
At the same time, small islands in Nanyang.

"Ah, my head, my head is so dizzy!!!"

Wu Zimeng lay on the ground, covering his forehead and murmuring.

She had just set off with Li Jiadong and Wu Qi to follow the map route given by Chen Fan and arrived at the Nanyang Island. As a result, they encountered heavy fog before they reached the edge of the Nanyang Island.

As a result, Li Jiadong and Wu Zimeng lost their way in the heavy fog and had no idea where to go. They had to take a car and return to the city.

However, since they came by car, the car drove all the way out of the city and entered the suburban roads, driving more and more remote. In the end, they didn't even find a car, only desolate fields, weeds and trees. .

In this environment, their car broke down halfway, and they had no choice but to abandon the car and continue walking through the jungle and hills.

They were lucky. Although they didn't have a car, there was moonlight, so they could barely identify the direction and headed south.

However, this situation did not last long. About half an hour later, their car broke down again, and they had to walk on foot.

However, they walked through the mountains and forests on foot without the guidance of street lights. They walked for about four or five hours and still did not get out of the mountains and forests.

They don't even know where they are anymore.

"It's not an option to continue like this. We have to find a way to solve this situation!" Wu Zimeng said with a frown.

Wu Qi said: "Sister, let's not worry so much for now. It's important to find a way to survive first. I think we only have one way to go now..."


"Follow the mountains and find your way."

The two were chatting when suddenly, one of them pointed in a certain direction and shouted in surprise: "Look, there seems to be a light there."

Hearing this, Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough they found a light diagonally opposite them.

Both of their faces became excited and excited.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Zimeng did not hesitate and immediately took steps towards the direction of the light...

Wu Qi followed behind her.

After about two minutes, they finally approached the light.

What the two of them didn't expect was that when they got close to the light, they found that the light was not a house or a building, but... a stone tablet.

This stone tablet is about 20 to 30 meters high and about 89 meters wide. Added up horizontally and vertically, it is a hundred meters long and wide.

On the top of the stone tablet, four words are carved - Kunlun Immortal Tomb! ! !

Seeing these four words, Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi were both stunned, filled with shock and disbelief.

Because they never expected that they would accidentally break into the Kunlun Immortal Tomb.

Wu Zimeng was stunned for a few seconds before coming back to his senses. He turned to Wu Qi and said, "Wu Qi, how are you? I said there must be a treasure hidden here, right?"

Wu Bi nodded and replied: "It is indeed possible that there is a treasure hidden, but..."

Wu Zimeng asked urgently: "What just?"

Wu Qi swallowed his saliva and said, "Sister, you don't really believe that there are any treasures hidden in the Kunlun Immortal Tomb, do you?"

After hearing this, Wu Zimeng reacted, understood the meaning of his words, and said with a smile: "Of course I won't believe that there is a treasure here, but we accidentally broke into the Kunlun Immortal Tomb. It is better than death."

"So let's go in and explore first. If we can't find the treasure, we'll retreat and look for an opportunity before leaving..."

Wu Qi sighed and nodded.

At this point, he had no choice. Apart from entering the Kunlun Immortal Tomb, they seemed to have no other choice.

Immediately, after taking a deep breath to adjust in their hearts, they walked towards the gate of Kunlun Immortal Tomb.

They walked about ten meters away from the Kunlun Immortal Tomb, and Wu Zimeng stopped.

Wu Qi also stopped.

The two looked at each other, and Wu Zimeng signaled: "Brother, go in and test it out."

"Huh?" Wu Qi was stunned and didn't quite understand, so he said: "Sister, let me go in to test, and you will guard the side. If you find any danger, inform me immediately. If I don't find any danger, you can rush in again!"


Wu Zimeng nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, Wu Qi took out his gun and cautiously walked towards the gate of Kunlun Immortal Tomb.

Wu Zimeng, holding a dagger, stood more than ten meters away and stared at Wu Qi.

"Haha, two idiots who are not afraid of death dare to break into my cave..."

However, before the two of them stepped through the door, an old voice suddenly sounded.


When they suddenly heard the sound, Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi were so frightened that the hairs on their bodies trembled.

Wu Zimeng turned his head and looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and was shocked to find an old man in gray clothes with white beard and hair standing on a tree in front of him.

"Huh, old guy, get down and die." Wu Qi scolded.

After he finished speaking, the other party did not roll down the tree, but jumped down.


In an instant, the old man fell in front of the two people.

After Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi saw each other's appearance clearly, they couldn't help being shocked again.

Because the old man is not a human being, he is also a zombie.

However, the other party had no intention of attacking the two of them. Instead, he stared at Wu Zimeng and said, "Are you Wu Zimeng, the successor of Tianshi Sect? You are quite brave. You dare to break into my cave and say you want to kill me?"

"Are you the owner of the Kunlun Immortal Tomb and a friend of Chen Fan?"

Listening to the slightly mocking voice of the other party, Wu Zimeng came back to his senses. Without any nonsense, he took out a charm from his arms and threw it at the other party.


The charm hit the old man on the head.

Suddenly, it exploded and turned into a flame that burned the old man.

However, the flame burned very quickly. In the blink of an eye, the old man was wrapped in flames and turned into a burning man.


The old man howled miserably.

Immediately, he raised his right hand and slapped the blazing flames on his head. He opened his mouth and roared with all his strength: "Little beast, if you have the guts, let me go and fight with me in an upright manner."

Wu Zimeng said coldly: "Since you know who I am, you should know very well that in my eyes, there is no such thing as one-on-one or group fights between you and me. I only like killing and crushing enemies with absolute strength."

"Besides, you are the one to blame for what happened tonight, and no one else is to blame."

"You...you are not a human being!!!" the old man roared angrily.

Wu Zimeng did not take the other party's roar seriously at all, and said coldly: "I am not a human being, and this is not the first time you have met me. Whether I am a human being or not, you already know in your heart."

"I advise you to tell me how to leave here. Otherwise, I won't be able to bear it anymore and I will kill you with my own hands!"

After she finished speaking, her eyes flashed.

In an instant, the flames that were originally burning became a little more intense.


The old man groaned in pain, and his face turned pale.

Wu Zimeng asked: "Say!"

"Cough... cough cough cough..." The old man spit out a few mouthfuls of blood with difficulty and replied: "I don't know."

"You lied!" Wu Zimeng gritted his teeth: "You must know!!!"

The old man continued to shake his head and said, "I really don't know!"

"You're lying. We just met a man in black robes under the ancient city wall of Kunlun Mountain. That guy must know where the exit is. We just arrested him and questioned him. Why did he come to you?"

The old man said: "Have you met me?"

Wu Zimeng nodded and said: "Yes!"

The old man said again: "You are lucky. That guy happens to be the only zombie in Kunlun Mountain. I killed him and got his memory."

"Oh, that's it. Go away quickly and leave me alone." The old man urged.

Obviously, he knew what Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi were here for, and deliberately asked Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi to leave.


"You killed a zombie?"

When Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi heard this, they both looked surprised.

The old man nodded slightly and admitted: "Yes, I have killed one zombie. Now the remaining zombie can no longer harm me. Let's go!"

Listening to each other's words, Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi looked at each other, both seeing the confusion and confusion in each other's eyes.

Wu Zimeng said: "Since you killed a zombie, why are you still alive? And you are still here?"



Wu Qi and Wu Zimeng asked several questions in succession, but the old man had no intention of answering immediately.

After he was silent for a few seconds, he said: "Well, my situation is a bit complicated and it's not convenient to talk about it. Anyway, just leave me alone."

After that, the old man did not give the two a chance to speak, and continued: "I won't hurt you, you go..."

Before he finished speaking this time, he suddenly felt that his body could not move, as if it was frozen.

Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi also felt it, but they were not too worried.

They looked at the old man. Wu Zimeng smiled sarcastically and slowly drew out the peach wood sword on his back.

"No, no, no, don't kill me. Didn't you say you wanted to kill me? I won't run away now. I am willing to surrender to you. Please, please spare me..."

Seeing Wu Zimeng pull out the mahogany sword, the old man hurriedly begged for mercy.

However, his begging for mercy was met with a disdainful sneer from Wu Zimeng: "Huh, old ghost, you still want to deceive me. Let me tell you, the ancestral motto of our Wu family is to kill demons and drive away evil spirits. Although you don't count. Evil, but it’s almost enough!”

After saying this, she held the peach wood sword, pointed it at the old man, swung the sword violently, and struck out a purple thunder and lightning.


As purple thunder and lightning struck the old man, the old man suddenly let out a painful cry.

"Ah~ stop, I said..."

After a while, the old man finally confessed: "I do know a way to leave Kunlun Mountain, but..."

"I'm trapped here by the formation now. I can't break this formation no matter what, and I can't help you."

"I need your help. As long as you help me, I will help you break this formation."

"What did you say?" Wu Zimeng frowned.

At this time, Wu Qi interjected: "Meng'er, he is right, we really need his help..."

"However, from the look of his embarrassment, I guess it's not reliable. I might as well kill him first to silence him."

After saying that, he clenched the spear in his hand and prepared to stab the old man.

Seeing this, Wu Zimeng quickly grabbed his arm and stopped him: "No!"

After she stopped Wu Qi, she asked the old man: "What's your name?!"

The old man replied: "My surname is Liu, Liu Qiming..."

"Liu Qiming, are you sure you know how to leave Kunlun Wonderland?"

"Yes, I know, and you will definitely be able to use this method."

"Then come and listen!"

Liu Qiming hesitated for a moment and said, "As far as I know, three things are needed to break this formation. The first is your blood essence, the second is the spiritual weapon you have cultivated for many years; the third is..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Wu Zimeng couldn't wait to ask, "What is the third thing?"

Liu Qiming replied, "The third thing is a snow lotus that is more than 500 years old!"

Wu Zimeng asked, "Then, do you know where this snow lotus is?"

Liu Qiming replied, "The snow lotus is in the depths of Kunlun Mountain."

"Deep in the Kunlun Mountain?!"

Hearing this, Wu Zimeng's eyes narrowed into a line, flashing with a strange light.

Then, she stopped paying attention to the old man and turned to Wu Qi and ordered, "Ah Qi, you go back to the family and gather the Wu family disciples immediately. We will enter the Kunlun Wonderland today."


Wu Qi was stunned when he heard this, with a confused expression on his face.

However, Wu Zimeng did not give him the opportunity to ask more questions and walked away directly.


Wu Qi shouted hurriedly.

Then he followed Wu Zimeng's footsteps.

Wu Zimeng ignored him and jumped into the big tree in the middle of the lake.

Wu Qi followed, landed, and stood beside Wu Zimeng.

"I know you feel strange, but now is not the time to explain to you. I will take you diving first, and then slowly explain to you after finding the snow lotus."

Wu Zimeng said indifferently, and then she raised her hand and slammed the bottom of the lake.

With a bang, the water column rushed into the sky and stirred around.

Then, a strong thrust pushed the two to the bottom of the lake.

The lake water backflowed and submerged the two figures.

"Huff huff huff..."

Wu Zimeng and Wu Qi kept swimming forward. After half a minute, they just emerged from the water and returned to the shore.

Wu Zimeng raised his head and looked at the lake, his eyes solemnly saying: "There is a restriction under the lake, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to go down."

Wu Qi also looked at the lake and frowned: "What should we do now?!"

Wu Zimeng pondered for a moment, then said: "Let's go back first and make plans tomorrow."

"That's the only way." Wu Qi sighed.


The next day.

In the early morning, the sky was covered with heavy snow, and the whole world was shrouded in a thick layer of frost.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, as if it would never stop. The cold wind was howling, and the strong wind rolled up the ice and snow and ravaged the earth.

Kunlun Wonderland, the cave on the top of the mountain.

Wu Zimeng sat cross-legged on the bed with her eyes closed, meditating.

Suddenly, a voice rang in her ears: "Little girl, wake up..."

Hearing this sudden voice, Wu Zimeng opened her eyes instantly.

She looked around the room and didn't see anyone. She shouted coldly, "Who?! Come out!"

She just clearly sensed that a stranger was secretly watching her.

Not only that, she also vaguely sensed the other person's aura, which was definitely not an ordinary person.

Because the other person's strength was much stronger than hers!

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