"What?" Chen Zhong exclaimed.

Other officials could not help but raise their heads and looked at Emperor Yuqi in disbelief, with shock in their eyes.

Your Majesty is going to go to war with the Kingdom of Southern Chu?

Emperor Yuqi looked at the officials with a cold gaze, "Why? Do you disagree?"

After Chen Zhong was stunned for a moment, he immediately stood up and clasped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I think this is not a good time. We can't act rashly."

"Oh? Why?" Emperor Yuqi raised his eyebrows, leaned back in his chair lazily, and looked at Chen Zhong with interest.

Chen Zhong paused for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Southern Chu is in need of people now. If our Kingdom of Yuqi goes to war with the Kingdom of Southern Chu at this time, wouldn't it be taking advantage of the fire? This is unreasonable."

"Then according to what Chen Aiqing meant, do you want me to give up the Kingdom of Southern Chu?" Emperor Yuqi smiled evilly, and his smile was filled with endless coldness.

Chen Zhong shook his head: "Your Majesty, you worry too much. This is not what I meant."

"Since this is not what I meant, then do as I say. I want to let the people of the world see that the State of Nanchu is not controlled by the demons." Emperor Yuqi said indifferently, turned his head to look at the guards standing behind him, and ordered in a cold voice: "Come here, pass on my decree. Tomorrow at noon, the State of Yuqi and the State of Nanchu will form a marriage alliance."

"Yes, sir." Upon hearing this, the guards immediately retreated to execute the decree of Emperor Yuqi.

"Your Majesty!" Chen Zhong was anxious and wanted to stop the guards from issuing the decree.

Unfortunately, the guards seemed not to hear it and quickly left the imperial garden.

Looking at the guards, Chen Zhong's face was embarrassed, and he lowered his head and said unwillingly: "This humble minister obeys your order."

"Yes." Emperor Yuqi responded indifferently.

Afterwards, Emperor Yuqi picked up the wine pot, poured a glass of wine to his mouth and drank it. He looked around and said coldly: "I hope everyone can attend the wedding of me and Yun'er on time tomorrow."

"We will do our best to cooperate." The officials heard this and spoke in unison.

"Well, that's good." After saying that, he raised the wine glass and motioned everyone to drink it all.

After everyone poured all the wine in their hands into their stomachs, Emperor Yuqi left the hall.

The next morning, the court of Yuqi State had already gathered civil and military officials, standing quietly one by one, waiting for the arrival of Emperor Yuqi.

Emperor Yuqi, wearing a dark green and luxurious robe, stepped into the hall with steady and elegant steps. Seeing the people in the hall, a satisfied smile appeared in his eyes.

"Long live my emperor." The ministers knelt down and shouted.

"My dear ministers, please stand up." Emperor Yuqi waved his sleeves and asked everyone to stand up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty (my emperor)." After everyone stood up, they stood in two rows.

"My dear ministers, did you rest well last night?" Emperor Yuqi asked indifferently.

"We all slept very well."

"Yes." Emperor Yuqi nodded, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on a man on his right: "Did the Prime Minister rest well?"

Hearing this, Chen Zhong hurriedly bowed and replied: "I rested very well."

"That's good." Emperor Yuqi smiled with satisfaction, and then changed the subject, saying: "I summoned you all here today to tell you that I want to marry a wife."

Hearing this, the hall that was originally whispering suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on Emperor Yuqi, looking puzzled and shocked.

"Your Majesty, you..." Chen Zhong looked like he was about to say something but stopped, with a face full of worry.

Emperor Yuqi waved his hand and said lightly: "No need to say anything, no one can change my decision."

Chen Zhong wanted to persuade him, but he was scolded by Emperor Yuqi: "My dear Chen, I have made up my mind, you don't need to say anything, you can go down."

"I obey your order." Chen Zhong gritted his teeth and could only agree.

He always felt that His Majesty seemed a little different today, but he couldn't tell exactly where it was different.

After everyone left, Emperor Yuqi sat alone in the imperial study with his eyes closed, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and a gleam of light flashed by.

Then, he took out a golden dragon-shaped jade pendant from his arms and muttered to himself: "Amo, so many years have passed, do you still remember me?"

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

Suddenly, a childish voice came from the door. Emperor Yuqi looked in the direction of the voice and saw a child about seven or eight years old running to him with short legs.

The child was wearing a yellow brocade, a white jade belt around his waist, and two pigtails. His delicate face was filled with a simple and harmless smile, and he looked very cute.

Next to the little boy was a graceful and elegant woman.

"Yulong." Emperor Yuqi looked at the little boy's cheek, a trace of pampering appeared in his eyes, and he reached out and touched the little boy's soft head: "Good boy."

"Father, what did you say just now?" The little boy blinked his big watery eyes and asked Emperor Yuqi.

Emperor Yuqi took back his hand, stared at him gently and said: "Yulong, your father is going to find you a queen mother."

The little boy's eyes widened when he heard this, and he retorted in a baby voice: "Yulong has no queen mother."

"Yulong, you should learn to accept it. Your father will help you find a queen mother you like. She will stay by your side and will never leave you." Emperor Yuqi squatted down, held the little boy's chubby hand, and said patiently.

"The Jade Dragon doesn't need a queen, nor any other queen!" the little boy said stubbornly.

After listening to the little boy's words, Emperor Yuqi's eyes dimmed a little. He slowly released his hold on the little boy's hand, stood up, walked to the desk with his hands behind his back, looked down at the little boy condescendingly, and said lightly: "I I have issued an order to confer Ming Nan as the Crown Princess. You and she will be married in three days. From then on, my kingdom will be handed over to you. "

The little boy frowned, looked at Emperor Yuqi, and said with anger, "Father, how can you give me this heavy burden now?"

Hearing this, Emperor Yuqi had a slight smile on his lips, and looked at the little boy with eyes full of love, "I want to do something big, and this burden can only be left to you." At this point, Emperor Yuqi paused. After a moment, he continued: "I believe you can do it well."

The little boy pursed his lips and refused to refute.

"Think carefully, I will wait for you in the imperial study." Emperor Yuqi patted the little boy's shoulder, turned around and walked to the imperial study at a leisurely pace.

It wasn't until Emperor Yuqi disappeared from his sight that the little boy walked out dejectedly.

In the hall of Yuqi Palace, Emperor Yuqi sat in the main seat, while the other officials stood on either side of him with respectful expressions on their faces.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders for me?" Li Shangshu raised his head, looked at Emperor Yuqi on the throne, and asked softly.

Emperor Yuqi glanced at Li Shangshu lightly and said slowly: "Li Shangshu, you are the eldest man in the country. I want to ask you, if I hand over the throne to the prince, will you assist him well?"

Hearing this, Li Shangshu opened his mouth in surprise, and then said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, I will never dare to have any objections."

"Well, in that case, Li Shangshu should go down first."

"I accept your order." Li Shangshu bowed his hands and slowly moved out.

"Liu Shangshu." Li Shangshu had just walked halfway when Emperor Yuqi suddenly called out.

"My subordinate is here." Liu Shangshu immediately stopped, turned to look at Emperor Yuqi, and spoke respectfully.

Emperor Yuqi took a deep look at Liu Shangshu and said calmly: "You can go down too."

"Yes, I obey." After saying this, Liu Shangshu quickly left the hall.

After Liu Shangshu left, Emperor Yuqi was the only one left in the huge hall.

"Come out." Emperor Yuqi suddenly said in a deep voice.

Then, a dark shadow descended from the sky, knelt on one knee, and shouted respectfully: "Master, what are your orders?"

"Have you checked clearly?" Emperor Yuqi looked sharply at the black shadow and asked in a cold tone.

"My subordinates are doing things poorly. We haven't found out who the murderer is behind the scenes." The black shadow's body trembled slightly, and an inexplicable sense of fear swept through his body.

"Trash." Emperor Yuqi snorted coldly.

"Master, forgive me." The shadow lowered his head and said with a look of fear.

"That's all, go down. Also, has there been any progress in the matter you were asked to investigate?"

"Back to my master, my subordinates found nothing unusual."

"Then continue the investigation. No matter what methods we use, we must find out the person behind it. Do you understand?" Emperor Yuqi said with a gloomy expression.

Black Shadow swallowed his saliva, nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Master."

After the black shadow left, Emperor Yuqi raised his hand and rubbed his tired brow. After sighing, he raised his eyes to look at the bright moon in the sky.

This time, he really lost completely. He not only lost his country, but also his happiness.

Morning next day.

The civil and military officials were seated in order of their positions. In the center of the hall was a huge gilt dragon chair, which was covered with a red blanket. Emperor Yuqi sat on the dragon chair.

"Ping Shen." Emperor Yuqi said calmly.

"Thank you, long live the emperor." After the ministers stood up, they all stood back in their respective positions, looking straight ahead and not daring to take a random look.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe walked up to the main hall, saluted Emperor Yuqi respectfully and said: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live."

"Master Li, do you have something to report?" Emperor Yuqi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the middle-aged man.

"In reply to your majesty, I want to tell your majesty today that rumors have been spreading in the city recently, saying that our emperor is stupid, cruel and violent..."

Before the middle-aged man could finish speaking, Emperor Yuqi interrupted him: "Oh, which tea house and tavern said it? Let them come to the imperial study. I want to see which bastard dares to slander my reputation!"

Hearing this, the ministers were startled. His Majesty actually admitted on the spot that the rumor came from His Majesty's residence. No wonder His Majesty did not come to Fengluan Palace for dinner last night. It turned out that His Majesty was sulking.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will send someone to arrest those who spread the rumors." Li Shangshu responded quickly.

"Go." Emperor Yuqi nodded.

After a while, several father-in-laws escorted the people who spread the rumors. The common people knelt down in the center of the hall fearfully, their whole bodies trembling uncontrollably.

"Your Majesty, spare your life. I beg you to bypass the women. The women will never dare to talk nonsense again." Several people who were kneeling on the ground kowtowed in unison and begged for mercy.

"Ha..." Emperor Yuqi sneered, glanced at those people sarcastically, and said, "Do you think I will spare you?"

"Your Majesty, please spare my life. The civilian woman was wrong. Please forgive me for your Majesty's life." Those people were so frightened that they were wailing desperately.

Emperor Yuqi waved his hand, signaling the guards to drag them down and kill them.

"Wait a minute." Just as the guards were about to take action, an old but majestic voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone couldn't help but look in the direction of the voice, and saw Yu Jintang and Su walked in side by side.

"Your son pays homage to your father, long live your father." Yu Jintang was the first to kneel down and salute.

"Your concubine pays homage to your majesty, long live your majesty." Su also knelt down and said softly.

Emperor Yuqi raised his eyebrows, looked at Su, and said, "Queen, stand up." After saying this, he turned his gaze to Yu Jintang and said softly, "Tang'er, get up."

"Thank you, father." Yu Jintang stood up, respectfully walked to the left side of Emperor Yuqi, and stood still.

"My son, did you hear what they were saying just now?" Emperor Yuqi smiled faintly and looked at Yu Jintang.

"Father, I didn't hear anything, let alone what they were talking about." Yu Jintang answered respectfully.

Emperor Yu Qi gently stroked the blue and white porcelain cup in his hand and asked casually: "My son, these people are ordinary people in Liushui County. Their wives and children were bribed and spies were planted in their homes, so they were able to know my secrets. Have you found these spies?"

"Father, I didn't." Yu Jintang frowned and shook his head.

"Then have you found any suspicious behavior of these people? Or are there any similarities between them among their relatives and friends? For example, appearance and personality."

Hearing this, Yu Jintang thought carefully and shook his head slowly: "Father, I really don't remember these people. I have never seen them."

"Oh? Since the emperor has not seen these people, how could they frame your majesty?" A middle-aged beautiful woman sitting in the second seat on the right said disdainfully.

"That's right. I think some people have ulterior motives. In order to seize power, they deliberately fabricated such rumors to disrupt the government and even harm the people." A third-rank minister echoed.

"Yes, someone must have deliberately framed your majesty. After all, your majesty is wise and intelligent. Who would be stupid enough to do such a thing that hurts the enemy by 800 and hurts himself by 1,000?" Another minister echoed.

Listening to the words of the ministers, Emperor Yuqi glanced at them with indifference and slowly said, "Are you doubting me?"

"We dare not." The ministers knelt down and said in unison. (End of this chapter)

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