Who knew that not long after, Lin Wan'er's father and brother sent two more baby boys. She was immediately furious and went straight to the Lin Mansion to ask them why?

Lin Wentao and his wife did not answer. No matter what she said, the couple still stubbornly treated the two boys as their own grandchildren.

After so many years, she did gradually let it go, and even didn't hate the two children she gave birth to so much.

But just a few days ago, the two children suddenly disappeared. She searched the entire Yunwang Mansion and couldn't find any clues. But Yun Ao said that the two boys had long ceased to exist.

She was furious at the time and questioned why Yun Ao lied to her.

Yun Ao helplessly explained that the two children were not hers at all. The reason he concealed this matter was just because he was worried that she would be sad.

But how could she believe his lies? She would rather believe that the two boys were not Yun Ao's children at all, and she would not believe that Yun Ao lied to coax her.

For so many years, she always thought that Yun Ao lied to comfort her. She never thought that Yun Ao was lying to her, and she never thought that he would use her to gain power and wealth. She couldn't believe that her father was such a person.

She hated, resented, and hurt! She hated him for destroying her family, hurt that he used her, and resented that he abandoned her. These days, she has been hiding in the Yun Palace and refused to come out, just because she didn't want to see Yun Ao, and didn't want to care about Yun Ao.

But today, Yun Ao took the initiative to invite her to the palace. After hesitating for a moment, she decided to take a look first and then consider other things.

Yun Xi sat next to Yun Ao, and her mind kept surfacing all the things that had happened over the years.

She didn't know how Yun Ao had survived all these years? She also didn't know if Yun Ao missed her? However, Yun Xi was very happy that Yun Ao could bring her to see her mother.

Thinking about it, Yun Xi raised a bright smile on her face and asked, "Dad, are we going to mother's grave?"

Yun Ao nodded and said, "Yes! Tomorrow is the day of sacrifice. I will take you to worship."

Yun Xi smiled and said, "Okay, I wonder where mother's grave is?"

Yun Ao said, "Your mother's grave is in the southwest of Lingshan."

"Okay, let's go!" Yun Xi pulled Yun Ao out.

Yun Ao followed Yun Xi's footsteps and walked towards the southwest.

After crossing the mountains and peaks, the two came to the foot of Lingshan.

Yun Ao looked up and saw that the mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland. The white palace on the top of the mountain was rolling and hidden in the white clouds, like a fairy palace.

"Xi'er, look, this is Lingshan." Yun Ao pointed to the Lingshan in front and introduced it to Yun Xi.

"Wow..." Yun Xi looked at the Lingshan Mountain and widened her eyes in surprise.

She had never known that there was such a magnificent temple on the Lingshan Mountain, let alone such a magnificent palace built on the top of the Lingshan Mountain.

Yun Ao looked at Yun Xi's shocked look and showed a faint smile on his face.

"Let's go, let's go up!" After saying that, Yun Ao took Yun Xi's hand and walked towards the mountain.

The two climbed up the steps. After walking a distance, Yun Xi suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to stop Yun Ao.

Yun Ao looked down at Yun Xi and asked in confusion: "Xi'er, what's wrong?"

Yun Xi pursed her lips and whispered: "Daddy, let's take a break! I feel tired."

Yun Ao frowned, looked at the surrounding environment, and nodded after a while.

After resting for a while, Yun Ao led Yun Xi to continue climbing up.

It must be said that Lingshan is indeed worthy of its reputation. After walking a short distance, Yun Xi felt sweaty and breathless.

Her legs were so sore that she could hardly lift them. She was so tired that she really wanted to lie down and rest for a while, but she gritted her teeth and persevered when she thought of what she promised Yun Ao.

Finally, they arrived at the top of Lingshan Mountain. Yun Ao let go of Yun Xi's hand, turned to look at Yun Xi and said, "Xi'er, we are at the top of the mountain. This is where your mother has lived for more than 20 years."

Yun Xi followed Yun Ao's line of sight and noticed that there was a huge palace not far away. On the door plaque of the palace were three large characters written in a dragon-like and phoenix-like style, "Qingquan Temple"

Yun Xi looked at the palace and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's so beautiful!"

Yun Ao smiled, looked at Yun Xi and asked, "Xi'er, do you still remember your mother's name?"

After hearing Yun Ao's words, Yun Xi was slightly stunned. The memory in her memory told her that her mother's surname was Li and her name was Li Yunxiang.

Could it be that her mother's real name was not Li Yunxiang but Li Yunxiang?

Yun Xi gathered her thoughts, shook her head and said, "I only remember that my mother's surname is Li, and I don't remember anything else." She didn't want to pursue it. Anyway, the only thing she wanted to know in this life was about her life experience and her mother's situation.

Hearing this, Yun Ao frowned, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Come with me." After that, he took the lead to walk towards the hall.

Seeing this, Yun Xi hurriedly followed.

The two came to the front of the hall, Yun Ao pushed open the heavy stone door and stepped into the hall.

The hall was empty, except for a bronze statue standing in the corner. Yun Xi looked carefully, and the bronze statue depicted a beautiful young woman.

"This is your mother. She is gentle and beautiful. She once said that she hopes she can become the most beautiful and kind-hearted person in the world." After Yun Ao finished speaking, he slowly walked forward and knelt in front of the young woman's spiritual tablet, kowtow. Three rings.

Yun Xi stared blankly at the gentle and kind-hearted woman on the bronze statue. She had no maternal love since she was a child because she had never seen her mother and never heard her father mention it, so she had never thought about what her mother looked like.

I didn't expect that my mother would be so good-looking. Maybe it's because my mother is good-looking that my father married so many women, right?

"Xi'er, come here and kowtow three times to your mother!" Yun Ao stood up and walked to Yun Xi's side. He helped Yun Xi up and asked her to come to the tombstone and kowtow three times solemnly.

"Mother--" Yun Xi knelt on the futon, called out with a choked voice, and then kowtowed three more times.

She felt a little uncomfortable, the tip of her nose was a little sour, and there was an inexplicable sadness and sorrow in her heart. Her mother was burned to death here, which meant that she would never see her mother again.

Yun Ao stood beside Yun Xi, his deep eyes fell on Yun Xi, watching quietly. At this time, Yun Xi was kneeling on the futon, looking up at the memorial monument, tears sliding down her temples.

Yun Xi wiped away the tears on her cheeks, turned to look at Yun Ao, and said with red eyes: "Dad, thank you for accompanying me to see my mother, thank you!"

Yun Ao raised his lips and smiled, bent down and stretched out his hand to wipe the tears on Yun Xi's face, and said, "Silly girl, it's all because of dad's fault that you have suffered so much." As he said that, he held Yun Xi's hand. Hand: "If you don't cry, your mother won't blame us. She will only be happy that you found a father like me who loves you so much."

"Well..." Yun Xi nodded obediently with tears in her eyes.

"Xi'er, let me take you back to your room! Dinner is ready. Let's go eat first. Once we're full and full, we'll come to pay homage to your mother."

Yun Xi nodded: "Okay, dad, let's go!"

Yun Ao smiled and pulled Yun Xi out of the palace together, heading down the mountain.

When the father and daughter arrived at the hall, Yun Ao had already ordered Gong E to place the dishes and chopsticks and wait for them.

After dinner, Yun Ao took Yun Xi back to the mountainside of Lingshan Mountain. This time they chose a different road.

"Xi'er, this road is closer than the previous one. Let's take this road."

"Okay!" Yun Xi nodded and walked towards another path with Yun Ao.

Soon, the two came to a dilapidated temple. There is an ancient tree in front of the temple. The ancient tree is towering and has lush branches and leaves.

Yun Ao let go of Yun Xi's hand and said to Yun Xi: "Xi'er, I'm going to knock on the door. If someone opens the door, ask the master to come out to greet us."

"Okay." Yun Xi nodded.

Yun Ao picked up the copper coin sword hanging on his waist and quickly rushed to the door of the temple, waving the copper coin sword and knocking on the door hard.

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps in the house. Then the door creaked open, and an old man with white hair and beard walked out of the room.

Looking at Yun Ao, the old man frowned and asked, "Excuse me, which family do you belong to?"

Yun Ao clasped his fists respectfully and said, "Old senior, I am Yun Ao, the eldest son of the Taifu Mansion. I am here to visit you today. I wonder if you can inform my mother and concubine."

The old man stroked his beard, looked Yun Ao up and down, and then cast his gaze behind Yun Ao.

"Who is this……"

"Senior, this is my sister-in-law Yun Xi. She is here to see my mother-in-law."

"Oh? Are you the sister of the good-for-nothing fifth prince?" After hearing Yun Ao's explanation, the old man raised his eyebrows and his tone became unhappy.

Yun Ao was stunned, a little confused about the attitude of the old man in front of him. Although the old man spoke in an unfriendly tone, he could not show it because the man in front of him was the miracle doctor on Lingshan Mountain and his savior. He didn't want to anger him, after all, they needed this miracle doctor now.

Yun Ao suppressed the displeasure in his heart and said, "Yes, I am Yun Ao. I wonder if the old man can be accommodating and let us go in to see my wife?"

The old man snorted twice and coldly said: "Your wife? Your wife is already dead. Now I don't welcome you here. Go away!" With that, the old man made a show of closing the door.

Seeing this, Yun Ao hurriedly blocked the door and said anxiously: "Old senior, how can you talk nonsense? I clearly remember that my wife is in this temple."

Hearing this, the old man suddenly felt funny and said sarcastically: "I have never lied to you. I don't have your wife here at all. She has been dead for forty-nine years. You should leave quickly! Otherwise, don't blame me. You’re welcome!”

"What did you say? My wife has been dead for forty-nine years!" Yun Ao's eyes widened and he looked at the old man in shock.

The old man snorted and glanced at Yun Ao coldly: "Your wife died of illness. If you don't believe it, just ask the girl next to you. Ask her if your wife died of illness?"

Yun Ao turned his head and glanced at Yun Xi. Seeing her confused and confused look, he couldn't help but become suspicious.

"You really didn't lie to me?"

The old man sneered: "How dare I lie to you? Get out of here!" As he said that, the old man kicked Yun Ao on the chest. Yun Ao staggered back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

Yun Xi quickly ran to Yun Ao, supported him as he was shaking, and looked at him worriedly: "Dad, are you okay?"

Yun Ao shook his head, shook off Yun Xi's support, walked to the old man, and knelt down straight with a plop.

"Please, old senior, show me a way out, let me see my wife!"

The old man frowned and looked at Yun Ao and said, "What if you see her? She has already died, and she will be trapped in this Lingyin Temple forever, unable to transcend reincarnation."

"No, I believe she is still alive, I want to see her!" Yun Ao raised his head stubbornly and looked at the old man in front of him firmly. He firmly believed that his mother must still be alive and would definitely come back to find him.

The old man sighed and said with some emotion: "Forget it, since you must see her, then follow me!" As he said, he led Yun Ao to the backyard of Lingyin Temple.

Lingyin Temple covers a very large area, and there is a garden in the backyard, with rockery and flowing water, green grass, and blooming flowers, and the scenery is pleasant.

After passing through the garden, the group finally came to a quiet and remote Zen room and stopped.

The old man stretched out his hand and pushed the door open, and walked in.

"Come in!"

Yun Ao nodded, and took Yun Xi into the meditation room.

Yun Ao took Yun Xi all the way through the screen to the bed, and saw the person lying on the bed. Yun Ao's eyes widened instantly, and his face turned pale.

Yun Xi followed Yun Ao's line of sight and was stunned. Lying on the bed was the wife that Yun Ao mentioned - Xiao Xue.

Yun Ao looked at Xiao Xue, his heart ached, and tears could not help but flow down. With trembling hands, he slowly lifted the brocade handkerchief covering Xiao Xue, revealing a face as pale as paper.

Yun Ao was heartbroken, leaned over and hugged Xiao Xue, crying and shouting: "Mother! I am unfilial, I didn't take good care of you." He thought that his mother had finally returned to his side after all his efforts. But he didn't expect that his mother was dead. Moreover, she died of illness not long after he left the capital.

He hated it! He hated those enemies who murdered his mother, and hated the damn plague even more. The plague killed many people and caused his wife and children to be displaced. The most important thing was that it killed his and Xi'er's only mother. He swore that he would never forgive those who killed his mother.

Yun Xi glanced at the woman on the bed, gritted his teeth, and walked over.

She walked to the woman's side and knelt down. With his head lowered, his eyes flashed with crystal tears as he looked at the woman.

The old man looked at the two of them and sighed: "Alas..."

After that, the old man turned around and prepared to leave. Yun Ao raised his head, his eyes were red and swollen, and he looked at the old man pleadingly, choking and calling out: "Old man, I beg you, tell me who my wife is."

The old man paused, looked back at Yun Ao, and sighed slightly: "She is the eldest princess of Nanchu State and the widow of the former crown prince of Nanchu."

Hearing the old man's words, Yun Ao froze in place, and the figure of Nangong Yi kept appearing in his mind.

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