"What happened?" Yu Xueyao asked doubtfully.

"The formation is probably activated. Get out of here quickly."

Yu Qize took Yu Xueyao away, but not long after they left, the formation was closed.

In an antique room, a beautiful man opened his eyes.

He gently touched his chest and raised a faint smile on his lips.

the other side.

"Uncle Junior, where should we go next?" Yu Xueyao looked at Bai Qize curiously.

"Come with me."

Bai Qize took Yu Xueyao out of the city.

Yu Xueyao was so excited that she could finally go out and play.

"Brother Qize, what are we doing here?"

"You'll know then."

Bai Qize didn't tell her, he just led her away.

"Hey, brother Qi Ze, slow down and wait for me."

Yu Xueyao chased for a few steps, but she was really tired and could only stop and rest.

Wait until she is well rested before continuing on her way.

"Brother Qize, where are the spiritual beasts you mentioned?" Yu Xueyao looked at Bai Qize expectantly.

"We'll be there soon." Bai Qize accelerated, and soon he arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Yu Xueyao looked up and found that the entire mountain was shrouded in black mist.

"Is this the so-called enchantment array?"

"Yes, let's go." Bai Qize took Yu Xueyao's hand and walked up the mountain. Yu Xueyao held his fingers tightly and refused to let him go.

"Don't be afraid." Bai Qize shook her little hand and comforted her.

Yu Xueyao nodded. Although she was still worried, she still climbed up the mountain with her calves.

The closer to the top of the mountain, the thicker the black air became. Yu Xueyao felt as if the pores on her body were open and her whole body was itching.

Suddenly, Bai Qize stopped. He turned to look at Yu Xueyao: "Yaoyao, stay here first. Don't wander around. If you are scared, call me."

"Okay, brother Qize, go and do your work." Yu Xueyao nodded sensibly.

Bai Qize looked at her deeply, saw her firm expression, smiled slightly and left.

Yu Xueyao looked a little pale as she looked at the empty woods.

She bit her lip, tried hard to steady her mind, and walked forward slowly. Halfway through, she stopped, took out a piece of pastry and stuffed it into her mouth. This pastry was a gift from her father from the palace. Pastries, her daily essential food.

A warm current flowed through her body, which cheered her up a lot.


Yu Qize's voice sounded from behind, and Yu Xueyao hurriedly turned around and looked behind her.

Looking at the man in white standing in the black mist, she happily rushed forward and hugged him, extremely happy: "Brother Qi Ze, I knew you would be able to find me."

"Brother Qize, I miss you so much, I really miss you." Yu Xueyao buried her head in his arms, greedily smelling the scent that belonged to him.

"Well, I miss you too. How have you been these days? Are you hurt?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. But brother Qi Ze, why did you come back suddenly? Didn't you say that you would not come back unless the emperor summoned you?"

"I miss you."

"Oh, that's it!" Yu Xueyao lowered her head, rolled her eyes twice, then raised her head and showed a bright smile: "Since brother Qi Ze wants to come back, I will often go out with you in the future. That’s it.”

"So good." Bai Qize ruffled her hair: "Let's go, I have informed my uncle, he will come to rescue us soon."

Yu Xueyao nodded, took his hand, and ran up quickly.

The two of them had only been running for a moment when they encountered a group of people wearing uniforms blocking their way.

"Anyone who breaks into the forbidden area will be killed without mercy."

"Haha, you want to kill me? Let's see if you have the ability." Bai Qize smiled coldly and directly protected Yu Xueyao behind him.

Yu Qize drew his sword and fought with the enemy. Yu Xueyao hid behind him and secretly observed the surroundings.

She discovered that this so-called forbidden area was not as powerful as the rumors said, and only some immortal cultivators could break it.

Yu Xueyao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, her brother Qi Ze came back in time.

She believed that brother Qi Ze would be able to rescue them.

"Yao'er, follow me closely." Bai Qize reminded Yu Xueyao, and then brandished his sword and hacked to death one soldier after another.

Yu Xueyao saw the opportunity, quickly jumped on his shoulders, hugged his neck, and pressed him down.


Blood splashed on her cheeks, and Yu Xueyao stuck out her tongue and licked the blood around her mouth, grinning evilly.

Haha, she actually kissed her brother Qi Ze!

This taste is so good!

"Brother Qize, you are awesome!"

"Haha..." Listening to her soft voice, Bai Qize couldn't help but chuckle.

"Brother Qize, do you like me too?"

"Nonsense, we will always have a brother-sister relationship."

"Tch! I'm not marrying you, there's just a contractual relationship between us." Yu Xueyao muttered, she didn't care about the contractual relationship! It's enough that she likes brother Qi Ze.

"Who said the contractual relationship is just brother and sister?" Bai Qize looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I just don't admit it anyway!"

She didn't want to admit it, she wanted to dominate brother Qi Ze!

She wants to be brother Qi Ze’s favorite girl!

"Yao'er, you girl..." Bai Qize laughed, shook his head, and then swung his sword to kill the enemy in front of him.

He attacked the enemy while protecting her.

Because of him, Yu Xueyao was not harmed.

The two fought for a long time, and the enemy troops retreated steadily. After a while, they disappeared.

Yu Xueyao patted the dust on her body, jumped off Bai Qize, looked at the devastated land, and exclaimed: "There has been no change here after so many years."

Bai Qize looked at the mess and remained silent. His mind recalled the days when he fled here to live in seclusion after his parents passed away.

I originally thought that we would never see each other again in this life.

Unexpectedly, I can meet Yao'er again today.

There was a burst of excitement in his heart, and he wished he could immediately hold this little fool in his arms and cherish him deeply.

However, he clearly felt that her identity was very special, and she was closely related to the Holy Emperor. If he approached her rashly, it would only cause trouble for her.

"Brother Qize, let's get out of here quickly."


The two stepped out of the secret realm together, and Bai Qize escorted her back to the house.

Yu Xueyao couldn't wait to push him away and ran into the house, shouting: "Mom, mother, are you there? I'm back!"

"Madam, the lady is back."

Mrs. Liu was embroidering when she heard the sound and quickly stood up to greet Yu Xueyao.

"Mom, do you think this dress of mine looks good?" Yu Xueyao showed off her pink dress like a treasure.

Mrs. Liu touched the soft fabric on her body and praised, "It's so beautiful."

"Hehe, I also think this skirt suits me very well. Mom, can you help me comb my hair?"


After Yu Xueyao finished dressing up, Mrs. Liu took her to the main hall.

In the main hall, there were several old women sitting. One of them, a gorgeously dressed old woman, saw them coming. A sinister light flashed in her eyes. She immediately stood up and looked at the two of them gently and kindly: "This must be Yao." Come on, you are indeed a beautiful little girl. No wonder the prince dotes on you so much that even a grandma like me is envious. "

Mrs. Liu smiled and introduced Yu Xueyao: "Xue Yao, this is the third princess. You have just arrived today. If you have any questions, feel free to ask her."

"Third Princess, I would like to ask you a few questions. Can you answer them?" Yu Xueyao nodded politely to her with a serious expression.

"Whatever Yao'er wants to ask, just ask, let's talk about it." Yu Xueyao pursed her lips and blinked her eyes and asked, "Do you know how to destroy the illusion formation?"

"I know." The third princess glanced at her indifferently: "But are you sure you want to use sabotage?"

"Yes, even if I pay any price, I must leave here." Yu Xueyao nodded firmly and could not refuse.

"If you use brute force, you may be able to succeed. But, can you afford the consequences?" The third princess's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous cold light.

"As long as I can escape from here, I am willing to bear the consequences no matter what." She said without hesitation.

"Okay, you have the guts, I admire you very much."

The third princess picked up the writing brush next to her, wrote some words on the paper, and handed it to Yu Xueyao: "Grab all the medicinal materials above and come and get them at the end of the morning tomorrow morning."

Yu Xueyao took a closer look and saw that there were many spiritual herbs densely recorded on it, and each one had a thousand years of age.

She widened her eyes in surprise, somewhat disbelieving: "It's all filled with elixirs. Third princess, where did you get so many elixirs?"

"Don't worry about it, just go back first."

"Okay." Although I don't know why she is so easy to talk to, I am extremely lucky to be able to leave without any effort.


She suddenly thought of something: "Third Princess, I wonder if you still sell this elixir?"

"Sell." The third princess nodded.

"Since the third princess is willing to sell it, I will exchange it with the third princess for something of equal value. I hope the third princess can give me these elixirs."



After receiving the answer, Yu Xueyao happily bowed to the third princess to thank her, then turned and left.

As soon as Yu Xueyao reached the threshold, she hit a wall and was bounced back, almost falling to the ground.

She rubbed the bridge of her nose, raised her head and looked angrily at the person blocking her way.

Her eyes suddenly opened wide and she was shocked!

She saw a man who was more handsome than a god and dressed in purple leaning against the door rail, staring at her with a smile.

"Ah! Ghost!!"

She screamed violently and backed away in fear.

Is this man a ghost? Why did it appear suddenly?

"Haha, Yao'er, why did you run away when you saw me?" Mo Yunting smiled seductively, stretched out his hand to hold her, and his low and seductive voice made Yu Xueyao quiet down instantly.

"Master?" Yu Xueyao blinked her watery eyes, a little surprised.

"Yes, it's master." Mo Yunting stretched out his hand and scratched her straight nose, "You little naughty bitch, you are still as naughty as before. What do you think after entering the solitary room this time?"

Looking at her appearance, he also guessed that this trip to the confinement room might not be easy.

"Hmm." Yu Xueyao tilted her little head and tried hard to think of how to explain: "The realization is just too boring, so I decided not to fall asleep next time I enter the solitary room."

As soon as she finished speaking, she noticed a cold gaze falling on her cheek.

"Ahem, Master, I was wrong. I will not fall asleep next time I enter the confinement room."

She coughed a few times, quickly changed her words, and took his arm.

"That's good." He smiled slightly, revealing his white teeth, which made her swallow her saliva.

The master looks so good when he smiles, more charming than the handsome man in the painting!

"Master, I'm hungry, shall we go out for dinner?" Yu Xueyao tugged at his sleeves and smiled flatteringly.

She swore that this was the most cowardly thing she had ever done in her life. She must be crazy to think that her master was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off her.

She took a deep breath, resisted the urge to commit a crime, and continued to flatter: "I'm ready, Master, please."


The two walked out side by side, Yu Xueyao secretly complained, she was wondering, they were both masters, why was the master always more beautiful than her.

She had the face of an angel, the figure of a devil, and the appearance of a loli, why did the master look more like a demon?

Oh, don't think about it anymore. If she keeps thinking about it, she will be turned gay by her master.

The two of them came to the side courtyard of the mansion together. They could smell the aroma of food and wine from afar.

Yu Xueyao's eyebrows were curved and she smiled very brightly.

This meal was very satisfying.

When she put down her bowl and chopsticks, she suddenly thought of a crucial question: "Master, your cooking skills are so good, why don't you learn cooking?"

"Because I don't need to eat and drink."

He said lightly and walked away.

Yu Xueyao curled her lips. This kind of immortal who doesn't eat worldly fireworks is probably not comparable to the imperial kitchen of the palace.


The next day.

Yu Xueyao got up and washed up, and then came to the boudoir of the third princess.

At this time, she had recovered her previous lively and energetic appearance, and her face was no longer pale and weak as last night, as if she was terminally ill.

"Meet the Third Princess."


The Third Princess looked at Yu Xueyao for a while, then nodded: "As expected of someone chosen by my father and mother, she is indeed different."

Yu Xueyao didn't like her arrogant and spoiled look, but in order to leave, she suppressed her anger: "I wonder what the princess wants to see me for?"

"Come with me."

"Where to?"

"You'll know when you get there." The Third Princess walked out of the house first, and Yu Xueyao hesitated for a moment and followed quickly.

The Third Princess led her to a secluded alley in a carriage.

The carriage stopped, she lifted the curtain and got off the carriage, and after standing still, she looked at Yu Xueyao beside her.

"Come with me." The Third Princess took a step and walked towards a house in the alley.

Yu Xueyao felt a little uneasy, not knowing what the Third Princess was up to.

She tightened her back and slowly followed the Third Princess into the house.

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