While speaking, his eyes moved around, and he quickly made a decision and followed quietly.

No matter what, Zhang Yunhai would never give up until Chen Fan killed the man in black and robbed him of his belongings.

So, Zhang Yunhai followed behind Chen Fan and Liu Xiaoyu, waiting for an opportunity to attack and kill them.

However, his figure hidden in the bushes was very cunning and he had never been discovered.

And, under Zhang Yunhai's tracking, Chen Fan took Liu Xiaoyu and came to the entrance of the space.

At this time, Chen Fan realized that he was only concerned about taking Liu Xiaoyu away and forgot to enter the space and return to Kunlun God Realm.

So, he quickly put Liu Xiaoyu down and let her heal herself, and he flashed into the space and ran to his room.

After a while, Chen Fan returned to his bedroom and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

He first cleaned the body of the man in black and took off his black robe.

When the black robe was taken off, Chen Fan saw that there was a plum blossom pattern embroidered on the other party's black robe.

Chen Fan carefully identified it and found that he had seen this plum blossom in the "God Realm Encyclopedia".

It is called the unique symbol of Tianluo Palace.

Chen Fan knew what this special symbol meant. He felt extremely heavy and his face was so gloomy that it seemed that water could drip out.

He never thought that he would kill a member of Tianluo Palace.

In a moment, Chen Fan forced himself to calm down and began to think about how to deal with the aftermath...

Tianluo Palace is the largest organization among the immortal sects, with a huge influence throughout the God Realm.

Moreover, in addition to being the third largest sect in the God Realm, they are also the first, second and third largest sects in the God Realm, second only to the three major forces of the demon clan...

In short, Tianluo Palace is even more terrifying than Chen Fan imagined.

There are even many powerful people in Tianluo Palace.

If Chen Fan kills someone from Tianluo Palace and is found out by Tianluo Palace, he will definitely be hunted down by Tianluo Palace.

After all, he killed a member of Tianluo Palace, and Tianluo Palace will not let him go easily.

Once Tianluo Palace sends someone to hunt him down, even if he has a magic weapon, he may not be able to resist.

After thinking about the interests involved, Chen Fan suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

"Forget it, let's not think about those things for now. Let me see how Liu Xiaoyu is doing now. If she hasn't woken up yet, maybe I can try to help her expel the cold poison."

So, Chen Fan put aside his distracting thoughts and set his eyes on Liu Xiaoyu.

At this glance, he suddenly found that at this moment, Liu Xiaoyu not only had a blue cheek and purple lips, but also her breathing became weaker and weaker.

Obviously, the panacea he had just fed Liu Xiaoyu was not enough to help her get rid of the cold poison.

Chen Fan felt the changes in Liu Xiaoyu's body and became more and more anxious.

Involuntarily, an idea popped up in his mind.

What if I use my own blood to give Liu Xiaoyu to drink now?

When this idea came to his mind, Chen Fan did not dare to delay and hesitate, and quickly took out the silver needle bag and pulled out a needle from the silver needle bag.

Then, he picked up the alcohol cotton, wiped his hands clean, and then pinched the needle and pierced Liu Xiaoyu's left wrist.


The needle pierced into the blood vessels of the arm, Chen Fan pulled out the needle, and then spread his palm.

Then, he saw him running the true energy in his body, putting his palm on Liu Xiaoyu's body, controlling the true energy to help Liu Xiaoyu drive away the cold, while urging the immortal power to be transported into the other party's body to help the other party detoxify the cold.

About five minutes later, as a wisp of light blue smoke floated out, the pale color on Liu Xiaoyu's face finally faded.

The layer of light blue ice on her body also dissipated.

Chen Fan stopped urging his true essence, gathered the immortal power in his body, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cough cough..."

As he finished his exercise, Liu Xiaoyu on the bed suddenly coughed violently.

Hearing this sound, Chen Fan's heartstrings trembled violently, and he hurriedly looked at Liu Xiaoyu.

Liu Xiaoyu slowly opened her eyes and sat up.

The next moment, Liu Xiaoyu saw the environment she was in and Chen Fan's appearance clearly, and said in surprise: "Chen... Fan."

"Uh... You're okay, how do you feel?" Chen Fan was stunned and asked with concern.

Liu Xiaoyu replied: "It's okay, thank you!"

Her voice was hoarse, and it was obvious that her throat was seriously damaged.

Chen Fan shook his head and said with a smile: "You're welcome, it's just a small favor."

Then, Liu Xiaoyu seemed to be a little uncomfortable. She twisted her neck and looked around, and asked again: "Chen Fan, where is this? Have we returned???"

Chen Fan nodded and said: "Yes, this is the earth."

Liu Xiaoyu nodded, and a strong joy appeared on her face: "Haha, I didn't expect that I could come back safely this time."

Seeing this, Chen Fan didn't rush to speak, but poured a cup of hot tea for the other party and brought it to the other party.

After Liu Xiaoyu took a sip of hot tea, she continued to ask: "Chen Fan, I can come back alive this time, all thanks to you, how did you save me?"

Chen Fan smiled and replied: "Nothing, I just happened to meet a cultivator who saved me."

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoyu frowned and asked: "Cultivator? Who? Why did you save me?"

Chen Fan shook his head and replied: "Sorry, I can't tell you about this yet."

Although he now has a close relationship with Wu Zimeng, Shen Jiabing and others, he cannot tell Wu Zimeng, Shen Jiabing, and Tan Yueqiu that he has a master with peak immortal level cultivation.

Therefore, if Liu Xiaoyu wanted to know the answer to this question, she could only ask the other party's expert in cultivating immortals.

"Hey..." Liu Xiaoyu sighed and didn't ask any more questions.

Chen Fan saw this and asked, "Sister Xiaoyu, are you feeling better now?"

"Well, it's much better than before."

"Then you lie down and sleep first. When you fall asleep, I will leave and buy you something to eat."

Liu Xiaoyu said: "No, I'm not hungry yet."

Immediately, Chen Fan advised: "You have been in a coma for two days and two nights. Your body must be starved. We must eat something to supplement your nutrition."

Liu Xiaoyu refused: "No need to bother, just wait for me to rest for a while."

"Okay." Since the other party insisted on not wanting to eat, Chen Fan couldn't force it. He stood up and said, "I'll go out and buy some ingredients for you."

After finishing speaking, he walked straight out of the ward.

Liu Xiaoyu looked at his back and couldn't help but curve the corners of her mouth, revealing a satisfied smile.

Although she was in a coma for two days and two nights, she did not really faint because of her status as a practitioner, so in her subconscious, she did not faint and remained awake.

Therefore, she knew that Chen Fan was worried about her and was afraid that she would have another accident, so he stayed to take care of her.

After a while, Chen Fan left the hospital and took a taxi to a nearby supermarket.

However, Liu Xiaoyu waited for Chen Fan to go out, closed the door, lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and pretended to sleep.

After a few seconds, she confirmed that Chen Fan was gone, and then she opened her eyes again.

However, her face was still full of pain.

"Cough, cough cough..."

The next moment, Liu Xiaoyu couldn't help but cough again.


Her cough made her miserable.


Chen Fan left the hospital and arrived at a store in a block next to the hospital, ready to buy some things.

However, what he never expected was that when he went to the store to buy something, a middle-aged man suddenly rushed up and stopped him and asked him to hand over the money.

For an instant, Chen Fan was confused, with the expression of a monk who was two feet long and confused.

The middle-aged man reached out and asked for money, and he was very arrogant and threatened: "Boy, if I don't hand over the money today, believe it or not, I will beat you to death!!!"

Chen Fan didn't understand even more when he heard this.

He asked doubtfully: "Uncle, have you found the wrong person? I don't owe you money!"

At this time, another middle-aged woman also ran over, blocked in front of the middle-aged man, pointed at Chen Fan and shouted: "I tell you, you stole our Xiaoyu's jade pendant, please return the jade pendant to me quickly..." …”

In an instant, Chen Fan suddenly realized the reason. The other party had misunderstood that he had stolen something.

For a moment, Chen Fan couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Auntie, don't talk nonsense. I don't know the Xiaoyu you are talking about, and I have never stolen anything from you."

"Humph, I didn't steal it. Could it be that it was stolen by ghosts???" The middle-aged woman snorted and said, "I think you are obviously a thief. Our Xiaoyu's jade pendant is worth thousands of gold. You stole it and you still want to make excuses!!! "


Chen Fan was speechless.

The most important thing is that the other party's theory makes him not know how to refute the other party.

But at this time, he didn't have time to chat with the other person. He raised his legs to get through the other person's gap and buy something.

Who would have thought that before he could get out of the encirclement, the middle-aged man blocked his way again.

The middle-aged woman took out a stick from her waist, waved it around, and cursed at Chen Fan: "You brat, give me back the jade pendant quickly..."

Because the opponent's movements were so fast, Chen Fan didn't have time to react.


The next second, with a loud slap, the stick in the middle-aged man's hand fell on Chen Fan's right shoulder, and the pain spread throughout his body.

Chen Fan grinned on the spot.

"Damn it, if you dare to steal my stuff, I'll kill you."

Immediately, the middle-aged man picked up the stick and tried to hit Chen Fan again.

Fortunately, Chen Fan dodged in time, otherwise, the blow this time was not just on the shoulder, I'm afraid his entire arm would have been crippled.

No matter what, after receiving a slap from the other party, Chen Fan became angry and gritted his teeth and said, "Hey, do you know this is blackmail?"

"Haha, I'm blackmailing you, why..."


Before the middle-aged man could finish his arrogant words, Chen Fan kicked him in the chest, sending him flying and falling heavily to the ground.

At this time, the middle-aged man's accomplices saw this situation and quickly helped him up.

Chen Fan didn't hesitate at all and ran towards the middle-aged man: "Damn it, you're bullying me because I'm a student, aren't you!!!"


The middle-aged man was punched in the abdomen by Chen Fan, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

He wanted to say something, but as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't control himself and spit out a mouthful of blood.


For a moment, his companions were stunned, staring at Chen Fan with their mouths open. After being stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly woke up and came back to his senses, his eyes gleaming: "You... you are actually a martial arts practitioner too???"

Chen Fan ignored the other party, grabbed the collar of the middle-aged man's clothes, and dragged him into the alley on the side.

He wanted to teach the middle-aged man a lesson and let him remember it.

However, he knew very well that the other party was an ordinary person. If he really attacked him, he would probably kill him...

So he had to drag the middle-aged man into the alley.

The middle-aged man was so scared that his face turned pale and he struggled desperately: "What do you want to do???"

However, the more he struggled, the greater the force of Chen Fan's dragging, and he couldn't escape at all. In the end, he had to beg for mercy: "Brother, brother, I was wrong, please forgive me this time, I will never dare to do it again..."

"I don't want your money, please let me go!"

"Too late!"

Chen Fan said coldly, and continued to drag the other party into the alley, disappearing from everyone's sight.



Guanghan Palace in the Heavenly Palace.

In the boudoir of Lady Chang'e.


Suddenly, Lady Chang'e screamed and sat up from the bed.

She covered her forehead, her face full of pain, as if she had encountered something very serious.

After several dozen seconds, the pain on her face subsided and she regained her composure.

Later, she lifted the quilt, got off the bed, put on her shoes, walked to the window, pushed the window open, and found that it was pitch black outside. She immediately took out a night pearl and held it in her hand to watch.

The night pearl emitted a faint light, illuminating the surroundings.

Then, her figure jumped into the air, jumped out of the window, and flew towards the South Pole on a sword...

About ten minutes later, she flew to the top of an iceberg.

Then, she landed on a huge rock, slowly landed, and restrained her momentum.

The next moment, her figure turned into a meteor, shooting towards the depths of the South Pole. In a blink of an eye, her figure disappeared into the night and sank into the dark ice and snow.


In the depths of the South Pole, in a secret cave.

At this moment, a man sitting cross-legged, feeling the breath of Chang'e, suddenly opened his eyes, showing shock and surprise.

Immediately, he exited the state of cultivation, stood up, and walked out of the cave.

Chang'e had arrived outside the cave and was waiting outside the cave. She saw a thin, haggard, white-haired, flowing bearded man walking out of the cave.

Chang'e was stunned for a moment, then bowed respectfully and said: "Disciple greets Master!"

"Get up, disciple, I heard you shouting just now, what happened??" the old man asked.

Chang'e shook her head and said: "Master, I was in the mall today and happened to meet them selling antiques..."

Then, she told the other party what happened.

At the end, she was worried that the old man would blame her for meddling in other people's business, so she explained: "Master, I just wanted to save him. Who could have expected that those two people would be such people!"

The other party listened and fell silent.

After a moment, he asked: "Disciple, why do you want to help that guy? Is he your friend or relative?"


"If he is not, why do you want to help him?"

"I don't know..."


The old man was speechless.

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