"I already have my heart set on my heart, and I cannot marry any woman. I hope the princess will forgive me." Yu Jinchen said with a guilty look on his face: "If the princess feels that she cannot accept my divorce, I will ask my mother to help you as soon as possible." Choose a good son-in-law.”

Hearing this, Jade Snow Lotus' tears slipped down her cheeks. She bit her pink lips tightly and kept sobbing.

Seeing this, Yu Mosheng was a little surprised. In her impression, Yu Jinlian was not a weak and timid person, so why did she suddenly become so fragile?

She doesn't understand, she just wants to know the memory of this body.

"Lian'er..." Yu Jintang frowned and called worriedly.

Yu Xuelian raised her eyes and looked at Yu Jintang and said, "Brother, Lian'er knows that she was wrong."

After saying that, he wiped away the tears on his cheeks, looked at Emperor Yuqi resolutely, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Lian'er is unfilial and has let you down. Lian'er is willing to make peace with her eldest brother!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence, and everyone was shocked that Yu Xuelian actually gave up her position as Crown Princess.

At this time, Emperor Yuqi walked slowly to Yu Xuelian and smiled gently and kindly: "Girl Lian, you misunderstood. This marriage was decided by your sister-in-law and your father, and it was not my intention. I don't want to force it. You, you can think about it carefully before deciding.”

Emperor Yuqi's attitude was obvious. He did not agree with Yu Jinlian's breakup of the engagement.

"Yes, Father." Yu Xuelian nodded obediently and agreed.

"Good boy, I'm very happy that you can attend the banquet today. It's hard work traveling all the way. Let's go have something to eat."

Emperor Yuqi waved to the palace maids beside him and asked her to lead them to the side hall.

"A'Tang, Lian Mei, you follow."

Yu Mo Sheng and Yu Jin Tang looked at each other and followed the maid to the side hall.

Yu Xuelian walked at the back, peeking at Yu Mo Sheng from the corner of her eye, and seeing her following behind her without changing her expression, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes.

Side hall.

Emperor Yuqi sat at the top, and the rest of the Yu family sat at the bottom according to their seniority, except for one elder.

Yu Jintang glanced at the crowd and found that one person was missing, so he asked: "Father, why didn't grandma attend the banquet?"

Although Yu Jintang does not often enter the palace to attend banquets, he also knows that every banquet will invite various elders to participate. After all, the elders are in charge of the financial power of the entire Yu clan and are the core strength of the Yu family.

"Old Madam, she is ill and cannot attend the banquet. Don't worry about it. Eat something quickly. The dishes are cold and the taste is not so beautiful."

The speaker was the eldest member of the Yu family, his name was Yu Lingfan. The power of the Yu family's Dafang is not only the strongest economic strength of the Yu family, but he is also talented in both civil and military affairs. He is the most dazzling existence in the Yu family besides the head of the family. Therefore, Emperor Yu Qi attaches great importance to him and treats him especially The military talisman that controls the Yu family's army is handed over to Yu Lingfan.

"That's it." Yu Jintang smiled faintly, then called the guard and ordered him to remove the food and wine and replace them with hot meals.

Jade Xuelian approached the table and looked at the exquisite and gorgeous dishes on the table, with greed in her eyes.

"Lian'er, you're not feeling well. Eat something to cushion your stomach first. Father will send you back to rest later."

After hearing Yu Jintang's words, Yu Xuelian felt a flash of joy in her heart. It seemed that her second brother was really unwilling to embarrass her, so she had to hurry up.

Yu Xuelian pretended to pick up the food with her chopsticks and took a bite. After chewing carefully for a moment, she put down the bowl and chopsticks and said to Yu Jintang: "Brother, I'm full. You can continue eating. I'll take my leave first."

After saying this, she saluted Emperor Yuqi, then quickly turned around and hurried out of the side hall.

After she left, Yu Jintang looked at Emperor Yu Qi and said, "Father, why aren't you ready to give His Highness a side room?"

"Lian'er is my father's favorite daughter. He naturally loves her, but I can't delay Che'er because of her. I plan to make Che'er the crown prince. You two brothers must work together to assist Che'er." Emperor Yuqi He said earnestly.

After hearing Emperor Yuqi's words, Yujintang's face darkened.

Although Emperor Yuqi did not say who he would appoint as the crown prince, he vaguely guessed that Emperor Yuqi was referring to Yu Jinche. He always felt that Emperor Yuqi was too indulgent towards Yu Jinche, otherwise how could he let Yu Jinche go? Che was fooling around and even grounded the Queen.

Yu Jintang was unwilling to give in. He tried his best to become the prince. How could Cheng Yaojin come out halfway and let Yu Jinche win the throne?

He has not forgotten how Yu Jintang bullied Yu Mo Sheng.

"Father, my son is not willing to give in. I beg my father to take back my life."

Yu Jintang knelt on the ground with a heartbroken expression and tears in his eyes, as if Emperor Yuqi was a bully who forced his nephew to get married, and a loyal general like him had to resist.

"Well, Che'er is my most beloved grandson and your biological brother. If I don't meet his demands, how can I be worthy of my ancestors? How can I be a good emperor? How can you trust me as a brother? To me?”

"Father, how can you be a bully? You are slandering yourself." Yu Jintang said fiercely.

"You are so presumptuous!" Emperor Yuqi was furious and glared at Yujintang. "Someone, drag the third prince down and put him in prison."

As soon as he finished speaking, several imperial guards rushed forward to take Yu Jintang away.

"Father, please forgive me. Father, you can't treat your son like this." Yu Jintang wailed loudly, but was pulled out by the imperial guards. Before leaving, he did not forget to glare at Yu Mo Sheng with cold eyes.

The majesty of Emperor Yuqi does not allow anyone to disobey. Yu Xuelian did not dare to say anything more and sat down silently. When she looked at Yu Mosheng, a trace of mockery flashed in her eyes.

This time, she wanted to use her father's hand to get rid of this annoying bitch!

Yu Xuelian had just sat down and was about to taste the delicacies on the table, but suddenly felt a tearing pain in her chest.

"Ah--" Yu Xuelian stood up suddenly, squatting on the ground in pain, holding her abdomen with a pale face and trembling all over.

Seeing this, Emperor Yuqi asked in confusion: "Lian'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Lian'er is fine, but my stomach hurts a little. I want to go to the toilet." Yu Xuelian endured the severe pain and tried to squeeze out a weak smile.

She must not reveal her pregnancy in this situation, otherwise she would fail and her plan would be ruined.

"Go, come back for dinner soon." Emperor Yuqi whispered.

"Well, thank you for your concern, father. I'll take my leave."

After saying that, Yu Xuelian quickly left the side hall, holding her chest, and walked towards the toilet.

As soon as Yu Xuelian left, Yu Lingwei asked eagerly: "Royal brother, what on earth is going on with Lian'er?"

Yu Jintang shook his head and frowned, "I don't know either."

"Brother, what can we do? Lian'er didn't have a miscarriage, did she?" Yu Lingwei was so anxious that she was running around. She had noticed that Lian'er was a little strange, but she couldn't find a reason to explain it.

Now she looked pale, with fine beads of sweat on her forehead. She didn't look like she was sick, but more like she was poisoned.

Yu Jintang was also a little confused. How could Yu Xuelian be poisoned inexplicably? This is illogical!

Yu Jintang thought about it carefully, and a light bulb suddenly appeared in his mind: Could it be that Lian'er deliberately led us here, and then...

"Lingwei, you and Jinting stay, I'll be back soon."

As soon as Yu Jintang finished speaking, he disappeared. Yu Lingwei and Yu Jinting looked at each other and frowned at the same time.

After Yu Jintang left the side hall, he walked around the garden, passed through the arched moon gate, and walked towards a courtyard.

"Bang!" The door of the courtyard was kicked open, and Yu Jintang stepped into the house quickly, staring at the man in the house with cold eyes: "Yu Qiche, you actually sent someone to monitor this king!"

Yu Jintang was so angry that he trembled all over, with a look of regret.

"Brother, you misunderstood me. I didn't send anyone to monitor you at all. Someone broke into the Yu Mansion and lurked in my yard to monitor me." Yu Qiche hurriedly explained.

"Humph, since it wasn't you who did it, how do you explain it?" Yu Jintang shouted and questioned.

"Father, I am innocent." Yu Qiche waved his hands repeatedly, "Brother, I have been punished by father to copy the imperial edict every day these days. How can I have the leisure time to arrange people to monitor you? You must not talk nonsense."

Yu Jintang snorted coldly: "I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, father, please look, please look..."

Yu Jintang pointed at the memorial in Yu Qiche's hand and said.

Emperor Yu Qi glanced at the memorial in his hand, and his face darkened instantly: "Asshole, who asked you to change my decision privately, and how did you know?"

"Replying to father, this is all found out by your son." Yu Jintang replied respectfully.

Emperor Yuqi looked solemn, and thought for a moment before speaking: "Che'er, do you think this matter has something to do with that person? After all, what happened back then..."

Yuqi Che shook his head: "I think this should have nothing to do with that person."

"Che'er, what do you mean?"

"Father, according to the family motto of our Yu family, when the throne is passed to the prince, he must go through two tests, one of which is called 'bloodline', and the other is 'test of character'." Yuqi Che analyzed slowly.

"You mean... Lian'er is not qualified to be the queen of the Yu family?" Emperor Yuqi narrowed his eyes and looked at Yuqi Che dangerously.

"Yes." Yuqi Che nodded affirmatively.

Emperor Yuqi fell into deep thought, and after a long time he said: "Che'er, go check this matter. If it is indeed Lian'er who did it, don't blame father for not remembering the old friendship."

"Yes, father, I obey your order." Yuqi Che respectfully accepted the order and withdrew.

After Yu Qiche left, Emperor Yu Qi told the nanny beside him: "Go and ask the Imperial Master to come."

Emperor Yu Qi knew very well that if it was really Lian'er who did it, she would definitely die, and Emperor Yu Qi would not bend the law just because she was his daughter.


After the Imperial Master came to the side hall, he saluted to Emperor Yu Qi: "Your Majesty."

"No need to be polite, I asked the Imperial Master to come today because of Princess Lian." Emperor Yu Qi said apologetically. After all, Lian'er was Princess Lian, his only child. Although she made a mistake, he still couldn't bear to punish her.

"I understand." The Imperial Master nodded.

"Imperial Master, Lian'er has been pregnant for five months. If she continues to stay in the palace, it may damage her fetal image. Please help me persuade her."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will not fail my mission."

After the Imperial Master finished speaking, Emperor Yu Qi nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand to dismiss everyone, leaving only the Imperial Master.

"Master, please diagnose for me first to see if Lian'er is pregnant."

After hearing this, the Master stretched out his hand and placed it on Yu Xuelian's wrist, closed his eyes and carefully felt her pulse. After a while, he opened his eyes and said with surprise: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Princess Lian is really pregnant, and she has been pregnant for two months."

Emperor Yuqi was overjoyed: "Haha, Lian'er is finally pregnant with the heir to the dragon."

Yu Jintang stood outside the door and heard every word of the conversation inside. It turned out that Yu Qiche really had a problem, so his plan was ruined.

"Uncle, my father asked me to accompany you around." Yu Jintang gathered his thoughts, came to Yu Jintang, and took Yu Jintang's arm affectionately.

Yu Jintang was stunned for a moment, but quickly returned to normal and nodded.

Father has ordered a thorough investigation into Lian'er's matter, and I believe the truth will soon come to light.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Yu Qiche was taken to the prison, his mother-in-law Su Guifei was sent to the cold palace, and Yu Xuelian was sentenced to death.

"Your Majesty is wise." Yu Qiche was arrested, and his followers knelt down one after another.

"I hope that all my dear friends will be loyal to me in the future. If I find out who betrays me again, I will never tolerate it!" Emperor Yuqi's face was solemn and his tone was firm.

Yu Jintang lowered his head and sneered in his heart. Sure enough, Yu Qi Che was Emperor Yu Qi's chess piece.

"Your Majesty is wise." All the officials shouted in unison.

Emperor Yuqi glanced at the officials, and finally focused on Yujintang: "Jintang, you have been wronged in this matter."

"My son is fine, I will not take it to heart." Yu Jintang said respectfully.

"Well, that's good. Jintang, this is the relic of your mother-in-law. You take it back to the Prime Minister's Mansion and return it to Xuelian."

"Yes, I obey your orders."

After sending Yujintang away, Emperor Yuqi rubbed his brows and said tiredly: "Pass the imperial doctor."

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Concubine Su stepped forward with a worried look on her face and asked softly, "Do you want Doctor Xuan to take a look?"

"No need." Emperor Yuqi caressed Concubine Su's cheek, "It's enough for me to have you, why do I need an imperial doctor?"

"Your Majesty~" Concubine Su shyly nestled into Emperor Yuqi's chest, extremely happy and satisfied.

"By the way, what's going on with Lian'er?" Emperor Yuqi suddenly raised his head and asked.

Concubine Su gritted her teeth and said, "Your Majesty, Lian'er, she actually wanted to harm Xue'er's child. Fortunately, the Imperial Master arrived in time to save her."

Hearing this, Emperor Yuqi suddenly sat upright and his face became serious.

"Your Majesty, Lian'er has been wronged, you must help her, please." Concubine Su held Emperor Yuqi's hand and said pleadingly.

"I will handle this matter, you go down first."

"But..." Concubine Su wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Emperor Yuqi: "Okay, I'm tired, you can go down first."

Emperor Yuqi frowned impatiently and waved his hand to Concubine Su to get out of here.

After Concubine Su retired, Emperor Yuqi immediately summoned the important ministers of the court to discuss matters.

This time, Yu Qiche's crime of secretly collaborating with the enemy and treason was well established. Even he, the emperor, did not dare to protect him.

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