As soon as she stepped into the hall, she heard the sound of men and women laughing inside. Yu Xueyao frowned, her eyes flashing with disgust.

She quickly calmed down, pretending not to understand anything, followed into the hall, and saluted respectfully: "See you, Your Royal Highness."

"Yes." The third princess responded, looking up at the two men sitting on the chairs opposite: "Father, mother, this is Yao'er's sister, Xue Yao."

"It turns out to be the second uncle and the second aunt." Yu Xueyao called sweetly.

"Good boy, come here and let Second Aunt see you, you've lost weight." Yang Mengying greeted Yu Xueyao and walked forward, looking at her from beginning to end. She saw that she was dressed plainly but still couldn't hide her delicate and beautiful facial features and exquisite lips. Curves, I couldn't help but praise: "Xue Yaosheng's true symbol."

"The second aunt was joking." Yu Xueyao said modestly, her eyes falling on the empty seat next to the third princess: "Huh? Why didn't you see the fourth brother today? Where did he go?"

Yang Mengying explained with a smile; "Your fourth brother, you went out so crazy last night, and now you still sleep soundly." Her words were full of pampering and pride.

"Oh, then when fourth brother wakes up, I will pick him up personally." Yu Xueyao replied obediently.

"Don't bother Xiaosi, he's most afraid of getting tired." The third princess quickly stopped him: "You know, it's extremely difficult to invite him for a cup of tea!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to his second uncle and asked, "Dad, what do you think of sister Yao'er?"

The second master was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "Yes, his appearance and conversation are not bad. He is more than suitable for our mistress! It's just..." At this point, he paused before continuing: "It's just that we are a little younger. After all, we are The fourth child is only sixteen years old!"

Yang Mengying immediately understood what her husband was worried about and comforted her: "Master, don't worry, Xueyao is engaged, and she doesn't dislike her either."

"Oh? Engagement? Who is it?" Hearing that Yu Xueyao was engaged, the second master showed joy on his face and was eager to find out more.

Yu Xueyao lowered her head shyly, twisting her clothes with her hands and not knowing how to speak.

"Dad, please don't embarrass my sister." The third princess smiled brightly: "I am asking my sister to help me this time."

"Oh? Is it you?" The second master was a little surprised. He obviously didn't expect his daughter to help with such a thing, but he soon felt relieved. Anyway, as long as his daughter speaks, everything will be easy to handle, so he smiled softly and said : "In that case, dad won't talk too much, as long as you are happy!"

The second wife, Yang Mengying, pulled Yu Xueyao over and asked carefully: "What is the name of the person you are betrothed to, and what does he do? Do you have any parents, brothers or sisters at home?"

Hearing the second lady's question about her future husband's family, Yu Xueyao was stunned for a moment, and then she lightly opened her red lips: "My husband's surname is Mo, and his name is Mo Jinchen. We belong to the Mo family in the imperial city. As for work, I don't know. My parents at home I don’t care about him, I just give him some money occasionally.”

"Mo family?" The second master and Yang Mengying looked at each other and felt surprised. Although the Mo family is not a powerful family, Mo Jinchen's abilities are extraordinary, and the Mo family is also very important in the court, so marrying into the Mo family is not a big deal. Beautiful things.

"In this case, my parents will never mention the issue of breaking off the engagement again." The second master made the decision.

"Thank you dad, thank you mom!"

Yu Xueyao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and finally relaxed in her heart. She knew that the second lady and the second master were not bad people.

"Father, mother, you guys chat first, while sister Yaoer and I go strolling outside in the garden." The third princess stood up and left with a smile.

Yu Xueyao also followed closely behind.

The second master looked at the retreating figures of the third princess and Yu Xueyao, his eyes becoming deep.

The third princess was walking slowly along the veranda with Yu Xueyao. Suddenly she stopped, pointed to a stone tablet next to the rockery, and said with a smile: "Sister Yao'er, I'll take you here to take a look."

Yu Xueyao followed what she expected and found a stone tablet that had been scratched out. She asked doubtfully: "Sister, is this?"

"This is a photo of the two of us." The third princess pointed to a scar on her cheek: "This scar was left when she was pushed into the water when she was eight years old."

Yu Xueyao reached out and touched the hideous scar: "At that time, I was bullied and cried. It was my sister who held me and comforted me, and stayed with me through the most painful period."

"Yao'er, if you have any difficulties in the future, just come to see my sister. I will help you as much as you can." The third princess patted her on the shoulder and said, "You rest here for a while. I'll go to the kitchen to give you some instructions and I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Yu Xueyao smiled quietly: "I'll wait for my sister."

"Then sister will come back as soon as she goes."

The third princess said and walked to the kitchen, while Yu Xueyao was taking a leisurely walk alone, wandering leisurely to the lake, looking at the fish swimming in the green lake, with a lot of thoughts.

When the original owner was sold to the Li family, she was lying on the bed like a dead body, waiting for her fate to be slaughtered. However, when she traveled through time, she was still alive and kicking.

"You said, if you are thrown into the lake and drowned, will you die?" The sudden and gloomy words came from her ears, startling Yu Xueyao, she turned around suddenly and looked at the person standing behind her. A man with a hideous face.

"Who are you?" She stared at him warily.

"Haha..." The man opposite sneered twice: "Want to know?"

"What do you want to do?"

The man curled his lips and smiled evilly, then came to her side in a flash, pinched her neck, approached Yu Xueyao, and licked her delicate pink lips with his cold tongue.


Yu Xueyao struggled constantly, but she could not escape his control. Her legs kept kicking, trying to break free from the man's shackles, but the other's hands were like iron clamps holding her waist, making her unable to use any strength and could only stare at him angrily.

This was the first time she was so close to a man. Smelling the unique smell of men, she couldn't help but feel a panic and stiff all over.

"Haha, what a beauty, no wonder Mo Jinchen was stunned by you." The man seemed very satisfied with her resistance, his smile became more intense, and the desire in his eyes gradually became stronger.

Looking at his red lips gradually pressing down, Yu Xueyao closed her eyes and prepared to bear it. Suddenly, there was a sound of wind in her ears, followed by a crisp sound of "snap", accompanied by a sharp scream: "Ah——"

Yu Xueyao opened her eyes and was completely dumbfounded when she saw the scene in front of her.

It turned out that the demon who had just pinched her neck was actually punched away by someone and fell into the grass in embarrassment. The attacker stood steadily beside him, his blue robe fluttering in the wind, looking very handsome.

The man stood up slowly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared coldly at the blue-robed man, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Who are you, and why do you keep ruining my good deeds?"

The blue-robed man snorted coldly and said sarcastically: "I don't need a reason for my actions!"

Yu Xueyao heard the word "Prince" and suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the man was so agile, and his martial arts must be very strong. She quietly stepped back two steps to avoid being affected.

The third princess and Mo Jinchen walked side by side. Mo Jinchen was as tall as a bamboo, and his phoenix eyes were deep and dark, as if containing infinite attraction.

He walked up to Yu Xueyao, glanced at the man indifferently, and turned to look at Yu Xueyao: "Why did you come here? Are you scared?"

"Yeah." Yu Xueyao didn't dare to look at him directly, lowered her head and whispered: "I'm not familiar with it, so I want to walk around."

"Then let's go to the pavilion and sit for a while." He raised his hand and took her hand, turned and left.

Yu Xueyao didn't understand what Mo Jinchen was doing. She saw him taking her into a pavilion next to the lake, and then ordered the maid to bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"Write a letter."

"Letter?" Yu Xueyao looked at him in confusion, but did not forget to pick up the brush and dip it in ink according to his instructions, and wrote on the rice paper.

"After you finish writing, give it to the people in the Mo Mansion to deliver." Mo Jinchen handed Yu Xueyao a piece of letter paper, and then asked the maid to bring a teacup and personally poured hot tea for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Mo." Yu Xueyao held the teacup with both hands, took a sip of warm tea, and sighed comfortably: "This warm tea is really fragrant."

Mo Jinchen smiled, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Huh? This wine is peach blossom wine? It's so sweet!" Yu Xueyao drank a sip of peach blossom wine and praised it.

Mo Jinchen glanced at her and smiled without answering.

Yu Xueyao stopped asking questions, wrote the letter carefully, blew away the ink stains and handed it to the other party.

Mo Jinchen put away the letter and put the teacup on the table: "I should go."

"Mr. Mo, take care." Yu Xueyao stood up and bowed: "I hope to see Mr. Mo again next time."

Mo Jinchen looked at her well-behaved and sensible appearance, couldn't help but smile, and said gently: "I will."

"Yao'er, Yao'er..." The anxious voice of the third princess sounded behind her.

Yu Xueyao turned around and saw that the third princess had come to her and was anxiously holding her arm: "Yao'er, are you okay?"

"No, I'm fine. I just got lost and came out to get some fresh air. I didn't expect to meet that strange guest." Yu Xueyao lied: "He is my eldest brother's friend."

"That's good." The third princess nodded and carefully checked her body. Seeing that her clothes were neat, she was relieved: "I was afraid that he would hurt you."

"I'm fine." Yu Xueyao smiled and shook her head, changing the subject: "Today I met Mo Sister-in-law, she is much prettier than in the album, it's a pity that I don't know her, otherwise I really want to get to know her. "

Mo Jinchen raised his eyebrows: "Yao'er likes her?"

"Yes." Yu Xueyao blinked her almond eyes: "She is very beautiful."

"Hehe, she is indeed beautiful." Mo Jinchen nodded thoughtfully: "But she has a bad temper."

"Bad temper?" Yu Xueyao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "That's even more fun, women love to be jealous."

Mo Jinchen laughed and shook his head, said nothing more, turned around and left.

"Yao'er, why did you come here alone?"

"I saw lotus flowers in the lake, so I came to see them." Yu Xueyao said with a smile: "I just picked lotus pods and lotus roots, and went back to make lotus seed soup for my uncle and mother to taste."


Yu Xueyao walked back with her maid carrying a basket. A head popped out and saw her back, and hurriedly waved behind her: "Cousin, cousin, don't worry, I'm coming."

"Miss, the fourth lady is here." The maid Xiao Cui pulled Yu Xueyao's sleeve and whispered: "I think the fourth lady has bad intentions."

"Let's go." Yu Xueyao pulled the maid away quickly, not realizing that Yuzhu was staring at them from behind.

Yuzhu looked at the two people's backs as they walked away, and she wanted to rush up and tear her apart, but she was not stupid enough to do that.

Yu Xueyao walked a distance with Xiao Cui and found that the surroundings were empty and quiet, and there was a forest not far away. She suddenly had an idea and said to Xiao Cui: "Xiao Cui, go to the forest and chop some branches so we can make a fire and cook."

"Miss, I don't see any wild animals or other people here." Xiao Cui looked around hesitantly.

Yu Xueyao patted her shoulder: "Stupid, such a quiet place is of course the most suitable for burning firewood, go quickly."

Although Xiao Cui was still worried, she did not dare to disobey Yu Xueyao's order, so she could only carry the basket and go into the forest to look for sticks and dry grass.

Yu Xueyao took out the pots and pans from the space, cleaned them, and placed them on the pile of stones to start boiling water. She also placed several baskets full of lotus pods on the stove, intending to make a hearty dinner to reward herself.

"Wow, it smells so good, I haven't eaten meat for a long time." Yu Xueyao smelled the tempting aroma of dishes in the air, and her appetite had already been aroused.

"Where did you get these ingredients?" Mo Jinchen watched Yu Xueyao clean and cut various vegetables neatly, then threw them into the boiling water, stewed them with water, and added seasonings from time to time.

"I dig wild vegetables on the mountain in my hometown, and then catch some prey to exchange for some money to buy food."

"People in your village don't care about you?"

"What do they care about?" Yu Xueyao looked at him in surprise, "They wish I would die outside, not only to save food, but also to save them from having to feed a bunch of idlers."

"Oh?" Mo Jinchen looked at her with interest: "Since they don't want to feed you, why do you stay in your hometown?"

She didn't want to explain too much: "Mr. Mo, I'm hungry."

Mo Jinchen smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to take a chicken leg from the basket: "Eat, I'll treat you."

"Thank you, Mr. Mo." Yu Xueyao took the chicken leg with a bright smile and ate it, praising while eating: "Mr. Mo is so generous."

Mo Jinchen's eyes flickered, and his smile became thicker. He didn't expect that he would win a smile from the beauty because of this.

"Mr., I'm ready." A girl in a goose yellow dress bowed her head shyly and looked at Mo Jinchen timidly.

"Okay." Mo Jinchen didn't even look at the woman, he walked straight to Yu Xueyao, hugged her in his arms, and kissed her pink cheek.

The girl widened her eyes in astonishment: "Young Master, you..."

Yu Xueyao was so scared that her whole body stiffened. Feeling the numbness between her lips and teeth, she pushed Mo Jinchen away in panic, took several steps back, pointed at Mo Jinchen and cursed: "You rascal, my father will definitely not let you go if he knows."

Mo Jinchen touched the bright red liquid on the corner of his mouth and looked at her gloomily: "Yao'er, don't you know how I feel about you?"

His sudden action made Yu Xueyao confused. Is there something wrong with this Mo Jinchen's brain? She just said a joke just now, but he actually took it seriously?

She waved her hands quickly: "Mr. Mo, you are the uncle of the emperor, how can you marry a commoner? I know that you are attracted by my beauty and want to take me as a concubine, right? I tell you, don't even think about it, I would rather die than marry you!" (End of this chapter)

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