"Hehe, little girl has a bad temper. You dare to treat me like this. Do you really think you can escape from me?"

At this time, a sinister smile came out.

Immediately, an old man in black appeared in the room out of thin air.

After Wu Zimeng saw the person clearly, her face changed and she was shocked.

Because she didn't expect that the other party was actually a martial arts master!

What shocked Wu Zimeng even more was that the other party exuded a strong ghost aura and wore a black robe that covered his whole body.

Wu Zimeng guessed that the other party might be something like a ghost.

However, she was not afraid of the other party because the other party's breath fluctuations were very stable and did not seem like a powerful character.

On the contrary, Wu Zimeng paid more attention to the "snow lotus over 500 years old" mentioned by the other party.

After thinking for a while, Wu Zimeng asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do in my Wu family?"

Hearing this, the black-robed man laughed a few times and said, "Hehehe, your Wu family really has a secret treasure."

"But unfortunately, none of you are qualified to own it. I advise you to hand it over obediently, so as not to suffer physical pain."

Hearing the other party's arrogance, Wu Zimeng's face showed anger, and his tone was as cold as ice: "Since you are stubborn, I am too lazy to talk nonsense."


The moment the voice fell, Wu Zimeng stomped his right foot fiercely.

With a loud bang, the lake surface exploded.

At the same time, her figure soared up, like a cannonball, and shot towards the black-robed old man.

"Trivial tricks!"

The old man snorted coldly when he saw this, and pinched his hands together. A green light appeared at his fingertips, and then shot towards Wu Zimeng.

Swish swish swish!

The green light was extremely fast, and it arrived in front of Wu Zimeng in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph! Trivial tricks!"

Wu Zimeng snorted coldly, stretched out her jade hand, and lightly grabbed the green light.


The green light shattered, revealing the object inside -

an ancient and unadorned plaque.

The plaque was engraved with dense runes.

The runes combined together looked like a star pattern.

After seeing this scene, Wu Zimeng was slightly startled, and then murmured in a low voice: "The Kunlun Immortal Sect's treasure, the Kunlun Stele..."

As she spoke, she swung her right hand violently and smashed the Kunlun Stele at the old man.

"Looking for death!!"

Seeing this, the old man was furious and punched the Kunlun Stele.


With a muffled sound, the Kunlun Stele was blown up and turned into countless fragments, scattered in the lake.

The old man in black robe was attacked by the power contained in the Kunlun Monument. His mouth opened wide and a ball of bright red liquid spurted out. After his body trembled violently for several times, he fainted.

Wu Zimeng gathered her breath and walked out of the lake.

She glanced around and finally set her sights on the old man's corpse.

Wu Zimeng squatted down and carefully observed the old man's corpse, her pretty face full of surprise.

Because, she actually saw the Kunlun Immortal Sect's skills in the old man's corpse!

"Could it be... Is he an ancestor of my Wu family?!"

Wu Zimeng muttered to herself for a few words, but she still couldn't figure out how the ancestor of their Wu family could become like this.

"Forget it, never mind him, let's wake up my father and the others first."

Wu Zimeng shook her head, then took out some healing pills from the storage bag and fed them to Wu Qi lying on the bed.

After doing this, Wu Zimeng checked the others again.

He was relieved to find that except for the unconscious Wu Qizhong and Yang Zitong, the other three tribesmen were safe and sound.

After doing all this, Wu Zimeng sat cross-legged and continued to recover his strength.

At the same time, in the valley, Lin Hao was frantically refining pills.

This time, refining pills was much simpler than last time, because he had the Wanling Creation Cauldron, and the pills he refined had powerful effects, no worse than last time.

In a flash, two hours passed.

During this period, Yang Zitong and Wu Qizhong's injuries had recovered to a large extent.

Lin Hao opened his eyes, exhaled a breath of turbid air, stood up, patted his butt, and prepared to go out to find snow lotus for more than 500 years.

After all, he had delayed all night, and it was now around five o'clock in the morning, and there was less than an hour left before the time scheduled by Wu Zimeng.

"I hope that the snow lotus can be found as soon as possible, otherwise, Zimeng's condition will be dangerous."

Lin Hao thought to himself and stepped out of the cave.

Outside, the night was hazy.

Lin Hao cast a spell to make the cave extremely bright, and then he looked around, ready to search for traces of snow lotus.

However, after searching for a long time, he still did not find any trace of snow lotus, not even the five-hundred-year-old snow lotus.

"It seems that the snow lotus has really disappeared."

Lin Hao took a deep breath, with regret flashing in his eyes.

Just as he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly swept to a place where the soil was wet and blood was oozing out...

"Huh? Someone was active here?"

Lin Hao immediately chased the source of the bloodstains, and soon, he found the source of the bloodstains.

Near the bloodstains, a man in black was lying down. The man in black had a sword stuck in his chest, and his body was stained with a lot of blood. He had died, and his black cloak had been stained red.

"Hmm? This man... I know him!"

Lin Hao carefully identified it and immediately discovered the identity of this person!

Surprisingly, he was the former guard captain of the Wu family! !

Moreover, he also recognized the token hanging on the man's waist, which was the Wu family's token!

"A member of the Wu family?"

"Why did they get here?"

"What danger did they encounter?"

Lin Hao thought in confusion, and quickly walked over to take a look at the wounds of the Wu family's guard captain.

It was discovered that the wounds on this man's body, although hideous and terrifying, were not fatal!

Apparently, he should just take a big hit!

"They seem to be trapped!!"

Lin Hao frowned and muttered, then bent down to check the Wu family's guard captain's breathing, pulse and other conditions.

After confirming that his life breath still existed, Lin Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, this guy is not dead, otherwise I really don't know what to do today!"

"Consider him lucky!"

Lin Hao muttered as he raised his hand and tapped a few fingers on the Wu family's guard captain to help him stop bleeding and prevent him from dying of shock due to excessive blood loss!

Then, he turned around and left here.

After all, the Wu family is still waiting outside for him to return.

At this moment, the Wu family guard captain, who had been motionless, suddenly twitched all over his body. Then his body struggled violently, and then he jumped up and rushed towards Lin Hao...

"not good!"

Lin Hao's expression suddenly changed.

This old man in black robe actually faked his corpse! ! !

But before Lin Hao could react, the old man in black robe had already rushed over!

His cultivation level is extremely powerful and can be called the pinnacle of the seventh level of foundation building!

He saw his palm roaring towards Lin Hao's forehead. Lin Hao's face darkened and he hurriedly dodged.

But the black-robed old man's attack was too fast and fierce, and he couldn't avoid it at all, so he could only use his magical weapon to resist the opponent.

boom! !

The collision of magic weapons creates powerful ripples!

And with just one blow, the black-robed old man retreated violently, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth!

Lin Hao staggered back a few steps, one arm was hurt by the shock, and his heart was turned upside down!

"How can it be!"

"This guy actually has such strong fighting power?!"

Lin Hao's eyes widened and he stared at the old man in black robe in front of him with a horrified expression!

"You are not from the Wu family! Who are you?"

The old man in black robe wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Lin Hao sinisterly, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Hearing this, Lin Hao raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you know me too?"

"So what if I know you, so what if I don't know you?!"

The old man in black robe looked at Lin Hao with a sneer, a strange chill in his eyes.

Lin Hao felt the killing intent in this man's eyes and couldn't help but frown.

"I'll give you another chance to reveal your identity!!" Lin Hao shouted sharply.

The old man in black robe raised his head and laughed wildly.

"I am the Great Protector of the Voodoo Sect in Western Border, Wang Yuanze!"

"I am here to take your dog's life on the order of the sect leader!!"

"You deserve death for killing the saint of my sect!"

"Do you think you can challenge me with your mere third-level foundation building cultivation?"

"Haha, if I wanted to kill you, it would be as easy as crushing an ant to death!"

After Wang Yuanze finished speaking, the demonic energy in his body suddenly burst out.

Boom! !

The majestic demonic energy swept in like a tidal wave, covering the entire valley in the blink of an eye!

The demonic energy rolled into a hurricane, instantly blowing away the snow in the valley, blowing out the torches and candles on the surrounding mountain walls, and plunging the valley into darkness!

When the terrifying demonic energy hit, Lin Hao immediately activated the protective spirit to protect his whole body. Then he clenched his fists, roared, stepped into the void with one step, and hit Wang Yuanze with his fist.

There was a loud bang, and the two of them gave each other a hard blow, and both of them stepped back more than ten feet.

"Huh? With your cultivation level... you have not only advanced to the second level of foundation building?"

The moment Lin Hao's fist struck out, the black-robed old man's pupils shrank slightly and he shouted in surprise.

Then, he suddenly snorted coldly, flicked his wrist, and several silver needles suddenly appeared in his hand!

This silver needle is as black as ink, and every silver needle is shining with a faint light, especially the tip of the needle, which has a sharp and cold light!

"Little tricks!"

Lin Hao snorted coldly, moved his figure, and walked straight towards the old man in black robe. He punched out with a roar, shattering the void, and also with a harsh sound of breaking through the sky!

Wang Yuanze stared at Lin Hao's punch. He raised his right hand and his arm suddenly changed into a pair of pitch black bone claws!

With a click, he grabbed Lin Hao's iron fist!

"Die to me!"

Wang Yuanze roared, his arm suddenly twisted, and starting from his palm, a monstrous evil force spread violently!

In the blink of an eye, his arm seemed to be corroded and began to wither!

At the same time, the aura on his body began to rise crazily! !

This is the scariest thing about him! !

Just now, he deliberately pretended to be unconscious just to lure Lin Hao into the cave and take the opportunity to make a sneak attack!

At this moment, under the influence of those medicinal powders, he finally woke up! !

Then, his strength instantly increased several times! !

When the black-robed old man suddenly broke out, Lin Hao also sensed the danger, his steps suddenly stopped, and he dodged the opponent's attack on one side of his body!

But just as he had regained his footing, the figure of the old man in black robe had already approached him again. At the same time, he turned his right hand into a fist and slashed hard at Lin Hao's neck.

"Little baby, you are dead!"

"Who asked you to kill my disciple!"

Wang Yuanze roared angrily, and his right fist was filled with strong evil energy, like a black sword, piercing Lin Hao's throat.

Facing this scene, Lin Hao looked extremely serious!

Seeing the opponent's attack getting closer and closer, Lin Hao's eyes turned cold and his body suddenly jumped back!

Then he stretched out his left hand and quickly performed the first move of "Green Lotus Demon Code": Green Wood Seal!

I saw an ancient Qinglian mark condensed on his left hand in an instant!

When the green lotus mark appeared, a green lotus silhouette suddenly appeared in the surrounding heaven and earth!

Then Lin Hao pushed with his left hand, and the green lotus mark flew out, hitting the black-robed old man's skull claws hard.

The old man in black robe saw the phantom of the blue lotus flying by. His eyelids twitched, and the bone stick in his hand suddenly crossed in front of him, trying to block the phantom of the blue lotus!

boom! !

A huge muffled sound spread throughout the valley!

And the phantom of the blue lotus immediately collapsed and disappeared without a trace after colliding with the black-robed old man's bone stick!

But this is just the beginning!

Immediately afterwards, a series of green lotus marks shot out from Lin Hao's hand, and like a sudden storm, they hit the black-robed old man overwhelmingly!

The expression of the old man in black robe changed, and with a flick of his hand, several silver needles flew out!

Puff puff puff, the silver needle broke through the air, pierced Lin Hao's blue lotus marks, and continued to shoot towards Lin Hao.

But although those silver needles shattered Lin Hao's blue lotus mark, they were unable to hurt Lin Hao at all.

Because on Lin Hao's left hand, a second spell was condensed!

This spell is the second form of Qinglian Zhenjue: green smoke! !

As the magic formula appeared, Lin Hao's figure flashed and disappeared instantly!

When he appeared, he was already standing behind Wang Yuanze, and then he raised his hand and pointed on Wang Yuanze's spinal acupuncture point. In an instant, Wang Yuanze's body trembled violently, and the ferocious expression on his face immediately stiffened!

And the spiritual power and essence in his body also dissipated in an instant!

Wang Yuanze, defeated!

Seeing Wang Yuanze being destroyed by Lin Hao and killing him instantly with one move, Nangong Feiyan, who was standing nearby and watching, was stunned!

She never expected that this young man could so easily crush Wang Yuanze, who was on the sixth floor of the foundation?


Nangong Feiyan called out anxiously and ran towards Wang Yuanze!

Wang Yuanze slumped to the ground, staring at Lin Hao with resentful eyes, gritting his teeth and said: "Boy, do you dare to destroy my cultivation?"

"Today, I will kill you!"

"Suffer death!!"

After Wang Yuanze said this, he suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out!

Suddenly, a jet-black pill rushed into the air.

As it rushed into the air, the pill exploded instantly, and dense black mist flew out from it. The black mist condensed in mid-air, forming patches of pitch-black poisonous scorpions!

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