"My magic weapon, my protective magic weapon, was actually burned by you..."

"You bastard surnamed Lin, I curse you, you will not have a good end!"

"I will curse you, you will not have a good end!!"

A shrill scream came from the corpse of the female cultivator, and her resentful curse resounded in Lin Hao's ears, as if she was going to pull him into the eternal reincarnation, making Lin Hao raise his eyebrows slightly.

Then, he pinched his fingers, and with a loud bang, rolling magma rose from under his feet, instantly submerging the female cultivator's bones!

The female cultivator's Nascent Soul was about to escape, but unfortunately, before her Nascent Soul could escape, she was caught in Lin Hao's palm, crushed, and refined into a crystal clear pill that looked like a glass bead.

"You, shouldn't have provoked me!"

Lin Hao snorted coldly, raised his hand to put away the pill, and then glanced at the Kunlun Ruins female cultivator with a cold look.

The Yuanying of the Kunlun Ruins female cultivator was destroyed, and her corpse was melted.

Her extremely skinny skeleton gradually turned into a pile of ashes, floating in the wind...

"How terrifying!"

"What a terrible power of fire..."

"This boy is definitely a Jindan stage cultivator!!"

In the distance, watching Lin Hao kill the Kunlun Ruins female cultivator with a wave of his hand, Lin Hao's performance shocked all the Kunlun Ruins disciples around him.

These Kunlun Ruins disciples were all extremely horrified, staring at Lin Hao in a daze, and didn't even dare to make a move.

After all, these people, even the top Kunlun Ruins cultivators, are only at the Jindan stage, and they are not the kind of Jindan cultivators with extremely high talents!

But Lin Hao, is a genuine Jindan cultivator! !

"When did a Jindan stage cultivator appear in our Kunlun Ruins?"

"And he is so young..."

The disciples were stunned in place, not daring to move.

Lin Hao swept his eyes over the disciples of Kunlunxu, and finally stopped his gaze on Chu Yuxi's face: "Let me tell you something, I don't like being remembered by others, especially by women, not to mention that you want to kill me!"

"I hate it most when people threaten me with my friends around me!"

"So, no matter if it's you or that Kunlunxu, anyone who dares to interrupt my chat with my brothers... must die!!"

"Including you!"

"Your enemies, your sects, I will make you pay with your lives!!!"

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and took Chu Yuxi's space ring, and then waved his hand and threw it into the storage bag.

This Chu Yuxi is the elite of Kunlunxu!

This time, Kunlunxu sent her out, and she must have prepared a lot of things!

And Lin Hao didn't dislike these things, he wanted to grab them all! !

"Asshole! How dare you take my things!!"

"Ah!! I will kill you!!"

The remnant of Chu Yuxi's consciousness roared in anger!

Unfortunately, Lin Hao ignored her.

Under his consciousness control, Chu Yuxi's space ring was put into his storage ring in the blink of an eye! !

After doing all this, Lin Hao turned around leisurely and looked at the remaining Kunlunxu disciples.

Although there were many disciples, as many as eight or nine, their cultivation was uneven, and most of them were only at the fourth or fifth level of Qi Condensation! !

Some even did not reach the initial stage of foundation building!

And Lin Hao was already a terrifying existence who condensed a golden elixir! !

Facing them, these Kunlunxu disciples were simply weaklings, and they were not even qualified to let Lin Hao take them seriously! !

"Are you not convinced?"

"If you are not convinced, just stand up!"

Lin Hao stood on the spot with his hands behind his back, and his spiritual power was surging!

"And you, you're still not convinced, right?"

"Well then! I'll send you to the west!!"

Lin Hao snorted coldly, and with a flick of his hand, a rolling fire dragon roared, instantly engulfing the last two Kunlunxu disciples!

The two disciples, one in the early stage of the Golden Core and the other in the eighth level of the Condensation Qi, faced the rolling flames, and they didn't even have time to dodge, and were instantly devoured and turned into a pile of charred bones.

As for Chu Yuxi's ring, it naturally fell into Lin Hao's pocket.

"You, how can you be so strong?"

"You obviously only have the Condensation Qi cultivation!"

Chu Yuxi's spiritual consciousness was now stunned in the void space.

She originally wanted to use her spiritual consciousness to bewitch Lin Hao, let Lin Hao lose his composure, and then take the opportunity to sneak attack and kill Lin Hao.

But who knew...she had calculated everything, but she didn't expect that Lin Hao, this perverted monster, was not only not bewitched, but also killed her three junior sisters? ?

More importantly, that was a female cultivator at the seventh level of Qi Condensation!!

They were not like me, who had a short cultivation time!!

Each of the three female disciples had lived for hundreds or thousands of years...

If placed in the outside world, any female cultivator would be considered a top-notch expert among the young disciples of Kunlun Ruins!

But in Lin Hao's hands, she couldn't even last an incense stick?

This... This is too perverted!!

Could it be that Lin Hao hid his cultivation? ?

"Hey! Boy, who are you?"

"Also, how could your fire-based skills be so overbearing?"

"Aren't you a human?"

The remnant soul of Chu Yuxi asked, staring at Lin Hao with blood-red pupils flashing.

And Lin Hao grinned when he heard her ask if he was a human.

"I am not only a human, but also a dignified Demon Lord, Immortal Lord, and Ghost Ancestor!!"

"I am neither a human race nor an immortal race. How can we talk about human race and immortal race?"

"It's you, the woman of Kunlun Ruins, have you forgotten your situation?"

"Do you think your mere soul is enough to kill me with one blow?"

Lin Hao spoke indifferently.

The woman was startled, then shook her head bitterly, and said with dissatisfaction in her eyes: "You are very powerful, you win."

"I shouldn't have coveted the red thorn sword in your hand. Your combat power exceeded my expectations. It's my fault that I underestimated you... I lost."

"But I still want to advise you to leave this place."

"Because you are no match for Kunlun Xu. We, Kunlun Xu, are one of the thirty-six caves in the Southern Territory. If you offend us, Kunlun Xu, you will definitely die in the future, unless... you join our Kunlun Xu!"

As soon as the female cultivator finished speaking, Lin Hao suddenly laughed wildly.


"Join your Kunlun Ruins?"

"Even if I join your Kunlun Ruins, do you think you are qualified to allow me to join your Kunlun Ruins?"

"Also, I don't want to know what exactly Kunlun Ruins sent you here and what they want to do!"

"Anyway, I just want to warn you."

"From today on, if you want to seek death, I will accompany you to the end!"

"You want revenge, I will take it!!"

"If you want to pursue the glory of Kunlun Ruins, come find me and kill me!!"

"I, Lin Hao, are waiting here!!"


After Lin Hao finished speaking, he shook his arm and punched forward hard!

A huge fireball exploded in an instant. The fireball was like a falling meteor, carrying a scalding heat wave, and crashed into the bodies of the Kunlun Ruins disciples!

In an instant, these Kunlun Xu disciples all screamed and howled, flew out, and fell heavily to the ground!

Two of them had their bodies exploded into pieces, leaving their bodies intact!

The other one's skin was also burnt black and his chest was collapsed. It was obvious that he would not survive.

These people were all Jindan monks, and their realms were pretty good, but under this blow, they all fell, without any resistance! !

Lin Hao's punch completely shocked all the remaining monks.

These Kunlun Ruins monks all stared at Lin Hao in horror!


"Please forgive me, please let us go, I am willing to serve you like a cow or a horse!!"

"I am willing to be your slave and be driven by you. I just hope that you will let us go..."

A group of Kunlun Ruins monks knelt on the ground and begged for mercy! !

After all, someone who can instantly kill a Golden Core cultivator with one move must be at least Nascent Soul or above!

Even a fake baby, even a False God Realm cultivation level!

People like this can destroy the entire Kunlun Ruins just by stamping their feet! !

How could they not be afraid?

"Be a cow or a horse?? Hahaha!"

"I, Lin Hao, am a casual cultivator!"

"Don't tell me that you are not worthy enough to carry my shoes!"

Lin Hao sneered and took one step forward!


He stepped on the head of a Kunlun Ruins disciple again, crushing his head to pieces! !

"Now, it's your turn!!"

After saying that, Lin Hao glanced around at the remaining Kunlun Ruins monks!

"I don't care what Kunlun Xu means by sending you here!"

"I'm just telling you, what I hate the most in my life is your Kunlun Ruins!!"

"Especially a bitch like you!!"

Lin Hao raised his foot and kicked the corpse, kicking the soul of the Kunlun Ruins disciple out of his body!

Then he raised the soles of his feet and violently crushed Chu Yuxi's soul.


Chu Yuxi's soul twisted violently and she let out a shrill scream. At the same time, she finally showed a frightened expression.

"No, don't!! You can't kill me!!"

"Do you know who I am!"

"I, I am..."

"Shut up!"

With a bang, Lin Hao stepped down, instantly shocking the woman's soul to pieces!

Although this woman's remnant soul is not as good as Chu Yuxi's previous remnant soul, she is still a virtual god-level monk, and the power of her soul is not far different from that of ordinary monks! !

But under Lin Hao's crushing force, he still had no power to resist! !

"This time it's a cleansing!"

"If there is a next time, I will definitely take your life!"

"Remember, my name is Lin Hao!"

"I will take your revenge for Tian Xue'er!!"

After saying that, Lin Hao turned around and was about to leave! !

But suddenly! !

A bright silver light suddenly came from the void in the distance and sprinted towards Lin Hao quickly!

This silver light was extremely fast, and it was close to Lin Hao's body in the blink of an eye. Lin Hao felt it in his heart, and quickly turned to look. As a result, he saw that the silver light was a long knife! !

The long knife is sharp and can be several feet long!

It penetrated the sky and came straight to Lin Hao! !

And the person holding the knife is a beautiful woman in white clothes. This woman's face is as beautiful as any other, with arrogance, indifference, and boundless aloofness between her eyebrows.

The moment this woman appeared, the temperature around her dropped sharply!

She stood in the distance in the void, looking down at Lin Hao with cold eyes, as if she were looking at ants! !

"Huh? Are you...Kunlun Ruins, Fairy Yuyao?"

After seeing the woman, Lin Hao's eyes suddenly opened!

"Oh? Do you know me??"

Fairy Yuyao looked at Lin Hao expressionlessly, with a bit of surprise on her exquisite face.

It had been a long time since she had seen a cultivator who could remain calm under her pressure.

Although the young cultivator in front of her was only in the foundation-building stage, his temperament was quite calm, and his identity and background seemed to be not simple.

Lin Hao stared at the Fairy Yuyao for a moment, then nodded.

"I know you, not only do I know you, but we also have a deep hatred for each other."

"Oh, that's perfect!"

"Since you have a grudge with the people of Yuyao Sect, after you kill them, I will not touch you, but will only kill everyone around you, so that you will suffer and regret!"

"Of course, if you are willing to submit to me and become my maid, I will not only spare your life, but also give you the secret technique of Kunlun Ruins True Immortal to help you practice!"

"Not only that, I also promise you that I will take you into Kunlun Ruins and make you my core disciple of Kunlun Ruins!"

"And I promise to help you overcome the tribulation and become an immortal!"

After listening to Yuyao Fairy, Lin Hao suddenly laughed: "Yuyao Fairy is really different!"

"If I submit to you Kunlun Ruins, I'm afraid I won't have even a chance!"

"In that case, I would rather choose to kill you than to surrender to any force!"

"You say, isn't that right?"

Lin Hao grinned and smiled at Yuyao Fairy.

Upon hearing this, Fairy Yuyao's eyes suddenly flashed with a sinister cold light! !

"You ungrateful thing!!"

"In that case, I will kill you first!!"

Accompanied by Fairy Yuyao's angry shout, she waved her right hand, and a bright flying sword suddenly appeared in her hand.

As soon as this bright flying sword appeared, it immediately emitted bursts of sharp sword light, and there was a faint sound of dragon roar and tiger roar! !

"Is this a spiritual treasure flying sword?"

Lin Hao was stunned and looked at the flying sword in Fairy Yuyao's hand.

Fairy Yuyao snorted coldly: "Not bad!"

"This sword is called Qinglong Zhanyue. It is the treasure personally given by the Lord of Qingluo on the eighth peak of Kunlun Ruins. The grade of this treasure has reached the level of spiritual weapon!"

"Although you are extremely powerful, I am afraid that you can only run away when facing my sword?"

After saying that, Fairy Yuyao suddenly pinched the formula!

The flying sword hummed and immediately emitted an endless sharp sword energy, like a giant python, attacking Lin Hao!

Seeing the sword coming, Lin Hao smiled faintly, raised his hand, and a ball of purple flame rose out of thin air, turning into a fire dragon, hovering in his hand! !

It was the thing that Lin Hao got when he killed the Blood Sea Demon Lord that day, the Red Sun Fire! !

As soon as the Red Sun Fire came out, the temperature around it increased wildly in an instant, and the scorching hot air made the surrounding mountains and trees begin to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Qinglong flying sword that originally attacked, felt the burning of the Red Sun Fire, and suddenly wailed and stopped in the void! !

Then the face of Yuyao Fairy changed, and she suddenly stared at the flame in Lin Hao's hand with wide eyes!

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