As the man spoke, he waved his hand, and a suction force pulled Yu Xueyao into his arms. Yu Xueyao felt her whole body fly into the air.

"Ah!" Yu Xueyao screamed in fear, and subconsciously hugged the man's strong waist.

"How dare you!" Yu Xueyao's body trembled, and the man's icy coldness invaded her whole body. She shrank in fear and looked up, only to see a silver net covering her and the man.

Yu Xueyao's pupils widened, staring at the net in surprise. The material of the net was made of black iron, and ordinary swords and guns could not break it.

"You... what do you want to do?" Yu Xueyao tried to stabilize her emotions and stared coldly at the man in front of her.

At this time, the man also saw her face clearly and was slightly surprised.

Although the girl was young, her skin was fragile, white and rosy, and her facial features were delicate, especially her big watery eyes, which were as dazzling as stars.

Her appearance is much more beautiful than those so-called beauties, especially when she is angry at this moment.

"Hehe, you are still pretty." The man sneered, and with a flip of his hand, Yu Xueyao was thrown out. Yu Xueyao hit the stone wall and grimaced in pain.

"Who are you? Where are you taking me?" Yu Xueyao rubbed her arm and stared at the man in front of her angrily.

"What do you think?" The man smiled evilly with his lips hooked.

Yu Xueyao looked at his sinister expression and couldn't help shuddering.

"I don't know."

"It doesn't matter, you will know soon." After the man finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the night.

Yu Xueyao was stunned. This man suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly. Could this man be a god?

She looked down at the scars on her arm, which were all crushed by him.

Yu Xueyao frowned and thought, this man must be not a good thing, but where does this man want to take her?

She sat up and leaned against the wall to rest for a while, then slowly crawled into the depths of the cave, trying to figure out where this was before considering leaving.

Yu Xueyao searched the cave for a while, but found no clues.

She walked back dejectedly, and saw a gray rabbit lying in the grass with its eyes closed. Yu Xueyao picked up a sharp stone and threw it at the gray rabbit.

"Puff." The rabbit died.

She jumped for joy, and hurried back to pick up the gray rabbit to roast it.

Yu Xueyao squatted down, peeled the gray rabbit's skin, tore off its legs, and roasted it over a fire.

The gray rabbit meat was roasted, and Yu Xueyao took out a dagger, cut the gray rabbit's belly, took out the rabbit meat, and roasted it next to the fire. Then she used branches to prop it up, put it in her mouth and chewed it voraciously. The fragrant and mellow taste filled the tip of her tongue. Yu Xueyao ate it with relish, and sighed in her heart: It's so cool!

At this moment, Yu Xueyao was sensitive to a hint of murderous intent, and she looked up vigilantly.

A masked woman in black clothes and a veil lurked over silently, with a sharp dagger against Yu Xueyao's neck.

"Woo wow - help!" Yu Xueyao cried and struggled desperately.

The masked woman seemed to dislike the noise, covered Yu Xueyao's mouth, and dragged her into the depths of the dense forest.

"Woo wow!" Yu Xueyao slapped the masked woman's hand vigorously, wanting to call for help, but the masked woman blocked Yu Xueyao's mouth and nose with a piece of cloth, so that Yu Xueyao couldn't shout no matter how hard she struggled.

"Woo wow!" Yu Xueyao was terrified.

"Little girl, don't struggle hard, just accept your fate." The masked woman's voice was hoarse, as if her throat was damaged, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Yu Xueyao kept shaking her head, hoping that the masked woman would let go of her mouth, but the masked woman seemed to be determined and ignored Yu Xueyao.

She dragged Yu Xueyao for about half an incense stick of time, and finally came to a valley.

"What do you want to do?" Yu Xueyao asked fearfully.

"What do you say I want to do?" The masked woman sneered and showed her ferocious fangs.

Yu Xueyao trembled in horror. She wanted to escape, but the masked woman grabbed her neck and she couldn't escape at all. She could only beg for mercy in panic: "Auntie, I, I was wrong... Please forgive me... I, I won't dare to do it again..."

"Huh, wouldn't it be better if you did it earlier? You have to waste my time." The woman said, and let go of Yu Xueyao's neck.

Yu Xueyao greedily breathed in fresh air. She touched her hot cheeks and looked at the woman's back and said, "Since you are so powerful, why do you still bully me?"

"I don't like nonsense." The woman said coldly.

"..." She couldn't speak because she didn't dare to provoke this cruel and perverted man.

"Did you peek at me taking a shower just now?"

"..." Yu Xueyao pursed her lips awkwardly: "Ahem, um, misunderstanding... all misunderstandings..." She did see it, but she didn't see anything she shouldn't see.

"Misunderstanding? You saw my unchaste body, how can I forgive you?"

"Uh, I promise I didn't see it." Yu Xueyao waved her hand to clarify.

"Do you think I'm a fool? My clothes are wet."

"Well, that... your body is the most beautiful body I've ever seen, so I was stunned without realizing it."

"Hmph, you have a sweet mouth." The masked woman smiled strangely: "But I like it, I will satisfy you later."

After saying that, she threw a coquettish look at Yu Xueyao and turned to leave.

Yu Xueyao looked at the graceful and charming back, cursing the monster in her heart. Not only does she look charming, she also has a perverted personality!

"Stop, where are you taking me?" Yu Xueyao rushed to the masked woman.

"Where are you going? You must cooperate with what I want to take you to do. Otherwise, you know the consequences!" The masked woman stretched out her slender white index finger to draw circles on Yu Xueyao's chest, and her provocative tone made Yu Xueyao's body tremble. Goosebumps broke out.

She took two steps back: "You, you don't really want to throw me to a brothel, do you?"

Yu Xueyao's voice already had a crying tone.

The masked woman giggled and looked at Yu Xueyao mockingly: "Little girl, do I look like a thirsty person? I want to sell you to the madam."

"No, don't, you will die if you sell me to the madam!" Yu Xueyao shook her head desperately, with a look of pleading on her face.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you this time." The masked woman's eyes flashed with viciousness.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu up up up up upscale

"Pa!" Yu Xueyao's head hit the ground hard, and her forehead instantly became red and swollen. The pain made her eyes burst into tears, and she gritted her teeth with hatred.

"I said, you are not allowed to call me ugly! Can you call me by my name?" The masked woman kicked Yu Xueyao away and glanced at Yu Xueyao indifferently.

"Uuuuuuuuah, you madman, you are just a madman..." Yu Xueyao lay on the ground, holding her knees and crying.

"You say I'm a madman? Okay, today I'll help you! Let you see with your own eyes whether I'm a madman or not." The masked woman grabbed Yu Xueyao, put her on her shoulders and strode forward Head outside.

Yu Xueyao was frightened, she didn't want to die. She doesn't want to die yet.

"Help, help..." Yu Xueyao roared at the top of her lungs.

Yu Xueyao's shout attracted the attention of the surrounding beasts, and several wolf dogs ran over from a distance.

The masked woman looked at the wild dog that rushed towards her, frowned slightly, and threw Yu Xueyao to the ground.

Her speed was so fast that by the time those wild dogs caught up with her, Yu Xueyao had no idea where she was being carried.


The wild dogs howled into the air, obviously not seeing anyone.

"Hmph, you are a fool who dares to take advantage of me!" The masked woman sneered coldly. With a wave of her hand, the barking wild dog instantly collapsed to the ground and twitched.

When Yu Xueyao woke up again, it was already noon the next day. The sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. The warm spring breeze blew on her body, making her comatose body feel extremely comfortable. She moved her arms lazily.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes suddenly, sat up, looked around, and found that she was sleeping in a cave, and her clothes were neat, and there was nothing unusual about her.

She rubbed her sore eyes, and the suffocating feeling of dying last night flooded into her brain again, and she was so frightened that she quickly wrapped herself in clothes.

Could it be that the masked woman had a conscience and let her go?

"Hey, little sister is awake?" Suddenly there was a joking voice.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xueyao immediately stared at the source of the sound warily. She saw an extraordinary and handsome man. He was sitting lazily under a thick ancient locust tree. He had a slender and strong figure, flowing black hair, and an exquisite figure. His facial features were as handsome as if they were carved by ghosts, but his thin lips had an evil arc, making him look sinister and cold.

Yu Xueyao was immediately frightened and fell to the ground, shouting in horror: "Who are you? Don't mess around."

"Hehehehe... little girl, don't you want to escape? I will send you out now." The man stood up slowly and approached Yu Xueyao slowly.

"Ah... no, no need, you, please send me out, I don't want to die!" Yu Xueyao looked at the man approaching her step by step in horror, and kept moving back, trying to avoid his claws.

"You don't want to die? What should I do? I just want to kill you." The man's soft tone was filled with chill.

"I, I don't know that I have offended you. Please be noble and let me go. If you want money, I have money. I will give it to you as much gold, silver and jewelry as you want. I just ask you not to kill me." Yuxue Yao knelt and crawled forward until she reached his feet. She raised her eyes and looked up at him, with a pity-like look on her face.

The masked woman looked down at her with a cold gaze.

Yu Xueyao shrank back, stared at the man with tears in her eyes, and prayed: "I really didn't mean to offend you. If you don't feel relieved, you can beat me and scold me. I just ask you to let me go..."

"Hahaha, my patience is limited." The woman suddenly reached out and pinched her slender chin.

"Woooooooooo..." Yu Xueyao screamed in fright.

The masked woman closed her fingers, squinted her eyes, and murmured: "I hate others touching me the most. How dare you take advantage of me? I will cut you into pieces to vent my anger."

After finishing her words, she let go of her hand and concentrated her inner strength with her right palm to hit Yu Xueyao's Tianling Cap.

Yu Xueyao's pupils shrank, her heart seemed to stop beating, and there was a look of despair in her eyes.

"Bang..." With a loud noise, Yu Xueyao was knocked away and she fell heavily to the ground.

She struggled to get up and looked at the tall black-robed man standing in front of her to block the attack. His face was hidden in the wide hood, only a pair of deep and sharp phoenix eyes remained, exuding an awe-inspiring aura.

"Who are you? Why do you want to stop me?" The woman yelled, her eyes burning.

"Your Excellency trespassed into a private house and hurt the innocent and weak. Aren't you afraid of being scorned?" the man said in a deep voice.

"I am the Saint of Jiuzhou. Since you know my identity, you should understand that I don't need a reason to kill people!" The masked woman sneered.

"Oh? You are the Saint? I have never heard of such an existence. Who are you kidding?" the man said sarcastically.

The masked woman was angry and said, "Looking for death!"

She flicked her finger and a lavender magic power shot at the man.

"Heh." The man sneered, turned his wrist, and also released a strong and domineering magic power to meet the attack.


The violent shock made Yu Xueyao's ears buzz. She couldn't bear it and squatted down with her ears covered. She didn't open her eyes until the shock subsided.

I saw two blue lights collided in front of me, splashing countless stars.

Blood flowed from the corners of Yu Xueyao's mouth, and her heart was in turmoil. Is this the so-called magic? It's really powerful!

The man was affected by the magic power of the masked woman, and took a step back to stabilize his body. He curled his lips: "So you are actually at the peak of the primary level of the Xuan level, not bad. But you want to compete with me with your little cultivation? Wishful thinking!"

After speaking, the man spread his legs, raised one hand above his head, muttered something, and then pushed his palm forward.

Boom boom--

Another loud noise.

The masked woman was knocked back three meters away, while the man was unharmed and stood there quietly.

"This, this is impossible." The masked woman scolded unwillingly.

Although she didn't use her full strength just now, that move was enough to kill Yu Xueyao, but why was this man fine at all?

"Who are you? Tell me your name!" The masked woman roared angrily.

The man walked slowly towards the masked woman and grabbed the masked woman's neck with one hand.

"Who are you? Why do you want to hurt the little girl?"

"Who are you?"

"Tell me! Who are you? Otherwise, I will crush your throat!"

"Ahem..." The masked woman breathed hard, her eyes changing unpredictably, "Who... are you?"

"You talk too much nonsense!" The man's face changed, and he increased the strength of his hand. The masked woman's face gradually turned red, her eyes bulged, and her eyeballs were full of bloodshot.

"I... I'll tell you..." The masked woman gritted her teeth and spat out three words.

"Speak!" The man's hand loosened a little, but he still pinched the masked woman's throat.

"My name is Su Yue, who are you?" The masked woman asked with a heavy breath.

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