"You're crazy!" Yu Xueyao glared at Ye Qingyu and shouted, "How old am I?" She is only nineteen years old now.

Ye Qingyu narrowed his eyes and stared at Yu Xueyao, his long, narrow and deep eyes flashing with a dangerous luster.

Feeling the strong pressure emanating from him, Yu Xueyao's body stiffened. She held her breath and did not dare to move.

"You are still too young. Let's wait until you are older before we talk about marriage." After a long time, Ye Qingyu calmed down his anger and said slowly.

There was no wave in his tone, but his words caused Yu Xueyao's complexion to change instantly, turning into the color of pig liver!

What's the meaning? Does he dislike her for being too young?

"I don't agree! I'm not old enough yet!" Yu Xueyao gritted her teeth, furious.

"You have no right to refuse." After Ye Qingyu said this, he walked straight into the cave regardless of Yu Xueyao's protest.

The cave was very deep, and after walking for about a stick of incense, Ye Qingyu finally stopped.

Yu Xueyao followed Ye Qingyu's gaze and saw a pile of dead grass.

Is this grandpa's body?

Yu Xueyao's heart was pounding, and a trace of sadness arose in her heart. Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's all Yao'er who is useless, and I can't protect you!

"Master, we are late. Please forgive me for being unfilial and unable to avenge you!" Ye Qingyu knelt down and kowtowed three times, then opened the food box in his hand, took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and set out the food. Then he was ready to start burning paper money for the old man.

As soon as Ye Qingyu picked up the fire seal, Yu Xueyao rushed over and snatched the fire seal from his hand and threw it away.

"What are you doing?" Ye Qingyu's cold eyes shot at Yu Xueyao, "Don't cause trouble at this time!"

Yu Xueyao shook her head stubbornly, "I don't allow you to burn paper money." Her grandfather is no longer here, but he still burns it for him to eat. Doesn't it make him more lonely?

Ye Qingyu raised his eyebrows and said displeased: "Why?"

Yu Xueyao insisted: "Because my grandfather is no longer here, he has turned into ashes."

"So what? As long as he lives for one day, I can help him come back to life." Ye Qingyu said domineeringly.

Hearing this, Yu Xueyao was immediately dumbfounded.

Although she doesn't know anything about cultivation, she also understands that there are some mysterious techniques in this world that can bring people back to life.

She grabbed Ye Qingyu's arm excitedly: "You, you, you...are you serious?"

Ye Qingyu glanced at the red arm that was clenched by her, frowned hard, stretched out his hand to hold her wrist, shook her away violently, and left quickly.

After Yu Xueyao was mercilessly thrown away by Ye Qingyu, she staggered back two steps and almost fell down.

"Hey, Ye Qingyu!" Yu Xueyao hurriedly caught up. She pulled Ye Qingyu's sleeves and begged: "Since you are so powerful, you must have a way to bring grandpa back to life, right? You can help my grandpa first. I promise I will never run away again."

Her attitude was sincere, and her pleading was filled with sincerity and expectation, making it impossible to refuse.

Ye Qingyu's expression softened slightly, and a slight smile appeared on his stern face. That smile was like the warm spring sun, lighting up the entire dark cave.

He turned to look at Yu Xueyao and snorted: "You'd better not run away in the future! Otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

His voice was low and charming, just like the sound of a guqin, with a magical power that bewitched people's hearts. Yu Xueyao felt like a pot was exploding in her mind!

She felt like she was going crazy. Why did this man smile better than all the handsome men she had ever seen?

Ye Qingyu released his hold on Yu Xueyao's wrist and turned around to continue burning paper money.

This was the second time he burned paper money. The first time he burned was his mother's clothes.

He originally thought he would be very disappointed, but when he threw out all the paper money in his hand, he felt unprecedented joy in his heart.

"Ye Qingyu, what do you want to do?" Yu Xueyao immediately stepped forward to ask after seeing Ye Qingyu burn the paper money.

Ye Qingyu glanced at Yu Xueyao: "You don't need to know." After saying that, he walked forward.

Yu Xueyao followed closely: "Ye Qingyu, where are you taking me?"

"Shut up, I'll leave you alone."

Yu Xueyao pursed her lips, stamped her feet unwillingly, and had no choice but to shut up.

She looked at the man in front of her and suddenly felt a little strange.

Why is his character so unstable? He was fine just now, why did he suddenly fall out?

Ye Qingyu walked to the stone door, condensed spiritual power in his right hand, and tapped the stone door.

"Dong-dong-dong..." After knocking five or six times in succession, Yu Xueyao vaguely heard muffled sounds coming from behind the stone door.

She looked at the stone door in surprise. Could there be any treasure hidden here?

Just as she was thinking wildly, the stone door opened.

Yu Xueyao was extremely surprised. She didn't expect that the stone gate could actually move.

Ye Qingyu stepped into the stone chamber.

The stone room was not spacious. Except for a simple bed placed in the corner, the rest of the room was empty. Apart from that, there was no other object.

Yu Xueyao looked around in confusion, with an ominous premonition in her heart. She always felt that this cave was unusual.

"Ye Qingyu, why did you bring me here?" Yu Xueyao swallowed, a little nervous.

Her intuition told her that the man in front of her was very difficult to deal with. He was not only decisive in killing, but also powerful.

Ye Qingyu ignored Yu Xueyao. He raised his hand and waved his sleeves, and a bead the size of an egg flew to Yu Xueyao's forehead.

"Ah..." Yu Xueyao was so scared that she hid back, but she forgot that there was a wall behind her and there was nowhere to hide.

Ye Qingyu stood in front of her, looking down at her, and his thin lips slightly opened: "Put this bead on your neck."

"What? Why do you want to hang such a sacred bead on my neck?" Yu Xueyao was puzzled, "Could this bead be useful to my grandfather?"

After a moment of silence, Ye Qingyu said indifferently: "Your grandfather's life force is cut off, and his soul has long ceased to exist. Whether it is useful or not, his life was saved by this seat, and this seat has the responsibility to send him into reincarnation."

Yu Xueyao was shocked and widened her eyes. She couldn't speak for a long time. Did grandpa's lifespan run out?

"Do you want to take grandpa to our village?" She couldn't help guessing.

Ye Qingyu curled his lips and didn't deny it.

"I'll go back with you!" Yu Xueyao agreed without hesitation. Grandpa was so kind to her, she would not abandon grandpa.

"Yes." Ye Qingyu nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left the stone room. When he walked out, he ordered: "After packing up your things, leave with me."

Yu Xueyao immediately followed him, following him happily, not daring to neglect him at all.

Ye Qingyu frowned when he saw this, and he quickened his pace a bit: "Slow down."

"Oh." Yu Xueyao pouted, quickened her pace, and followed him. She didn't want to be left behind again.

After she caught up, she found that Ye Qingyu was riding on the back of a black giant tiger, and the black tiger was carrying him leisurely and didn't seem to feel tired.

Yu Xueyao blinked her watery eyes: "Did you raise this tiger?"

"No." Ye Qingyu's voice was still extremely cold. He stared at the girl beside him, "This is my contracted beast."

"Contracted beast?" Yu Xueyao was stunned.

The contracted beast is a spiritual beast that has signed a blood contract with its owner. As long as the contracted beast is willing, the owner can summon it thousands of miles away in an instant. But the contracted beast is gifted, one in ten thousand.

It is said that such a contracted beast has spiritual intelligence.

Her heart was pounding, such a person is just like the legendary immortal!

"Such a powerful tiger has become your contracted beast, Ye Qingyu, I admire you more and more!" Yu Xueyao's eyes were shining with excitement.

She always thought that she was a native of this world, but now she realized that there was another kind of blood flowing in her body, the blood of a cultivator!

Although her spiritual power was very weak and she couldn't even use spiritual arts, she could clearly feel the breath of the spirit beast and the pressure.

This was also the reason why she didn't resist when she was caught by Ye Qingyu before, because she couldn't resist at all.

Ye Qingyu looked at her excited expression, and his cold expression finally softened a lot: "This tiger is called Tunyun Tiger, my mount, and I don't want to see it again in the future."

"Oh..." Yu Xueyao nodded in agreement, and then shook her head: "But it is your contracted beast, it belongs to you, why should you listen to me?"

"What did you say?" Ye Qingyu's eyes turned cold, staring at her coldly.

"Ahem, ahem..." Yu Xueyao touched her nose awkwardly, and changed her words: "I said this tiger is really domineering! Its name is so cool, who are you? Who will be its future owner?"

"You don't have to worry about these."

"..." Yu Xueyao pouted, why is this man so stubborn?

"I will take you to a place, once you get there, you will see the residual soul of your grandfather." Ye Qingyu said, holding her hand and walked out, Yu Xueyao's heart suddenly set off a huge wave of shock, is grandpa really still alive?

The two walked out of the cave together and successfully arrived at a small courtyard at the foot of the mountain.

This small courtyard looks shabby, and the outside of the courtyard is full of weeds, showing a sense of desolation.

Yu Xueyao's eyes fell on Ye Qingyu. Ye Qingyu's eyes swept across the entire courtyard, and finally stopped at the house at the deepest part of the courtyard. The door of the house was locked and there was no light inside.

"Is it here?" Yu Xueyao was a little suspicious. Could it be that grandpa was in such a room? But she had heard from others that grandpa had passed away since she was a child!

"Yeah." Ye Qingyu led her into the yard.

"No one is here." Yu Xueyao looked around and whispered to make sure that no one was there.

"Yeah." Ye Qingyu ignored her and pushed the door and walked in.

Yu Xueyao hurriedly chased in.

The furnishings in the room were very simple. In addition to the tables, chairs, benches, counters, beds and tables and benches, there was only a wooden box next to the bed, and a scroll was in the wooden box.

"Ye Qingyu, show me the painting."

Ye Qingyu reached out and took down the scroll and handed it to her.

Yu Xueyao unfolded the scroll, and what came into view was the appearance of Grandpa, who looked kind and gentle, with a smile on his face, as if he was an old man in his sleep.

"Grandpa..." Yu Xueyao's eyes were moist, tears slid down, and she shouted anxiously, "Wake up soon! Yao'er misses you."

Yu Xueyao wiped away the tears and continued to observe the painting.

The Grandpa in the painting was wearing a simple blue shirt, with a smile on his face, looking very kind, making people unable to help but get close.

Ye Qingyu's eyes were fixed on Grandpa's face, and suddenly his pupils widened, flashing with complex light.

"What's wrong?"

"Grandpa's bones have not melted, and his bone marrow has not disappeared completely."

"Really?" Yu Xueyao was ecstatic. If it was true as Ye Qingyu said, Grandpa would definitely be able to survive.

"Where is grandpa's body?" Yu Xueyao asked excitedly.

"In the coffin."

"Coffin?" Yu Xueyao was stunned for a moment, and the dark coffin appeared in her mind. She shuddered and trembled.

"Are you afraid of coffins?" Ye Qingyu raised his eyebrows.

"Nonsense." Yu Xueyao rolled her eyes, "Everyone is afraid of coffins, okay? Especially a dark coffin, my legs go weak when I see it." Her eyes fell on the drawing paper, where there was a line of beautiful calligraphy - Grandpa, rest in peace.

This sentence touched her fragile heart, and tears burst out again.

"Why are you crying?" Ye Qingyu frowned: "Don't cry, otherwise I will throw you away."

"Why are you so fierce?" Yu Xueyao raised her head and roared angrily.

Since she could remember, her grandmother had died, and her grandfather was the only relative who loved her. Although she had never enjoyed the pampering of her parents, she knew that her grandfather treated her very well. Every winter, her grandfather would send her clothes, shoes, socks, and meat. Although the food was rough, she felt very happy.

She had imagined that when she grew up, she would get married and have a baby, and her grandfather would be happier.

But she didn't expect that she would be sold by her parents before she found a husband. In order to save her, her grandfather cut off his arm to survive, but was killed in the end and died with his eyes open.

Ye Qingyu frowned and looked at her in silence.

"Hey..." Yu Xueyao gently pushed him and whispered, "Thank you for telling me this secret, but let's do business first."

Ye Qingyu pursed his lips and said nothing.

Yu Xueyao looked at him with a strange look: "Ye Qingyu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ye Qingyu glanced at her lightly, walked out of the village, and Yu Xueyao hurriedly followed him.

"Ye Qingyu, where are you going?" Yu Xueyao asked in confusion.

"Go save your grandpa." His footsteps did not stop at all, and his voice was cold.

"Even if we save grandpa, he is dead now. He has stopped breathing. How can we help him get rid of it?" Yu Xueyao frowned. Although she hated her parents and brother, her grandfather treated her very well. He taught her to read and write since she was a child, and also let her practice martial arts to strengthen her body. She didn't believe that grandpa would leave like this.

"Stupid, grandpa's bones have long been rotten. He is not dead, but faked death." Ye Qingyu turned his head and looked at her with contempt. He didn't think this girl could understand.

"Ah? Fake death?" Yu Xueyao widened her eyes in shock and looked at Ye Qingyu in disbelief.

Ye Qingyu ignored her and walked directly out of the village. Yu Xueyao hesitated for a moment and followed him.

At this time, in a hidden cave, an old woman sat cross-legged on the ground with her eyes closed, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance. She was the doctor of Yujia Village, Grandma Sun.

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