"Great, Yang Chaoqun is fine, he's really fine." The skeleton was so excited that his body trembled, and his tone was full of joy.

Chen Fan heard the joy in the other party's voice, and asked puzzledly: "What happened to Team Leader Yang, do you know him?"

The other party did not hide it and answered truthfully: "We were originally brothers in the same camp, but later he defected and joined others. All the brothers in our camp died at the hands of the alien army, including me."

At the end, he added: "I only have a trace of regret now. I originally planned to take over his body, but I didn't expect that he had died a long time ago..."


In an instant, hearing this sentence, Chen Fan's brows wrinkled into a Sichuan shape.

He didn't understand why the skeleton said that Yang Chaoqun was dead. After all, in his impression, Yang Chaoqun's cultivation was not low, reaching the peak of the Golden Core Realm, and the other party was also good at refining puppetry. In Yanlong, he had a very high status. How could the other party die?

After a moment, Chen Fan couldn't help asking, "Senior, how did Team Leader Yang die? Was it the alien army that killed him, or..."


Before he could finish his question, the skeleton snorted heavily and stretched out its skeleton claws, pointing at the skeleton's right foot.

Chen Fan looked over, and suddenly his pupils widened in horror.

He suddenly discovered that there was an arrow stuck in the bottom of the skeleton's foot.

The arrow penetrated the metacarpal bone of the opponent's foot and nailed it to the stone floor.

Now, Chen Fan finally understood why the opponent's body was black.

Not only did the skeleton's body turn black, but the opponent's skeleton was also covered with dust, as if he had been dead for a thousand years.

"I am unwilling, I am unwilling..."

The skeleton suddenly raised his neck and roared.

As his miserable roar resounded throughout the valley, the next moment, the opponent's body turned into a shadow and disappeared.

Chen Fan was stunned for several seconds before he came back to reality. He didn't care about the skeleton. He squatted down and bent over to pull out the arrow nailed on the tip of the skeleton's toe.

"What kind of weapon is this arrow? Even a strong man in the early stage of the Jindan realm can't stop it?"

Chen Fan held the handle of the arrow and stared at the arrow.

He found that there were five red words written on the arrow, which were the three words "Breaking Gang Arrow".

Chen Fan carefully examined the five big words on the arrow, but still couldn't see the material of the Broken Gang Arrow.

In a moment, he tried to use his immortal power and covered his hand on the arrow.


The next moment, the Broken Gang Arrow seemed to feel his immortal power and vibrated violently.



Then, the Broken Gang Arrow shook violently, and a dazzling red light emanated from the arrow head.


This scared Chen Fan and he dodged quickly.

Fortunately, after the Broken Gang Arrow released its light, it did not attack him. After just a violent shake, it returned to calm.


Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and then countless questions arose in his mind.

What on earth is this Broken Gang Arrow? Its power is so terrifying that even a Jindan realm early stage strongman could not resist it when he was shot in the foot, and he didn't even have a chance to dodge and escape.

"Is this Broken Gang Arrow developed by a superpower?"

After a moment, Chen Fan muttered again, and then he walked towards the black hole.

Since he has entered the black hole, he must first figure out where this place is and what the situation is, maybe he can leave here.

Chen Fan walked all the way into the cave, getting deeper and deeper, and at the same time, his ears stood up more and more, listening to the sounds coming from all directions...

It took more than ten minutes, and he finally passed through the dark passage and saw the light.

He stopped and looked up. He saw that there was a bright moon hanging in the sky above him, about 20 meters away.

Because there was no moonlight in the dark, Chen Fan used a flashlight to make sure that the moon existed before he continued to walk outside.

When he reached the edge of the cave, Chen Fan saw some corpses, but most of them were the corpses of the alien army.

"Could it be that... all the people of the alien army were buried in this mountain??"

Chen Fan guessed and looked at the moon floating in the air. Finally, he decided to climb up the moon and explore the surrounding situation. He always felt that something was strange.

Then, he jumped onto the moon.

Who would have thought that when he got on the moon, he immediately found something wrong, because he found that his body could not fly, as if he was trapped in a swamp and could only walk on the ground.

Chen Fan did not delay, took a step, and walked towards the distance along the slope of the moon.


About ten minutes after he left the top of the mountain, a figure appeared at the entrance of the black hole. It was Wu Zimeng.

She looked at the place where Chen Fan disappeared, and was silent for a few seconds before she looked away.

Then, without any hesitation, she climbed straight to the top of the mountain.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, she finally reached the top of the mountain and appeared at the place where Chen Fan had been before.

"Chen Fan!"


Although Chen Fan had already left, Wu Zimeng still shouted, as if she was afraid that Chen Fan could not hear her.

After she finished shouting, she knelt on the ground, her face becoming extremely ugly and gloomy.

Soon, she stood up slowly and walked towards the cave. Along the way, she found nothing but the corpses of the alien army all over the ground.

Apparently, the alien army had searched the valley and found no trace of Yang Dingtian, Zhang Haitao and Li Jiaxin.

Wu Zimeng searched the cave for more than ten minutes and found nothing. She did not believe in evil and returned to the bottom of the cave again to conduct a carpet search...

After repeating this several times, she finally found a strange item.

This item is a dark iron plate with a pattern engraved on it.

Wu Zimeng got the black iron plate, stared at it, and then threw it to the ground.

"Damn it, these alien armies are so cunning. They actually hide their treasures in such a place where birds don't poop. Aren't they worried about being stolen???"

Wu Zimeng stamped his feet twice, then prepared to leave the cave and return to find Chen Fan.

However, as soon as she turned her head, she suddenly stopped moving again.

The next second, she picked up the black iron sign on the ground, then raised the black iron sign to her eyes and observed it carefully.

After a moment, she murmured to herself: "Hey, why is the texture of this iron plate similar to the one that Master gave me?"

After saying that, she brought the dark iron plate in her hand to her mouth, ready to bite it with her teeth.

However, just as she was about to bite it, the black iron plate suddenly burst out with a dazzling light.

In an instant, Wu Zimeng's eyes narrowed. The next moment, the light dissipated and she could see clearly. The iron sign in her hand had disappeared...


It made her stunned.

Immediately afterwards, she stared around and found that there was no other alien army around except her.

She couldn't help but glanced down reflexively, but she couldn't see anything at all. She could only vaguely see traces of some trees and plants, as well as the pitted soil on the ground...

However, her eyesight was better than that of ordinary people. Although she could not see anything, she could vaguely see that the pitted soil smelled of blood.



For a moment, many thoughts came to Wu Zimeng's mind. She couldn't believe that this place was actually a mountain with the corpses of an alien army piled up.

Moreover, all the alien armies here are obviously dead. The bodies of the dead alien armies are still buried under the mountain peak, forming a tomb on the mountain peak.

This is simply beyond Wu Zimeng's cognitive scope.

For a moment, she didn't hesitate anymore, quickly went down the mountain, returned to the previous ground, and then followed the traces left by Chen Fan...


Chen Fan walked downwards along the terrain. Gradually, he found that the mountains were getting higher and higher. Moreover, he had walked for almost two hundred kilometers without encountering a single living creature.

Under this situation, he couldn't help but stop and wondered: "What's going on, where are the beasts in this mountain range???"

Just when he was wondering, a white shadow passed by his side and flew away into the distance.

Chen Fan was stunned. For a moment, he was stunned by Bai Ying.

Because Bai Ying was very fast, in the blink of an eye, he had already gone far away and disappeared from his sight.


After a moment, Chen Fan reacted and quickly speeded up to follow.

This time Bai Ying didn't run too far. He chased her within his sight range and finally caught up with him near a mountain forest.

However, after catching up, he did not approach immediately. Instead, he slowed down a little and then watched Bai Ying carefully.

Soon, he discovered that the other party was a white fox.

Not only that, what surprised him was that this white fox had snow-white hair all over its body, its skin was also snow-white, and its eyes were blue, just like sapphires.

"Death to the monster!"

However, just as he was sizing up the white fox, the white fox felt his breath and suddenly turned its head and pounced towards him.

Chen Fan reacted to this and hurriedly stepped aside several feet away. The white fox failed to hit him and stopped suddenly.

Chen Fan stabilized his body and stared at the white fox intently: "Are you a demon creature from another world???"

He could feel that this fox was a monster beast that had reached the peak of its transformation state.

The white fox said nothing and charged towards Chen Fan again, but this time it did not attack Chen Fan and was easily dodged by Chen Fan.

"Hey, don't run away, let's talk!" Chen Fan said with a smile.

Unfortunately, the other party seemed to not understand what he said and continued to attack him crazily.

Under this situation, Chen Fan finally had no choice but to continue struggling with the opponent. He kicked off his legs violently, jumped into the air, and started a close combat fight with the opponent.

Chen Fan's melee strength has reached the late stage of transformation long ago, and his martial arts are all integrated with the essence of various moves in the Three Thousand Avenues.

Therefore, even when facing a monster at the peak of his transformation realm, he still had the upper hand.

However, this situation did not last long. In just three or five breaths, the white fox's claws grabbed his chest.

Fortunately, the opponent's claw only left a shallow wound on his chest and did not damage his muscles and bones.

At this moment, Chen Fan's anger soared. Before he could hit the ground, he hit the opponent's stomach with his right fist.

Suddenly, the white fox whimpered in pain, fell to the ground and twitched, curling up its body.


Chen Fan snorted coldly and stepped on the other's back.

This kick made the white fox's tail curl up.

Chen Fan bent down, looked down at the other party, and asked: "Are you a creature from another world? You attacked me just now, are you trying to stop me?"

At this time, the white fox finally spoke: "I don't know what you are talking about, who are you?"

"Hehe, if you don't admit it, forget it, I tell you, my name is Chen Fan, I don't care what you are, since you are blocking my way, you must pay the price..."

"Today I will send you to see the King of Hell."

After Chen Fan finished speaking, he raised his right leg and wanted to kick the white fox's neck off.

Unexpectedly, just as his right leg was about to kick out, a strong hatred suddenly burst out of the white fox's eyes, and the body shook, bounced up from the ground, and bit Chen Fan's right leg.



Chen Fan screamed in pain, and his right leg suddenly separated from his body.

He lowered his head, looked at his right leg that had separated from his body, and then touched his left leg that was bitten off by the white fox, with an extremely shocked expression on his face.

Immediately, Chen Fan did not delay at all. He stretched out his right hand, summoned the sword that Wu Yunzi gave him, and chopped at the opponent.


What he had never expected was that the next second after Chen Fan summoned the sword, a black gas emerged from the white fox. The sword chopped on the black gas, but it was completely unable to cut through the black gas, and not even a scratch appeared.

The black gas on the white fox seemed to have a strong defensive ability.

In this case, Chen Fan put away the sword, clenched his right fist, and smashed it towards the opponent's head.


The white fox did not dodge and took his punch.

Not only that, after being punched by Chen Fan, the white fox did not suffer any damage to its body, but just shook a little, and then opened its mouth again and bit his arm.


Chen Fan was startled again and quickly retracted his palm.

Then, he didn't want to get entangled with the other party, so he jumped up and jumped to another direction.

His goal was simple. Since he couldn't hurt the white fox with the ghost-slaying sword, he would run away and not get entangled with the other party.

The white fox had no intention of chasing, but just stood there quietly, watching his back disappear into the night until it disappeared.

After Chen Fan's figure disappeared, it slowly closed its eyes and fell asleep.

After Chen Fan left the forest, he ran straight towards the city gate without stopping for a moment.

He planned to go back to the city to find Liu Xiaoyu first.

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