Her precious daughter was wronged.

"Mother, my father...he gave me away...wuwuwu..." After saying that, Yun Xi couldn't help but burst into tears.

"What?" Hearing this, Yun Yun trembled violently, her legs softened, and she almost fell to the ground.

"Yun Yun, how are you?" Yun Xi's crying woke up Yun Ao and Yang who were resting in the house.

"Yun Yun?" Yang didn't even bother to put on her shoes, she quickly ran to Yun Yun and supported her, and asked anxiously: "Yun Yun, what's wrong with you? You must not scare mother."

As Yang said this, tears slid down her pale cheeks.

Yun Yun raised her tear-stained face, reached out and grabbed Yun Xi's arm, and asked nervously and anxiously: "Xi'er, tell mother, who did your father sell you to?"

"Wuwu, mother..." Yun Xi lay in Yun Yun's arms and cried non-stop.

"Be good, Xi'er, don't cry, don't be afraid. Tell mother, who did your father sell you to?" Yun Yun patted her daughter's shoulder and coaxed her, her eyes moist.

Yun Xi sobbed for a while, and slowly said: "Mother, I... I don't know who he sold me to. Anyway, I was thrown in the suburbs, and when I woke up, I was already lying in the clinic."

Hearing this, Yun Yun was relieved, and then frowned and said: "Yun Xi, how could you be thrown in the suburbs?"

Yun Xi shook her head and choked up and replied: "I don't know either." She was going to find her father, but as soon as she stepped out of the yard, she was stopped by the people sent by her father. After that, she didn't remember anything.

Hearing her daughter's sobbing, Yun Yun felt extremely distressed.

"Xi'er, don't worry, no matter who you are sold to, you are the eldest granddaughter of our Yun Wangfu. I believe that the emperor will summon you again soon." Yun Ao's attitude was very firm, and he would never allow his granddaughter to be sold.

Yun Xi nodded upon hearing this. Indeed, she didn't have to be afraid. As long as her father was still the prince of the Yun Palace, she would always be the noble eldest daughter of the Yun Palace, and her future would not be ruined.

Yun Xi was quiet for a long time before she calmed down a little. After wiping away her tears, she had dinner with her parents.

After dinner, Yun Xi returned to her courtyard, washed up, and went to bed to rest.

The next morning, she got up and packed up, and went to the ancestral hall to worship her ancestors.

After worshiping her ancestors, Yun Xi sat alone in the side hall of the ancestral hall in a daze.

Not long after, Yun Yun came over with a pot of tea. After placing the teacup on the table in front of Yun Xi, Yun Yun looked at Yun Xi and said, "Xi'er, did you sleep well last night?"

"Well, it was pretty good." Yun Xi nodded. Although this world is full of spiritual power, there is no entertainment here. She lay on the bed last night, tossing and turning, and there was no way to fall asleep.

"That's good." After saying that, Yun Yun sat on the chair opposite Yun Xi.

Looking at her mother opposite, Yun Xi hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "Mother, why did those men in black want to take you and father away yesterday?"

Hearing this, Yun Yun's eyes darkened, and she smiled bitterly, and then slowly told her story.

It turned out that twenty years ago, Yun Ao, the handsome man who was popular throughout the capital, had loved a brothel girl, and the two had a deep relationship. But at that time, Yun Ao was the illegitimate son of Zhenxi Hou Yun Ao, so Yun Ao and the woman's affairs have always been criticized.

Later, not long after Yun Ao married, the woman became pregnant.

When Yun Ao married his wife, Yun Ao had promised the woman that he would divorce his wife and marry another one immediately after the child was born.

But soon after Yun Ao married his wife, he began to favor his concubine and kill his wife.

The concubine that Yun Ao Na had was the daughter of his comrade-in-arms. In order to cling to power, he actually sold the woman and abandoned her when she was about to give birth.

Listening to Yun Yun's story, Yun Xi felt that it was all too bloody. However, it was enough to show that the scumbag was not worthy of entrusting his life to.

"Xi'er, from now on you are not allowed to call that man father, let alone grandpa. He is not qualified to be your father." Yun Yun said, her tone firm and overbearing.

In the past few years, in order to make up for the harm suffered by Yun Xi, Yun Yun focused all her attention on Yun Xi and gave her all the best things. And she herself has a delicate heart, handling all kinds of household chores, managing the backyard, etc. are all handy.

Now, although she only has a five-year-old daughter, no one in the Yun Wang Mansion can ignore her existence.

She is Yun Ao's only daughter, and she is the nominal jewel in the crown of the Yun Wang Mansion. She is her pride and the hope of the Yun Wang Mansion. If Yun Ao knew about her disappearance, she was worried that Yun Ao would be angry and kill Yun Xi.

"Yes." Yun Xi nodded. She had no objection to Yun Yun's proposal. Anyway, she had nothing to do with that scumbag, and she didn't need to recognize him as her father.

"Since you don't have to go to the palace to learn the rules today, how about your mother taking you for a walk on the street?" Yun Yun said gently.

These days, Yun Xi has been stuck in the Yun Palace and can't go anywhere, which makes Yun Xi feel a little depressed. So, Yun Yun wants to take Yun Xi out to relax while she is free today. After all, she doesn't know when Yun Ao will find Yun Xi?

"Really?" Hearing this, Yun Xi's eyes lit up and asked happily.

"Of course it's true."

"Great! I've never been out of the house before!" Yun Xi jumped up excitedly and rushed out with Yun Yun.

Yun Ao had been busy in the study until the evening, when he returned to his own bedroom.

As soon as he came back, he went straight to Yun Xi's boudoir and knocked on Yun Xi's door.

Yun Xi opened the door, looked at Yun Ao standing at the door, frowned slightly, and said indifferently: "Father, what do you want?"

Yun Ao looked at Yun Xi's cold and indifferent appearance, his eyes flashed, and he was silent for a moment before saying: "Xi'er, Dad wants to take you to visit the scenery of our Yun Wang Mansion."

Yun Xi raised his eyebrows and said nothing, obviously agreeing.

"Come, change your clothes, Dad will go with you." As he spoke, Yun Ao walked in first and motioned Yun Xi to close the door.

Yun Xi pouted, although he was unhappy that Yun Ao suddenly became warm, but he still did as he was told.

Seeing this, Yun Ao's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he glanced at the brocade box in Yun Xi's hand without any expression. This girl is really alert. She even took precautions against such a private matter as changing clothes.

However, Yun Ao did not expose her. If he really wanted to do something, how could the things in Yun Xi's hand prevent him?

Yun Xi closed the door, took the brocade box, walked behind the screen and changed her white dress, and then changed into the purple dress prepared by Yun Ao.

Looking at the slightly made-up face in the mirror, Yun Xi could not help but be stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but exclaimed in her heart: "Tsk tsk, this ancient makeup technology is too powerful! It's even better than modern makeup."

However, Yun Xi was only slightly shocked. Then she walked out of the screen with the brocade box and walked towards Yun Ao.

When Yun Xi walked to the bed, Yun Ao stretched out his arms and took the brocade box in her hand. Then he handed it to her and told her, "Xi'er, this brocade box contains the precious snow lotus cream, which is worth a fortune. Apply it on your face every morning and evening. Not only will your skin get better and better, but it will also become as soft as a baby's. You must protect it in the future and don't break it."

Yun Xi raised her little face and glanced at Yun Ao, and asked, "Will my face become as beautiful as my mother's?"

Hearing this, Yun Ao smiled and said, "Silly, your mother's appearance is already very beautiful, so it's not your turn to continue to enjoy it."

He paused and continued, "However, if you are willing to work hard to practice martial arts when you grow up, you will become more beautiful than your mother." When he said this, Yun Ao stared at Yun Xi closely, as if he wanted to find out something from Yun Xi's expression.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed, and Yun Xi's expression did not move.

"Xi'er, why are you unhappy?" Seeing Yun Xi's calm expression, Yun Ao was a little anxious.

He didn't understand why this girl, who was obviously his daughter, didn't worship him as a father like other daughters. Could she have any opinion or resentment towards him?

Yun Xi looked up at Yun Ao and said lightly: "My daughter is not unhappy."


"Really." Yun Xi nodded gently, then lowered her head, hiding a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

Yun Ao saw Yun Xi lowering her head in thought, and felt annoyed. But Yun Xi didn't cooperate, and he couldn't force her, so he could only give up for the time being.

Yun Ao took a deep breath, suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, and said: "Come on, call the carriage."

"Yes." The respectful voice of the guard came from outside the door.

Soon, three carriages stopped under the eaves, and Yun Ao led Yun Xi out of the house.

Yun Xi sat in the second carriage and glanced outside through the curtains. Seeing the familiar environment outside, Yun Xi's eyes dimmed, and he retracted his gaze, quietly leaning on the cushion and closing his eyes to rest.


Two days later, Yun Xi left the Yun Palace and went to the manor in the suburbs of Beijing.

There is a mountain in the suburbs of Beijing, named Lingshan. It is said that the emperor chose it when he built the imperial mausoleum, and the mountain became the property of the Yun Palace.

The Yun Palace is located at the foot of Lingshan, covering a very large area of ​​100 acres. This Lingshan is surrounded by trees, flowers and plants, and the scenery is very beautiful.

This mountain was built by the Yun Palace specifically for Yun Xi, because Yun Xi's grandmother left a will, saying that she would give her yard to Yun Xi to live in in the future.

As soon as Yun Xi got off the carriage, he felt the rich spiritual energy on the mountain. This Lingshan where the spiritual veins converge is really extraordinary. No wonder Yun Ao chose to build a mansion here, it turned out that he had planned it long ago.

Yun Xi raised his head and looked around the Lingshan, in a good mood, with a shallow arc at the corner of his mouth.

Yun Ao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this. It seemed that Xi'er was quite satisfied with this mountain. At least Yun Xi hadn't been making a fuss or crying these days.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Yun Xi turned and looked at Yun Ao and said.

Yun Ao heard this and patted Yun Xi's head lovingly, saying, "Okay, wait, Dad will order someone to prepare lunch."

After that, Yun Ao walked towards the kitchen not far away, and Yun Xi followed Yun Ao's side.

Soon, Yun Ao directed the servants to prepare lunch.

Lunch was placed on the table, and Yun Xi and Yun Ao sat opposite each other. Looking at the sumptuous dishes on the table, Yun Xi couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and her stomach growled.

Yun Ao couldn't help but smile when he saw this, "Xi'er, eat quickly! Take a good rest after you're full."

Yun Xi heard this and didn't care about being reserved anymore, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Seeing that Yun Xi was finally willing to eat, Yun Ao couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile. This girl was finally captivated by the food.

Yun Xi hadn't eaten properly for more than a month, and she hadn't tasted such delicious dishes for a long time.

After a meal, Yun Xi was very full and lay on the chair rubbing her round belly.

Yun Ao looked at Yun Xi and asked lovingly: "Xi'er, do you want to eat something?"

Yun Xi shook her head and refused: "No."

Yun Ao frowned when he heard it.

Xi'er's appetite seems to have become much worse recently, and he doesn't know why. Could it be that something happened during this period of time? But if so, he should tell him. Xi'er is his only precious daughter, and he doesn't want Xi'er to hide anything from him.

Thinking of this, Yun Ao asked tentatively: "Xi'er, do you remember where your mother's grave is?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Yun Xi looked up in confusion, blinked her eyes and looked at Yun Ao and asked: "Dad, why did you suddenly mention my mother?"

She even forgot to ask about this!

"Your mother's grave is in Lingshan. Let me take you to see your mother today!"

"Really?" Yun Xi sat up straight, very excited. For so many years, she has been looking forward to seeing her mother's remains, but Yun Ao always said that she hadn't found them. She never thought that Yun Ao would take the initiative to bring up this matter today, how could she not be happy.

Seeing Yun Xi's excited reaction, Yun Ao's heart also became happy, and he said softly: "Yes, your mother's greatest wish before her death was to be buried in Lingshan."

Yun Xi nodded, then stood up and said: "In this case, Dad, let's go quickly."

Yun Ao saw that Yun Xi had stood up, and hurriedly called Yun Xi to go to the top of the mountain together.

Along the way, Yun Xi chatted with Yun Ao. But her attention was all focused on her so-called "mother". Her mother is Lin Wan'er, who is 25 years old this year and is the only daughter of Prime Minister Lin Wentao.

The prime minister's family and the Yunwang Mansion are old friends, so Yun Ao and Lin Wan'er were childhood sweethearts, and the two had made an engagement since they were young.

But later, Lin Wan'er could not bear the strong pressure from her father and brother and married an ordinary merchant and gave birth to her.

When she was just born, Lin Wan'er was taking care of her. But on the night she was born, there was a sudden storm with thunder and lightning. Lin Wan'er was afraid that the child would suffer at birth, so she took her into the secret room to hide, but the child unfortunately died. Although she was in pain at the time, she was not too sad. After all, after the child died, she still had a father, a brother, and a younger brother. What right did she have to be sad?

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