it into the Qiankun Ring.

Chen Fan left the Hanging Island and flew directly outside the Hanging Island. After a few minutes, he finally left the Hanging Island completely and flew in the clouds.

He looked up at the top of the Hanging Island and muttered to himself: "This is the Hanging Island, what a strange place, there is not even a ghost."


Suddenly, a cold air swept towards him.

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