"How dare you appear on my Jade Girl Peak?"

Fairy Yuyao's eyes widened and she looked at Ye Xiyan who suddenly appeared in front of her in disbelief! !

Ye Xiyan stood there in a fluttering white dress and glanced at Fairy Yuyao indifferently: "You are not dead yet??"


"If I hadn't escaped from the barrier of life and death this time and happened to break through to the Nascent Soul realm, do you think you could have trapped me with your little Yin Yang Sect?"

"You bitch, let me ask you, how did you find my Jade Girl Peak!"

Fairy Yuyao asked sharply.

Unfortunately, Ye Xiyan just shook her head: "Why should I tell you?"

"You don't want to say it?"

"I want to see how you can escape today!!"

Fairy Yuyao sneered, waved her right hand, and three ice flowers immediately condensed on her fingertips!

"Frost spell!"

"A Thousand Feet of Ice!!"

As Fairy Yuyao raised her hand and struck out three streaks of ice, three huge glaciers appeared in the void in an instant!

Each glacier is several feet high and three feet thick! !

And the glaciers are not ordinary ice crystal carvings. There are sharp sword blades hidden in them. Each iceberg represents a kind of sword intent! !

At this moment, a total of three giant glaciers appear in the sky!

This scene made Lin Hao feel nervous.

The strength of the Nascent Soul Realm is truly terrifying.

This move alone is probably enough for Lin Hao to eat a pot! !

"Haha, little bitch, since you are here to die, then I will help you!"

Fairy Yuyao sneered, raised her hand and pinched the seal again.

In an instant, the three huge glaciers suddenly crashed down on Ye Xiyan!

Lin Hao was startled and quickly shouted: "Mother!"

But Ye Xiyan ignored him at all! !

She stood in mid-air, just staring coldly at the three giant glaciers.

And when the three giant glaciers crashed down, Ye Xiyan suddenly stretched out a hand and patted her palm lightly.

Buzz! ! !

The world shook! !

Immediately afterwards, an invisible wave of air exploded from Ye Xiyan's palm! !

The air waves were rolling and sweeping in all directions!

There was only a muffled sound that spread in all directions, followed immediately by the sound of cracking ice!

The three giant glaciers seemed to have encountered a devastating disaster. The moment Ye Xiyan finished slapping her hands, the three giant glaciers exploded instantly.

Endless ice slag splashed and danced in the void, and Fairy Yuyao screamed, and was knocked back more than ten meters by the air wave, with her face covered with blood.


"You...you are obviously only at the Divine Transformation Stage, how come you were able to crush my three Glacier Sword Formations with one palm!!"

"And, most importantly, why are you here!!"

Immortal Aunt Yuyao covered her chest with blood flowing from the corners of her mouth. She looked in horror at the peerless beauty who suddenly appeared on Jade Girl Peak.

Her silver hair fluttered in the wind, and her autumn-like eyes revealed a domineering look that made people dare not look directly at her!

She is Ye Xiyan.

When Lin Hao rescued her in Baihua Valley, this woman gave him a drop of blood essence and promised to repay Lin Hao. But he didn't expect that the kindness of that year would come in handy at this time! !

Ye Xiyan looked at the embarrassed Fairy Yuyao indifferently and frowned slightly.

"I'm here to kill you!"

After that, she waved her arm!

Boom! !

A fiery red sword suddenly appeared in her hand!

The sword was unsheathed, and the flames burned brightly, as if the sword could burn the sky and cut off the stars! !

This Fire Lin Lie Sword is exactly the sword that Lin Hao obtained in Baihua Valley! !

This sword has already advanced to the level of a spiritual weapon after Lin Hao advanced to Nascent Soul. Although it has not yet become a magic weapon, its power is still terrifying!

"How dare you come to my Jade Girl Peak to seek revenge?"

"You know, this is my Yuyao Immortal Sect. If you hurt me in the slightest, I will destroy your Baicaotang!!" Immortal Yuyao screamed ferociously.

Ye Xiyan just smiled faintly, holding the Fire Lin Lie Knife, and slashed out twice!

Under these two swords, they suddenly turned into two red lights! !

This red light was like lightning, and it fell next to Fairy Yuyao in an instant!

Ah, a shrill wail! !

The left arm of Immortal Yuyao was cut off directly under these two swords, the limbs flew everywhere, and even the bone marrow was exposed! !

"You dare to cripple my arm?" Fairy Yuyao roared!

"Just an arm, what does it matter??" Ye Xiyan sneered!

As soon as the words fell, Ye Xiyan slashed out with another sword! !

With a pop, the storage bag on her wrist exploded, and a bunch of things inside fell to the ground!

"You actually stole my things?" Immortal Aunt Yuyao is simply crazy!

She never expected that Ye Xiyan would be so bold as to steal all her storage bags!

These are all the savings of Jade Girl Peak, things that she would not even want to touch!

And, the most important thing is, those things are all my own private treasury! !

But now, they were all robbed by Ye Xiyan. How could Fairy Yuyao not be angry?

Fairy Yuyao gritted her teeth and was about to take action when she saw a figure in black robes rushing out of her cave.


Yuyao was stunned for a moment, and when she took a closer look, she realized that the black-robed figure turned out to be her only disciple—Li Hao! !

"Evil creature! Get out of here!" Fairy Yuyao cursed angrily!

"Master, I know I was wrong..." Li Hao begged for mercy with a sad face.

The moment Ye Xiyan saw Li Hao, her face turned extremely pale! !

"Li Hao...it's you, it's really you!!"

Back then, when leaving Baihua Valley, Lin Hao promised Li Hao that he would protect her and take care of her.

But she never expected that after just three years, she would step into the Jade Maiden Peak again!

Moreover, she actually came to seek revenge! !

Seeing that Ye Xiyan knew Li Hao, Fairy Yuyao was overjoyed: "Haha! Evil creature, it turned out to be you!"

As she said that, Fairy Yuyao suddenly turned her head and glared at Li Hao fiercely.

"Li Hao, I should have guessed it earlier! I should have guessed it earlier!!"

"No wonder this bitch came to Yunv Peak!"

"It turns out that she is the woman of that little bastard back then!!"

"Well, you actually ran here to die. Today, the ancestor will not only deal with you, a bitch, for your father! ! I will also enforce justice and eliminate you and your adulterous couple!!"

Fairy Yuyao was furious!

She was forced to marry by the Lin family back then, and she wanted to marry Lin Hao!

But in the end, this couple betrayed her and eloped! !

Especially this bitch Ye Xiyan, not only did she have a secret meeting with Li Hao behind her back, but she also took advantage of her going out to seduce her beloved disciple, making her lose face!

This matter has always been on Fairy Yuyao's mind!

So, even after more than 30 years, Fairy Yuyao still hates Ye Xiyan! !

"Ye Xiyan, today is your death anniversary!!"

Yuyao Fairy roared wildly, raised her sleeves suddenly, and a green light shot out from her body.

The green light was like a vine, carrying a strong poison, and instantly enveloped Ye Xiyan! !

"Be careful, that's Yuyao flower! Get out of the way!!" Lin Hao saw that the green light turned out to be a blooming magnolia flower, and immediately reminded anxiously!

"If you want to leave, it's too late! ! None of you will get out alive today!"

Yuyao Fairy roared fiercely, and the vine had already entangled Ye Xiyan! !


Li Hao was frightened when he saw this scene!

He fell to the ground regardless of the danger, wanting to help Ye Xiyan get out of trouble, but unfortunately, Yuyao Fairy was too powerful. Even though she was injured at this time, she still crushed Ye Xiyan with her cultivation in the Jindan realm!

"Bitch! If you dare to kill me, I will tear you into pieces even if I have to sacrifice my life!" Fairy Yuyao shouted angrily, raised her right hand, and a dagger emitting cold light suddenly appeared in her hand!

"Ye Xiyan, I will kill you today!" Fairy Yuyao said angrily.

She held the dagger in her hand and stabbed forward suddenly!

The dagger was extremely sharp, and after approaching Ye Xiyan, it suddenly burst into a dazzling brilliance! !

Ye Xiyan felt a hint of danger, she moved sideways and barely avoided the fatal blow.

But as soon as she dodged, Fairy Yuyao's left hand grabbed her neck in an instant!

"Bitch, don't surrender yet!!" Fairy Yuyao shouted angrily.

"Hmph! Don't even think about it! If you have the guts, kill me!!" Ye Xiyan raised her chin coldly and arrogantly, without any fear! !

Fairy Yuyao was so angry that she was shaking all over. She tightened the dagger in her hand, and there was a click. Ye Xiyan screamed, and her neck instantly made a crisp sound, as if it would break in the next second.

"Master, Master, let go!" Li Hao shouted from the side.

Fairy Yuyao ignored Li Hao at all, and instead looked at Ye Xiyan with a twisted look and said:

"Humph, bitch, want to die? That's not that easy! I will keep your life, let you live a life worse than death, let you experience all kinds of torture in the world, and then slowly torture you to death!!"

"Bitch, let go!" Li Hao was anxious and wanted to rush over to rescue the master, but unfortunately, Fairy Yuyao waved her hand, and a talisman was thrown directly, hitting Li Hao with a bang, and immediately knocked him several feet away!

"Li Hao!" Ye Xiyan shouted worriedly, staring at Li Hao with red eyes.

"Junior sister..."

"Brother, leave me alone, run away quickly..." Ye Xiyan whispered.

"No, Junior sister, don't be silly! I can't leave you alone! Have you forgotten what happened in the past? We have been childhood sweethearts for more than 20 years. Do you have the heart to see me abandon you and live alone?" Li Hao's face was full of determination.

When Ye Xiyan heard this, a trace of pain flashed across his eyes. But it soon disappeared, and then he shook his head and said: "Brother, go! I know you will definitely take revenge!

But this is the Jade Maiden Peak after all, and Senior Sister is an elder of the sect. If you touch her, you will die!

So, run away quickly, wait until you cultivate to the Condensation Pill Stage, or become the position of the Sect Master, then you can avenge me!"

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and then looked into the distance, and suddenly the corners of his mouth pulled lightly, revealing a wicked smile.

"Haha, in that case, I can only accompany the master!"

After saying that, Li Hao suddenly sat down cross-legged!

Ye Xiyan was stunned, "Li Hao, what are you doing? Go away!!"

"I won't leave. I will never hand over the master. Master, please believe me..."

Li Hao suddenly closed his eyes, and the spiritual power around him quickly gathered.

Yu Yao Fairy took a look and snorted coldly: "Hmph, stinky boy, you still want to use your spiritual power to stop me? Wishful thinking!"

Although Fairy Yuyao was angry, she was still very vigilant because she knew that Li Hao was her only child in this life!

She loved him and doted on him, almost treating him as her own, but what about him? He would rather destroy himself for a bitch! !

good! very good!

Li Hao, since you are so stubborn, don't blame her for destroying flowers with ruthless hands! !

Fairy Yuyao was furious, her hands flew up, and a black mist suddenly appeared on the magnolia flower. The black mist instantly formed dozens of vines, whizzing down, instantly wrapping Li Hao together, and finally turned into a spherical prison, imprisoning him inside!

"Oh, brat, I will let you and this bitch become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks!" Immortal Yuyao said crazily, waving a spiritual power from her hand, and the cage instantly tightened! !

Ye Xiyan opened her beautiful eyes in horror!

"Li Hao——"

"Junior Sister Ye!"

Ye Xiyan's shrill screams echoed in the cave, and the heart-wrenching screams made Fairy Yuyao feel heartbroken.

But the next moment, she suddenly laughed strangely, even reached out to touch her pale skin, and murmured:

"Haha...haha, after all, my plan worked! Haha..."

Fairy Yuyao is right.

Ye Xiyan is indeed a smart woman, and it is precisely because of her intelligence that she can gain a firm foothold on Jade Girl Peak! !

But just as Fairy Yuyao was mocking her crazily, Li Hao, who was sealed in the prison, suddenly burst out with a strong pure power! !

There was a loud bang! !


Immortal Aunt Yuyao was caught off guard and was shaken away by this powerful force, and at the same time a mouthful of blood spurted out from her chest.

Ye Xiyan, whose neck was pinched by Immortal Yuyao, also fell to the ground, and the two of them were in an extremely embarrassed state.

"Senior sister..." Li Hao got up weakly, staggered to Ye Xiyan, and pulled her up, "Senior sister, how are you?"

"Ahem, Li Hao, please leave me alone! Run away!"

"No! I will never leave Senior Sister! Senior Sister, even if I die, I will never leave you!!" Li Hao looked at Ye Xiyan resolutely, while Fairy Yuyao on the side looked at the intimacy between the two, and suddenly became angry. !

"Damn bitch, shut up! I'll kill you!"

Fairy Yuyao cursed angrily, and at the same time urged Magnolia Flower again, trying to kill Ye Xiyan!

The result was another slap, and with a snap, Fairy Yuyao was knocked away!

Li Hao's strength was twice that of Immortal Yuyao, and this move seemed to have been planned a long time ago, so Immortal Yuyao received five or six palms in a row, and she was already dying and paralyzed on the ground!

And Li Hao is not much better. Although his cultivation level is higher than that of Immortal Yuyao, he has just entered the golden elixir stage after all! Therefore, his skills and cultivation were not as profound as those of Immortal Yuyao, and he was already out of breath.

Seeing this, Li Hao quickly supported Ye Xiyan, and the two of them slowly retreated out of the cave. At this time, Li Hao took Ye Xiyan and turned around and ran into the depths of the dense forest...


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