Mo Jinchen's eyes showed coldness, and his originally gentle expression became cold and ruthless: "You are indeed smart, but unfortunately..."

He suddenly approached her, pressed his cold thin lips on her neck, and sprayed the hot air he exhaled on her ears, whispering: "You can't escape, you are destined to be mine in this life."

After that, he bit her skin fiercely.

"Um... bastard, let me go..."

Yu Xueyao struggled desperately, but couldn't resist the disparity in strength between men and women.

She was terrified and tears rolled down: "Woo... Help, is there anyone? Who will save me? I was wrong, I shouldn't talk nonsense, please let me go."

Mo Jinchen finally let go of her when he heard her crying loudly, and looked at the bleeding teeth marks on her neck, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Mr. Mo, let's get the lotus pods out first."

Mo Jinchen took a deep breath to suppress his inner irritability, squatted down to pick up the lotus pods: "Don't cry, I will take responsibility."

"Woo liar, I want to go home." Yu Xueyao wiped her tears and stood up, raised her foot and kicked Mo Jinchen, and took the moment when he dodged the lotus pods to run away.

Mo Jinchen looked at the little figure running farther and farther in anger, clenched his fists in anger, and smashed them hard on the ground.

With a loud "bang", the ground cracked, gravel splashed, and the soil surged.

He stood up slowly, his face twisted and hideous: "Yao'er, you belong to me."

"Mr., are you okay?" The maid Qiuyue heard the sound and ran into the woods. Seeing the mess on the ground, she showed fear on her face.

"It's okay, clean up here and continue to wait for the rabbit." Mo Jinchen returned to his gentlemanly appearance and ordered Qiuyue.

"Yes." Qiuyue lowered her eyebrows and eyes, not daring to look directly into Mo Jinchen's eyes, and hurried away.

"Mr. Mo, you really got into trouble this time." Uncle Qin limped out of the kitchen, his face livid.

Mo Jinchen frowned and looked at Uncle Qin: "What do you mean?"

Uncle Qin pointed to the yard, and Mo Jinchen realized that his servant was gone: "Where is he?"

"I asked him to send lotus pods to the second young master's wife." Uncle Qin sighed.

"I'll go with you to see." Mo Jinchen left the kitchen with a gloomy face.

Yu Yao was already sitting at the door of the bamboo house, looking at the smoking bamboo tube in front of her, a little confused. She was so bold that she actually boiled all the chicken soup dry.

"Yao'er." Mo Jinchen stood at the door of the yard, his handsome face full of tenderness: "What are you doing?"

"I... I don't know." Yu Xueyao didn't dare to look at him.

Mo Jinchen sighed softly: "If you don't want to stay, you can leave now."

He turned around and left the yard. Yu Xueyao hesitated for a long time and finally caught up with him, carefully apologizing: "Mr. Mo, I was wrong. I will never talk nonsense again. I promise not to peek into your purse again. Don't be angry, okay?"

Mo Jinchen looked at her seriously trying to please him, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You are indeed not qualified to peek at my things, but I don't like your timid look. Remember, you are a noble and elegant daughter of a marquis outside, and just treat yourself as an ordinary person at home."

"Well." Yu Xueyao nodded obediently, that's fine, anyway, she is not the real Yu Xueyao.

Mo Jinchen saw that she agreed, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Let's go inside and take a look."

Yu Xueyao ran in quickly. It was not her first time here, so there was nothing strange.

"You go out first. No one is allowed to tell anyone about what happened today, especially the old lady and the others. Otherwise, you know what happened."

"Don't worry, sir. We will never talk nonsense." Four or five younger maids nodded.

"You stay." Mo Jinchen pointed to another slightly older girl, Dong'er, who was a smart and clever child. "You will take care of the second lady's diet and daily life in the future. Remember, you must not reveal a word."


"Don't worry, sir. I know the rules."

Yu Xueyao blinked her beautiful peach blossom eyes and looked at the two of them in confusion. She didn't know what medicine Mo Jinchen was selling.

At night, Mo Jinchen took her to the top of the mountain to enjoy the scenery. The scenery on the top of the mountain was very good, and the air was fresh and pleasant. Yu Xueyao fell asleep on the tree branch.

"Sir, I will help you go down to rest."

"Wait, I'll pick a few more leaves to make tea." Mo Jinchen walked to the river with a bow and arrow, bent down and picked a few green leaves.

There were seven leaves on the tree. Mo Jinchen picked five or six, then slowly returned to the river to wash them, and hung them aside. Then he returned to the wooden barrel under the branch, scooped a bucket of water, sprinkled some medicinal powder on the tree, and then burned the herbs with a fire stick.

"Young Master, what are you doing?" Yu Xueyao woke up in a daze and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Mo Jinchen looked up and smiled at her: "It's okay, I just made a bowl of medicinal soup and drank it to replenish my body." He handed Yu Xueyao a silver needle, motioned her to stretch out her hand, and then quickly inserted the silver needle into her acupuncture point, and finally pulled it out, wrapped it with cloth several times, and tied it to the wrist.

"My injury has healed, thank you for helping me treat my wounds during this period." Yu Xueyao stood up and bowed to Mo Jinchen to thank him.

"Yao'er, you're welcome. If you need any help in the future, just come to me." He stared at her gently.

Yu Xueyao scratched her head awkwardly: "Mr. Mo, I...I..."

She opened her mouth, hesitating for a long time but couldn't say anything.

"What's wrong?"


"If Yao'er has anything to say, just say it. I will never refuse if I can do it." Mo Jinchen's tone was still very calm.

"I would like to ask you something, sir?" Yu Xueyao mustered up her courage and asked.

Mo Jinchen raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

"What...I...I...I want to ask you to help me break off the engagement." She hesitated and finally choked out a sentence.

Mo Jinchen was stunned for a moment: "Why?" He thought she would put forward some conditions.

"My parents want me to get engaged as soon as possible, but I don't want to, so I...I just want to escape from the capital and don't want to stay in the Prime Minister's Mansion, but I don't want to hurt my family."

Mo Jinchen frowned and was silent for a moment before saying, "I will mention your matter to the Emperor Father. As for whether I can withdraw from it in the end, I have no control over it. After all, the Emperor is not the one who said I can withdraw from the engagement." people."

Yu Xueyao nodded gratefully: "Thank you!" She lowered her eyes to hide the coldness in her eyes. Since the original owner chose to marry Mo Jinchen, it must be because of his noble status. If he helped to terminate the engagement, she would have escaped. , and there is no need to worry about being hunted down.

Yu Xueyao returned to the yard and found that the furniture had been arranged, and even the bed had been replaced with new bedding and was neatly arranged.

"Young Master, you are so kind." Yu Xueyao's sweet voice was filled with the slightest touch of emotion.

"As long as you like it." Mo Jinchen said, walking to her and sitting down: "You can rest here to recover for the past few days. If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, or if you want to eat something, just tell me and I will get someone to buy it."

"Thank you, but I'm not hungry, so no need to bother." She shook her head slightly.

Mo Jinchen pursed his lips and said nothing, looking at her quietly, his eyes sparkling.

Yu Xueyao always felt that his eyes were very hot and couldn't help but shudder and asked: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"You're not hungry, don't you want to go out for a walk?" Mo Jinchen saw desire flowing in her eyes.

"You can go out." After Yu Xueyao said that, she flew out of the bamboo forest like a joyful bird, jumped away, and disappeared into the bamboo forest, leaving only a string of laughter like silver bells.

Yuyao went shopping and passed by a silk and satin shop. She paused and stepped in. As she approached, she heard the sound of an argument. She quietly walked to the counter and saw many people gathered in front of the clothes racks.

"Shopkeeper, the price of your piece of fabric is too expensive. Our poor family can't afford it." The man who spoke was quite well-dressed. He was wearing a brocade robe and had a tall and straight posture.

The shopkeeper's attitude was arrogant: "Our shop specializes in making brocade clothes. This is a tribute, and the quality is tighter and lighter than ordinary silk. It is very comfortable to wear. It is also a high-quality brocade material. You can't afford it. So, Just get out of here, only country bumpkins are willing to wear this kind of stuff, we are the famous Yunjinfang here, we don’t accept this low-quality Yunjin.”

The shopkeeper raised his chin as he spoke, showing a look of disdain.

After listening to his words, Yu Xueyao cursed in her heart, it was really a dog fighting against the power of others.

"Why do you say that I can't afford it? I can make a lot of money just by buying any piece of fabric from you." Yu Xueyao shouted angrily. When the crowd heard the noise, they immediately gathered around and pointed.

The shopkeeper turned to look at her and snorted coldly: "Sir, if you really want to buy it, you can try it on yourself to see if it fits you. If you can't fit it, don't delay my business." As he said, He called to the waiter, "Come and see the guests off."

"Wait." A low-mellow male voice sounded, and everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw an elegant man in a green shirt walking over. He had a long and well-proportioned figure, a handsome and elegant face, and a pair of narrow phoenix eyes with a smile: "I think what this lady said is good. Why don't you let her try it?" If these fabrics are suitable, how about you make them cheaper and treat them as friends?”

When the shopkeeper saw the person coming, the anger on his face instantly dissipated, and he greeted him respectfully: "Third Master, why are you here?"

"Let me take a look." The third master's eyes fell on Yu Xueyao: "Who is this girl?"

"Oh, Third Master, this is the young lady who came from a remote area to join relatives. This is my young master."

"Third brother, why do you, a busy man like you, have time to come here?" Mo Jinchen, who had been silent all this time, slowly stood up with a slight smile on his face.

"Who is this..." Yu Xueyao asked curiously.

"My name is Mo Jinchen." Mo Jinchen introduced.

Yu Xueyao looked at the handsome young man in front of her and sighed in her heart, what a peach blossom. However, she didn't take it to heart: "I have met Mr. Mo."

Mo Jinchen nodded slightly: "Sister-in-law, please pick two pieces of fabric at will."

Third sister-in-law? What Mo Jinchen said after saving her that night came to Yu Xueyao's mind. No wonder she felt a little familiar when she saw him this time. It turned out that he was the one she met before, but his face was covered with a black scarf, covering his face. Half of his face is covered, but the outline is still recognizable. He is the young man who heroically saved the beauty.


"You're welcome, you can take your pick." Mo Jinchen said lightly, seemingly disapproving.

The shopkeeper was a little hesitant and looked at Yu Xueyao: "Girl, do you still want to buy some fabric?"

Yu Xueyao gritted her teeth and looked at the brightly colored, novel and expensive fabrics. Finally, she was cruel and chose two sets of plain white and simple cotton dresses.

The shopkeeper saw this and immediately smiled: "Miss, please wait a moment. I will order someone to pack it up." He immediately ordered the waiter to help her take out the cloth and put it into the cloth bag.

After Yu Xueyao paid, she came out with two cloth bags and happened to meet Li Ma who was walking towards her.

When Li Ma saw Yu Xueyao, she was stunned at first, and then smiled and said: "It turned out to be Miss Yao. Miss Yao, are you here to buy something?"

"Yes." Yu Xueyao replied indifferently. She knew that this old woman hated her, but she was too lazy to pay attention. As long as she didn't provoke her, she would not bother to pay attention to her.

Li Ma smiled and said: "Miss Yao, I remember the two sets of clothes you bought before, they were really beautiful."

Yu Xueyao's mouth curled up a sneer. This old woman really didn't give up. She was showing off and mocking her tattered clothes.

"Haha, Nanny Li likes it. How about I give you a set someday?"

"Really?" Nanny Li smiled.

"I keep my word. If I say I will give it to Nanny Li, I will definitely give it to her."

Nanny Li smiled like a chrysanthemum. She was secretly happy that this silly girl dared to give her clothes.

Yu Xueyao quickly left Yunjinfang with the cloth bag and returned home. She looked at the busy people in the yard. Sisters Yu Xueling and Yu Lianxiang were also there.

Yu Lianxiang saw the cloth bag in Yu Xueyao's hand and her face instantly became ferocious: "Yu Xueyao, you useless person, who asked you to buy cloth?"

"I want to make clothes for my mother. This is my freedom. It's none of your business." She was speechless about the mother and daughter. Every time she wanted to talk to them nicely, they would make things difficult for her, so she didn't bother to pay attention.

"You... you dare to call me a bitch, damn bitch!" Yu Lianxiang rushed forward and stretched out her claws to grab Yu Xueyao. Fortunately, she reacted in time and dodged her attack by turning sideways.

"Are you looking for death?" Yu Xueyao looked at her fiercely.

Yu Lianxiang stepped back in fear, looking at Yu Xueyao's dark pupils as deep as a deep pool, and there seemed to be a whirlpool spinning inside. She stepped back in fear: "You, you, what do you want to do?"

Yu Lianhe saw that the two of them were on the verge of a fight, and immediately pulled Yu Lianxiang into the house: "Sister, let's go in and talk."

"I won't go in, I'm afraid this bitch will bully me again." Yu Lianxiang was unwilling to go in.

Yu Lianhe grabbed her arm hard and dragged her into the room.

"Second sister, let go, you hurt me." Yu Xuelian frowned.

Yu Xuehe let go of her arm, looked at Yu Lianxiang, and warned in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense, otherwise your parents can't protect you!"

She stared at Yu Xueyao vigilantly, fearing that she would suddenly pounce on her and hit her.

Yu Lianxiang pouted in grievance: "I just can't stand her vixen look, so I'm telling the truth."

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