There are hundreds of these poisonous scorpions, each one the size of a palm!

They were densely packed, squatting in the void, flying toward Lin Hao, and at the same time, they let out bursts of shrill roars from their mouths! !

Obviously, this is a Gu insect! !

Lin Hao glanced at these black poisonous scorpions, with a hint of gloom deep in his eyes!

He didn't expect that this old man in black robe actually knew how to refine Gu insects?

What's more important is that there are thousands of these Gu insects!

"Since you don't follow the rules, I don't need to show mercy today!"

Lin Hao said coldly, and his momentum exploded. He took one step forward and killed those thousands of poisonous scorpions directly! !

"Be careful, this scorpion is extremely poisonous!!"

At this moment, Nangong Feiyan on the side quickly spoke to remind Lin Hao.

After hearing this, Lin Hao turned around and glanced at Nangong Feiyan.

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of beasts!!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Hao suddenly slapped the storage bag with his right hand, and in a moment, more than ten flying swords flew out from the storage bag!

"Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect!!"

Whoosh whoosh! !

In an instant, Lin Hao was surrounded by flying swords.

These flying swords are not of high quality, they are all just ordinary goods!

But despite this, Lin Hao was still extremely terrifying with thousands of flying swords at his disposal.

Whoosh! !

The sword energy in the sky was heading towards those black scorpions, while Lin Hao strangled them with both hands, controlling thousands of flying swords, and constantly strangled those black scorpions!

Less than a cup of tea!

The entire hillside is full of broken limbs!

The blood dyed the grass red... and even dyed the entire mountain peak red!

And Lin Hao was also covered in blood, and his clothes were dyed blood...

But even so, he remains standing!

On the contrary, the old man in black robe was already in a state of disgrace at this moment. The black robe he wore was covered with blood, especially his skull-like pale face, which was soaked with blood...

At this moment, he was at the end of his strength! !

"I...I am unwilling..."

"If my cultivation had not dropped to the fifth level of Foundation Establishment, how could I lose to you who was at the third level of Foundation Establishment?"

The old man in black robe laughed miserably, and his body slowly fell from the void. The ribs on his chest were all broken by the battle just now. At this moment, he has no fighting ability at all!

Lin Hao looked at the fallen old man in black robe indifferently. He walked over, grabbed the old man in black robe's head, and said coldly: "Die!"


Rolling thunder exploded in the sky.

Lin Hao crushed the head of the old man in black robe with one foot, causing him to completely return to the west.

Then, he reached out and took off the storage ring of the old man in black robe. After checking it carefully, he breathed a sigh of relief, because except for a few top-grade spiritual stones, there was nothing else in the storage ring. .

"Although this man's realm has fallen, he is still a monk in the Dan Formation stage, and his net worth should be pretty good!"

"But unfortunately, he is dead!"

Shaking his head and sighing, Lin Hao put away the storage ring, then raised his head and stared around, looking for the next opponent.

This time, he will choose the weakest monk.

Only by choosing the weakest opponent can you better hone your strength!

Thinking about it, Lin Hao's figure flashed towards the left, and in the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared from where he was!

At the same time, somewhere a hundred feet away from him, two terrifying fluctuations of consciousness suddenly came out. Two monks were standing in the distance, staring at Lin Hao in stunned silence! !

"Master!! Why did this little thief suddenly become stronger?"

"Did he take some magic pill?"

These two people are the apprentices of the two old men in black robes who escaped last night!

And the Lin Hao they saw now was exactly the one they saw last night.

"He has indeed become much stronger!"

"We can't mess with this kind of freak! Hurry up and withdraw!!"

A thin young man said through gritted teeth.

Although the other chubby man wanted to take revenge, but thinking of Lin Hao's unpredictable speed last night, he could only nod fiercely, and then quickly prepared to run away.

But just when the two of them turned around and were about to run away, suddenly a figure rushed towards them in the void in the distance!

This person is none other than Lin Hao.

When he noticed the existence of these two people, Lin Hao frowned slightly: "Finally, I've waited for you!"

"Today, I will let you two idiots know the price of angering me, Lin Hao!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure turned into a stream of light and sped towards the disciples of the two black-robed old men!

The two disciples of the old man in black robes were already frightened out of their wits, but now they were even more frightened when they saw Lin Hao chasing after him, and they hurriedly used spells to prepare to resist.

Unfortunately, before the spell was cast, a cold light was seen piercing the void!

With a puff of the knife, the head of the disciple of an old man in black robe fell off.

The other one was beheaded instantly by Lin Hao and his body was separated!

Seeing this scene, the remaining apprentice of the old man in black robe who had his head cut off became even more frightened. He didn't even dare to shout and tried to escape in a hurry.

Unfortunately, Lin Hao didn't want to give him a chance at all. His figure suddenly flickered, and when he reappeared, a huge wound had been cut on the neck of the black-robed old man's apprentice! !

And Lin Hao, like a devil, continued to attack another apprentice of the old man in black robe! !

The apprentice of the old man in black robe was so scared that he peed his pants. He couldn't believe how the young man in front of him could be so strong! !

With just a stick of incense, Lin Hao killed two of their alchemy monks! !

"I surrender!"

"Please, let me go!!"

The black-robed old man's disciple knelt on the ground, and his head and body hit the ground with a bang.

He is already afraid! !

He was afraid that Lin Hao would kill him! !

Because he is no match for Lin Hao! !


"Didn't you just say you were going to kill me? Why are you so scared now?"


Coldness surged in Lin Hao's eyes, his figure suddenly swayed, and an afterimage appeared from the void.

puff! !

Blood splashed everywhere, and the short blade in Lin Hao's hand pierced the shoulder of the black-robed old man's disciple!

In his pupils, the head rolled away far away, while its headless body slowly fell, and finally fell to the ground with a thud.

Lin Hao snorted coldly, raised his hand and threw the short blade into the storage bag.

"Who else?"

He looked in all directions and asked coldly.

At this moment, there was only silence in front of him.

Apparently, no one else is around here! !

Lin Hao glanced around and frowned slightly: "Strange, where are those black-robed monks?"

"It stands to reason that their master must have discovered the black-robed monks I killed yesterday, and reinforcements will definitely be sent to stop them!"

"But why haven't I felt anything unusual after so long since I arrived here?"

While he was wondering, his ears suddenly twitched and he suddenly looked up to the northeast!


“These sons of bitches really can’t stand it anymore!!”

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Lin Hao did not hesitate and walked quickly towards the northeast!

In the northeast, a total of three extremely terrifying auras were quickly approaching them. Obviously, they had noticed Lin Hao's traces! !

In this case, Lin Hao simply didn't bother to hide!

Anyway, he is now strong enough to crush these rubbish, so there is no need to dodge.

"Haha, Brother Lin, you are finally here!"

"Let's join forces first to deal with these bastards!!"

In the distance, Zhu Ling'er and Chu Xiyan, who were in extremely embarrassed condition, had already felt three auras flying towards them!

And when they saw clearly the appearance of these three people, especially the young man in white who was leading them, Zhu Ling'er suddenly became extremely excited and exclaimed: "Brother Lin Hao!"

After saying that, she jumped up and took the lead in attacking these people.

Chu Xiyan glanced at Lin Hao, her eyes full of complicated emotions, but she still did not forget it and followed Zhu Ling'er to fight!

"Lin Hao, be careful!"

She whispered a reminder, then held the sword in her hand tightly and rushed forward.

Lin Hao, on the other hand, just glanced at them lightly and said nothing.

At this moment, he has completely stepped into the ninth level of foundation building. Although his realm has not improved, his true energy is already comparable to that of a mid-stage golden elixir monk, and is even not inferior to that of an ordinary mid-stage golden elixir monk.

So even if you encounter a group of casual cultivators who are in the early stages of forming a pill, you can already compete with them!

Besides, those people were only in the early stages of forming pills! !

In just half a stick of incense, those old men in black robes would be dead! !

Therefore, Lin Hao didn't care about Zhu Ling'er and Chu Xiyan at all. He just glanced at the surrounding mountain peaks and then flew quickly towards the northeast.

Within this mountain range, spiritual grasses are everywhere, and there are also many ferocious beasts of all kinds! !

Especially among these ferocious beasts, there are several monster beasts that are comparable to the peak of foundation building! !

It's a pity... Lin Hao didn't take them seriously at all!


"Damn ants, how dare you massacre my people?"

"court death!!"

Suddenly, an angry roar and rumble came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, a huge demonic beast that was a thousand meters long suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Lin Hao, blocking Lin Hao's way! !

This monster is a giant python with an extremely thick body and a long tail like a whip. On top of the dragon snake's head, there is an old man in black robe sitting cross-legged!

That old man exuded strong pressure! !

And behind him, there were two monks, a man and a woman!

The two monks were both covered by black robes, with only two huge heads exposed. The eyes in the two heads were extremely scarlet, like two lanterns, staring at Lin Hao.

Lin Hao looked at these three black-robed old men, and his expression immediately darkened!

"Are you here to deliver food?"

"Forget it! Now that we're here, let's kill them all at once!!"


With one word, Lin Hao held a short blade and rushed forward in a flash! !

His figure looked like a ghost!

At this moment, he seemed to blend into the entire night.

This is the magical power "Night Ghost" from the first volume of "The Way of Kuyan"! !

This method can make a person's figure invisible. Even a strong person at the Nascent Soul level will have difficulty catching his traces! !

And that giant black python is worthy of being a monster beast comparable to the peak of Dan Formation!

I saw the black python's huge head twisting and swinging, and a pair of scarlet eyes locked on Lin Hao.

It seemed to be able to sense the terrifying aura on Lin Hao's body, so it did not take the initiative to attack Lin Hao!

Instead, he opened his ferocious mouth and spit out a ball of smelly venom!

Lin Hao stood there, letting the smelly venom fall on him!

Then, he suddenly kicked forward with his right foot, and a terrifying gust of wind exploded. He stepped on the venom and rushed towards the giant python! !


With a loud shout, Lin Hao threw a punch!

This punch contained tremendous power!

Boom! !

The giant python had no time to react at all, and was directly blown away by this terrifying punch! !

Afterwards, Lin Hao shook his body and punched the giant python again! !

The roar was like thunder!

A black-robed giant python comparable to the peak of the Jindan stage was actually beaten alive by Lin Hao! !

When the black python was dying, a soul escaped and wanted to leave.

But how could Lin Hao let it escape?

He sneered, raised his hand and sacrificed his own life magic weapon: "Eternal Extinction Finger, destroy it for me!!"

With a finger falling, the giant python's soul that was originally fleeing was actually forced back!

Then, Lin Hao took it from the air, grabbed it in his palm, and squeezed it into a pool of blood and flesh! !

"Good fellow!"

"A mere black-robed Jindan cultivator, his soul is even tougher than those Yuanying ancestors' souls!"

"If I devour and refine it, it will definitely greatly increase my strength!!"

Lin Hao said in surprise!

Then, he focused his eyes and looked to the other side.

That direction was where Zhu Ling'er, Chu Xiyan and five other black-robed Jindan cultivators fought!

At this time, Zhu Ling'er was holding a long halberd in her hand, and the long halberd was wrapped with red flames. As the flames burned, the temperature around it suddenly increased.

This was a magic weapon! !

In addition, Chu Xiyan was even more terrifying!

Not only was she frail, but she was also a female cultivator!

But her magic skills were weird and unpredictable.

I saw that when Chu Xiyan turned her wrist, a green bell suddenly appeared. When she waved it, the sound of the bell resounded through the world, and it actually brought about strange fluctuations!

This fluctuation, as if it was some kind of melody, actually made Lin Hao's mind emerge with endless illusions, scene after scene, like a movie scene replay, reflected in his mind.

This is Chu Xiyan's sound attack!

This sound attack is absolutely ineffective against cultivators below the Jindan stage! !

But Lin Hao is a freak! !

Because he has divine consciousness! !

In just a blink of an eye, two blue sparks appeared in Lin Hao's eyes, and his will was instantly firm, guarding all the illusions! !

"Huh? How could it fail?"

The beautiful female cultivator Chu Xiyan holding a long spear was slightly startled.

She was very sure that with the "Illusion Sound Bell" she had just cast, even a cultivator in the late Jindan stage could not resist it! !

But the boy in front of him could actually resist it! !

On the other side, after Lin Hao resisted the magic bell of the female cultivator, his figure suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already behind the female cultivator holding the sword!

He stretched out his arm suddenly, grabbed the woman's neck, and lifted her up alive.

The female cultivator holding the sword widened her beautiful eyes, staring at Lin Hao, full of resentment and resentment!

"Damn it!!"

"This damn beast actually attacked my junior sister!" (End of this chapter)

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