Ji Luo sneered: "How dare you show off your little skills in front of me?"

As soon as the words fell, a ball of blue frost popped out of her fingertips!

Tsk! !

The blue frost turned into ice cones and attacked Lin Hao intensively! !

Bang bang bang!

When those ice picks touched Lin Hao's body, they strangely melted into Lin Hao's body.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao felt severe pain all over his body.


"As expected of Ji Luo, you really have some skills!"

Lin Hao resisted the piercing pain all over his body, raised his arms, and attacked Ji Luo again with a series of fists that destroyed the world! !

This time, Naji Luo finally looked squarely at Lin Hao!

Her eyes were cold, and she suddenly pinched the seal.

"Five thunder strikes!!"

Boom boom boom! !

In the void, thunder and lightning suddenly exploded! !

A stream of silver-white lightning struck Lin Hao like a whip of thunder!

Puff puff puff!

Those silver-white lightnings seemed to contain the power of Heaven, and each one could easily tear apart the body of a strong man at the peak of Nascent Soul!

Especially when those silver lightning struck Lin Hao, Lin Hao felt as if his body was being torn apart!

But even so, he still ran his "Nine Tribulations Secret Realm" skills crazily.

He wants to absorb the extremely rich and pure spiritual power here! !

How could he give up this opportunity?

As time goes by, a stick of incense passes!

Fairy Yuyao had fired dozens of lightning magical powers in succession, but Lin Hao resisted! !

However, even though he survived, the spiritual energy in his body was rapidly depleting! !


“With the current situation, we can’t hold on for long!!”

"Are we going to fall at the hands of Fairy Yuyao today?"

"I'm not willing to give in!"

"I just stepped into the cultivation of Jindan!"

"Is it true that I can only die at the hands of Fairy Yuyao?"

"I can not be reconciled!!!"

Lin Hao roared, and he kept punching Fairy Yuyao!

But Fairy Yuyao just snorted indifferently.

I saw those silvery white lightnings suddenly stopped, and slowly shortened, and finally, they merged in the void and condensed around the body of Fairy Yuyao.

She stretched out her right hand and grabbed the void.

In an instant, the silver lightning condensed around her body condensed into a shining silver flying sword!

That flying sword carries the power of Heaven, and it also carries a terrifying and murderous aura! !


Fairy Yuyao held a flying sword and slashed through the air! !

In an instant, a silver sword mark passed through the void! !

boom! !

A loud noise!

The entire void is distorted!

A few hundred feet in front of Lin Hao, a thousand-foot ravine appeared, and in the center of the ravine, a towering tree broke into two pieces and collapsed to the ground! !


Lin Hao's eyes widened and he looked at Fairy Yuyao in the void in disbelief.

Fairy Yuyao smiled sarcastically.

"You are the first monk with immortal bloodline that I have met in these decades!"

"It's a pity that your immortal fate belongs to our Jade Girl Sect!"

"Since you don't want to obediently give up your immortality, then you have no choice but to die!"

The words fell.

Fairy Yuyao suddenly raised her hand, and a terrifying force burst out from her palm, turning into a rain of swords and slashing towards Lin Hao overwhelmingly.

"Xiangu, please spare your life!!"

Lin Hao immediately knelt in the void, kowtowed to Fairy Yuyao and begged for mercy.

But Fairy Yuyao showed no mercy at all, and still urged the rain of swords in the sky to attack Lin Hao!

Lin Hao gritted his teeth and looked at Fairy Yuyao with red eyes.

"I don't care who you are, even if you are an ancestor of the Ji family, today, even if you crush me to ashes, I will not hand over the immortal fate!"

"Since you insist on my death!! Well then!! Let's have a fair fight!!"

"Even if I, Lin Hao, die here today, even if my soul is gone!!"

"I, Lin Hao, will definitely be at odds with you Ji Luo!!!"


"That's not a small talk, you ant will definitely die today!!"

Immortal Aunt Yuyao snorted coldly, and with a single point of her finger, swords filled the sky and came overwhelmingly.

Lin Hao looked up to the sky and roared.

His eyes were filled with hatred.

"Come on!! I will fight you today!!"

"Even if my soul is shattered, I will drag you to be buried with me!!"

"I, Lin Hao, have never been afraid of any enemy in my life, nor have I ever bowed my head and begged for mercy!!"

"Who do you think you are?"

At this sharp shout, Lin Hao's whole body was filled with demonic energy.

At the same time, wisps of dark evil energy emerged from his limbs and bones like poisonous snakes.

"Soul-Eating Demonic Skill!!"

"Swallow it!!"

Boom! !

Rolling demonic energy rises into the sky!

In an instant, the formation arranged by Fairy Yuyao was crushed to pieces! !

Immediately afterwards, the endless soul-eating demonic energy formed a terrifying giant mouth and came straight towards Fairy Yuyao! !

"Soul-Eating Demonic Technique? How can you know the Soul-Eating Demonic Technique of our Jade Girl Sect that has been lost for more than 30,000 years!!"

"Impossible!! This is absolutely impossible!!"

Fairy Yuyao exclaimed.

But at this moment, no matter what she says, it's too late! !

Her protective shield was instantly damaged! !

Even the silver-white sword condensed by the thunder broke into pieces of scrap metal with a trembling and buzzing sound! !

At this moment, Fairy Yuyao finally felt the coming of death! !

For the first time, panic appeared on her beautiful face.

"Damn bastard!!"

"Even if I die, I will kill you!"

Fairy Yuyao stepped across the void and pressed out with a palm, and runes condensed around her body.

When this palm was slapped, the void collapsed and the world shook!

Even Lin Hao's chest could vaguely see a mountain collapse! !

However, Lin Hao's body was only slightly startled!

Then, those runes were seen being swallowed by the demonic energy in his body before they approached Lin Hao's body. In the blink of an eye, those runes became nothingness, leaving no trace.

On the other hand, when Lin Hao was slapped with this palm, his clothes were torn, his skin cracked, and blood flowed! !

You can see that there are pieces of scales on the surface of his skin! !

And these scales are exactly the same as the demons he saw on Earth before.

"Is this dragon scale?"

Lin Hao was stunned.

This is the second time I have seen dragon scales appear! !

The first time was on Earth, at the bottom of the sea in the South Region! !

And the second time is right now! !


This ancient race that has been passed down for more than 3,000 years has appeared in front of Lin Hao again!

However, this time the dragon scales are obviously different from those on the bottom of the South Region! !

Because these dragon scales are actually emitting terrifying magic lights! !

Lin Hao clearly saw that in the midst of those magic lights, purple-black dragon phantoms were hovering outside his body.

"Is this my true body?"

"No... This should be derived from the magic energy in my body!!"

"But how could I awaken this strange dragon bloodline?"

Lin Hao was stunned!

This scene, Yuyao Fairy, who was standing on the top of the sky in the distance, was also completely dumbfounded.

She could never have imagined that the power of the God-killing Curse Seal that she had forcibly activated with her secret technique could not kill Lin Hao!

"Damn little thief!"

"How dare you take away the immortal bloodline of my Jade Maiden Sect? If I let you continue to live, I, Yuyao, will not be a human being!!"

Yuyao Fairy cursed.

Suddenly, she raised her hand and made a strange hand gesture.

After she finished pinching the hand gesture, Lin Hao suddenly saw that the silver-white thunder covering his head began to turn green!

And after these silver-white thunders turned into green, they suddenly seemed to find an outlet for venting, and they actually madly struck down on Lin Hao's body! !

Lin Hao screamed: "This is a heavenly tribulation, a heavenly tribulation thunder!!!"

At the moment he screamed miserably, his body began to rot rapidly...

And the dense thunder continued to pour into his body! !



Blood spurted out of Lin Hao's mouth!

These thunderbolts are the punishment of heaven!

Once touched, it will destroy everything and there is no way to resist it!

Not to mention, there is so much power of thunderbolt rushing into his body!

In an instant, the flesh and blood of Lin Hao's body began to melt...

All his internal organs, orifices and orifices began to crack!

Even his head began to slowly turn golden!

"Ah... No!!"

"I can't die...!!"


Lin Hao wailed miserably.

But soon he stopped shouting.

Only his soul was left screaming in pain.

At the sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows, the unicorn horn belonging to the unicorn totem began to shake violently, as if it was about to explode at any time.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"Is the Kirin Horn going to collapse?"

"This Kirin Horn is related to my life, it must not be broken!!"

In Lin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, his will suddenly roared!

Then, he saw that in his sea of ​​consciousness, the flame representing the Kirin Totem suddenly burned violently, and finally burned fiercely!

"Kirin Totem!!"

"Help me to overcome the calamity!!"

Boom boom boom! !

Lin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness surged, and the Kirin Totem began to bloom with monstrous flames!

When the Kirin Totem released a terrifying flame that enveloped his whole body, the lightning was suddenly blocked outside.

And the extremely violent demonic energy in his body suddenly calmed down as if it had met its nemesis.

"Huh? How could this happen?"

Looking at Lin Hao suddenly returning to normal.

The Yuyao Fairy, who was originally preparing to continue to urge the thunder calamity, changed her expression.

Especially when she saw that the heavenly and earthly appearances that she was so proud of could not hurt Lin Hao at all, Fairy Yuyao was extremely angry.

"Damn it, damn it!!"

"I am a cultivator in the realm of transformation, can't I do anything to a mere cultivator in the golden elixir stage?"

Fairy Yuyao roared.

Then she pinched her hands and one after another, the laws of heaven and earth fell from the void and hit Lin Hao fiercely.



Boom! !

Although Lin Hao returned to normal.

But those heavenly tribulation thunders seemed to have identified him. No matter how he dodged, those laws of heaven and earth always entangled under his feet, as if they would never stop until he was killed.

This lasted for two incense sticks.

Lin Hao was already exhausted, but those laws of heaven were still chasing him! !

He gritted his teeth and persisted, ignoring the fact that his body was torn by the thunder, and flew away unyieldingly, but these thunders were like dog-skin plasters, sticking to him and unable to get rid of them! !

"Where are you running, little thief?"

"Give me your life!"

Fairy Yu Yao roared and roared, chasing him while using various attack methods!

The attack of her Nascent Soul ancestor was like a landslide, smashing into the void behind Lin Hao, causing Lin Hao's body to tremble continuously, coughing up blood, and even his chest cavity was sunken a few points.

He was seriously injured at this moment!

But those laws of heaven were still chasing him! !

Finally, just when Lin Hao was about to collapse, a green light suddenly appeared in the depths of his pupils.

"Wood God Ring!!"

Back in Kunlun Ruins, this Wood God Ring was worn on the ring finger of Lin Hao's left hand.

This thing was given to him by his mother to save his life.

However, he has not used it for the past few months.

It is not that he is reluctant to part with it, but this thing is the only treasure that Lin Hao can use to save his life!!

He is afraid that if he uses this treasure, he will be discovered by Yuyao Fairy.

After all, this thing is too precious!!

Even the Yuanying masters in Kunlun Ruins do not know the existence of this thing, let alone the little Yuyao in front of him.

However, in order to protect himself and his son, Lin Hao can't care about that!!

He forcibly took off the Wood God Ring and threw it behind him!!


A beam of emerald green light broke through the clouds and went straight to Yuyao Fairy.

This beam of light carried a terrifying pressure, and even Yuyao Fairy was shocked.

"Who attacked me?"

Yuyao Fairy quickly stopped!!

Because she clearly felt the terrifying aura emanating from the emerald green beam of light!

That aura is higher than hers!!!

"Could it be a cultivator in the Transformation Realm?"

Yuyao Fairy was surprised and turned her head to look in the direction of the beam just thrown over!

When her eyes swept into the emerald green beam, she was almost scared out of her wits.

"Heaven, Heavenly Venerable!!!"

"Who are you??"

"Why are you on my Jade Maiden Peak?"

Yuyao Fairy trembled all over and knelt down in the direction of the beam! !

At the same time, a figure came from a distance.

This is a woman!

She was wearing a simple long skirt, with a beautiful face and a lavender mist around her body, like a goddess from the sky descending to the mortal world!

When the woman stepped closer, Lin Hao finally saw her face clearly.

This woman was Ye Xiyan, a disciple of Baihua Valley in the Southern Region who Lin Hao had saved before! !

She had a veil on her face, hiding her true appearance.

But even so, her temperament still made Lin Hao feel strangely familiar.

Especially when he saw that her clothes were exactly the same as Li Qinglan's, Lin Hao's heart was suddenly shocked! !

"She is a disciple of Baihua Valley... Her clothes should be served by Baihua Valley disciples, why is she here?"

Lin Hao widened his eyes and stared at the woman in front of him.

At the same time.

The Yuyao Fairy, who was kneeling in the void and bowing to Ye Xiyan, was completely dumbfounded when she saw Ye Xiyan in front of her.

"Is... it you??"

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