He won't admit his mistake, definitely not! Nangong Yi, just wait, one day I will seek justice for my father, the princess, and my concubine!

Yun Xi knelt on the ground, looked at the old man, and remained silent without speaking. In fact, she also guessed something. She was afraid that Nangong Yi's mother-in-law had some connection with her grandfather, so the old man mentioned it just now.

Thinking about it, Yun Xi suddenly felt a surge of sadness and disappointment in her heart. She thought she was the only lonely person left in the world, but she didn't expect that there were still people who were thinking about her parents.

"Old sir, is my wife still here?" Yun Ao came back to his senses and asked the old man again.

The old man took a deep look at Yun Ao and shook his head: "She left not long after you left! You'd better leave quickly! If not, soldiers will come to arrest you soon." As he said, He turned around and walked outside, intending to leave.

Yun Ao quickly stood up and chased Yun Xi out.

"Old sir, I beg you, please take me to see my wife! As long as I see her once, I will leave immediately!"

The old man frowned and sighed: "Are you sure?"

Yun Ao responded without hesitation: "Sure!"

"Okay! I promise you. However, I advise you not to give up any hope."

"Thank you, old sir." After saying that, Yun Ao took out a token and handed it to the old man, and said respectfully: "Old sir, this jade pendant can mobilize the guard. Please give it to them and let them release it." Pass me."

He is now penniless and cannot bring Yun Xi back home. And he also knew that the old man was willing to help them for no reason, so he was willing to pay any price as long as he could let Yun Xi return home safe and sound.

The token Yun Ao took out was given to him by Yun Lan before he left. Although Yun Lan said that this token was left by him to save his life in the future. But at this moment, for Yun Xi, he was willing to give away this token.

The old man took the token and looked at it carefully. Then he nodded: "Okay, I can promise you. As long as I take this token to the guard camp, they will no longer make things difficult for you and this little girl."

Yun Ao breathed a sigh of relief and cupped his hands gratefully: "Thank you very much, old gentleman."

Yun Xi had never seen Yun Ao be so out of sorts and embarrassed, and she forgot to react for a moment.

The old man waved his hand: "Okay, don't thank me anymore, take your wife back quickly!" After saying that, he walked out of the Zen room and disappeared into the night.

After the old man left, Yun Ao looked back at his daughter who was kneeling on the ground and looking blankly at him. He ignored the guilt welling up in his heart, bent down to help her up, and gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks: "Xi'er "Let's go back first! My mother has been sleeping here for twenty-three years." He must take his mother away from here and find a place to bury her.

Yun Xi nodded, then thought of something and said hurriedly: "Master, I would like to ask you to help me find out the owner of this mourning hall. He may know about my mother!"

"Okay!" Yun Ao nodded, his eyes falling on Yun Xi's face: "Xi'er, our family will be reunited soon." After saying that, he put his arm around Yun Xi's shoulders and walked out of the mourning hall. go.

In the mourning hall, only the cold corpse and the empty coffin were left.

"Dad..." After leaving the mourning hall, Yun Xi threw herself into Yun Ao's arms and cried loudly: "Dad, how could you do this? Wuwu... What should I do in the future? Wuwu..."

Yun Ao gently stroked Yun Xi's back and said softly: "Good baby, daddy will definitely take you home."


The next day. Yun Ao and Yun Xi had breakfast, packed up, and prepared to leave the mourning hall. But at this moment, a guard came to report: "To inform the Prime Minister, the eldest princess of Southern Chu has sent someone to deliver a message."

Hearing this, Yun Ao's body shook and he almost fell to the ground. Yun Xi quickly supported Yun Ao and said worriedly: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Ao barely managed to steady his body, looked at the guard, and said: "Send the letter up!"

The guard immediately handed the letter to Yun Ao. Yun Ao took the letter and opened it. I saw it written on it that her mother and concubine had died of illness, and she hoped that her father and brothers could return to the Southern Chu Kingdom. She also specifically told her that if Yun Ao was unwilling to return to Nanchu, she would be willing to bear the crime of regicide.

After Yun Ao read the letter, his face turned pale, the hand holding the letter trembled slightly, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

His mother-in-law died of illness, and he was originally happy because his mother-in-law was finally gone. However, when I saw the last words about bearing the crime of regicide, I couldn't help but feel strong sourness in my heart. Over the years, my mother-in-law has treated me very well. He is even willing to take risks to save his own life.

But now, she was forced to bear the crime of regicide... His heart couldn't help but twitch.

He wanted revenge, but he wanted to protect the remains of his mother and concubine even more. He owed her everything in his life, and he just wanted to use the rest of his time to make it up to her.

But now...

Yun Xi looked at her father who was pale and felt heartbroken: "Father..."

Yun Ao looked at Yun Xi, stretched out his hand to rub her head, and patted her gently: "Good boy, let's go back!" He had decided that since his mother and concubine recognized Yun Xi, he would take her Yun Xi returned to Southern Chu Kingdom.

Yun Xi nodded obediently and helped Yun Ao slowly leave the temple.


On the way back, Yun Ao remained silent.

Yun Xi looked at her father and hesitated to speak.

"Xi'er, just say whatever you want. Daddy won't blame you." He had already made a decision, so he wouldn't change it again.

Yun Xi bit her lip and said, "Father, my daughter has something she wants to discuss with her father."

Yun Ao raised his eyebrows and looked at Yun Xi: "Xi'er, you might as well tell me."

Yun Xi pursed her lips and said, "Father, I want to learn medical skills from you!" At this point, Yun Xi paused for a moment and continued, "My daughter wants to share some of the burden for her father."

After hearing Yun Xi's words, Yun Ao was stunned, a little stunned. Xi'er actually wants to learn medical skills from herself? This was really amazing. He hadn't smiled so brightly for several days since his mother-in-law left.

"Xi'er, you know that learning medical skills is not easy and requires a lot of energy and time." Learning medical skills requires a lot of patience and is also very hard.

"My daughter knows that she has already thought it through. I believe that with her own efforts, she can learn it one day!" Yun Xi said firmly.

Yun Ao nodded: "Okay! Since you want to learn medical skills from me, I will take you to become a disciple tomorrow!"

Yunxi was overjoyed, and she was full of expectations for her father's teachings.

The next day, when the sky was dark, Yun Ao woke up early and woke up Yun Xi, who was still sleeping. After briefly freshening up, the two set out for a nearby town.

When Yun Ao and Yun Xi arrived in the town, it was not completely bright yet. The two found an inn to rest for a while. After breakfast, they prepared to go out to become a disciple.

But as soon as the two of them stepped out of the threshold, they met a woman in luxurious clothes.

Next to the woman was a girl wearing a pink dress. The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a beautiful appearance and a delicate expression. At this time, he was pulling the woman's sleeves and coquettishly. The lady shook her head helplessly and allowed her daughter to pester her.

"Mother--" Yun Xi looked at the woman standing in front of her and shouted, then pulled Yun Ao and took a few steps back.

This is her aunt, Mrs. Liu, whose original name was Liu Wanru. She was Mrs. Liu's eldest sister, and she was married to the current Holy Emperor of Southern Chu Kingdom as his concubine. She has a good relationship with her mother and often visits her mother.

Mrs. Liu glanced at the two children standing in front of her, especially when she looked at Yun Xi, her eyes suddenly widened with surprise.

"Xi'er..." She never expected that she would meet Xi'er here.

"Xi'er!" Mrs. Liu walked quickly towards Yun Xi, took Yun Xi's hand, looked at Yun Xi, and said happily: "I didn't expect that in just half a year, Xi'er actually grew up. She is a grown-up girl, and she is becoming more and more beautiful as she grows older.”

Yun Xi smiled and said, "Aunt, you are flattering me."

Mrs. Liu raised her hand and touched the top of Yun Xi's head, and said with emotion: "Oh, time flies so fast. Xi'er, you're already here. However, I remember you were only five or six years old at that time. How could it have happened in such a blink of an eye?" How long has it been?”

Yun Xi coughed twice in embarrassment and lowered his head.

On the other side, the fairy world.

Emperor Yuqi looked at the invitation in his hand, his eyes flashing with complicated darkness.

There are only a few simple lines on the invitation, but it makes people dare not underestimate it.

"On my son's birthday, I hope His Majesty Yuqi will come with his wife and daughter to attend."

Looking at the words on the invitation, Emperor Yuqi sneered, threw the invitation on the table, and murmured sarcastically: "I didn't expect you to live for so long."

"Your Majesty, now that the shame of Southern Chu's defeat has been removed, what should we do?" The old man in black robes on the side asked Emperor Yuqi.

Emperor Yuqi narrowed his eyes and said, "Send the order, mobilize the army, and prepare to attack the Southern Chu Kingdom!"

The old man in black robe was startled when he heard the words: "Your Majesty, do we really want to attack the Southern Chu Kingdom? If we attack the Southern Chu Kingdom, I am afraid it will cause the two countries to become hostile."

Emperor Yuqi snorted coldly and said: "The two countries are at odds with each other? Haha, I want to see who wins and who loses when the two countries are at odds with each other?"

The old man in black robe frowned and said, "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Yuqi raised the corners of his lips, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes: "I want Nanchu to destroy the country!"

Destroy the country……

Listening to Emperor Yuqi's undisguised murderous intent, the black-robed old man couldn't help but take a breath and looked at him in shock.

Your Majesty, you want to destroy the country?

"What? Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Emperor Yuqi had a gloomy handsome face, and glanced at the black-robed old man coldly, releasing his pressure.

The old man in black robe quickly lowered his head and said respectfully: "I accept the order."

Emperor Yuqi sat on the dragon chair and pondered, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and the scene he saw last night appeared in his mind.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Qing Ming noticed something strange about his master and asked in confusion.

Emperor Yuqi raised his head and looked at Qing Ming, and said indifferently: "I suddenly figured out something. This time I go to Southern Chu Country, I should accept a disciple."

Qing Ming was surprised when he heard this and said in confusion: "Accepting a disciple? Why did Your Majesty suddenly change his attention? You must not forget that your poison has not been cured yet."

Emperor Yuqi sneered and said mockingly: "Poison, I have found a way." As long as you find the antidote, you don't have to be afraid of it even if there is no antidote.

"What?" Qing Ming's eyes widened and he looked at his master in disbelief. The master actually had a solution?

Emperor Yuqi did not answer Qing Ming, but asked: "How have you sent people to investigate during this period?"

Qing Ming sighed and began to report on the situation during this period.

"Master, I have asked people to investigate during this period. It is said that the second and third princes of the Southern Chu Kingdom seem to have an affair with people from the demon clan. Because their private behavior was caught, so Demoted to the title of prince."

Demonic people?

"Is this news accurate?"

Qing Ming nodded and said affirmatively: "The news is true. Not only that, my subordinates also got other news. The third princess of Nan Chu Kingdom is also colluding with the demons."


Emperor Yuqi frowned. Their royal family in the Southern Chu Kingdom had never had anything to do with the demons.

What happened to the second and third princes of the Southern Chu Kingdom to get mixed up with the demons? Isn’t this a discredit to the Southern Chu Kingdom?

"Master, what should we do now?" Although the demons colluded with the Southern Chu Kingdom and were detrimental to the Southern Chu Kingdom, they did not have the right to deal with the demons' affairs. What's more, the relationship between Yuqi State and Nanchu State is already very delicate. If they rashly intervene in this matter, it will inevitably lead to hostility between the two countries.

Emperor Yuqi's deep and sharp eyes fell on the invitation on the table, his eyes flickered, and after a long time he slowly uttered two words: "Go to the banquet!"

Chapter 22 Going to the Banquet

Nanchu Palace

The sun gradually sets in the west, and the sky is filled with red clouds.

In the palace, people were drinking and drinking, and it was very lively.

"Your Majesty has arrived -" a high-pitched and loud voice resounded outside the palace. Everyone quickly stopped talking and knelt down and said, "I have seen your Majesty -"

Wearing a crescent-white brocade robe, he has a tall and straight figure, exuding strong domineering energy. His handsome face has a distant and cold arc, looking down on the people from a high position.

Emperor Yuqi walked slowly into the hall, glanced around the people in the hall, and finally sat down in the upper seat. His indifferent eyes fell below and he announced: "Everyone is equal -"

All the officials straightened up and took their seats again.

"Your Majesty, what are you calling your ministers to do today?" Chen Zhong, the Minister of Household Affairs, was the first to come out and asked respectfully.

Hearing this, the others all turned their attention to Emperor Yuqi.

Emperor Yuqi picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and said casually: "I have something important to announce today."

"Oh? I wonder if your Majesty has anything important to do?" Chen Zhong asked again.

"This matter is related to the Southern Chu Kingdom." Emperor Yuqi put down the wine glass in his hand, his cold eyes fell on Chen Zhong, and continued: "Today, I decided to send troops to the Southern Chu Kingdom!" (End of this chapter)

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