

Before the old man could speak, there was a loud noise. Luo Jiutian's body shook slightly, and then a hint of evil arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Huh? You are not dead yet!?"

Luo Jiutian looked at the old man lying on the ground. At this moment, the old man was burnt all over and was obviously dying.

The old man trembled, looked at Luo Jiutian, and said tremblingly: "You are so young and have cultivated to the peak of martial arts. Who are you?"

Hearing this, Luo Jiutian raised his eyebrows and asked coldly: "Who do you care who I am! Tell me, who sent you? What are you doing here?"

The old man was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about how to get out. After a while, he gritted his teeth and replied: "I am Chen Desheng, a disciple of Tiangang Sect. I came here to get herbs under the order of the sect master. If you know what's good for you, please let me go immediately, otherwise I will retaliate against you."

Hearing the three words Tiangang Sect, Luo Jiutian's eyes narrowed slightly. Then he raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "So you are from the Tiangang Sect. But I'm sorry, since I have met you, I'm afraid you can't get away today."

After Luo Jiutian finished speaking, a majestic spiritual power suddenly spread out, instantly covering the area of ​​several feet in radius. When the old man saw this, his mind instantly tensed up, and he secretly exclaimed, "Oh no!" Then he wanted to turn around and run away, but at this moment, a sound of breaking wind came, followed by a sharp pain in his neck, and then the whole person fell into a coma...

Looking at the unconscious old man, Luo Jiutian's eyes were slightly cold, and then he turned his wrist, and the spiritual power gushed out again, directly hitting a hole in the old man's dantian. In an instant, the spiritual power lingering around the old man was lost, and he became an ordinary person.

After dealing with the old man, Luo Jiutian turned his head to look at the guards, and then raised his hand and waved it, and saw that the people who had just fallen to the ground instantly turned into powder. And the black-robed woman who had attacked Luo Jiutian before was completely wiped out with the disappearance of everyone.

Luo Jiutian glanced at the place where the black-robed woman disappeared, then looked up at the old man. Seeing that the other party still had his eyes closed and showed no signs of waking up, Luo Jiutian nodded with satisfaction, and at this time he was already soaked.

Although he was a demon, he was also a mortal body. When he was fighting with the enemy just now, the strong collision of spiritual power and the fierce fighting also consumed a lot of his skills. Fortunately, he is now a demon king, so he can recover spiritual power a little faster than ordinary immortals.

Luo Jiutian turned around and prepared to leave. Suddenly, he touched the ground with his toes, and his figure jumped up quickly, and disappeared in the night sky in the blink of an eye.

In the early morning, the sun was bright.

A burst of hurried footsteps disturbed Yun Xi who was sleeping soundly in the courtyard.

After opening her eyes and seeing the person coming, Yun Xi sat up quickly and said in a panic: "Dad, Dad, how is Mom?"

Yun Qianchen pulled Yun Xi up and said anxiously: "Xi'er, come with me. Let's take Mom to the clinic for treatment."

"Dad, Dad, don't worry. Mom was just exhausted last night, so she fainted. Let's take Mom back to rest first!" Yun Xi comforted Yun Qianchen.

The father and daughter supported Yun Qianyu and ran all the way to the clinic.

At this time, the doctor and the medicine boy were already waiting in the lobby of the clinic.

"Boss Yun!" The doctor stepped forward and asked.

Yun Qianchen sighed and said: "Medical officer, I'm sorry, my sister suddenly fainted."

The doctor frowned slightly when he heard this: "This... this..."

"Medical officer, if you don't mind, can you help me with the diagnosis?" Yun Qianchen pleaded in a low voice.

"Oh! Then I'll trouble you, Boss Yun."

Then, the medical officer took Yun Qianyu's pulse and checked her carefully, and then said: "Boss Yun, don't worry, Miss Yun is just too tired, just rest for a while."

Hearing this, Yun Qianchen breathed a sigh of relief, then thanked the medical officer, and took Yun Qianyu back to the room to rest.

Back in the room, Yun Qianchen covered Yun Qianyu with a quilt, then took out two bottles of pills from his arms and handed them to Yun Qianyu: "Mom, this is the beauty pill I bought for you, eat it, you can whiten your skin!"

"Okay, you go to accompany your mother, I'm going out to buy things." After saying that, Yun Qianchen got up and left the room.

Looking at Yun Qianyu on the bed, Yun Xi reached out and held Yun Qianyu's hand, whispering: "Mom, you get better soon. Xi'er will take good care of you."

After saying that, Yun Xi got up and walked out of the house.

Walking out of the house, Yun Xi looked up at the sky and murmured to herself, "I don't know if I can see you again in this life." After saying that, she took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, and then walked towards the street.

"Hey, girl! Are you okay?" A shout came, and Yun Xi looked in the direction of the sound. Then she saw an old man, who was looking at her with concern.

Yun Xi waved her hand and said, "Grandpa, I'm fine."

The old man nodded in relief after hearing this, and then continued to shout, "Girl! I think your clothes seem to have been worn for a long time and are dirty. Why don't you change into new ones?"

The old man pointed to the stall beside him and said, "Girl, I have a few sets of clothes here. Do you want to try them?"

Yun Xi looked down at the clothes on the stall, and then heard the old man continue to say, "Girl, your clothes are really a little wrinkled after washing. This is the latest style of clothes in the cloth shop. It is cheap and warm. Don't miss the opportunity!"

"Then... I'll try it." Yun Xi whispered, and then raised her foot and walked over there...

When Yun Xi changed her clothes and came out of the store again, she saw a luxurious carriage parked not far away.

Yun Xi stared at the carriage in a daze. She remembered that there was no such carriage when she came to the town yesterday. Did she remember it wrong?

"Sir, there is a girl over there. Go and ask her to get on the carriage." The coachman turned around and said to the people in the carriage.

Hearing this, the man in the carriage lifted the curtain and looked at Yun Xi.

When he saw Yun Xi standing under the carriage, he pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes, and then coughed lightly and said, "That girl, my young master wants to invite you to ride in the carriage."

Hearing the words of the man in the carriage, Yun Xi blushed and shook her head shyly, saying, "No, no. Thank you for your young master's kindness. I plan to take a bullock cart back."

The man in the carriage raised his eyebrows when he heard Yun Xi's refusal.

This girl is really strange. She is unwilling to ride in the carriage with him. Does she dislike his young master's low status?

Thinking of this possibility, the man's face darkened a little, and then he said: "Miss, you might as well come in and take a look. If you don't like my young master, you can choose another carriage."

After the man finished speaking, he ordered the coachman to lift the curtain.

Yun Xi looked up and happened to see the handsome face in the carriage.

"Hey, it's you." Seeing the familiar face, Yun Xi couldn't help but shout in surprise.

"Miss Yun Xi, I didn't expect you to know my young master." The coachman was a little surprised when he saw Yun Xi's reaction.

"Hehe, your young master once saved my life, so I have a deep impression of your young master."

"So that's the case!" The coachman nodded suddenly, then turned to the master in the car and said: "Young master, since you know this girl, you might as well go up and talk to her. After all, the girl has also saved your life."

After the coachman finished speaking, Yun Xi smiled and waved to Mo Yan in the carriage.

Mo Yan in the carriage saw Yun Xi waving at him, and couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

This damn girl, is she deliberately provoking me?

But he was not angry, instead he raised his voice and ordered the coachman, saying: "Okay! You can go."

The coachman was very happy to hear this, and immediately drove the horse away.

After the carriage left, Yun Xi put away the smile on his face and walked forward.

"Hey! Are you sick?" Yun Xi asked as he walked.

"Who is sick? You are sick." Someone's cold and ruthless voice sounded in the carriage.

Yun Xi curled his lips and said: "Whoever answers is sick."


"I'm asking if you are sick, why are you talking?" Yun Xi raised his hand and knocked on the window of the carriage, and then said: "Is your carriage very expensive?"


"Tsk tsk, such a carriage is probably worth tens of thousands of gold coins." Yun Xi shook his head again.


As soon as Yun Xi finished speaking, he felt a cold gaze shooting straight at him.

She looked up and happened to meet the icy black pupils of a man in the carriage.

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, then moved her eyes away and continued to walk forward.

Why is this guy so bad-tempered? It's even worse than the stones in the toilet.

"Stop, who are you?" Mo Yan roared in the carriage.

Yun Xi paused outside the carriage, then replied: "I said I'm just a passerby, I'm going back to the village, why are you stopping me?"

"Passerby? Which village are you from?" Mo Yan asked with gritted teeth in the carriage.

"Qingyun Village." Yun Xi uttered three words lightly.

In the carriage, Mo Yan's face instantly became more livid. He glared at Yun Xi outside the carriage fiercely, then flicked his sleeves in hatred, jumped off the carriage without saying a word, jumped onto a maroon horse, flew away, and disappeared in front of Yun Xi in the blink of an eye.

Yun Xi stayed for a moment, then turned and left.

In the carriage, Mo Yan galloped on the wide street.

Along the way, the shadow of the girl was in his mind.

Although the girl was young, she was very pretty. Especially the pink and purple dress made her look even more charming and lovely, which made people unable to look away.

Thinking about it, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

Is this girl from Qingyun Village? Why did she appear in the capital?

Mo Yan in the carriage was thinking about this question all the way.

Until the carriage stopped in front of the Yun Mansion, Mo Yan still looked like he was wandering in the void, staring at the plaque at the door in a daze.

The housekeeper on the side waited for a long time but did not see Mo Yan get off the horse, and could not help but remind him: "Young Master, we are here."

Mo Yan raised his eyes and glanced at the housekeeper and said: "Oh, I know."

Mo Yan responded, then turned over and got off the horse and walked towards the Yun Mansion.

In front of the Yun Mansion, a middle-aged man in his forties came up with a group of people, bowed and said: "Your subordinate greets the young master."

"Yes." Mo Yan nodded slightly, and walked into the Yun Mansion with an elegant and calm step.

In the Yun Mansion, the old housekeeper led Mo Yan to a delicate and elegant courtyard and stopped.

After standing still, Mo Yan turned his head and glanced at the old housekeeper beside him. After pondering for a long time, he suddenly asked: "What are we going to eat tonight?"

The old housekeeper was stunned when he heard the voice, and then replied respectfully: "Tonight the small kitchen is preparing pheasant stewed with mushrooms."

Pheasant stewed with mushrooms is a dish that Mo Yan has been accustomed to eating since he was a child, so after hearing this, he didn't dislike it. However, he also invited someone to have dinner with him tonight, so he said to the old housekeeper: "Remove the pheasant stewed with mushrooms, and change it to hare meat stewed with tofu or potatoes stewed pig's trotters. By the way, let the kitchen Make me a bowl of porridge."

After finishing speaking, Mo Yan walked straight into the house.

Seeing Mo Yan walk into the house, the old housekeeper quickly followed him. He was about to ask why the dishes were changed, but unfortunately Mo Yan had already walked into the room and closed the door.

The housekeeper looked at Mo Yan's closed door and finally said nothing. He turned around and ordered the two servants to go to the kitchen to convey Mo Yan's order.

After Yun Xi returned home, she first visited her mother.

As soon as she approached her mother's room, she heard her mother's gentle and kind voice asking: "Yunxi, did your father cause any trouble today?"

Hearing these words, Yun Xi frowned.

Father? He actually called her daddy.

"Yunxi, what's wrong? Is your father bullying you again?" Hearing her daughter's silence, Yunyun asked anxiously.

Yun Xi sighed, and then said to comfort: "Mom, don't worry, father doesn't dare to do anything to me, don't worry."

"Fool, how could mother not be worried?" Yun Yun said, her tone suddenly became serious: "Tell mother, what is going on? What happened to you today?"

"Mom, it's okay, it's really okay. Dad just wants money."

"Money? Huh, if he really wants money, forget it." Yun Yun snorted coldly and said angrily: "But, he actually wants to sell you. How can anyone sell my daughter, Yun Yun? "

Hearing this, Yun Xi felt warm in her heart. She had already guessed that her father wanted her to sell it for money. But when she heard Yunyun's words, she was still shocked.

Does Yunyun mean that she would rather spend money to buy peace than sell herself?

Thinking about it, the tip of Yun Xi's nose felt sore and she choked lowly.

In this body's memory, she has always been an orphan. If it weren't for the existence of such a kind and loving mother as Yun Yun, I'm afraid she would have starved to death or froze to death in a mass grave!

She has no father, brothers or sisters in her memory, and no other relatives except Yun Yun. Therefore, Yunyun is her relative and her only relative.

"Yun Xi, why are you crying?" Yun Yun heard her daughter's choking voice and panicked. She quickly got up and walked towards her daughter, holding her hand and saying, "Tell mother, what happened?" ?”

Listening to her daughter's sad voice, Yunyun's heart ached.

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