Chen Fan reflexively waved his hand to make the cold air dissipate. He turned around and saw a man in black appearing out of thin air in the direction where he had just been.

The man in black was wearing night clothes, with a black cloak covering his face, and a thin figure.

He stared at Chen Fan and said slowly: "Haha, I didn't expect you to know my existence!!!"

As the other party's words rang out, Chen Fan instantly felt that a strong murderous intent emerged from the other party.

This murderous intention is not directed at Chen Fan alone, nor is it directed at the monsters on the hanging island.

But it was directed at him.

Chen Fan didn't know who the other party was, but what he was sure of was that the other party had bad intentions.

Because he felt that the man in black had a very sinister and evil temperament, especially his eyes, which were even more creepy.

The next moment, something suddenly appeared in Chen Fan's mind. The corners of his mouth curved and he sneered, "Hey, it really is you..."

Obviously, at this moment, he remembered that when he first entered Hanging Island and met the man in black, he was dressed in night clothes and wearing a black scarf.

Immediately, he slightly clenched his right hand into a fist, preparing to rush towards the man in black.

Unexpectedly, this time, the man in black seemed to have guessed that he would be like this. The moment Chen Fan moved, the other person's figure turned into a black smoke and disappeared in a whoosh.

Chen Fan missed the opportunity and almost fell to the ground.

However, after the other party disappeared, Chen Fan was at a loss for a while, and then he suddenly realized that he could not catch up with the other party. He hurriedly opened his mouth and shouted: "Hey, don't run, I haven't killed you yet..."

In any case, Chen Fan is a monk at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm. His speed is not slow. Not only can the opponent not match him, but he is even slightly inferior to his speed.

Therefore, Chen Fan chased the opponent wholeheartedly. Even though the opponent was very fast, he could never get rid of him.

In a moment, he caught up with the opponent again, intercepted the opponent, and blocked the opponent under a giant tree.

Chen Fan deliberately blocked the opponent's path, stared at him, and said sarcastically: "Haha, it turns out you're not that good either. Even I can't catch up with your speed. What are you going to use to kill me?"

His mouth opened, showing his teeth, and he looked eager to try.

The man in black was forced to stand in front of him, and through the mask, he could still feel the angry gaze of the other person.

After a moment, the other party spoke: "Boy, I have to admit that you are quite fast. It is a bit difficult for me to kill you!!!"

His voice was hoarse and low, revealing a sinister tone.

"In that case, let's just continue the stalemate like this. None of us can do anything to the other. If you want to kill me, there's no way." Chen Fan said, "And if I want to kill you, it's also impossible. Most importantly, I still I can show you a clear path and keep you alive..."

"Oh." The man in black raised an eyebrow with interest, "What's the bright way?"

Chen Fan grinned and continued: "I'll give you a chance to live. Tell me your true identity, otherwise, I will kill you today."

What he said was definitely not a joke, he was very serious.

Because the other party is the fourth batch of people to enter the ruins of Cangqiong Palace. The other party has the cultivation of Qi Refining Mirror. With such a powerful cultivation, it stands to reason that he would not be willing to be an ordinary mercenary or hunter.

Therefore, it is not easy for Chen Fan to judge the other party's background.

Although the opponent's cultivation level is stronger than that of the monsters on the Hanging Island, most of the monsters on the Hanging Island will not hurt them easily.

It was precisely because of this that he dared to threaten the man in black.

When the man in black heard this, his expression changed.

However, he did not say anything immediately. Instead, he hesitated for a few seconds, as if he was considering whether to answer Chen Fan's question.

Chen Fan saw this and said again: "How about it, have you thought about it clearly?"

The man in black gritted his teeth and finally replied: "If you want to get the secret about the ruins of Cangzong Temple from me, don't even think about it."

"Haha, if you don't answer, do you think I can't really do anything to you?"

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you. On this island, if you kill me, no one can save you, including your relatives and friends."

Chen Fan showed no fear, curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Really? I really don't believe it."

After saying that, he raised his palm again, ready to attack the man in black.

However, this time, when the man in black saw this, he immediately turned around and fled into the distance.

This time, the direction of his escape was outside the Hanging Island.

As a result, Chen Fan had no choice but to stop his attack and follow the man in black outside.

After a moment, the man in black was the first to leave the Hanging Island and was far away from the island. Only then did Chen Fan stop.

He stared at the other person's back and said in a joking tone: "Hmph, I thought you were so awesome, but I didn't expect that you are just a coward."

"Don't come out if you can..."


When the other party heard his words, he didn't stop and didn't pay attention to him.

In this situation, when Chen Fan saw that the man in black ignored him, he simply stepped forward and chased after him.

He decided to fight the opponent to the end. Anyway, he was super fast now, and he didn't believe the opponent could outrun him.

In a moment, the man in black ran for several kilometers, and Chen Fan caught up with him.

When the man in black saw this, his face suddenly changed color and became extremely solemn.

"Haha, just run, let's see how long you can run!!!"

Seeing that he finally stopped, Chen Fan couldn't help but burst into laughter and said, "Why don't you run?"

The man in black remained silent. In addition to his solemn look, there was also a hint of fear.

Chen Fan said again, "Haha, now we can sit down and talk. If you know what's good for you, answer my questions obediently, otherwise, I will make you want to live but not to live, and want to die but not to die."

After he said this, the man in black still had no intention of speaking.

This made the smile on Chen Fan's face fade a little, and replaced it with indifference: "It seems that there is no need for us to talk!"

Swish, swish, swish...

The next second, two flying swords broke away from his hands and shot at the man in black and himself respectively.

Then, Chen Fan's body rushed out and rushed towards the other party.

The other party was the only one who knew about the Hanging Island. How could Chen Fan miss this opportunity?

He would not give up until he caught the other party and pried open his mouth.

Seeing this, the man in black subconsciously raised his hand, swung his long sword, and slashed a sword beam at Chen Fan.


As a result, his sword beam collided with the two flying swords, exploded directly, and turned into powder.

Chen Fan's two flying swords continued to shoot at him with unstoppable force.

The man in black's face changed drastically, and he quickly dodged.

Unexpectedly, when Chen Fan saw him dodging, he immediately increased the force of his attack.

His flying sword split into two, one into three, three into eight, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into hundreds of flying swords.

Each flying sword was very large and emitted a sharp cold light.

Swish, swish, swish, swish...

Suddenly, all the flying swords in the sky shot towards the man in black, covering him.

The man in black had no place to hide, and could only raise the weapon in his hand to resist.

Bang bang bang.


The next second, the man in black held the sword with both hands and chopped the dozens of flying swords around him frantically, making a deafening sound.

He swung the long sword while retreating.

However, although he swung the long sword very quickly, the dozens of flying swords around him seemed to have eyes, and they could always predict the trajectory of the opponent's long sword, and changed their positions to avoid the attack.

As a result, the man in black became more and more surprised, and a strong look of horror appeared on his face.

You know, when he chopped the flying swords around him just now, he was not chopping randomly. Every time, he calculated which flying swords to attack were the weakest.

Of course, his attack was not to kill the enemy, he mainly wanted to prevent the flying swords from getting close to him.

After all, the flying swords were too close to him, and he didn't dare to guarantee his safety at all.

However, what he never expected was that the flying sword controlled by Chen Fan could accurately predict his attack trajectory and avoid the attack every time, and his attacks all hit a certain part of his body...

This made him more and more seriously injured and in a miserable state.

He waved the sword in his hand and roared: "Boy, you are cheating..."

"Am I cheating?" Chen Fan spread his hands and said: "This is called wisdom."

He did not lie. He controlled the flying sword and deliberately attacked various parts of the black-clothed man's body. He was not attacking randomly at all.

It was to find the opponent's flaws more accurately and find the breakthrough point...


The black-clothed man was choked by his words and almost vomited blood.

Chen Fan took the opportunity to rush forward and attack him.

He held the sword in both hands, jumped to the side of the black-clothed man, and stabbed the other party with the sword in his right hand.

The black-clothed man reacted quickly and dodged to the side.

Not only did he avoid Chen Fan's attack, but he also punched Chen Fan in the abdomen with his left hand.


As the loud noise came out, Chen Fan felt a pain all over his body, and his body flew backwards several meters.

Fortunately, because Chen Fan was wearing defensive armor, the fist of the man in black, which contained terrifying power, did not cause him any substantial damage.

However, although the attack of the man in black was dodged, Chen Fan lost his balance and fell down under such circumstances.

Without waiting for Chen Fan to get up, the man in black flew into the air, jumped over the sky, and pressed down on Chen Fan.

His target was Chen Fan's head.

Obviously, the man in black wanted to take advantage of the victory and get rid of Chen Fan.

Seeing this, Chen Fan's pupils shrank suddenly, and a deep sense of danger surged in his heart.

He hurriedly raised his arms to protect his head.

Chi Chi.


However, as soon as his arms finished blocking, the long sword of the man in black passed through his arms and cut off the flesh of one of his arms.


Chen Fan screamed in pain and rolled back several meters.

However, the man in black did not intend to let him go. After landing, he jumped forward and kicked Chen Fan in the stomach with his legs crossed.

Chen Fan dodged to the right without any hesitation.

The man in black kicked in vain, and Chen Fan slapped him hard on the chest.



In an instant, the man in black was hit in the chest, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his body flew backwards again like a cannonball.

He fell five or six meters before stopping.

Then, the man in black staggered and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Chen Fan rushed to the other party in one step, raised his fist again, and punched the other party on the forehead.


The man in black's head exploded, red and white things splashed all over the ground, and his body slowly fell down, completely dead.

Chen Fan did not delay, picked up the black robe and memory card on the other party, and left quickly.

The identity of the man in black was unknown, and who knew when his companion would arrive.

Therefore, Chen Fan had to escape before the other party came.

However, he heard footsteps after he took a few steps.

Hearing the footsteps, Chen Fan cursed inwardly and could only choose to temporarily stop running and hide in a tree.

After a while, the footsteps disappeared, and two immortal cultivators in night clothes came here.

After they glanced at the body of the man in black, they squatted down one after another to check the body of the man in black.

After checking the body, a cultivator frowned and said, "Brother, is this a disciple of our Tianluo Palace?"

Another cultivator shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be. The cultivation method of Tianluo Palace is different from ordinary methods. I have never seen this kind of cultivation method. I don't know what it is."

"In that case, let's report it to the sect and ask them to send someone to check it out." The cultivator who asked earlier suggested.

Hearing this, his brother said, "Well, that's what I meant. You take the body and we will go back to the sect immediately."

So, the two cultivators picked up the body and left.

Chen Fan watched the two people leave, then jumped down from the tree, walked over, put the Qiankun ring on the black-clothed man into his own Qiankun ring, and then took a step back to the exit of the valley.


Chen Fan returned to the entrance of the valley and saw Liu Xiaoyu still lying on the ground motionless, unconscious.

Seeing her like this, Chen Fan knew without thinking that it was because of him.

So, Chen Fan walked to the other side, stretched out his hands, and prepared to help the other up.

However, when he touched Liu Xiaoyu with his hands, he found that Liu Xiaoyu's body temperature was abnormally cold.


Chen Fan was slightly stunned, and then he looked down at Liu Xiaoyu's forehead, and then he found that frost had formed on her forehead.

"What's wrong with her?"

At this moment, Chen Fan's face suddenly changed, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt a little worried.

So, he immediately took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out a pill, and fed it to Liu Xiaoyu.

The pill melted in his mouth, and a warm current flowed into Liu Xiaoyu's stomach. In an instant, Liu Xiaoyu's body temperature returned to normal.

Chen Fan observed this scene and was slightly relieved.

Later, he carried Liu Xiaoyu on his back, ran away from the original place, and ran deep into the valley.

He wanted to take Liu Xiaoyu into the space to find Wu Zimeng, hoping that Wu Zimeng could treat Liu Xiaoyu.

After Chen Fan left, Zhang Yunhai, who had been hiding in the bushes in the distance, showed a puzzled expression.

After a moment, he couldn't help muttering to himself: "Strange, who is that guy? What is his relationship with Liu Xiaoyu?"

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