"Okay. I'll pay attention."

Ye Xiyao nodded.

After chatting with Yu Jintang for a while, Ye Xiyao took the opportunity to leave. After leaving Li's house, Ye Xiyao breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that I am really unlucky today!

But it's okay. Anyway, I have said it all. The rest depends on Yu Jintang. As for Li Hao, if he is still as filial as before, I don't mind sending him off.

After Ye Xiyao sent the news back to Yu Jintang, she breathed a sigh of relief and went back to rest.

This sleep was particularly sound. When Ye Xiyao woke up, she found that it was already bright outside the window.

After tossing for most of the night last night, Yu Xiyao rubbed her forehead in a state of exhaustion.

But just when she was about to get up, she found that there were waves of pain in her waist, which made Ye Xiyao frown. Then she turned over and sat up, stretched out her hand to touch her waist and abdomen, and found that the wound was bleeding again.

Damn it!

Yu Xiyao gritted her teeth and cursed, then took out the ointment and applied it. At this time, she heard the servant knocking on the door outside, saying, "Miss, the eldest master sent someone to tell you to go to the study."

"Oh, okay, I know, I'll go there later." Ye Xiyao replied casually, and the little maid bowed and left.

After washing, changing clothes and dressing, Ye Xiyao came to the study. Knocked on the door and entered, and saw Yu Jintang sitting behind the desk.

When Yu Jintang saw Ye Xiyao, he immediately stood up to greet her.

"Xiyao, you are here. Come and sit down, this is a freshly made snack, try it." Yu Jintang personally handed the pastry to Yu Xiyao with a warm smile on his face.

Ye Xiyao didn't say anything polite, and took a few pieces.

"How does it taste?"

"Not bad, quite sweet."

"I'm glad you like it. I specifically asked the kitchen to make it. By the way, you said last night that you had something important to say. Is it about my parents?"

Ye Xiyao nodded: "Well, I just went to see her. My mother is very ill. If someone hadn't secretly treated her, I'm afraid she wouldn't last a few days. But she's awake now and has remembered everything."

"Remember everything? So, she really recovered her memory? How is she...?" Yu Jintang asked anxiously, and Ye Xiyao shook her head. "I don't know the specific situation, but I heard from Butler Li that it seems to be because of a great stimulation, or a blow. But I think the bigger reason should be that she thought of you, so..."

"Xiyao, thank you." Yu Jintang looked at Ye Xiyao gratefully. And Ye Xiyao shook her head and smiled, saying: "No need. There's just something I need you to check for me."

Yu Jintang nodded, and then asked Ye Xiyao's words in detail. Then, after Ye Xiyao told him the request, Yu Jintang immediately nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, Ye Xiyao smiled with satisfaction, then took out a silver note from her bosom and handed it to Yu Jintang.

"Here is three hundred taels of silver, you keep it."


"This money is not for you. I just hope to prove that Uncle Li is indeed dead. Otherwise, if Aunt Li knows about it, she will definitely not be able to bear it. In addition, you can take this opportunity to check the origin of this money... Also, you can't stay in the capital anymore. I thought about it and decided to accompany you back to the south.

After all, you are unfamiliar with the capital, and it is not easy to find clues. My eldest brother and second brother do not know medical skills. Staying in the capital will do harm. So if you don't mind, you might as well take the Li family to the south and find Doctor Li to study together."

Yu Jintang was silent for a moment after hearing this, then took the silver note and nodded in agreement.


Yu Jintang went back to pack his gifts, and he did not appear again during this period.

But not long after Yu Jintang left, Mrs. Li suddenly fainted.

Ye Xiyao got the news and hurried over. As a result, not long after, Madam Li woke up, but she was still in a daze.

Ye Xiyao sighed and had to take Madam Li back to the Ye Mansion.

The Li family's affairs were finally settled, and Ye Xiyao was completely relieved. But in the blink of an eye, a month later, the funeral of the Li family was officially held.

The funeral of Li Hao and Madam Li was very simple, and even except for some guests and friends who got along well with them on weekdays, not many people were invited.

But the more so, the more indifferent and sad it seemed. Li Hao was the only legitimate son of Marquis Wende. Although he was not as famous as the Ye family, he was quite famous.

But the Li family was confiscated and exterminated. So the funeral of the Li family was also the most miserable one in recent years.

The Ye family did not participate in the funeral. Ye Hong left the capital a month ago and returned to his hometown to visit relatives. Ye Jinghan took care of Ye Qingyan while supervising the progress of the factory.

As for the brothers Ye Jingtian and Ye Wenbin, they all stayed in the capital.

On this day, after the funeral of the Li family, Ye Jingtian took several elders from the Ye clan ancestral hall to the ancestral tomb in the western suburbs to pay tribute.

The ancestral tomb of the Li family is located in a remote area. Ye Jingtian led several elders all the way, and just when they were about to arrive, a team of carriages slowly stopped by the roadside.

Ye Jingtian turned his head in confusion, but saw the curtain of the carriage lifted, and then a young man walked down. Then a woman in her fifties, with ordinary looks, but a pair of phoenix eyes revealing a bit of viciousness, also followed and walked down.

On the other side, the suspended world.

Daxuan Dynasty, Luoxian Mountain.

It was afternoon at this time, and the sun was scorching.

The clouds covered, and the entire Luoxian Mountain was shrouded in thick white fog.

And just on the top of the mountain, there is an exquisite attic. The attic covers a very large area, surrounded by flowers, bamboos, and green trees, with beautiful scenery and a unique world.

Outside the attic, several bluestone-paved paths stretch endlessly and go straight into the distance. In the middle of the path is a curved bridge. Under the bridge, the stream flows gently, and the birds sing and the flowers bloom.

At this time, on both sides of the path, various exotic flowers and plants are planted, which are bright and eye-catching. And at the end of the path, there is an octagonal pavilion. In the pavilion, an old man in a black robe sits quietly and drinks tea, with a leisurely posture.

And at this moment, a guard in the distance ran over quickly and knelt respectfully.

"I see the lord, the envoy of the Holy Land wants to see you."

"Envoy? Who is it? I don't know him."

The old man in black robe was stunned when he heard the words, and instantly raised his eyes and looked at the person who came.

The guard immediately explained, "My Lord, it's the envoys from the Holy Temple."

"Holy Temple? Why are they here?" The old man in black robe frowned and waved his hand. Then, without waiting for the guard to answer, he waved his hand, signaling him to retreat first, and then turned to look at a giant tree not far away.

"Hey! I say, shouldn't you go back?"

On the giant tree, a handsome man in black lazily leaned on a branch. Hearing the voice, he opened his eyes and glanced at the old man.

"Hmph. I am happy, what do you care! But you...tsk tsk, you actually broke through during this retreat. Congratulations!" As he said that, the black-clothed man raised a wicked arc at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flashed.

The old man glared at the black-clothed man and cursed, "Asshole, don't forget, you promised me something?"

"How could I forget? But..." After the black-clothed man finished speaking, he stood up and patted his butt. Then he jumped to the shore, took off his hat brim, revealing his beautiful face, and raised his chin provocatively at the old man. "But why should I listen to you? I said I won't go, and I won't go!"

"You... you bastard, no wonder I can't stand you. It turns out that you have always had bad intentions and dare to cheat." The old man was angry, and then rolled up his sleeves, ready to fight.

"Hehe, come on, just in time to try how many magical powers I have learned during this period of time." After the man in black finished speaking, he took the lead in attacking, instantly causing the lake to surge and rumble.

"Oh my gosh! You bastard, how dare you sneak attack me. I must beat you to death today!" The old man roared, and the two immediately fought together.

At the same time, in a hidden place a thousand meters away from Luoxian Mountain, three figures hid quietly in the dark. One of them was Luo Jiutian, who had just returned to the Suspended Realm.

At this moment, the three of them stared at the other side of the lake, looking shocked.

"Are you sure you didn't see it wrong? That's Hei Ye over there? And that old guy, he actually fought with Hei Ye?!" Luo Jiutian exclaimed, looking surprised.

The two people next to him nodded: "It's Hei Ye! And that old guy, he should be the one with the surname Li. These two guys are actually fighting? Oh my god, no way, these two people actually know each other?!"

Luo Jiutian blinked.

At this moment, the old man suddenly slapped out with his palm, and his spiritual power turned into a violent storm, rolling towards the man in black. Seeing this, Luo Jiutian hurriedly pulled the two men to dodge, and then shouted:

"Hei Ye, stop fighting, we have something to discuss!"

"Discuss your sister! You two, hurry up and help!" The man in black was angry when he heard this, and he stomped his feet, and then made seals with his hands. The next moment, the man in black's eyes suddenly lit up, and then there was a sound of "whoosh", and the man in black flew out instantly.

"Get out of here!" With a roar, the man in black instantly jumped into the sky, and then stretched out his hand to make a fist. The next second, there was a crisp sound, as if the sound of metal clashing came clearly. The next moment, a black heavy sword appeared in the air.

"Fuck! Hei Ye is going to kill people! Hurry up and stop him!"

Luo Jiutian said, pushing the two people away and rushing out instantly.

Luo Jiutian was very fast and came to the vicinity of the man in black in the blink of an eye.

At this time, there was a muffled sound of bang. The black-clothed man and the old man collided with each other instantly, and a strong pressure swept out from their bodies and rushed straight into the sky.

Seeing this, Luo Jiutian was relieved. But at this moment, a scream suddenly rang out.

"Ah-!!! Help!"

Luo Jiutian turned his head instantly and saw that the guard not far away had been hit in the chest by a black thing. I don't know what the black thing is, but it was fatal.

The guard was killed immediately, and blood splattered on the big rock next to him. Luo Jiutian's pupils shrank, and he flew over instantly.

"Hei Ye, stop! You can't use spiritual power here, otherwise you will be punished by heaven!" Luo Jiutian yelled, but it was too late, everything happened too fast. When Luo Jiutian reacted, he saw that the old man had already grabbed the body of the guard and fled.

Seeing this, Luo Jiutian shouted: "Want to leave? No way!"

With a "swish", a black light flashed, and then Luo Jiutian's whole body disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already blocking the old man.

"Why are you here!" The old man was so scared when he saw Luo Jiutian suddenly appear that he almost fell to the ground.

"You talk too much nonsense."


The old man gritted his teeth, but he had no choice, because Luo Jiutian had blocked the way around him at this moment.

"What on earth do you want to do? I warn you, if you dare to hurt me, I will not let you leave alive even if I risk my life!" The old man threatened fiercely.

But who would have thought that Luo Jiutian sneered and looked at him with contempt: "Oh, threatening me? Okay, you continue, I promise not to interfere." As he said that, Luo Jiutian took two steps back and looked at the old man with a playful face.

The old man was immediately angry when he heard this. This guy is simply too much!

"Looking for death!" The old man roared, raised his arms, and punched out. A visible ripple instantly spread out and crushed towards Luo Jiutian.

Facing the surging power, Luo Jiutian snorted coldly, raised his leg and swept away, and a leg whip condensed by spiritual power instantly shattered the ripple. At the same time, Luo Jiutian spun his body and kicked the old man in the waist with a side kick. The old man sensed the danger and quickly moved to the side a few points, barely avoiding the fierce attack.

Seeing that the old man had avoided his attack, Luo Jiutian narrowed his cold eyes slightly, then dodged and rushed behind the old man, grabbed the old man's shoulder with one hand, and then used the other elbow to hit the old man's neck mercilessly.

The old man felt his spine being hit hard by the heavy hammer, and his face was twisted in pain. But before he could resist, Luo Jiutian waved his right hand, and a ball of spiritual fire instantly wrapped him.

"Ah——! Little bastard, let me go!!" The old man struggled in pain and roared in anger.

"Let you go? Dream on! Burn you to death, old bastard, so that you don't always harm innocent people!" Luo Jiutian said, and gently pinched his palm, and a cluster of dark blue flames slowly rose up, and the scorching temperature instantly burned around.

"You devil, stop! Ah——!" the old man roared. Then Luo Jiutian felt that the spiritual power that bound the old man was instantly broken.

Then, the old man quickly used all his spiritual power, swung out a palm, and slapped Luo Jiutian fiercely.

Seeing this, Luo Jiutian did not dodge, allowing the spiritual power to come to him. Then Luo Jiutian leaned slightly, and his body quickly fell down along the palm power.

Luo Jiutian fell to the ground, and with a carp jump, he jumped several feet away with the help of the rebound force and stood firm.

At this time, the old man was heard panting and said, "Who are you?"

Luo Jiutian glanced at the guard who was burned to ashes, and said lightly, "I don't know him."

After that, Luo Jiutian slowly stepped closer to the old man, and then said, "This young master hates others to get close to this young master, especially strangers!" (End of this chapter)

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