"Purple Flame??"

"This fire is actually a rare purple flame??"

Fairy Yuyao was extremely surprised!

She has traveled in the Southern Territory for many years, and naturally knows that in addition to the Nine Heavenly Thunders, there are also various types of strange fires such as the Five Elements, the Seven Evils, the Eight Desolations, etc.! !

But this purple flame is the third most terrifying flame in the world!

It is said that the purple flame is the second most terrifying flame on the Heavenly Fire List.

This kind of flame has spread across the Southern Territory for thousands of years. It can be said that it burns nothing and is indestructible.

It's a pity that this fire was burned out thousands of years ago by a terrifying fire cultivator.

Now, there is no trace of this terrifying purple flame in the entire Southern Region.

Even if there is a trace of purple flame sparks left, it will lead to endless disasters! !

Therefore, Fairy Yuyao was indeed shocked when she saw Lin Hao offering this flame!

But just for a moment, this woman restored his calm! !

She stared at Lin Hao coldly and said, "Boy, it seems you are quite a capable guy!!"

"No wonder even the two geniuses of Kunlun Ruins died in your hands, but it's a pity! It's a pity!!"

"If you meet me today, you are destined to die!!"

"I, Yuyao, will kill you!!"

When she finished speaking, Fairy Yuyao suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed, and her green dragon flying sword suspended in mid-air burst out with a roar!

This Azure Dragon Flying Sword is a middle-grade spiritual weapon!

And the quality is not low, even if a cultivator at the peak of Golden Core encounters it, he would not dare to fight hard.

Because this flying sword is a magic weapon!

Moreover, its flying sword is also covered with array pattern restrictions!

Not to mention the realm of golden elixir, even if faced by a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage, he would be strangled by this sword energy!

After all, this is Fairy Yuyao’s natal spiritual treasure!

This sword has recognized her as its master and is in harmony with her soul! !

Therefore, Fairy Yuyao moved the sword as if she was holding the flying sword.

I saw the Azure Dragon Flying Sword circling and dancing in the air, and a majestic killing sword intent was released from the Azure Dragon Sword.

And the most important thing is that at the tip of the sword, there is a drop of crystal clear, water-like liquid condensed out.

This drop of water is the blood of this sword spirit!

This sword spirit was cultivated by Fairy Yuyao using secret methods, and was specially used to kill enemies!

Once this thing is used, it can form a storm of swords and strangle the enemy into dregs!

It even has the special effect of devouring flesh and blood!

It can be said that the blood of this sword spirit is Immortal Yuyao's strongest attack!

This time he took it out to kill Lin Hao. Fairy Yuyao was obviously determined to kill Lin Hao! !

When Lin Hao saw the Qinglong Sword Spirit appearing, his eyes suddenly became solemn! !

"Unexpectedly, the majestic Fairy Yuyao of Kunlun Ruins actually raised demon pets and subdued a flying sword spirit??"

"Tsk, tsk, no wonder this sword is called Qinglong Zhanyue!"

"Once this sword is released, it will be accompanied by a dragon and a tiger!"

"Immortal Yuyao, am I right?" Lin Hao narrowed his eyes and stared at Qinglong Zhanyue.

"Jie, Jie, Jie! Boy, I guess you know the stuff!"

"Now that you know this sword is my flying sword, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"I may have thought that it would be difficult for you to practice, but I can spare your life!"

"Otherwise, you will be wiped out in ashes today!!" Fairy Yuyao said in a ferocious voice.

Lin Hao burst out laughing!

"It's just a middle-grade spiritual weapon. Do you really think I'm afraid of it?"

"Since you, an old woman, don't follow the rules, don't blame me for being rude!"

In Lin Hao's cold snort, Lin Hao squeezed it with both hands, and suddenly, a tall and majestic black-armored war king appeared behind him!

The phantom of the black-armored war king exuded a terrifying coercion that would destroy the world.

This shadow is not a side object, it is the shadow of Lin Hao's Dharma!

It's just that compared to usual, his dharma phantom was obviously several times larger, almost a hundred feet in size!

Standing behind him, his body seemed to stand tall and proud of the sky!

"Dharma image!"

"You actually condensed the Dharma?"

"How can it be??"

Immortal Aunt Yuyao looked at the huge Dharma form behind Lin Hao and was extremely horrified.

She never expected that Lin Hao could condense the Dharma...

You know, once you step into the golden elixir, you can condense the Dharma...

The Dharma is divided into six levels...

The first level of Dharma is the ordinary shadow of Dharma.

The second layer is the phantom of the Dharma that condenses the Nascent Soul.

As for the third layer, it is the phantom of the condensed magic weapon and magic fetus.

As for the fourth level, it can only be condensed after the golden elixir!

As for the fifth floor, it is even more incredible! !

It is said that those who can condense the fifth level of Dharma are absolutely geniuses in the world of Southern Realm cultivation! !

And if you want to condense the sixth level of Dharma, you must break through the Nascent Soul and step into the Tribulation before you can condense it! !

At this moment, Lin Hao is only at the foundation building level...

But he condensed the Dharma. Doesn't that mean that he will soon be able to enter the realm of golden elixir?

"Damn thing!! How can you condense the Dharma in such a short period of time??"

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!!"

"Even the most outstanding genius in Kunlun Ruins will take decades or even hundreds of years to condense the Dharma. How can you do it earlier than our peerless geniuses???"

"This is impossible!"

Yuyao Fairy exclaimed, her mouth twitching.

When Lin Hao heard Yuyao Fairy talking about the number one prodigy in Kunlun Ruins, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He sighed in his heart.

"Kunlun Ruins?"

"Haha, there will be a chance after all. I want to see what the prodigies in Kunlun Ruins have."

Thinking of this, Lin Hao looked up at Yuyao Fairy: "Stop talking nonsense. Today, I will kill you!"

"Just you?"

Yuyao Fairy laughed sarcastically, and the jade sword in her hand instantly turned into a rain of swords, stabbing at Lin Hao frantically!

Lin Hao moved his feet slightly and dodged lightly.

He also waved the ancient iron box in his hand and smashed it towards the rain of swords!

Clang clang clang——

A fierce collision sounded!

Then, when the Azure Dragon Sword touched Lin Hao's iron box, it trembled violently, as if it could not withstand Lin Hao's huge force and was about to break!

"What material is your iron box made of?"

"My Azure Dragon Sword is made of the finest Azure Dragon meteorite, and it is extremely strong!!"

"Your iron box can actually block my sword without being damaged!"

Fairy Yuyao stared at the black iron box in Lin Hao's hand, and couldn't help but scolded.

Hearing this, Lin Hao said indifferently: "My iron box is called Chaos Iron Box, which is a heaven-level top-grade spiritual weapon!"

"Although it is not as sharp as your Azure Dragon Sword, it is not much weaker than you!!"

"Oh, by the way, you should still remember what I said just now? My iron box can swallow the sky and the sea, absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and even a star can be swallowed in!"

"Fairy Yuyao, do you think my iron box can withstand the attack of your Azure Dragon Sword?" Lin Hao asked with a joking smile.

Fairy Yuyao's face darkened!

She did remember that when he was in Tianqing Sect, Lin Hao relied on this strange iron box to resist her for so long!

Seeing Lin Hao's iron box again, Fairy Yuyao suddenly had a bad feeling.

"You... Is there something strange about your iron box?" Fairy Yuyao asked vigilantly.

"Of course!"

"Not only that, this iron box can swallow everything, including you!!" Lin Hao smiled evilly.

"You bold thief, you actually want to touch me?"

"I'll let you see that this Yuyao Immortal Mansion is not something that anyone can do!"

"Yuyao Nine Palace Killing Formation!"

As Fairy Yuyao shouted, the whole sky was completely shrouded in a mist at this moment!

In the mist, Lin Hao clearly saw that nine towering mountains appeared out of thin air in front of Fairy Yuyao! !

The mountains were as tall as clouds, and each of them exuded a strong spiritual power fluctuation! !

When these nine mountains appeared, the whole space seemed to be trembling.

Especially, when the nine mountains appeared at the same time, Lin Hao clearly saw the Azure Dragon Soul-Slaying Sword in front of Fairy Yu Yao, which was extremely bright and exploded with infinite power! !


Fairy Yu Yao made a gesture with her right hand.

Boom boom boom!

Nine giant mountains, with majestic spiritual power fluctuations, pressed down towards Lin Hao.

Facing these nine mountains, Lin Hao's eyes turned cold!

"Break it for me!!"

He roared, and his whole body was full of mana.

The black iron box suddenly flew out of his palm.


The iron box rotated!

In an instant, the space in front of Lin Hao became distorted when the iron box appeared.

Then, he felt that he was teleported by the iron box and disappeared in the soul mark of Fairy Yu Yao in the blink of an eye.

When he reacted, he was already in a white world!

Where is this?

Lin Hao looked around, and suddenly, a woman's voice came faintly.

"You are finally here!"

"I have been waiting for you for many years!"

"Who... are you?" Lin Hao frowned and looked around.

"I am... the leader of Tianyan Xianzong, Ji Luo!"


Ji Luo Xianzong?

When Lin Hao heard the word Ji Luo, his head buzzed.

He was not unfamiliar with the word Ji Luo.

Because, when Lin Hao was in the Sutra Library in Kunlun Ruins, he read countless classics!

In those classics, he vaguely remembered that there was a woman named "Ji Luo" in Kunlun Ruins!

This woman has a lonely and cold personality, and likes to travel to the holy places of major sects! !

Her whereabouts are elusive and uncertain, and even in Kunlun Ruins, no one knows her existence.

But Lin Hao happened to know.

It turned out that in Kunlun Ruins, there was such a peerless strong man, called Ji Luo! !

This Ji Luo was a super cultivator who surpassed the sages and reached the Nirvana period thousands of years ago!

She is proficient in divination, alchemy, puppets, magic, formations, etc. She is the most famous woman of the generation in Kunlun Ruins! !

She is not only the strongest person in Kunlun Ruins, but also competed with Taixu Sword Master of Taixu Sword Sect for the honor of the strongest person in Kunlun Ruins when she was in Tianhe Sea! !

Back then, in Tianhe Sea, Lin Hao saw the domineering power of this super old monster. She fought against Taixu Sword Master at all costs and finally won by one move!

This battle shocked the entire Kunlun Ruins!

Even the Tianqing Sect was shocked by this. Not only did they send experts to investigate, but in the end, they also personally invited Ji Luo to join the Tianqing Sect! !

However, Ji Luo refused in the end!

Because her master is the number one immortal sect in Kunlun Ruins!

As for the Taixu Sword Sect, although it ranks second, there is still a huge gap in strength compared to the Immortal Sect! !

"Oh it's you!!"

"No wonder the swallowing of heaven and earth that I used before was ineffective on you!!"

When Lin Hao realized it, he immediately guessed that the iron box was refined by Ji Luo!

After all, apart from him, he is probably the only one carrying this iron box! !

"Since you know this Immortal, why don't you quickly hand over the inheritance treasure of my Yuyao Immortal Mansion and kneel down to beg for mercy? Otherwise, you will definitely die when I collect the treasure!!" Immortal Yuyao stood on the top of the Nine Mountains and said proudly.

"Hahaha, what if I say no?"

Lin Hao looked up to the sky and roared!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao suddenly activated the extinction bead on his wrist! !

In an instant, his spiritual power surged into the Extinction Pearl, and then a black beam of light shot out!

The Extinction Pearl drew a streak of darkness in the void and headed straight for the nine mountains in the distance!

"A mere tattered bead dares to show off in front of me, seeking death!"

Fairy Yuyao didn't even look at the extinction bead.

She held the Azure Dragon Sword and made a seal with both hands. Suddenly, the nine mountains in front of her rumbled into the sky, and then a mountain peak suddenly erupted with bright golden light.

“Give me the town!!”


In the void, the mountains with glittering golden light suppressed them fiercely.

But at the moment when the mountain was about to fall on Lin Hao, the Extinction Pearl suddenly burst out with a huge brilliance.

It is also a mountain!

But it was three times bigger than the Nine Mountains sacrificed by Fairy Yuyao! !


The two mountains collided, like a landslide and the earth split.

The billowing energy ripples swept all around in an instant.

Under Lin Hao's feet, huge rocks shattered, and Lin Hao relied on the reaction force of the energy ripples to fly into the distance.

“It’s not that easy to leave!!”

Fairy Yuyao snorted coldly.

Its nine mountains as high as ten thousand feet divided instantly, forming nine chains that descended from the sky, trapping Lin Hao! !

"Damn it, how can it be so difficult??"

"Do you really think that just these nine mountains can stop me??"

Lin Hao's mouth showed a ferocious expression.

Looking up at Fairy Yuyao above his head, Lin Hao's eyes flashed.

The next second, the layers of black magic lines in his body began to spread to his whole body, his skin began to gradually turn black, and his pupils gradually showed a coquettish purple light.

"The Forbidden Magic Blood Technique, Kai!!"

Boom boom boom! !

Black flames burned around Lin Hao's body.

This flame is a demonic flame condensed by demonic energy.

The demonic flames burned the sky, turning the entire void into a scorching sun in an instant.

"You are indeed weird!!"

"Junior, who are you?"

Fairy Yuyao looked slightly surprised when she saw Lin Hao's whole body burning with black magic flames.

Because in her eyes, she could see that Lin Hao at this time was completely different from Lin Hao before! !

"Oh, you want to know who I am? It's very simple. Just be prepared to die today!!"

While the demonic flames were burning, Lin Hao's figure flashed and flew toward Fairy Yuyao.

He will try his best! !

Today, even if he risked his life, he would kill Ji Luo! !

Because this Ji Luo is his only hope of leaving here alive!

Boom boom boom! !

A series of terrifying fists hit Naji Luo! !

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