After a moment, he asked: "Disciple, do you like that guy?"

Chang'e's face suddenly turned red and she hesitated, "I...I didn't. It was only the second time I met him."

Although the other party did fall in love with Chen Fan, she would definitely not admit it. Otherwise, what if the old man forced her to marry?

She is unwilling to marry.

Hearing this, the old man seemed to have already guessed the answer. He nodded and said, "Well, it's fine if you don't like it. As a teacher, I don't want my disciple to marry someone he doesn't like."

"By the way, disciple, where is he now?"

"I don't know. I didn't pay attention. When I left, he was still there."

"Oh, forget it, let's go back first."

The old man waved his hand and prepared to return to the room.

However, when he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and said, "Disciple, I think that little brother is quite interesting. How about you go and talk to him?"


Now, it was Chang'e's turn to be confused: "What are you talking about?"

Could it be that the other party wanted to bring them together? ? ?

The old man stared at her with a smile: "Let's talk about feelings!"

Chang'e's face suddenly turned red, and her shy look was even more intense than her previous paleness.

She quickly refused: "No, I don't want to talk about this now. I'd better go back and rest first..."

After saying this, she ran away in panic.

Looking at her retreating figure, a satisfied smile appeared on the old man's face.

He didn't catch up.

Because he knows that the other person is shy, and he also needs to give the other person some personal space.

After all, he is her master, so he can't follow him all the time and force her to do things he doesn't like, right?

Therefore, he decided to respect the other party, let it take its course, and not force it. As long as the other party did not resist, then he would follow her ideas and not force her.


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days have passed.

Chen Fan still stayed where he was.

However, during this period of time, he has visited hundreds of kilometers nearby, and except for discovering a few villages, he has gained nothing.

Of course, the main reason why he gave up so easily was because the monsters and immortal cultivators he encountered in the past few days were all too weak, and they were only in the early stages of foundation building, and could not arouse his interest at all. He couldn't even muster the desire to fight.

So, he decisively and simply chose to give up.

Today, he continued to drive west, hoping to cross the entire mountain range and enter the other side.

He planned to see if there were any powerful monsters in the other area, which might inspire him to have a desire to fight.

However, as Chen Fan was driving westward, he suddenly heard shouts of death and screams coming from ahead, followed by several terrifying auras surging from west to north.

In an instant, Chen Fan stopped, with a puzzled expression on his face, and murmured to himself: "What a powerful force, such momentum..."

He didn't think much, and immediately started running his skills quickly, and his body rose into the sky.


In a moment, Chen Fan flew hundreds of meters into the air.

At the same time, two figures appeared in his sight, fighting dozens of hairy werewolf-like guys.

One of them is a man in his forties or fifties, and the other is a young woman in her thirties.

The two of them are strong and strong, holding sharp weapons. One is attacking and the other is defending. They work together in tacit understanding and are very skilled...

Obviously, the strength of both of them is extremely terrifying. Otherwise, they would not be able to stop dozens of werewolves with their own strength.

From the fight between the two, Chen Fan could see that both of them were cultivators.

All of a sudden, his eyes rolled around and shone brightly.

In the next second, without any delay, he kicked the void with his legs, and his body turned into a cannonball, rushing toward the two of them.

He couldn't help shouting: "Hey, two fellow Taoists, please wait a moment and let me help you..."


The two of them saw Chen Fan's figure clearly and stopped fighting reflexively.

Especially the older man. After he stopped, he immediately turned to look at Chen Fan and blurted out: "Boy, are you looking for death? How dare you interfere in our affairs?"

Chen Fan ignored the other party's words and approached the two of them and said, "Hey, two friends, these werewolves are very strong. I think you are no match for them. Why don't you let me help you..."

After saying that, he jumped into the battle circle.

The two men looked at each other without any hesitation. Lightning withdrew his hand and stood there, observing the situation.

Chen Fan jumped into the battle circle, and first had a hand-to-hand fight with a werewolf. The werewolf grabbed him with his claws, and Chen Fan raised his fist and smashed it out. In an instant, he knocked back the opponent and sent him flying backwards.

Immediately, while the remaining eight or nine werewolves were still in a state of stability, he launched a ferocious attack again and slaughtered the werewolves.

In just a few minutes, he killed all the remaining seven or eight werewolves, leaving only the older man and the werewolf that he had just punched away.

Chen Fan clapped his hands and glanced at the two of them with interest, pretending to be surprised: "Hey, I remember that the werewolf I fought with before was one of you, right? You killed them all?" ?”

Hearing this, the older middle-aged man frowned slightly and asked, "Little brother, who are you?"

"Oh, my name is Chen Fan. I wonder who you are?" Chen Fan said, "I just passed by here and happened to see you, so I wanted to help."

"You don't know me???" The other party was stunned.

"Nonsense, we don't know each other, tell me if I know you!"

The older middle-aged man pondered for a moment and replied: "Chen Fan, since you are passing by here, we will say goodbye and we will never see you again."

After that, he left without any hesitation and took the younger woman with him.

Chen Fan had no intention of stopping him and watched the two of them go away.

He did not leave immediately, but stood there quietly for a few seconds before setting off and continuing to drive west...

But this time he was obviously much more cautious while driving.

After all, the group of werewolves just now all have the cultivation level of Foundation Establishment. If they unite, they will not be in ordinary danger.

Fortunately, he never saw any werewolves along the way.

Until, after he had walked through most of the eastern area and was still quite a distance away from the western area, he finally encountered a group of human monks.

Moreover, this team of monks is not an ordinary team of monks, they are monks from the God Realm.

The leader of the team is still a monk at the peak level of the Golden Core Realm.

When Chen Fan saw the other party, he didn't show any signs of neglect. He immediately greeted him and greeted him warmly: "Seniors and junior Chen Fan, I was passing by Guibao Land and saw that there seemed to be a fight in front of me, so I wanted to join in the fun..."

The monk who led the team heard this, looked at him, and said calmly: "I advise you to go back quickly. These werewolves are spies sent by the devil. If you don't go back, the devil will come in person later, and you will definitely die!"

Having said that, he was too lazy to care about Chen Fan anymore and prepared to leave with his men.

Unfortunately, the moment he stepped forward, he was blocked by Chen Fan: "Senior, how do you know these werewolves are the Demon King's people?"

The other party said impatiently: "Why do you care so much? Get out of here!"

"Hey, senior, I don't want to dwell on this, I'm just curious. Since you know, you must have seen the Demon King. Can you tell me what the Demon King looks like?" Chen Fan asked.

The leading monk snorted coldly and scolded: "Little bastard, you are really tired of living. I tell you, I warn you, if you don't get out, don't blame me for being rude to you..."

Unexpectedly, just after he scolded him, Chen Fan's expression suddenly turned gloomy. With a shake of his right hand, he took out the silver cudgel from the Qiankun Ring.

Without saying a word, he took the silver hoop and smashed it on the head of the leading monk, threatening: "If you don't say anything, believe it or not, I will kill you now!"


Suddenly, the leading monk felt the fierce wind emanating from the silver hoop. He was so frightened that he even forgot to avoid resistance.

As a result, he could only watch helplessly as the silver cudgel fell on top of his head and hit the ground with a loud bang.

In an instant, as the silver cudgel hit the ground hard, the surrounding sand and stones flew up, and the entire face of the leading monk was covered in blood and flesh, turning into a pig's head.

Even the clothes he was wearing were in tatters, and his skin was cracked with fine lines.

It took several seconds for him to recover with difficulty, and he clutched the wound on his forehead in great pain.

At this moment, he felt a splitting pain in his forehead, and bright red blood continued to overflow along his fingers.

The leading monk stared at Chen Fan with a pair of eyes full of hatred, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You bastard, I'm going to kill you..."


Before he finished speaking, a roaring sound reached his ears, shocking the soul and making the eardrums sting.

Immediately, he felt a sudden darkness, and his whole body was plunged into a black cloud.

Then, when he came to his senses, he had been hit by a large black bison and flew more than ten meters away.

Chen Fan put the silver cudgel on his shoulders, walked slowly towards the leading monk, and said: "Tsk, tsk, you dare to scold me, you are so brave, old guy, you want revenge? Come on!"

The leading monk struggled to get up from the ground and wiped the blood from his forehead.

At the same time, he also took out a pill and swallowed it in his stomach to quickly recover from his injuries.

He did not rush towards Chen Fan immediately, or say anything cruel to Chen Fan, but turned around and said to the other three companions: "Run away, we are no match for him!"

After saying that, he took the lead and ran away.

Upon hearing this, the three monks ran away without any delay, following the leading monk.

Chen Fan looked at the backs of the four of them, curled his lips, shook his head, and did not pursue them.

After a while, he walked back to the western area.

However, when he returned to the western area, Chen Fan saw that the western area was even more chaotic than the eastern area. There were corpses lying everywhere on the ground, and the smell of blood was so strong that it almost choked his nose.

Obviously, in the western region, there are much fewer human cultivators here.

Chen Fan walked into the cave while observing the situation around him.

Not long after, he came to the door of a dark cave.

Since he didn't know what was going on here, he raised his hand and knocked lightly on the cave door.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Who is it?"

After a moment, a doubtful inquiry came from inside.

"Uh..." Chen Fan replied, "I'm here to find an opportunity and want to make a deal with you."

He didn't know how to address the other person, so he simply used the word "Your Excellency" instead.

However, although the other party was confused, he still opened the door.


When Chen Fan saw the scene in the cave, a look of astonishment immediately appeared on his face.

I saw that the cave was empty, no one was there, only a black iron cage inside.

At this time, inside the black iron cage, a skeleton sat on the iron railings, staring at Chen Fan with a pair of bony white eyes.

The left arm of the skeleton is still hanging on the iron railing, as if it is still grasping something.

The opponent's head was resting on his chest and he was sitting cross-legged on the ground.


When Chen Fan saw this, he blurted out out of reflex, but midway through his words, he stopped himself and said instead: "Who are you?"

He was full of doubts and surprise, because he found that there was no vitality fluctuation in this skeleton, and it was a dead thing.

Not a cultivator, nor a demon or ghost.

Most importantly, the opponent's bones were very special, as hard as iron bones, which made Chen Fan feel like he didn't dare to act rashly.

The skeletal eyeballs stared at Chen Fan for a while, and then said: "Did you just call me 'Your Excellency'? I don't think I have ever heard anyone call me that."

"Which faction are you from?"

Hearing this, Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed respectfully and replied: "Senior, I am a member of the Chinese Yanlong. I came here by chance today."

To be honest, if anyone else asked him to bow to a skeleton, he would never be able to do it.

However, facing this skeleton, for some reason, Chen Fan felt a sense of awe in his heart, so he did it no matter how reluctant he was.

"Chinese Flame Dragon?"

When the skeleton heard this, he showed a thoughtful expression.

Later, the skeleton asked again: "Are you here specifically for me?"

Chen Fan nodded and replied: "Yes, I was ordered by my superiors to look for things in South America."

"Oh." The skeleton responded.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fan noticed that the other party was holding a black bottle in his hand. The bottle contained the bloody beam of light thrown out by the leading monk just now.

Chen Fan looked away from the bottle and continued to say respectfully to the other party: "Senior, do you know our Yanlong member Yang Chaoqun?"


However, what he didn't expect was that when the other party heard it, he suddenly stopped healing and stood up.

Then, two rays of light bloomed in his eyes.

"Do you know Yang Chaoqun?" Skeleton asked excitedly.

Chen Fan nodded his head: "Team Leader Yang is our Yanlong's deputy team leader. I have performed missions with him before. He has taken me on missions together. We are considered friends."

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