"My dear friends, what do you think about Che'er's matter?"

As soon as Emperor Yuqi finished speaking, a minister jumped out: "Your Majesty, Prince Che is the crown prince of the country. If someone hadn't deliberately framed him, how could he secretly collaborate with the enemy and betray the country?"

"In any case, it is an indisputable fact that he violated the law, and he also concealed the facts and deceived me. This is even more unforgivable. From now on, Prince Che will be dismissed from all his duties, imprisoned in the ancestral temple, and will not be allowed to leave the ancestral temple for eternity."

No one refuted Emperor Yu Qi's decision. They had long expected Yu Qi Che to lose power. Such a wolf-hearted person deserved his retribution.

After the court was over, Yu Jintang came to Emperor Yu Qi's bedroom, bowed his hands and said, "Father, although Che'er has made a heinous mistake, he is also your flesh and blood, how can you bear it..."

Emperor Yuqi frowned displeased and interrupted him: "Jintang, I know that you and Che'er have a deep relationship, but Che'er has made a huge mistake. Do you want the entire Yu family to be buried with him? ?”

"Father, Cheer, he..."

"Don't forget why your mother and concubine entered the Yuqi Empire in the first place. If your mother and concubine hadn't begged so hard, how could you exist? Now that he has done such an immoral and scandalous thing, do you think I can still do it? Do you condone his misbehavior?"

"But don't worry, you are brothers, Che'er will not be in danger of his life." Emperor Yuqi patted Yu Jintang's shoulder comfortingly, and said gently: "Okay, go back and rest."

"My son, please retire."

After Yu Jintang left, Emperor Yuqi's expression changed instantly: "Come here, send the imperial doctor."

The imperial doctor hurried to Emperor Yuqi's palace. After feeling his pulse, he sighed: "Your Majesty, your illness has been going on for more than twenty years. It is almost impossible to cure him now."

"Trash, can't you even tell what kind of disease I have?" Emperor Yuqi roared angrily.

The imperial doctor was so frightened that he trembled all over: "Wei Chen, Wei Chen is incompetent."

"Humph, incompetent, then why are you still here? What's the use of raising you?" Emperor Yuqi angrily scolded, and at the same time he smashed the teacup on the table onto the imperial doctor.

"Your Majesty, please spare my life!" The imperial doctor was so frightened that he fell to the ground, clasped his fists and kowtowed, begging for mercy.

"Hmph!" Emperor Yuqi snorted coldly, glanced at the imperial doctor with disdain, and then waved his hand, "That's all, I will find someone to treat me myself. You can go down first."

"Your Majesty, you..." The imperial doctor wanted to say something else, but Emperor Yuqi obviously did not give him a chance.

He didn't want to see this group of quack doctors, he needed to find a miracle doctor.

"Get out." Emperor Yuqi stared at the imperial doctor in a sinister manner. The imperial doctor couldn't help but shuddered and ran out crawling.

Yu Jintang hurriedly returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, told Yu Qi Che about Yu Qi Che's secret selling of weapons, and then said: "Third sister, since Che'er has done such a thing, he will definitely not be able to escape the guilt. My father will not do it again." To protect him, we must get rid of Che'er as soon as possible. "

"Brother, you don't need to remind me about this matter. I know it in my heart. You just need to help me get rid of my dissidents." Yu Xueyao said lightly.

"Of course." Yu Jintang curled his lips and smiled. In this way, Che'er was completely finished.


"Madam, is the lady already asleep?"

"Well, I have put a quilt on the young lady. The young lady sleeps very well and always sleeps soundly."

"Thank you for your hard work." Mrs. Yun smiled and touched the broken hair on Yu Xueyao's forehead, her eyes full of love. Her daughter was really well-behaved and sensible.

"This is what a slave should do."

"You guys should go and have some rest. You have to go to worship your ancestors tomorrow. You need to recharge your batteries tonight."

"Slaves, please leave."

"Madam, you should go to bed early." The maid took good care of Yun and then withdrew.

"Yao'er..." Yunshi drew out her voice and called gently to the sleeping Yu Xueyao.

"Mother." Yu Xueyao opened her eyes in confusion, and immediately woke up when she saw it was Yun.

"You're awake, are you hungry?" Yun asked gently.

"I'm hungry. I want to eat braised pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, hot and sour noodles, and braised chicken feet." Yu Xueyao said her taste unceremoniously.

Mrs. Yun pinched the tip of Yu Xueyao's nose lovingly and scolded: "You, you know how to eat in this life." She said this, but went to order the kitchen to prepare ingredients for Yu Xueyao.

Because it was to worship the ancestors, Mrs. Yun specially put on mourning clothes and followed Yu Qiche's coffin towards the ancestral mausoleum.

Yu Qi Che's tombstone was built by Emperor Yu Qi. It is exactly the same as Yu Jintang, and even the tomb is similar.

After worshiping Yu Qiche, Yunshi and Yu Jintang knelt on the futon, kowtowed to him nine times and then stood up.

When Yu Jintang turned to leave, he saw Yu Qi Che lying alone in the coffin, and his eyes suddenly became moist. He had always regarded Yu Qi Che as his brother and hoped that the relationship between the two would be harmonious, but he did not expect that he would betray their friendship. .

"Yao'er, let's go back."

"Okay." Yu Jintang nodded, and the two left one after the other.

"Master, Master, it's not good." The housekeeper rushed in in a panic.

Yu Qiche glanced at the housekeeper indifferently and asked, "What happened?"

"Back to my lord, Prince Che's secret possession of food and salary was discovered."

Yu Qiche's eyes suddenly widened: "Who caught him?"

"His Majesty."

Yu Qiche's heart began to throb violently, as expected.

As expected, my father still resented the fact that he took away his favorite jade Ruyi when he was five years old.

"Let's go." Yu Qiche walked away.

He can't die here, otherwise the Yu family will be completely destroyed.

The emperor will not allow him to continue to control the military power.

"Dad." Yu Jintang stopped in front of Yu Qiche, "Dad, I want to talk to you."

Yu Qiche stopped and looked up at Yu Jintang: "Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about."

"Che'er did something wrong, and I, as a brother, did not teach him well. Dad, please spare his life for the sake of me and Che'er playing together since childhood, let him realize his mistakes and correct his mistakes."

"Jintang, this matter is not as simple as you think. Che'er is treasonous. Do you know what to do?"

"I..." Yu Jintang was speechless.

Of course he knew what to do, but he couldn't bear to kill his brother whom he had loved for more than ten years.

"I want to know what Che'er did wrong?" Yu Qiche's eyes were calm, as if he had expected Yu Jintang would not agree to his request.

After all, in Yu Jintang's mind, they were brothers, blood was thicker than water, and he couldn't bear to be cruel at all.

"I..." Yu Jintang lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Yu Qiche.

"Jintang, you are the young master of the Yu family, and the future heir of the Yu family. If you can't be cruel to your own brother, how can you manage the Yu family and preserve the Yu family's foundation for hundreds of years?"

Yu Qiche's words hit Yu Jintang's heart like a heavy hammer. Yu Jintang pursed his lips and was silent for a long time before slowly speaking: "Father, Che'er has hinted to me more than once that he wants to replace me as the new head of the Yu family, but I have never given up my expectations for Che'er. I hope he can turn over a new leaf, and I am willing to assist him in becoming the head of the Yu family."

"He didn't listen to the advice and got deeper and deeper. Who can blame him for this?" Yu Qiche snorted sarcastically.

"Father, please forgive me for speaking so boldly."

"You say."

"Father, although Che'er has done many wrong things, you must also consider the interests of the Yu family. Now that the eldest prince has lost power, you can't let Che'er continue to be in jail, otherwise..."

Yu Qiche frowned and said coldly: "Do you mean that I am sitting on the throne in an unjustifiable way?"

"No, father, I don't mean that. I just want to say that Che'er is your most outstanding grandson. If you insist on punishing him, I'm afraid the Yu family will lose face."

"Hehe, do you mean for me to let him go?"

"I don't dare."

"Since you also know that you don't dare, how dare you say such a thing?" Yu Qiche's tone became serious, "You don't need to intervene in this matter, let me handle it. If Che'er has any problems, I will never let him off easily."

"Father." Yu Jintang shouted hesitantly.

"Go back, don't forget my warning just now." Yu Qiche waved his hand impatiently, turned around and left.

Yu Jintang sighed and shook his head helplessly. He always felt that he had done something wrong.

Chapter 13 You are my daughter-in-law

Chapter 13 You are my daughter-in-law

"Miss, do you think the eldest son will save the second son?" Qiu Shuang asked worriedly while wiping the tears from Yu Qixue's face.

Yu Xueyao frowned slightly and said after a moment: "No matter what, the second brother will not let us stay out of it."

Qiu Shuang nodded in agreement. Unknowingly, Yu Xueyao had grown up and became much more sensible.

Yu Qiche's funeral was grand, and people from all walks of life attended it, but everyone had their own ulterior motives in their hearts, but pretended to be sad on the surface.

Yu Qiche died suddenly the day after Yu Qi Ze ascended the throne.

When the news of Yu Qiche's death spread, Yu Xueyao burst into tears. She knelt in front of Yu Qiche's grave and cried bitterly despite her weak body. Yu Jintang felt sorry for his sister and took Yu Xueyao to his room to comfort her. Yu Xueyao lay on Yu Jintang's shoulder and cried loudly: "Wuwuwu... Dad, Mom, Fourth Uncle, Fifth Uncle, why did you leave me like this? I will definitely find a chance to rescue you, definitely!"

Yu Jintang patted her back and comforted her gently. All he could do was to accompany Yu Xueyao.

After Yu Qiche's death, Yu Xueyao stayed in front of Yu Qiche's grave for seven days as a young lady of the Yu Mansion. Then she seemed to have suddenly changed. She was immersed in medical skills all day long. Occasionally, she went to the medicine shop to help, or went to the farm on the outskirts of the city to help farmers sow. She was so busy that she seemed to have forgotten all the sadness and sorrow.

Seven days later, in the morning, Yu Xueyao packed her luggage and prepared to return to the capital. Before leaving, she left a letter to Yu Jintang and hurriedly left the Yu family. No one knew why she left.

Yu Xueyao was on her way. When she was halfway, the carriage suddenly encountered bandits. She and the horse fell into the cliff together, and her body was separated. At the moment when Yu Xueyao's soul was scattered, she saw her own soul. She fled quickly and hid in the woods, which saved her life.

But when she opened her eyes, she found that the surrounding environment had changed and became unfamiliar.

At this time, a sound of footsteps sounded, followed by the sound of swords colliding. Soon a group of people rushed over and fought with another group of black-clothed men. The black-clothed men were obviously more powerful than the other side, and the black-clothed men had the upper hand, but those black-clothed men were obviously going for the man in white.

"Little Master." Yu Xueyao exclaimed.

"You're awake." Yu Qichen glanced at her calmly, "Stay here and don't move. I'll go and deal with those people."


Before Yu Xueyao finished speaking, she saw the man disappear from the spot, leaving only a white shadow flying through the air. The speed was simply astonishing. Soon, all the men in black fell to the ground without a breath, and the white shadow fell beside Yu Xueyao.

Yu Xueyao swallowed her saliva, tremblingly stretched out a finger and poked his chest: "Ahem..."

Bai Ying was stunned, stretched out his claws and pushed Yu Xueyao away: "Hey, why are you touching my chest, are you a woman?"

"I am a woman, what about you?" Yu Xueyao blinked her big eyes.

"I... Of course I am also a woman." Bai Ying replied stubbornly.

Yu Xueyao pouted: "Are you really not a woman?"

Bai Ying roared in dissatisfaction: "No, no, no, I am a woman."

"Oh, no, I was scared to death, I thought I met a ghost."

Bai Ying: "..." This girl is really annoying, it is obviously a majestic fox, how can it be a ghost.

Yu Xueyao looked around, there was no one else except her and the man in white.

"Little Master, why are we trapped here?" Yu Xueyao asked curiously.

"Don't you remember?"

Yu Xueyao shook her head blankly, then suddenly remembered and excitedly grabbed the arm of the man in white, "Little Master, did you save me?"

"Yes, it was me." The man in white looked at his sleeves that were pinched red, and his mouth twitched. If you didn't know, you would think he bullied the girl.

"Thank you so much, you not only saved me, but also saved my parents. You are the benefactor of our family. Our family will definitely repay you. When I make enough money in the future, I will buy you candy."

Yu Qichen's forehead veins jumped. Why is this girl so stupid? But forget it, the grace of saving my life cannot be repaid, so I can only repay it with candy. Anyway, this girl can't run away.

Yu Xueyao didn't know what the man in white was thinking, and she still pulled him to talk enthusiastically.

"Junior Master, my name is Yu Xueyao, what's your name?"

The man in white raised his eyes to look at Yu Xueyao: "Yu Qi Ze."

"Brother Qi Ze?" Yu Xueyao widened her eyes in surprise, "So your last name is Qi?"

"Yeah." Bai Qi Ze nodded, and he liked her dazed look in his heart.

"Um, Brother Qi Ze, I heard that the Qi family is the most powerful family in Jiangcheng."

Bai Qi Ze looked at her with a smile, without commenting.

"Brother Qi Ze, what do you do now?"


"Wow! Brother Qi Ze, you are actually a cultivator, no wonder you are so beautiful." Yu Xueyao looked at Bai Qi Ze in admiration, with stars in her eyes.

"You can also practice, as long as you want." Bai Qi Ze gently touched her head.

"I don't want to, I'm a good baby, I won't practice secretly." Yu Xueyao raised her head proudly, as if she had placed herself in a high position, but forgot that she was still a prisoner.

Bai Qi Ze smiled dotingly and said nothing more.

Suddenly, there was a shock under their feet, and Yu Xueyao almost fell down. Fortunately, Bai Qi Ze beside her supported her.

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