Yuyao Fairy lay on the cold ground, staring at the night with empty eyes, her heart filled with strong hatred.

"Bitch! You ruined my son's cultivation!! I will never forgive you!"

"Li Hao, Ye Xiyan, do you think that if you run away, this matter will be over?

I tell you, you can't escape the pursuit of my Jade Girl Sect!!"

"I want you to be unable to live or die!!"


Yuyao Fairy raised her head and screamed, her eyes red. Then she raised her arm and took out a black round bead.

The round bead in Yuyao Fairy's hand was half the size of a fist, cylindrical, with a bumpy surface and covered with fine lines.

"Ye Xiyan, you little bitch! I'm going to kill you, kill you!!"

Yuyao Fairy had a ferocious face and flicked her finger fiercely. The black bead instantly slipped from her palm and rolled directly under the stone bed and rolled to the bottom of Ye Xiyan's feet!

That was the poison that Yuyao Fairy had treasured for many years. It was a highly toxic one!

Its name is-Soul Devouring Powder!

As long as you get a drop of it, you will die immediately!

Yuyao Fairy gnashed her teeth, as if she could foresee the scene of Ye Xiyan's tragic death. But at this moment, her ears trembled and she suddenly stopped roaring.

"Not good!!"

Yuyao Fairy secretly felt that something was wrong. She was so excited just now that she forgot that this girl was an alchemist!

Now the jade bead is under this girl's feet... Not good, it will definitely be discovered! !

Yuyao Fairy panicked, and at this time, she heard a burst of footsteps coming from far away, becoming clearer and clearer.

Yuyao Fairy was startled and looked up suddenly. Her pupils shrank instantly, and she was horrified!

"Li Hao?"

Li Hao was dressed in white, handsome and graceful, but there was no expression on his face at this time. He just stared at Yuyao Fairy quietly, and then walked over step by step.

"What do you want to do? Stop right there!"

"Master asked you to let him go."

"You..." Yuyao Fairy widened her eyes, as if she couldn't believe what she heard. But Li Hao continued to speak indifferently, "I am no longer a disciple of the sect. Moreover, you should know that Master has been looking for trouble with me these days. Now that I am useless, Master will not keep me or protect me anymore. Do you think I will still be afraid of you?"

"No... Impossible! Li Hao, you are talking nonsense!! Li Hao, I raised you for more than 30 years, I don't believe it... Don't come over, I am your master! Don't be ungrateful, Li Hao, I am your mother! You... Go away, go away quickly!"

Yuyao Fairy screamed in fear. She really didn't believe that Li Hao would actually kill her!

Li Hao said nothing, still approaching Yuyao step by step. Seeing this, Fairy Yuyao completely lost control. She struggled to take out a dagger from her bosom and stabbed directly at him, shouting angrily;

"Li Hao, I'm going to kill you!!"

Fairy Yuyao rushed over like crazy, and at this moment, she suddenly saw a flash of light in front of her. Fairy Yuyao was startled and dodged quickly, but it was still a step too late...Puchi--

The sound of a sharp weapon piercing flesh and blood, accompanied by Fairy Yuyao's shrill screams, Li Hao stabbed into her left chest with a knife, then pulled out the dagger with his backhand, and blood gushed out instantly!

"Li Hao! Li Hao, you beast!" Fairy Yuyao covered her chest in disbelief and roared!

Li Hao's face was gloomy, and he looked at her with bloodshot eyes; "I didn't mean to kill you, but Master killed me, and you were an accomplice!

And now I have lost all my cultivation, even if I live, it is equivalent to death. Rather than living a lingering life, it is better to die, and you forced me to do it!"

After saying that, Li Hao raised the dagger in his hand, pointed it at the heart again, and pretended to stab it!



The painful cry of Yuyao Fairy broke the silence of the night, and then Yuyao Fairy covered her heart with her hand, and turned over and hugged him.

Li Hao didn't expect Yuyao Fairy to rush up suddenly, and the dagger in his hand was stabbed away instantly. There was only a crisp sound, and Yuyao Fairy's right shoulder was scratched by the dagger in Li Hao's hand, and Yuyao Fairy groaned in pain.

"You beast!!"

"Haha, yes! I am a beast, and you forced me to do this, it's all your fault!" Li Hao roared, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Yuyao Fairy with strong hatred.

"Li Hao, don't mess around! Don't think you are great just because you have wasted your cultivation! I tell you, even if your cultivation is all wasted, you can't disobey Master, otherwise, do you think you still have a way to survive?

Besides, you are not my disciple Yuyao yet. If Master knows that you killed your mother, do you think Master will let you go? You will definitely die then!"

"Do you think I am afraid of death? I would rather die than become Master's puppet! Yuyao, get out of my way! I want to kill you!"

"Li Hao, you lunatic!!"

Yuyao Fairy endured the pain from her shoulder and swung the long whip in her hand again, hitting Li Hao's back!

Seeing this, Li Hao's figure flashed and he barely avoided it. Yuyao took the opportunity to jump off the bed and ran out of the cave.

Fairy Yuyao spurted out a mouthful of blood, her face as pale as paper. She never thought that Li Hao would attack her, and this made Fairy Yuyao completely furious.

As she ran, she shouted: "Li Hao, I will fight you!!"

"Yuyao, I said that the grudge between you and me is over, why are you still entangled?" Li Hao chased out of the cave and saw Fairy Yuyao rushing towards him regardless of her life, and immediately frowned and asked.

Fairy Yuyao laughed when she heard this.

"Hahaha, the grudges are over? Good, good sentence. Li Hao, don't pretend. You liked Yu Jiao at the beginning. For her, you betrayed your master and even abandoned your own mother.

And now, you are killing me for Ye Xiyao. Li Hao, you disappoint me so much! You are not worthy of being my disciple, you are not worthy!

Li Hao, you have ruined my life. Since you treat me like this, I will not let you leave here alive! I can't stay in Yuyao Sect anymore, Li Hao, go to hell!!"

After the words fell, Yuyao Fairy suddenly increased her spiritual power, condensed her hands, and the surrounding trees collapsed in an instant. Just when Yuyao Fairy was about to attack Li Hao, she suddenly felt a tremor all over her body.

Then the whole person seemed to lose weight, and her body was out of control, and she fell into the lake under the valley with a bang.

The icy cold lake water instantly swallowed Yuyao Fairy...

Li Hao didn't expect Yuyao to fall into the lake, and saw this and immediately flew down.

In the cave on the other side, Ye Xiyao, who was originally asleep, suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the cave entrance, and then closed her eyes again.

After Fairy Yuyao was thrown into the bottom of the lake, Li Hao quickly swam over, grabbed Fairy Yuyao and swam hard, and finally floated to the shore.

At this time, the two were wet and lying in the grass in a mess. Fairy Yuyao was dying, and there was blood on the corner of Li Hao's mouth.

Yu Yao looked at her son and asked with all her might: "Li Hao, why did you do this?"

Li Hao smiled coldly: "Why? Because I hate you!"


"Yu Yao, from childhood to adulthood, which of the pain I have endured is not caused by you?

You said that I am talented and aptitude, and I am the only direct disciple of the Yu family, but you, with your beauty and talent, took away what belongs to me. You harmed my mother, made my father hate me, and exiled me.

Aren't these things enough?"

As Li Hao spoke, the scenes of the Yu family emerged in his mind. His childhood, his youth, and his hopes were all destroyed by Yu Yao beyond recognition. This pain went deep into his bones.

He hated! He hated Yu Yao, the Yu family, and his father even more!

Yu Yao heard this, tears rolled down her cheeks, she looked at him and choked up, "You are wrong, these things are not caused by me. You are to blame for it. If you hadn't fallen in love with me, we wouldn't be like this!

If you had been more determined at the beginning, no matter what happened, you could have stayed with me, and we wouldn't have been separated for so long! It's all your fault, you bastard!"

After that, Yu Yao stretched out her hand to pinch Li Hao's neck and glared at him angrily.

Li Hao looked at Yu Yao, his eyes were red, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

At this time, Yu Yao had already lost her mind, her eyes were full of hatred, and her fingers were tightening. Li Hao's cheeks turned purple, and his eyes gradually dimmed...

Just when he thought he was going to die, a breeze blew, and then he saw a woman floating down from the sky and standing in front of the two of them.

When Yu Yao saw the woman, her hands relaxed a little, but when Yu Yao Xian Gu saw the woman in front of her, her pupils shrank.

"Ye Xiyao, it's you!"

Yu Yao blurted out in surprise, but soon her face was filled with anger, and she cursed: "Ye Xiyao, you actually dare to show up! You slut, if you hadn't seduced my husband back then, do you think he would marry you? You know clearly that he doesn't love you at all, but he abandoned us for you, you don't deserve it!"

Li Hao's heart choked after hearing this, looking at Yu Yao, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Yu Yao Fairy kicked Li Hao angrily, then looked at Ye Xiyao in front of her, and sneered: "Ye Xiyao, it was you who caused us to be driven out of the Yu family, it was you, you will not die well!"

Li Hao's eyes were sore after hearing this, he really didn't understand why Yu Yao Fairy became like this. The reason why he married her was not because she was beautiful and smart, but more because she was kind and gentle. Later, when they got along, he slowly found that she was more beautiful and moving than he had imagined.

She really didn't love him, and she had never even looked at him straight in the eye, but he was still willing to stay with her, accompany her and take care of her.

Although they had been married for many years, he couldn't deny that he really liked her!

But now, he didn't understand why it turned out like this.

Looking at Li Hao who fell into silence, Yuyao Fairy said sarcastically: "Li Hao, do you think Ye Xiyao will really marry you? You are simply wishful thinking! Do you think she really regards you as her husband? She is simply using you and our Yu family!

When you were expelled from the Yu Mansion, our family of three fled to Jiangnan. As a result, we encountered a group of robbers on the way, who robbed my husband and killed him.

In order to protect the child, I had to hide in the mountains with the child. Later, I survived by chance and found the group of people who killed my husband to take revenge, but their martial arts were very powerful and I couldn't beat them at all."

"Later, the gang set their sights on the child in my belly. For the sake of the child, I had to hide my identity, give birth to him, and raise him up.

But not long after, the beasts didn't let go and sent people to look for us everywhere, almost killing us mother and son. I had no choice but to hide in the mountains and forests with the child. Finally, I was forced to pretend to be a man and sneak out.

Over the years, I have had a hard time. I was worried about being discovered by those beasts every day, so I could only hide my appearance and pretend to be a mute. But I didn't expect that they hadn't given up looking for me. I knew that sooner or later we would meet!

Haha... I should have expected it a long time ago. I should have guessed that those robbers would let me go. It's a pity that I was stupid. I didn't expect you to be so cruel and actually killed my husband.

Li Hao, I curse you to die a bad death and never be reborn! "

Yu Yao Fairy screamed frantically and finally struggled to get up. But at this time, Li Hao had already fainted. Yu Yao Fairy struggled for a long time, but still couldn't break free from the rope.

"Help, help - help! Help! "

The miserable cry resounded through the sky, but the sound just sounded for a moment and then stopped abruptly...


Leaving aside the matter of Li's Mansion, Ye Xiyao came to the outside of Li's Mansion and then quietly sneaked into Li's Mansion.

The night was thick, and the pitch-black night enveloped the entire mansion.

After Ye Xiyao walked around Li's Mansion, she finally stopped at the gate of a courtyard.

The courtyard was quiet and comfortable, revealing a hint of gloom. Ye Xiyao frowned and glanced around, then stepped in.

Passing through rows of flower stands, Ye Xiyao walked to the wing room in the backyard. Then he raised his hand and knocked on the door lightly, and then heard footsteps coming from inside.


A familiar voice came, making Ye Xiyao's eyes flash.

"It's me."

"Xiyao? Why are you here?" The person in the room was surprised, obviously not expecting Ye Xiyao to come.

"Well, I just returned to the mansion and heard that you came here. So I came to see. Are you okay? "

No one in the room said anything, and Ye Xiyao didn't care. She continued, "Wait for me here, and leave after an incense stick."

After that, she pushed open the door and walked in.

At this time, the room was brightly lit. Yu Jintang was sitting at the table, holding a teacup in his hand, sipping the fragrant tea. Seeing Ye Xiyao suddenly appear in front of him, he was stunned at first, and then laughed.

"When did you come? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Ye Xiyao pursed her lips and smiled, saying, "Just arrived. Have you eaten?"

"No, I didn't have dinner, and I don't have an appetite now." At this point, Yu Jintang's expression suddenly became depressed.

Ye Xiyao walked to sit opposite him and said, "Don't think too much. Things are already like this, always look forward.

Besides, you still have to take care of Madam Li for Li Hao. Haven't you been busy preparing for Madam Li's birthday all this time? "

Yu Jintang nodded: "Well, the Li family will hold a big party this time, and they will probably invite many dignitaries to attend the banquet. At that time, I'm afraid even the royal family will attend..."

"In this case, you should work harder. You don't have to worry about other things. You should know that Li Hao has been expelled from the Li family now, and they no longer have the right to interfere in your affairs.

In addition, now that Li Hao's spiritual roots have been abolished, your future cultivation will be much smoother.

As for the Yu family, you should try to contact them as little as possible to avoid getting into trouble. After all, Li Hao is nothing now. "

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