"Shut up, don't forget that she is our cousin!" Yu Lianhe glared at her.

Yu Xueling walked in and saw Yu Xueyao packing up, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

"Hey, cousin, you are moving things, are you moving back home?"

"No, I'm not moving things." Yu Xueyao said lightly, "I'm going to change my room to sleep."

Yu Lianxiang sneered: "Change room? Don't you think it's too early?"

"What's early? Anyway, we have already separated, where else can I sleep if I don't go back to sleep." Yu Xueyao looked up and glared at her, "Could it be that you are reluctant to let me live there?"

Yu Lianxiang curled her lips and snorted coldly, pretending to be noble: "I won't let this country bumpkin live in my room, it's so dirty!"

"Bah! You are a country bumpkin!" Yu Xueling couldn't stand the insulting words in her mouth, and immediately glared at her: "If you dare to humiliate my sister again, I will tear your mouth!"

"Tear it, who is afraid of who." Yu Xuelian sneered.

"Lian'er, don't be angry. You are a family, how can you quarrel? Lian'er, apologize to your fourth sister." Yu Xueshan advised.

Yu Xueling stared at them angrily: "I won't apologize. We are not born from the same parents!"

Yu Xueshan pursed her lips, tears welled up in her eyes, and she was obviously sad.

"I don't care whether you are born from the same parents or not. Anyway, you are all my brothers and sisters. I hope that everyone can live in harmony in the future." Yu Xueyao said, holding the cloth bag and left.

"Sister..." Yu Xueling called her worriedly, but did not keep her.

"Sister, don't cry, don't worry, they will definitely come back to beg us, and then you can teach them a lesson with a clear reason." Yu Lianxiang patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"Yes." Yu Xueshan nodded heavily, "I will study hard, pass the exam and become an official's wife in the future, so that they can't bully me."

Yu Xueyao returned home with two sets of new clothes. She put her things neatly and was about to go out when she heard a knock on the door.

She looked outside in confusion: "Who is it?"

"Yao girl, it's me."

Yu Xueyao walked over and opened the door, and saw Wang dressed neatly, holding a basket and standing at the door: "Yao girl, I bought two clothes for you."

"Thank you, mother." Yu Xueyao did not refuse.

This was the first gift her mother gave her after she came here, and she was very grateful.

"Yao girl, I'm so sorry about what happened last night. Your mother didn't know that you saved your uncle, and she didn't mean to starve you." Wang looked guilty.

Yu Xueyao looked at Wang, who looked haggard, and she sighed softly: "Mom, it's okay, you don't have to worry about me."

"Hey, mother knows you are sensible, these two sets of clothes are compensation for you." Wang handed over two new sets of clothes.

Yu Xueyao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and took the clothes: "In this case, the child will accept it for my mother."

"Are you going to the town to sell things today? Do you need your mother to accompany you?"

"No, mother, your most important task now is to take care of grandpa and grandma."

"Okay." Wang nodded, "Be careful on the road, I'm going to cut grass in the field."

"Okay." After watching her leave, Yu Xueyao left the yard and went straight to the medicine store.

The old aunt was still sitting in the medicine store. When she saw Yu Xueyao, she asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"Auntie, do you still need the herbs here?" Yu Xueyao asked with a smile. In the past few days, because of the space spring water, her body has become much stronger than before. In addition, she has been diligent in practicing martial arts, and now her strength is even stronger. She has also learned some skills and moves. Although there are only a few moves, it is enough to kill people and rob goods.


On the other side, the demon world.

Mo Li held the teacup close to the windowsill, looking down through the cracks of the delicately carved window, and the slender white back reflected in his eyes.

The little girl had been gone for two days. During these two days, she came here every day to wait, hoping to meet him.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed every time she came.

Her character was indeed stubborn, and she would never compromise on things she had determined.

Thinking of this, a bitter arc appeared at the corner of Mo Li's mouth.

He picked up the wine pot on the table, poured a glass of red liquid, and drank it slowly.

"Master, you seem to be in a bad mood recently." A hoarse and gloomy male voice came from the darkness, and a veiled woman walked out of the darkness silently, knelt in front of him, and her voice was soft and charming.

Mo Li glanced at her and continued to drink tea.

The woman lowered her head to cover her expression, and only the eyes hidden in the cloak could be seen bursting with hatred.

"The subordinate will leave the imperial capital tomorrow." The man's cold and hard voice had no temperature.

"I don't understand. The imperial capital is where you should stay. Why does the master insist on leaving? Can't the master bear to leave her?" The woman raised her head, and a charming face came into view. Her beautiful peach blossom eyes were filled with spring water, which was charming and soul-stirring.

Mo Li looked at this face, and a trace of disgust flashed across his eyes.

This woman is Fairy Zi Yue, one of the right-hand men of the Demon Lord. She is good at charm and hypnosis, and has practiced to the Mahayana.

If it weren't for her, how could he have fallen into the demon clan.

"Master..." Fairy Zi Yue saw that Mo Li looked unhappy, and hurriedly knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully: "Please punish me, Master, it was Zi Yue who was abrupt."

"Get up." Mo Li ordered coldly: "Don't bother me if you have nothing to do in the future."

"Yes." Fairy Ziyue responded respectfully, "Ziyue obeys your order. Master, I have one more thing to report."

"Say." Mo Li turned the teacup and watched the tea emit charming colors under the refraction of the light, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

"My subordinates found a baby girl in Fengyang County." Fairy Ziyue said.

"Baby girl?"

"The baby girl is three years old. She was abducted and trafficked to Fengyang County. Her identity is unknown. However, my subordinates speculate that the master should have abandoned her in Fengyang County."


"My subordinates saw it with their own eyes and have sent people to investigate."

Mo Li narrowed her deep eyes, and her cool lips slightly raised an evil smile: "Catch the person and show him to me."

"I accept my orders." Fairy Ziyue turned around and exited.

"Miss, that woman is here." Luluo pushed the door open, her face full of excitement: "Miss, I have wanted to teach that woman a lesson for a long time. You must not have imagined what she looks like. Tsk tsk, she is so ugly, like It's a toad."

"Shut up!" Lu Wu glared at her fiercely, "How can a dirty and despicable person like that deserve to be compared with our lady!"

"Yes, Sister Luwu is so powerful, I even forgot about it."

"Miss, what should I do with that ugly woman?"

"Let's lock her in the woodshed first and find an opportunity to teach her a lesson."


As the night progressed, the whole village was silent. Occasionally, the sound of chickens crowing and dogs barking could be heard, making it seem extremely lively.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the distance.

"Run quickly, the wolves are chasing you."

"Everyone, run away..."

"Hide now!"

The villagers rushed into the woods to avoid the wolves.

Yu Xueyao frowned slightly, how could there be wolves out looking for food this late at night? Are you going crazy with hunger?


A wolf howl shocked the world.

Yu Xueyao's face was pale and her whole body was trembling. She was so frightened that she kept running into the woods and disappeared into the night. Even she herself couldn't figure out why she was running away desperately.

"Roar~~~" The wolves roared angrily. They smelled the smell of blood and chased Yu Xueyao crazily. They were extremely fast and kept roaring.

Yu Xueyao was tired from running. Her feet slipped and she fell into the river. The water was suddenly freezing and she shivered.

Where is this place and why are there wild animals?

She gritted her teeth and endured the biting cold air, hugging her knees with her arms and shivering, hoping to reduce her pain.

"Ho ho~" the wolf howled more and more miserably.

Yu Xueyao opened her eyes with difficulty. In her sight, dozens of ferocious wolves were slowly approaching.

Her pupils shrank sharply, she put her hands on the shore, slowly got up, and ran up the mountain.

At this time, she had no way to compete with these wolves. She had no other choice but to climb up.

But there are many dangers on the mountain. If you don't pay attention, you may die, so she must be extremely cautious.

"Roar~~" The wolves chased after him, approaching step by step.

Yu Xueyao was frightened in her heart, but she did not dare to relax at all.

"Bang bang!" Two giant wild boars rushed out of the bushes and knocked away several wild wolves.

Yu Xueyao was stunned, and quickly picked up the stones that fell on the ground and threw them out. A mouse jumped down from the treetop and pounced on Yu Xueyao's body.

"Beast, go to hell!" Yu Xueyao's eyes were sharp, she waved her fist and punched it down.

"Pfft." The wild cat's claw scratched the back of Yu Xueyao's hand, and bright red blood slid down her fair and tender skin.

"Ho ho~~" Seeing their companions being beaten, the wolves angrily bit Yu Xueyao.

"Bang bang bang!" The wild boar kicked several wolves away.

"Roar!" The wild boar stared angrily at the human in front of him and growled.

Yu Xueyao looked at the wild boar, then at the wolves, gritted her teeth, and decided to take a gamble.

While the wild boars were attacking the wolves, she sneaked into the house, changed into a set of clothes, put on her old worn skirt, put on a bamboo hat, and carried a sword on her back.

Her target was the wild boar.

The wild boar seemed to know Yu Xueyao's plan. He snorted disdainfully, then raised his head proudly and glanced at Yu Xueyao with the tip of his nose contemptuously.

It is a spiritual beast in the early stage of spiritual level, and Yu Xueyao is only a first-level spiritual master. Is it necessary to take it seriously?

"Roar~~~" The wild boar opened its mouth and rushed toward Yu Xueyao.

"Wha—" Yu Xueyao held the hilt of the sword and slashed at the wild boar, and the sharp blade instantly cut off its thick neck.

"Bang Dong" the wild boar fell to the ground.

Yu Xueyao patted her chest and breathed heavily: "Phew! I finally killed you."

Just when she was about to get rid of the wild boar, a strong wind blew, and Yu Xueyao immediately turned sideways to dodge. She heard a 'pop' sound and slapped Yu Xueyao on the cheek, causing her five fingerprints to swell instantly.

"Who?" Yu Xueyao covered her burning face and stared at the figure in the darkness warily.

"Haha, we meet again." A handsome man walked out of the darkness, with a sinister smile on his lips.

The outline of his facial features seemed to be carefully carved, breathtakingly perfect. His long and narrow red phoenix eyes revealed danger. His green robe added a bit of elegance and nobility, making people unable to take their eyes away.

This is the man she met today.

The man's eyes fell on the wild boar carcass on the ground, and a bloodthirsty light filled his eyes: "You actually killed my prey. You are very brave. Not bad."

"Who are you?" Yu Xueyao asked cautiously. She had never seen this man before, how could he know her?

"It doesn't matter who I am, you are destined to be my prey tonight anyway."

The man walked towards Yu Xueyao.

"Stop! Otherwise I will shout and show everyone what you are!" Yu Xueyao held the hilt of the sword and stared at the man threateningly.

"Hahaha, you can try it."

The man suddenly became arrogant and arrogant. He held Yu Xueyao's chin with one hand and forced her to look at him.

"What do you want to do?" Yu Xueyao's eyes widened in horror, and her body couldn't stop trembling.

This man was so terrifying, exuding a cold and bloodthirsty aura, and the oppressive feeling made her breathless.

"What do I want to do? Of course I want to taste your young and fresh body." The man spoke ambiguously, with a sinister aura on his lips.

"Bastard, hooligan!" Yu Xueyao scolded angrily.

The man raised his lips and smiled evilly: "Don't you like it?" He stretched out his hand to pinch her waist, and touched her slender and white neck with his other hand.

Yu Xueyao struggled in panic. She wanted to escape from this demon, but she couldn't escape at all. She could only let him slaughter her: "Help, help me quickly... uh uh..."

"Don't scream, be good." The man bent down and kissed Yu Xueyao's pink lips.

Yu Xueyao was shocked!

Her first time! He actually gave it to this stinky gangster!

"Hmm~~~" Yu Xueyao gasped, her whole body went limp, and her mind went blank.

She really hates men's touch.

This man's kiss was domineering and violent, as if he wanted to devour her and eat her up.

Yu Xueyao felt that her lips were numb and painful.

"Uh~~~" Yu Xueyao turned her head to dodge.

"Pa!" A loud slap hit her face hard, and the right half of her face instantly became red and swollen. The burning pain made her frown. She raised her left hand and slapped it back hard: "Snapped!"

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of the man's mouth, and his charming face was stained with a layer of ferocious violence.

"Damn woman, you are looking for death!" The man grabbed Yu Xueyao's shoulders angrily.

"Crack." There was a sharp pain in the shoulder.

Yu Xueyao was horrified: "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The man curled his lips coldly: "I remember I said that I will sleep with you tonight, and you belong to me now." His voice was magnetic and intoxicating, but it sounded particularly sinister in Yu Xueyao's ears. fear.

"You fart, you are a bad person. My parents will never allow you to taint me! I will never obey you unless I die." Yu Xueyao glared at the man, full of anger.

There was sarcasm in the man's eyes: "Do you think I will be afraid? When I get tired of playing with you, I will give it to my brothers to play with."

Yu Xueyao was shocked, this bastard actually wanted to give herself to others? Simply not human!

"I won't go with you!" Yu Xueyao firmly shook her head and refused, her eyes were moist, tears hung on her eyelashes, and she bit her lip stubbornly.

"You'd better follow me obediently. If you anger me, don't blame me for being rude to you." The man narrowed his eyes with a dangerous coldness and said in a gloomy tone. (End of chapter)

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