"It's okay if you don't dare. Everyone, please retreat. I'm tired, so I won't go to court today." Emperor Yuqi waved his hand, indicating that they could retreat.

Upon seeing this, the ministers hesitated for a moment, then stood up one after another, bowed and exited the hall.

After everyone retreated, Emperor Yuqi picked up the memorial on the table and flipped through it at will.

Soon after, Yu Jintang and Su Shi also walked out together. Yu Jintang walked quickly to Emperor Yu Qi, bowed his head and asked: "Father, what do you want to do with your child?"

"Well, have you seen Mo'er recently? Has she contacted you?" Emperor Yuqi closed the memorial and looked at Yujintang and asked.

Yu Jintang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, Mo'er hasn't contacted Haier for a long time."

Hearing this, Emperor Yuqi fell silent immediately, and after a long time he said quietly: "I always feel that your sister will not let it go, and I am afraid she has something to do with this matter."

"Father, how could Mo'er..." Yu Jintang's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh, I will find out about this matter. If it is really Mo'er who did it, then I will never condone it." Emperor Yuqi sighed and said.

"Father, Mo'er is still young and has not reached the age of puberty yet. She is ignorant, so don't punish her. Besides, she has also learned a lesson. You can just forget about it." Yu Jintang comforted her.

"That's all, I won't pursue her anymore." Emperor Yuqi waved his hand, obviously showing no interest.

Although he doted on Yu Mo Sheng, he never raised her as a daughter, only as a doll, a puppet, and a chess piece.

Seeing that Emperor Yuqi was relieved, Yu Jintang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, a piece of heavy news suddenly spread in the capital:

It was rumored that Prime Minister Yu, the uncle of the country, had taken bribes and preyed on the common people, and was dismissed from his post and investigated.

It is said that Prime Minister Yu was dismissed from his post and investigated because of a little girl named Ye Mosheng.

Upon hearing the news, Yu Mosheng's lips twitched and she thought to herself, Prime Minister Yu fell down before she could take action. She really deserved it.

However, Emperor Yuqi was really fast and had Prime Minister Yu step down in just two days.

"Sister, what are you thinking about?" Yu Jintang stepped forward and patted her shoulder, asking gently.

Yu Mo Sheng raised her eyes and glanced at Yu Jintang, then smiled slightly: "It's nothing."

"Sister, my mother-in-law said she would take you to a banquet in a while." Yu Jintang said with a smile.

"Banquet? What banquet?" Yu Mosheng frowned, unable to react to Yu Jintang's words.

"This is our Flower Appreciation Festival. Every three years, the Prince's Mansion will hold a flower appreciation party, inviting civil and military officials and their families to the Prince's Mansion to view the flowers."

Yu Mo Sheng blinked her eyes, with a confused and cute expression, and asked, "Are those many beautiful flowers?"

"Yes, sister, please dress up nicely later, otherwise you will steal the spotlight from others." Yu Jintang nodded and reminded with a smile.

"Well, do I need to prepare anything?" Yu Mosheng looked at Yu Jintang seriously.

"Sister, you don't need to prepare anything, just dress up and go."

"Then I'm going to take a nap." After saying that, Yu Mosheng turned around and left the room.

Looking at Yu Mo Sheng's back, Yu Jintang's lips raised a brilliant arc: "Sister, I'm looking forward to the moment when you are more beautiful than anyone else!"

Back in the courtyard, Mu Yue and Yun Jingyu were teasing the little bun. When they saw her coming back, they immediately gave the little bun to her to hold.

Taking the little bun, Yu Mosheng gently rubbed his soft belly.

Looking at his rosy appearance, Yu Mo Sheng couldn't help but reach out and pinch his plump and tender little face, and said coquettishly: "You brat, when you've eaten and drank enough, don't worry about me anymore. Let's see if I come back." Take care of you."

The little bun seemed to understand and showed a flattering smile.

Seeing the smile of the little bun, Mu Yue couldn't help but laugh and said: "Sheng'er, my mother is so happy to see you like the little baby so much. You are indeed my good daughter. She is so awesome."

"Hehe." Yu Mosheng hugged the little bun with a smile and rubbed his forehead with a satisfied expression: "Thank you, mom and dad. I also like my brother very much. Look how cute he is."

"You." Yu Jintang looked at Yu Mo Sheng lovingly and smiled lovingly.

At this time, Emperor Yuqi brought Eunuch Li to the courtyard where Mu Yue and his wife lived.

"My concubine (civilian woman) pays homage to your Majesty, long live my emperor."

Yu Jintang took Mu Yue to salute: "My son (my daughter-in-law) kowtows to my father (grandfather)."

"Get up." Emperor Yuqi helped Yujintang and asked Eunuch Li to bring a stool and place it in front of Muyue and his wife.

"A'Tang, please let your father-in-law and mother-in-law try the dishes cooked in the palace kitchen." He said, pointing to several plates of exquisite side dishes placed on the side.

"Yes, Father." Yu Jintang responded respectfully and asked Eunuch Li to sit down.

Emperor Yuqi did not take his seat immediately, but said to Mu Yue and his wife, "Try the food cooked by my newly ordered cook."

Hearing this, Mu Yue and his wife looked at each other and calmly paid attention to Emperor Yuqi's expression with their peripheral vision.

Seeing the smile that hung on Emperor Yuqi's lips, Mu Yue had a vague suspicion in her heart.

No wonder she felt something was wrong with him when she first walked in. Now it seems that he did have a purpose.

Yu Jintang picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, put it in a bowl and handed it to Mu Yue, saying, "Mom, please try it."

"Yes." Mu Yue nodded gently, took the chopsticks and picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and put it in her mouth, chewed it slowly and swallowed it, and praised: "Well, it tastes very good."

Seeing Mu Yue's praise, Yu Jintang felt a warm current in her heart: "Mom, if it tastes good, you can eat more."

Seeing that her husband and son-in-law get along well, Emperor Yu Qi was very pleased. He picked up the wine glass and said to the two of them: "Come, Atang, Mosheng, drink a few cups with me."

"Thank you, father." After the couple thanked in unison, they picked up the teacups in front of them and clinked them, and drank them all up.

"Good alcohol tolerance, come, pour wine for Atang." Emperor Yu Qi nodded with satisfaction.

Next, the family of four ate and chatted, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious and pleasant.


A few days later, the flower viewing festival was finally held. The Yu Mansion was very lively, with guests and crowds of people.

Yu Mosheng and Yu Jintang dressed neatly and took a carriage to the palace together.

At this time, the palace was brightly lit, magnificent, and the red walls and green tiles reflected the bright stars in the night sky, which was particularly dazzling.

Under the leadership of Yu Jintang, Yu Mosheng and Yu Jintang and his wife came to the banquet hall together.

In the banquet hall, many noble ladies and ladies have gathered, all kinds of beautiful women, singing and dancing, it is so lively.

Yu Mosheng glanced at the crowd and found that there was no trace of Yu Jinyao and Nangong Yi.

"The emperor has arrived! His Royal Highness has arrived!" Suddenly, with a sharp shout, the banquet hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked towards the door.

Yu Mosheng followed the gaze of the crowd and saw a man in a black python robe, a jade pendant on his waist, and a man in a white elegant robe slowly walked into the banquet hall.

Emperor Yu Qi glanced at the people below, and then took the lead to step to the main seat.

"My dear ministers, please stand up." After Emperor Yuqi sat down, he waved his hand and signaled everyone to sit down without formalities.

Emperor Yuqi looked around and said, "Everyone, I called you here today to announce something."

As soon as Emperor Yuqi finished speaking, everyone pricked up their ears to listen, fearing that they would miss something.

"Today, I want to announce the marriage of my eldest grandson." After a pause, Emperor Yuqi continued, "Recently, I talked with the wise king and found that my eldest grandson is still young. I decided to choose a young lady of an official of the right age to marry him after the flower viewing festival to show my wisdom. Do you have any objections?"

"Your Majesty, this matter may be inappropriate!"

As soon as Emperor Yuqi finished speaking, a clear and graceful female voice came out.

Yu Mosheng looked in the direction of the voice and saw a woman in purple clothes slowly walking in from the inside of the hall.

"Isn't this Zhang Zhiyan, the eldest daughter of the Minister of Personnel Zhang? Why, does she want to marry a member of the royal family?" someone was whispering.

"Who knows! Zhang has always been ambitious. If she can get close to the Crown Prince or the prince, it would not be a loss." Another woman sighed in a low voice.

"It's a pity that her concubine sister Zhang Zhishan has been disfigured and lost her child. She probably won't be able to turn over in this life, but for her courage, she is also worthy of admiration."


Everyone was talking in a low voice. Although Yu Mosheng was far away, he could still hear those words clearly and couldn't help but snorted inwardly.

"What do you mean? This princess won't allow it! This princess is the most suitable candidate. I don't agree to match my sister with a fool!" Yu Jinlian stood up and scolded everyone, staring at Yu Mosheng with her beautiful eyes.

"Lian'er, stop talking nonsense!" Yu Jintang said in a low voice with a stern face.

Seeing this, Yu Mosheng glanced at Yu Jinlian with disdain and said indifferently: "I thought it was some mad dog barking! It turned out to be my second sister! Is my second sister avenging someone else's grievance?"

"You..." Yu Jinlian was speechless.

"Third sister, don't make trouble. I'm serious. I will never joke with Lian'er. What's more, Lian'er may not be willing. Besides, Lian'er is still young and is not worthy of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." Emperor Yu Qi taught seriously.

"Uncle Huang is wrong! Although I am young, I also know about marriage. Uncle Huang should ask Sister Lian for her opinion. After all, this matter concerns my brother's lifelong happiness." Yu Mosheng refuted Emperor Yu Qi's words.

"Lian'er, Atang is right. Father is also worried about you. You might as well consider Atang. I think he is very good to you." Emperor Yu Qi turned to persuade Yu Jinlian.

Hearing her father say this, Yu Jinlian pursed her lips slightly, her eyes flickered for two seconds, she looked up at Yu Mosheng and asked, "Atang, are you sincere to me?"

"Of course."

"Well, I agree to your proposal, but you have to marry me as your concubine."


Getting Yu Mosheng's affirmative reply, Yu Jinlian breathed a sigh of relief. She was a proud girl, how could she marry a foolish man, so as long as the man was not too ugly, she could tolerate anything else.

Seeing that they reached an agreement, everyone sighed.

"Princess Lian, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince already has a concubine, what are your plans?" Zhang Zhilin suddenly interrupted and asked, her tone full of gloating.

"This is none of your business, please don't interfere." Yu Jintang didn't like Zhang Zhilin's provocative behavior, and scolded her in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

"You..." Zhang Zhilin was so angry that she glared at Yu Jintang with gritted teeth and then kept silent. She remembered that her father had warned her not to annoy Yu Jintang, otherwise she would bear the consequences.

"Since Atang and Lian have reached a consensus, I will trouble you to help me draft the edict." Emperor Yuqi looked at you with a smile, his eyes flashing with calculation.


Your Highness stood up and walked to the brush holder next to the imperial desk to take out the brush, and wrote an edict with a flying dragon and phoenix.

"I obey your order." Emperor Yuqi took the edict and unfolded it, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "My dear ministers, take a rest. After dinner, we will hold a banquet in Zuixiang Pavilion to celebrate this flower viewing festival."

After saying this, Emperor Yuqi led everyone to the palace.

Yu Jintang looked at Yu Mosheng and said: "Atang, let's find a place to sit first, don't get in the way here, so as not to disrupt the order of the banquet."


The two found a place to sit down in the envious eyes of everyone.

"Third brother, I didn't expect that you are really capable. You even hooked up with the prime minister's daughter Zhang Zhiyan!" Yu Jintang sat down and teased Yu Mosheng with a playful smile on his face.

"What are you talking about, second brother!" Yu Mosheng glared at Yu Jintang angrily and said, "That woman is very scheming. I don't want to bother with her!"

"You two have a good relationship!" At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded. Yu Mosheng and Yu Jintang raised their heads and looked at the woman who was speaking.

The woman was wearing a goose yellow long skirt, with a beautiful face, fair and clear skin, regular facial features, noble and elegant eyebrows, and looked like a girl from heaven.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Looking at the strange woman in front of him, Yu Mosheng frowned and asked in confusion.

"This princess is Li Xueying, the daughter of Li Mingzhu, the prefect of Yunzhou. My father and second uncle are both officials appointed by the court. My parents died early and my family is poor. This princess has admired His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for many years since she was a child, and hopes to marry into Dongchen Kingdom as the Crown Princess." Li Xueying looked at the Crown Prince Yu Jinchen and said shyly.

"Sorry, this prince doesn't know you." Yu Jinchen refused coldly.

Li Xueying's pretty face was pale, as if she was hurt. She lowered her head to hide the hatred in her eyes.

However, even if Yu Jinchen refused, she still did not give up. Her soft and charming voice was mixed with a hint of crying: "Your Highness, don't you want to marry me?"


Yu Jinchen's answer made the audience silent, and everyone stared at him with shocked eyes.

This is the daughter of the Prime Minister, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince refused without hesitation. This is even more shocking than the emperor's marriage.

“Your Highness…” Yu Xuelian bit her red lips lightly, her eyes red as she shouted aggrievedly.

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