Ye Qingyu stood opposite Sun Po.

Yu Xueyao hid in the dark and watched secretly.

"It's so late, what's the purpose of Mr. Ye coming here?"

"I want you to refine the life-extending pill." Ye Qingyu said indifferently.

"The blood of the flame beast is necessary to refine the life-extending pill." Sun Po sighed slightly, "Mr. Ye, please go out first, I still need to prepare."

Ye Qingyu snorted coldly but did not leave.

Looking at Ye Qingyu's appearance, Sun Po frowned, then shook her head, took out a few black stones from the Qiankun bag, and placed them in front of her.

Yu Xueyao looked at the stones in front of Grandma Sun, feeling surprised in her heart. Those stones turned out to be the core of the flame beast! This kind of thing is very rare and precious in the mysterious world. It is said that only under special circumstances, the core of the flame beast can be bred. This thing is extremely versatile and is the most lacking thing for weapon refiners, formation masters or beast tamers.

Ye Qingyu looked at Sun Po's actions, the corners of his mouth curved in an evil way, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Master Ye, please leave. Don't hinder me from refining elixirs."

"I'm waiting for you." Ye Qingyu still stood there, saying nothing.

"Since Young Master Ye insists on doing this, I will not send you far away." Sun Po was too lazy to care about him, closed her eyes and concentrated on refining the elixir.

"Your name is Granny Sun, right?" Yu Xueyao quietly approached and asked in a low voice.

Sun Po nodded, "Well, are you a girl from Yujia Village?"


"Oh, then you should know who my granddaughter is, right?"

"I know, my mother said that my father has a very good relationship with your family, and you are my grandfather's friend." Yu Xueyao nodded, of course she remembered her grandfather's explanation.

"Haha..." Sun Po showed a bitter expression and sighed without saying anything else.

Ye Qingyu narrowed his eyes, looking at the stone in front of Sun Po, and became more determined to save Yu Zhongping.

Yu Xueyao looked at the cores of the five flame beasts in front of Sun Po and swallowed greedily.

If she possesses the flame beast core, she can learn the art of refining weapons.

Seeing that Sun Po was completely immersed in alchemy, Yu Xueyao quietly left the cave, looking for pheasants along the way, hoping that their blood could detoxify them, and collecting some herbs by the way. This was her task tonight.

Yu Xueyao walked upstream along the river bank and met many prey along the way, but because she was worried about Ye Qingyu, she had no intention of hunting the prey.

Suddenly, her eyes stopped on two flowers under a tree.

The branches are covered with bright red lotus flowers, with seven petals in total. The flowers bloom like fire and are beautiful.

The rhizome of the red lotus is as small as a snake, red, tender and soft.

"Is this the rumored red lotus?" Yu Xueyao ran over in surprise, picked off two flowers, and looked at them carefully.

"beautiful flowers!"

Yu Xueyao was filled with emotions. The memory of the original owner told her that this was a red lotus flower, which was used to refine the longevity pill. Unfortunately, she had never seen the longevity pill and was not sure that it really existed.

She took the red lotus and walked towards the cave.

"Ye Qingyu, look quickly."

Ye Qingyu looked at the little girl who walked into the cave. She was holding two red lotus flowers in her hands, with a happy smile on her face, and handed the two red lotus flowers to Sun Po.

"Ye Qingyu, look I found the red lotus."

Sun Po opened her eyes and looked at the red lotus, her eyes becoming deep.

She reached out to take the red lotus and sniffed it: "Yes, it is indeed the red lotus that alchemists dream of." She put away the red lotus and continued to refine the elixir. Not long after, she refined a verdant green elixir. After it was done, she handed it to Yu Xueyao: "Take this pill, and I guarantee that your grandpa's life will not be in danger when he wakes up tomorrow."

Yu Xueyao couldn't wait to swallow the pill, and instantly felt a heat flowing through her limbs.

She closed her eyes and ran the "Nine Revolutions of Creation" to slowly repair the wounds on her body. After recovering some of her strength, she opened her eyes again.

"Ye Qingyu, look, my grandpa is fine, hahaha, that's great."


Yu Xueyao smiled and nodded: "Thank you." She took out a banknote from her bag and handed it to Ye Qingyu: "Ye Qingyu, thank you for your help. Here, this is the reward. If it's not enough, come to me for it. "

Ye Qingyu took the banknote, glanced at the amount written on it, and his mouth twitched.

"Are you sure that's all?"

"Can't you?"

"What do you think?" Ye Qingyu raised an eyebrow and asked, is this girl mentally ill? When an ordinary child gets a huge sum of money, they would like to hug their thighs and call them their ancestors. But she actually looks dissatisfied. Doesn’t she know that a life-extending pill can be exchanged for a lot of money?

Yu Xueyao curled her lips: "Then how much do you want?"

"So you are short of money?"

"Of course, why would you buy so much food and clothing if you don't lack money?"

A playful smile appeared on Ye Qingyu's lips: "Let's do this. If you marry me as your wife, all your money will belong to me. What do you think?"

Hearing Ye Qingyu's words, Yu Xueyao was stunned for a moment, raised her head and blinked her watery almond eyes cutely.

Ye Qingyu's heartbeat skipped half a beat because of her look. He immediately looked away: "This time it will be counted as interest, and we will mention it later."

Ye Qingyu felt inexplicably irritable. He turned his back to Yu Xueyao indifferently, looked at the banknote in his hand, and frowned. This girl was really troublesome. She dared to stare at him. She deserved a beating.

Thinking of this, he tore up the banknotes without hesitation and threw them on the ground.

Yu Xueyao widened her eyes and looked at the banknotes on the ground. She was so heartbroken that she almost cried. This was a full ten taels of silver, and it was destroyed just like that. Woohoo...

"Don't cry." Ye Qingyu suddenly thought that this little girl was quite interesting and couldn't help teasing her.

Yu Xueyao's eyes were blurred with tears, and she stamped her feet angrily: "Bad guy." She picked up the scraps of paper on the ground and stepped on them hard, muttering in her heart: "Ye Qingyu, I curse you to never get a wife in the future." Although she didn't really curse him, she was really angry.

When Ye Qingyu heard Yu Xueyao's words, his eyes suddenly became sharp. As soon as he stepped towards Yu Xueyao, Yu Xueyao had already run away.

"Stinky little girl." Ye Qingyu gritted his teeth and growled, then chased after her, grabbed Yu Xueyao's collar and pulled her back.

"Ah..." Yu Xueyao screamed in fear, "Let go!"

Ye Qingyu threw her to the ground and said coldly: "Stinky girl, I advise you to stay where you are and don't run around." After that, he turned and walked into the cave.

As soon as Ye Qingyu entered the cave, he felt a hint of cold air.

Yu Xueyao looked at the dark and cold cave and wrinkled her nose.

"It's so cold! This cave is more frightening than the village." For some reason, she always had a hunch that there was something strange in this cave.

Just as she was about to go in to investigate, bursts of coughing came from the cave.

"Grandpa?" Yu Xueyao rushed into the cave.

An old man with white hair leaned on the bed, his thin cheeks were sunken, and his eyes were deep, like a ghost.

"Grandpa, you finally woke up!" Yu Xueyao rushed to the old man, hugged his arms and cried loudly.

"Yaoyao? Why is it you? How did you get in? Isn't the barrier outside broken? Go back quickly, you can't follow me to take risks."

"Grandpa, Yaoyao has grown up, I will take good care of myself, Grandpa, you can rest and recuperate, don't worry too much."

"Yaoyao, don't worry about me, I'm not worried about my life now, I just need to rest for a few years." Yu Zhongping looked at the cave, and there was no one else.

"Thank you for this matter this time." He looked at Ye Qingyu gratefully: "If you hadn't saved me this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't have survived."

Ye Qingyu shook his head lightly: "It's just a little effort, don't worry about it, I wonder what your plans are next?"

"What about you? Where are you going?" Yu Zhongping asked doubtfully. He couldn't see through the identity of this man, but he was definitely powerful.

"I'm going to find someone."

Yu Zhongping nodded: "In that case, we happen to be going the same way, I wonder if we can take a ride?"

Ye Qingyu thought for a moment and agreed.

"Grandpa, please wait for me. I'll go get something." Yu Xueyao turned and ran out.

"Grandpa, let's leave here first." She took Yu Zhongping and quickly fled from the cliffs and headed towards the town.

"Yaoyao, who taught you this speed?" Yu Zhongping was surprised that this little girl could easily take him up the cliffs and leave safely.

"Secret." She stuck out her tongue playfully, and then pointed to a three-story building in the distance: "Grandpa, you rest in the inn for one night, I'll sell some things to make money, and come back soon."

Yu Zhongping originally planned to go with Yu Xueyao, after all, this mountain forest was really weird, but seeing her excited look, he could only nod, and then gave a few instructions and went back to the room.

"Grandpa." Yu Xueyao knocked on the door of the inn.

The shopkeeper opened the door and recognized Yu Xueyao at a glance: "Miss Yu, how come you have time to come here today?"

"Shopkeeper, I came here specially to deliver goods to you this time." She took out a bottle of ointment from her sleeve pocket and stuffed it into the shopkeeper's arms, revealing a sweet smile.

"What is this?" The shopkeeper looked at Yu Xueyao curiously.

"This is the scar removal and beauty cream I developed. The effect is very good. I see that there are a few fine lines on the shopkeeper's face. After applying it, it is guaranteed to become beautiful." Yu Xueyao explained with a smile.

The shopkeeper was so happy to hear this: "Okay, okay, thank you, Miss, I will definitely buy it at the agreed price."

Yu Xueyao nodded with satisfaction: "Well, then I'll go, see you tomorrow." After saying that, she turned and left, leaving only a slender figure disappearing in the vast darkness.

Ye Qingyu hid in the dark, watching Yu Xueyao leave, with a hint of complexity and obscurity in his eyes: "Yaoyao?" He murmured, and couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

He extended his bony fingers and stroked his thin lips, his eyes deep: "Interesting."

He turned and left, and Yu Xueyao returned home with the remaining money, and then went to the county town.

This is a small town with few people and a very scarce business atmosphere. The streets are wide but seem a bit depressed.

Yu Xueyao looked for various shops along the street, and finally chose a shop specializing in jewelry.

This shop is not big, but the decoration is exquisite and elegant. The clerk also looks gentle and virtuous, greeting the customers who come.

"Welcome, may I ask what you need to buy, my lady? We have hairpins, bracelets, earrings, rings... all handmade."

Yu Xueyao raised her eyebrows, looked at the owner and asked: "Boss, how much silver is it in total?"

"Five hundred coins."

"It's so expensive, I just bought some ordinary jewelry, why is it so expensive?" Yu Xueyao muttered.

"Because the jewelry here is of the best quality, the price must be high." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Yu Xueyao pouted. She certainly knew that the jewelry here was of very good quality, but she didn't expect that a hairpin would cost 500 coins: "Shopkeeper, can we be cheaper? This bracelet is only 200 coins, and that pearl flower is only 10 coins. Look, this earring is only 8 coins."

She picked up a pink earring with gold edges and put it on her left ear: "This earring is really beautiful, I like it."

The shopkeeper scratched his head awkwardly: "Miss Yu, there are rules for things here. No matter how expensive or cheap, we have to charge 800 coins." He was a little unhappy. This is the best jewelry store in Kyoto. Could he cheat her? This little girl looks silly, but she is easy to cheat.

Yu Xueyao sighed helplessly, took out four copper coins and handed them to him: "That's all, I'll find a way to make up for it if it's not enough."

"Miss Yu really knows what's good, I thank you on behalf of our wife." As he spoke, he handed the money to Yu Xueyao, wrapped the earrings and put them in a wooden box.

"Then please help me find two packages to pack them."

Yu Xueyao just walked out of the door of the store with her bag when she was stopped by someone: "Little sister, why are you here?"

She looked up and saw that it was her eldest brother Yu Shichuan.

"Brother, I came out to buy jewelry, and by the way, I bought you a cloak to keep warm." Yu Xueyao took out the cloak and put it on Yu Shichuan.

"You kid..." Yu Shichuan shook his head helplessly. Although he thought his sister's behavior was a bit silly, he was still very happy.

He patted his cloak and smiled brightly: "It's so warm."

"I also bought a firecracker. You can light it and put it at the door to drive away the evil spirits."

"Yao'er, I think you seem to be worried recently." Yu Shichuan looked at Yu Xueyao with concern.

"Brother, I..." She hesitated.

Yu Shichuan rubbed her head lovingly: "Tell me directly if you have anything to say. I will be more worried if you do this."

"Brother, can you do me a favor?" Yu Xueyao looked serious.

Yu Shichuan looked at her and said seriously: "As long as I can help, just tell me."

"Well, brother, come with me to my room, I will tell you the details of what happened."

Yu Xueyao pulled Yu Shichuan to her room and told her everything that happened in the clinic.

After hearing her words, Yu Shichuan's face was gloomy: "So, this woman is deliberately targeting you? Why did she do this?" (End of this chapter)

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