"You are actually a saint from Jiuzhou Kingdom!" The man sneered coldly.

"Do you know me?" Su Yue stared at the man warily.

"Who doesn't know you, the only saint at the pinnacle of the Xuan Order in Jiuzhou Continent?" the man said sarcastically.

"Then why do you want to help her?" Su Yue frowned in confusion.

The man raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "I like to do good deeds, so I just want to help this cute and beautiful little girl."

Yu Xueyao almost laughed out loud when she heard this. This man praised her for her beauty and also said that he liked her for being cute and pretty? What nonsense! This guy obviously covets her beauty, okay?

"You...ahem...you..." Su Yue was so angry that she couldn't say a complete sentence. Her chest was tight and painful. She shook off the man's hand and stumbled a few steps before she managed to stand still. Staring at the man angrily: "It's my fault today, we'll meet again later!"

After saying that, Su Yue left quickly.

Looking at Su Yue's disappearing back, the man raised his lips and smiled evilly: "Little girl, you wait for me, I will rescue you myself soon, and then I want to see what this saint is like! Hahaha……"

Looking at the man's arrogant laughter, Yu Xueyao felt that the hairs all over her body stood up and she felt a chill running down her spine. She looked at the man walking away with fear, and secretly muttered, this man is not only superb in martial arts, but also extremely perverted, she must Escape from this dangerous place as soon as possible.

After figuring this out, Yu Xueyao immediately turned around and left.

"Hey, where are you going?" Yu Xueyao was about to leave the room when she heard the man's cry.

Yu Xueyao turned to look at the man, frowned and said, "It's none of your business!"

"I am not like some women who would say such vulgar words to a strange man." The man walked toward her step by step with a slight smile on his lips.

When Yu Xueyao saw the smile on his lips, her heart skipped a beat. She quickly turned around and ran away. However, when she ran to the door, the door was closed tightly. She tried her best to pull the door bolt, but it never moved. , she looked at the closed door anxiously, wishing to tear it apart.

what to do? what to do? She doesn't want to stay in this damn place!

Just when she was extremely anxious, the door of the room was suddenly opened from the outside.

"Ah -" Yu Xueyao dodged in panic, her feet slipped and she fell to the bedside.

Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, the man stretched his long arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms.

The man lowered his eyes and looked at the woman in his arms, with a hint of teasing in his eyes. His low, magnetic voice sounded in Yu Xueyao's ears, his tone was lazy and charming, "You are not timid!"

Yu Xueyao raised her head and happened to meet his eyes.

I saw him dressed in silver like snow, with long, thick, ink-dyed black hair hanging down from his shoulders, handsome facial features, and narrow red phoenix eyes with glaze-like light, which seemed to contain soul-stirring magic power.

Yu Xueyao was stunned for a moment, then she pushed the man away suddenly, quickly took two steps back, and stared warily at the handsome man in front of her.

"Who are you?" Yu Xueyao asked.

Her expression was serious and her eyes were full of vigilance. He couldn't remember how many times he had seen such a woman in his previous life.

Regardless of whether the man is friend or foe, Yu Xueyao will not expose herself easily because her situation is too dangerous and she will lose her life if she is not careful.

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes as deep as the sea stared at Yu Xueyao, and the smile on his lips became stronger.

"Where is this?" the man asked.

"Why should I tell you? I have something important to do, so I'm leaving first! Goodbye!" Yu Xueyao bowed her hands and was about to take a step forward, but unexpectedly her body suddenly flew into the air.

"Ah..." She screamed in fright and hugged the man's arm tightly.

"Are you afraid?" The man looked sideways at Yu Xueyao, with a hint of mockery in his tone.

Yu Xueyao smiled awkwardly and said dryly: "I'm not afraid, I'm just worried about my own safety."

"Since you're not afraid, why do you need to hug me?" the man said frivolously, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in little girls."

Yu Xueyao's face turned slightly red and she curled her lips in displeasure, "I don't believe it."

The man snorted lightly and said nothing.

Yu Xueyao felt anxious and asked tentatively: "Are you not that kind of domineering, cruel and murderous big demon?" She asked cautiously.

The man raised his chin and looked down at Yu Xueyao: "What if I say yes?"

Hearing this, Yu Xueyao's heart trembled, and she subconsciously buried her head in the man's arms.

The man's body suddenly stiffened. He looked down at Yu Xueyao who was nestled in his arms, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Hey, you and I are strangers, why are you arresting me? Do you know that this will get me into trouble?" Yu Xueyao asked aggrievedly.

"What trouble did you get into?" the man said disdainfully.

"I've been spying on the secret book for so long, what if I'm discovered?" Yu Xueyao became more and more frightened as she thought about it, and couldn't help shrinking her body.

"Haha...I see." The man chuckled.

"Huh? Why are you laughing?"

"Laughing at you for being stupid."

Yu Xueyao became angry from shame, "Who are you calling stupid? Your whole family is stupid!"

The man suppressed his smile, and a cold and sharp light burst out from his eyes, "You dare to scold my whole family? Are you looking for death?"


"I hate it most when someone talks about my parents and family, especially a despicable ant like you!" The man's voice was like a reminder from hell, sending chills all over Yu Xueyao's body.

She was extremely scared. Could this bastard really kill her?

Yu Xueyao thought for a while and decided to endure it for the time being. She raised her eyes to meet the man's cold and gloomy gaze, and raised her chin stubbornly: "You want to kill me?"

The man snorted coldly and did not answer.

"Although my parents treat me badly, we are siblings, and I will not let anyone bully them." Yu Xueyao said loudly.

"Siblings?" The man was surprised, as if he didn't expect that this seemingly thin and frail woman would have such deep feelings.

"That's right!"

After Yu Xueyao finished speaking, she saw that the man was still staring at her without saying a word, thinking that he did not believe her, so she continued: "My parents did not treat me well, but I have never blamed them, and I will not blame them for their treatment of me. If not, I won't recognize them as my parents, and I will do my best to protect them. I am an orphan, and my parents gave me away, so I can't blame anyone." At this point, Yu Xueyao sighed. Sadness: "Alas...I don't know where my parents are now, or what's going on with them."

After hearing Yu Xueyao's words, the man's pupils suddenly tightened and his heart twitched suddenly. He lowered his eyes to cover up the storm surging under his eyes, and then returned to normal.

He opened his lips lightly and said indifferently: "I am your senior brother."

Senior brother? Yu Xueyao opened her eyes wide in shock.

She looked up and down at the man in front of her, and then suddenly realized that he was actually her senior brother! No wonder she always felt that the person in front of her was familiar. It turned out to be her senior brother. Yu Xueyao suddenly became excited: "Senior brother, you are not dead?"

Senior brother is not dead? Very good! Finally, she no longer had to be wary of her senior brother and worry about his revenge!

Senior brother's martial arts are so strong, if he is willing to help her, she should be able to get out of her current situation soon.

Thinking of this, Yu Xueyao's eyes instantly became moist.

"Why are you crying?" The man frowned.

"Woo..." Yu Xueyao wiped away her tears and choked: "I thought you were dead, so I was sad."

"Oh?" The man exclaimed, "If I die, will you be sad for me?"

"Of course! After all, we have always been best friends." Yu Xueyao nodded.

The man raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? Then will you marry me? Be my princess."

Yu Xueyao was shocked when she heard this, crossed her arms over her chest, looked at him with wide eyes, and kept shaking her head.

The man raised his eyebrows: "You don't like me?"

"No." Yu Xueyao gritted her teeth and said, "We met by chance, and I am powerless and not worthy of you."

"Haha..." The man chuckled, "You don't have to belittle yourself. Although you are a waste, you have a tough heart! I appreciate you."


"My name is Ye Qingyu. You can call me Ye Qingyu or Pluto." Ye Qingyu announced domineeringly.

"What?" Yu Xueyao opened her mouth in surprise.

"Stop pretending, I know you have discovered me a long time ago!" A dark glow appeared in Ye Qingyu's eyes.

Yu Xueyao smiled awkwardly, "Ahem... I just woke up and my mind is a little confused."

Ye Qingyu twitched the corners of his lips, "In that case, I will give you three days to think about it. Within three days, if you do not agree to be my wife, I will take you to Hades and imprison you forever."

"No, I absolutely can't go to the underworld with you! You can't control me!" Yu Xueyao said angrily.

Her current soul is so weak that she cannot withstand Pluto's soul-obsessing technique. Once controlled by Pluto, won't she lose her freedom forever?

"I'll give you three days to think it over carefully, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." After the man said that, he turned and left.

"Oops!" Yu Xueyao hurriedly caught up, grabbed Ye Qingyu's sleeve and said, "Wait for me."

Ye Qingyu glanced at Yu Xueyao, turned around and walked out.

Yu Xueyao breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he had no intention of driving her away. She jogged a few steps, walking closely behind Ye Qingyu.

"Hey, you haven't said who you are yet? Why are you here?" Yu Xueyao couldn't help but ask.

"Ye Qingyu, you are the King of Hades!"

Yu Xueyao's whole body was shaken violently, "You...you..."

She pointed at him, then at herself, and said in shock: "Are you the Pluto Ye Qingyu?"

"Exactly!" Ye Qingyu nodded and spoke in a calm tone.

"Ah..." Yu Xueyao was stunned. After a while, she patted her flattered chest and took a long breath, "I was scared to death. Fortunately, you are Pluto."

"Huh?" Ye Qingyu frowned in confusion.

Yu Xueyao laughed dryly, scratched her head, and explained: "Actually... Actually, I am... the daughter of the head of the Immortal Sect!"

Ye Qingyu stared at Yu Xueyao with his deep phoenix eyes and said nothing for a while.

Yu Xueyao was horrified by what he saw. She smiled and said, "Senior brother, don't worry! I won't tell the head master that you are lying to me."

"..." Ye Qingyu pursed his thin lips.

Yu Xueyao felt uneasy. She didn't know what Ye Qingyu meant, and she didn't dare to make random guesses, so she simply remained silent.

The two of them walked in silence for an unknown amount of time, when they suddenly heard Ye Qingyu say, "We're here."

Yu Xueyao turned around and found that they were already standing outside a cave.

Ye Qingyu walked towards the cave.

"Hey, where are we going?" Yu Xueyao asked as she walked in.

"Save your grandpa." Ye Qingyu said calmly.

Yu Xueyao was stunned, "But, my grandfather is dead!"

She remembered that in her previous life, her grandfather did not die, but died in an accident. She had also visited her grandfather's grave.

"Your grandfather's soul is in this cave." Ye Qingyu's tone was still indifferent.

Yu Xueyao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly reacted, "You, you can see ghosts?"

Ye Qingyu ignored her.

Yu Xueyao was even more shocked.

Her senior brother could even see ghosts!

She suddenly thought of what Ye Qingyu said, he was the Hades of the underworld!

With such a great identity, no wonder he was so arrogant.

Yu Xueyao curled her lips, she really didn't know whether she should be glad that she could meet such a powerful person!

She only hoped that her grandfather could come back to life!

The two walked along the passage, and it became darker and darker. Yu Xueyao felt that the surroundings were getting colder and colder. The cold wind scraped her cheeks like a knife, stinging unbearably.

Yu Xueyao hugged her arms and couldn't help trembling.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Qingyu glanced at her with his head tilted slightly, "You are too timid."

"I am just an ordinary person." Yu Xueyao lowered her head bitterly, she was quite timid.

Not only was she timid, but she was also afraid of ghosts.

Ye Qingyu did not speak.

Yu Xueyao looked up and glanced at the dark surroundings. She found that the corridor seemed very long, as if it had no end.

She couldn't help but muttered: "Your Highness Pluto, are you sure that my grandfather's soul is in this corridor?"

"Yeah." Ye Qingyu responded lightly and continued to walk forward.

Yu Xueyao frowned and looked ahead, her heart was up and down. She felt that what happened tonight was weird. She and Ye Qingyu had just met for a short time and hadn't even said a few words, but he brought her here! What was his purpose?

"Hey! Ye Qingyu! Who are you?" Yu Xueyao did not give up and continued to ask.

"Who do you care who I am? If you cooperate with me, your family can still survive." Ye Qingyu stopped and warned Yu Xueyao coldly.

Yu Xueyao's heart trembled, she gritted her teeth, and asked with courage: "What is your purpose?"

She couldn't be deceived in vain, she had to ask clearly.

"I want you to be my woman."

After Ye Qingyu finished speaking, Yu Xueyao was completely confused. She looked at him in astonishment: "What the hell?"

What did he say? He actually wanted to marry her?

Was she hallucinating?

"Is there something wrong with your ears? I said I want to marry you." Ye Qingyu repeated it again, his expression serious and serious, not like he was teasing Yu Xueyao at all.

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