"Asshole, let go of my sister!"

"Otherwise, you will never leave this secret realm alive today!"

The remaining two male cultivators holding flying swords suddenly became anxious and immediately split into two teams, attacking Lin Hao from the left and right! !

But Lin Hao just sneered.

"Shut up!"

He slapped the chests of the two male cultivators and directly smashed their shields!

The two male cultivators, who had not even reached the Nascent Soul Realm, screamed and flew backwards on the spot!

Throwing away the corpse in his hand, Lin Hao walked towards the black-clothed male cultivator holding a spear!

At this time, the black-clothed cultivator holding a spear was already scared by Lin Hao.

He watched Lin Hao approach him step by step, and was so scared that his calves cramped!

"No... don't kill me!!"

"Please, let me go, spare me..."

The black-clothed male cultivator had a sad face and kept kneeling on the ground begging for mercy. At the same time, the magic spear in his hand was shaking and thrown on the ground. He no longer cared about killing and robbing.

Lin Hao snorted coldly, raised his hand and a purple light shot into the male cultivator's eyebrows!

In an instant, the male cultivator howled miserably, fell to the ground and twitched twice, and died more dead than dead.


"Don't you like robbing?"

"Then I will help you, so that you don't have to rob again in this life!!"

"But don't worry, after you die, I will not lose any of your property, and leave it all to your sect!!"

After saying that, Lin Hao did not stop, and walked towards the last remaining black-clothed man holding an iron rod.

The male cultivator holding the iron rod was already frightened by Lin Hao's tyranny at this time!

Although he also had a golden long mace in his hand, which was a top-grade spiritual weapon, it was far inferior to Lin Hao's Wuza and the white ape.

At this time, he saw Lin Hao walking towards him, and he was already pissing and pissing. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Hao and begged: "Senior! I was wrong!! I am willing to hand over everything in the storage bag, just begging the senior to spare my life!!"

Hearing this, Lin Hao grinned.

This male cultivator is really a coward. When he heard that he was going to kill him, he immediately peed his pants.

"I gave you a chance to hand over the storage bag obediently, but you refused?"

"Okay! Then you don't have to hand over the storage bag!"

"Because... I never planned to let you go!"

"Today, I will collect some interest first!!"

After speaking, Lin Hao's figure flashed, raised his palm, and pressed the void! !

Suddenly, a terrifying suppressing force fell on the male cultivator's head like Mount Tai!

With a chuckle, the male cultivator vomited blood on the spot. His body seemed to be oppressed by a thousand-pound force. His knees bent and he knelt on the ground with a bang! !

"Ah... no... don't..."

He screamed and struggled with all his strength.

But it was useless. His hands and feet were all restrained. The whole person was pressed to the ground by Lin Hao like a mountain.

"Spare my life!!"

"Please, spare my life!"

"You want money, whatever you want, I will agree to you! I only ask you to spare me!"

"As long as you spare my life, I will listen to you. I am willing to submit to you and be your slave. I only ask the senior to let me go..."

The black-clothed male cultivator shouted miserably!

Unfortunately, even if he shouted until his throat was broken, Lin Hao ignored him.

Because he knew who this person was! !

"Chu Xiyan!!"

Lin Hao's pupils turned cold and he turned his head suddenly to look.

Sure enough, the female cultivator holding a long sword a hundred feet away was staring at Lin Hao with a gloomy face and extreme anger, and gnashed her teeth and said: "You bastard surnamed Lin, you dare to kill my Kunlunxu disciples?"

"Don't you worry that I, Kunlunxu, will hunt you down?"

Lin Hao laughed, not afraid of the female cultivator at all!

He even showed a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth: "Hunting me down? Okay!! Then I'll stand here and wait for you. I want to see what you can do to me?!"

"You... are looking for death!!"

The female cultivator was furious!

The long sword in her hand shook, turning into thousands of sword shadows, stabbing towards Lin Hao in an overwhelming manner! !

This female cultivator's cultivation level is enough to build the sixth level of foundation, and her strength is not much less than Zhu Lin'er!

Facing this woman's attack, Lin Hao sneered and did not dodge at all!

Instead, he pinched his fingers, and a powerful soul thought burst out from Lin Hao's mind!

This powerful soul power roared like thunder, exploding in this area, and the female cultivator holding the long sword suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head. She couldn't help but cover her head and screamed.

"Soul attack!!"

She looked up in shock and looked at Lin Hao in surprise.

This female cultivator obviously didn't expect that Lin Hao was not only extremely powerful in refining medicine, but also had a soul that was far superior to ordinary people!

And the most important thing is...

This Lin Hao's soul is so huge and vast! !

You know, the soul of a cultivator is not just visible to the naked eye, it is an extension of the cultivator's spiritual perception!

Once the cultivator's cultivation reaches a certain level, the soul can leave the body and travel in the void! !

And the Lin Hao in front of him is not only so powerful in the body, but also in the soul, almost comparable to the peak of the golden elixir!

How could such a cultivator appear in this small southern region!

What the female cultivator didn't know was that the reason why Lin Hao hid his cultivation was because he had deliberately changed his appearance and aura before entering this secret realm!

Unless they meet someone familiar, no one will realize that Lin Hao is him! !

And this cognition also allows him to better conceal his identity! !

At this time, facing the horrified gaze of the female cultivator, Lin Hao smiled indifferently: "Why, are you scared?"

"Since you are scared, then get out of here!"

"I, Lin Hao, never kill innocent people. As long as you don't mess with me, we will not interfere with each other."

"If you insist on touching my brother, I will kill you!!"

"If you don't believe it, just try it!!"

The female cultivator was stunned!

She never dreamed that she, a direct disciple of the second immortal sect of Kunlun Ruins, would fall into the hands of this mere fifth-level Qi training ant in front of her!

And what she couldn't imagine was... This guy is not an ordinary fifth-level Qi training cultivator! !

This guy actually has the power of the soul, and even cultivated the third-level magic, condensed into a shape! !

No wonder, my move "Ride the Wind and Step on Snow" just now couldn't hurt this person!

It's ridiculous that I just wanted to kill this person and take the treasures from him...

It turns out that this person's strength is so terrifying! !

However, even though she knew that Lin Hao's soul was very strong, the female cultivator still refused to give up! !

"You bastard surnamed Lin!"

"You killed my Kunlun Ruins disciples, and you dare to be so rampant!!"

"Today, I will not be a human unless I grind you to ashes!"

The female cultivator roared madly, waving the silver moon long sword in her hand to create countless phantom sword rains, and rushed towards Lin Hao in an overwhelming manner! !

"Ha! Stubborn!!"

Lin Hao sneered.

The next second, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and when he appeared again, he was less than five meters away from the female cultivator!

Then he punched out!

Boom! ! !

The void exploded, and this punch was like a burning flame!

The female cultivator from Kunlun Ruins holding the Silver Moon Sword didn't have time to dodge at all!

With a loud bang!

She was directly knocked out by Lin Hao's punch!

Spouting a mouthful of blood, the female cultivator stared at Lin Hao with resentment.


"You actually attacked me!"

Lin Hao stared at the female cultivator sarcastically: "You attacked my brother just now, I was just taking revenge, so what?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Since you killed my people from Kunlun Ruins, I will make you pay the price today!!"

"Tonight, even if I die, I will drag you to be buried with me!!"

The female cultivator from Kunlun Ruins roared, holding the Silver Moon Sword, and rushed straight to Lin Hao!

The two of them fought fiercely in an instant.

As the two fought fiercely, in an instant, the trees and grass around Lin Hao were all destroyed! !

While fighting fiercely here.

On the other side, the Chu family's land!

The Chu family members had already fled!

They didn't dare to stay!

After all, although the leader of the Black Bear Gang of the Black Dragon Gang was killed by Lin Hao, there are still many masters in the Black Bear Gang!

In particular, the Black Bear Gang's Great Protector is said to have reached the late Nascent Soul stage! !

Among these Chu family members, only Chu Feng, Chu Qingzhu and Chu Yuxun, three Chu family prodigies, are still here.

Not only do they have to take care of the injured and unconscious Ye Qiu, but they also have to guard the Chu family land to prevent the remnants of the Black Bear Gang from rushing in and continuing to harm the Chu family members!

"Brother, what should we do!"

"Will Master Lin Hao be in danger?"

Looking at the headquarters of the Black Bear Gang, Chu Yuxun said worriedly.

Chu Feng, who was next to him, frowned and thought for a while, and said: "Don't worry, although Lin Hao is young, his cultivation is indeed unfathomable. I believe that he should be fine."

Chu Feng has always had a good impression of Lin Hao, so in his subconscious, he also believes that Lin Hao is definitely not a reckless person!

"But, but..." Chu Yuxun wanted to speak, but Chu Qingzhu interrupted her.

"Don't forget, what is our Chu family's ancestral motto?"

"If it weren't for Lin Hao's rescue, our Chu family would have fallen into the claws of the monsters!"

"How can our Chu family forget such a favor?"

"Now, Lin Hao is in trouble, and you still want to ignore it?"

Hearing this, Chu Yuxun was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything.

Chu Feng sighed and said, "Qingzhu is right!"

"Although our Chu family is a top-level cultivation family in the Southern Region, in terms of foundation and strength, it is still far behind the immortal sects such as Kunlun Ruins!"

"We owe Lin Hao a life. This time, he is in danger, and we can't stand idly by!!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he immediately walked towards the depths of the mountain range.

Chu Qingzhu and Chu Yuxun hesitated for a moment, and quickly followed.

At this moment, the fight between Lin Hao and the female cultivator of Kunlun Ruins has reached a white-hot stage.

The female cultivator's own strength was not weaker than that of a Jindan!

But the problem was that the quality of her magic weapon was too poor, it was just an ordinary low-level magic weapon, and this kind of magic weapon was just like garbage to Lin Hao! !

So Lin Hao didn't use his own magic weapon at all.

Instead, he activated the "Nine Heavens Divine Body", stimulated the spiritual power in his body to the extreme, and then forcibly held the female cultivator's magic weapon, moving both arms, punching left and right, and every punch he made made the Kunlun Ruins female cultivator spit blood and retreat!

In just a few breaths.

The Kunlun Ruins female cultivator was covered in blood and fell to the ground in a mess, unable to stand up again.

"No! No!!"

"Why is this happening!!"

"How could I, Kunlun Ruins, be defeated by a useless person with an eighth-level foundation!!"

"I hate it!!!"

"I would rather be struck to death by lightning than lose to a useless ant like you!!"

The female cultivator was lying on the ground, with red blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

She glared at Lin Hao fiercely and gritted her teeth.

"When the thunder disaster came, I saw a big snake with colorful auspicious clouds..." Lin Hao suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" The female cultivator was startled.

Lin Hao grinned.

"Look, is this the Seven-Color Heavenly Tribulation?"

As soon as the words fell, the female cultivator's expression suddenly changed! !

"Heavenly Tribulation...Seven-Colored Heavenly Tribulation...You, are you a tribulation-transcending cultivator???"


The female nun suddenly screamed!

It's a pity that Lin Hao was too lazy to pay attention to the female cultivator. He just shook his head and sighed: "If I were you, I wouldn't waste any more energy struggling. Anyway, even if I kill you today, those bullshit Kunlun Ruins law enforcers can't do anything to me!!"

Hearing this, the female cultivator from Kunlun Ruins suddenly fell silent.

She knew what Lin Hao said was true.

If he really fights to the death, even if he can successfully kill the man in front of him, so what?

This guy is a genuine "tribulation cultivator"!

Even if he is killed by himself, the people in Kunlun Ruins can't do anything to him.

The most I can do is scold myself a few times or punish myself a few times.

Thinking of this, the female cultivator got up from the ground with a sad smile, her pretty face twisted, and said full of hatred: "Okay!!"

"Since you want to die, I will let you die!"

"Today, no one can stop me from killing you!"

Having said that, this female cultivator from Kunlun Ruins slapped her storage bag! !

call out!

A robe that exuded strong pressure fluctuations appeared on her body.

She obtained this robe from the master's secret cave.

According to Master, this robe is called "Celestial Silk Armor"!

It is made of some kind of strange metal and has strong defensive power, comparable to an intermediate defensive magic weapon. It can block even the attacks of peak pill-forming monks!

This robe is her life-saving trump card, because she never bothers to use it!

But today, facing Lin Hao in front of her, she had to use it! !

Because this fight is related to the life and death of their entire Chu family! !

"You want to compare magic weapons with me?"

Lin Hao glanced indifferently at the silk armor offered by the female cultivator.

The Heavenly Silk Armor is a second-grade magic weapon!

This female cultivator can rely on it to withstand the full blow of the monk at the peak of the core formation.

But unfortunately, Lin Hao's magic weapon is not just this Sky Silk Armor!

All he saw was a flick of his fingers.

A ball of flame suddenly appeared in his palm!

Red Sun Burning Flame Technique! !

This is a technique he learned from the fire bird egg, which is designed to defeat evil spirits!

More importantly, this technique also has the heaven-defying effect of devouring souls and refining souls into pills! !

As soon as Lin Hao raised his hand, the red sun burning flames flew towards the Kunlun Ruins female cultivator.

The female cultivator thought that Lin Hao was offering ordinary flames, but she never expected that Lin Hao's flames actually carried extremely hot fire energy. After getting close to her, they suddenly increased several times and became scalding hot. The scorching flames directly enveloped the female cultivator's body.

Puff puff puff!

The body of the female cultivator didn't even last for half a second before it was directly ignited by the burning flames of the red sun, and the water was quickly evaporated, revealing the dense skeleton.

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