"How do I know? Maybe she is jealous of me. After all, I am better!"

"Haha, just talk nonsense." Tamashikawa scolded with a smile: "I think her target this time is you, you must pay attention to your safety!"

"Brother, don't worry. Your sister and I have already reached the sixth level of martial arts. Only a master of level nine or above can hurt me."

She said confidently, making Tamashikawa completely relieved.

On the second day, Yu Xueyao got up early. After washing and tidying up, she went to the market. At this time, there was a lot of traffic and the market was very busy.

After shopping for a long time, she finally found a fabric store. She picked out some pieces of cloth and planned to make some clothes for her mother.

"Girl, what do you want to buy?" The man stood aside respectfully.

Yu Xueyao picked a piece of goose-yellow cloth with a peach tree embroidered on it.

"how much is this?"

"Girl, you have good eyesight. This fabric is cotton that has just been picked in the new autumn." The clerk introduced with a smile: "The price of this fabric is 500 yuan. If the girl buys more, I can make it cheaper for you."

"No, that's it. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." After saying that, Yu Xueyao carried her things and walked out.

Seeing this, the waiter didn't dare to stop him and quickly followed.

"Girl, walk slowly."

After leaving the silk and satin shop, Yu Xueyao went straight to the clothing store. She wanted to buy some new clothes for her mother.

After she finished buying clothes and was about to go to eat, she suddenly saw a woman sitting on the ground in front of her, with three men beside her punching and kicking her. She was wailing in pain.

"Smelly bitch, you dare to steal our member Zhao's money, are you tired of your life?"

"Please, gentlemen, please spare me." The woman knelt on the ground and kowtowed, crying, looking pitiful.

One of the young men kicked the woman hard in the stomach, causing the woman to curl up on the ground in pain.

Yu Xueyao frowned, ran forward quickly, and grabbed the young man: "Why are you bullying a weak woman? You are so cruel."

"You bitch, get out of here, don't stop us from beating this damn old pious woman." The young man roared fiercely, waving his fist and trying to hit Yu Xueyao, but a pair of white hands grabbed his wrist.

"Let go, don't delay us from doing business." The other two men also stopped moving and stared at Yu Xueyao indifferently.

People in this era like to use their power to bully others, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Yu Xueyao snorted coldly, pushed hard, and the young man fell to the ground in an instant: "Master, I see that you are well-dressed and you must have some skills. Otherwise, how can you teach such a bully and a bully?"

"I am capable, but unfortunately I am not a person who kills indiscriminately. Get out of the way!"

"Sir, this woman stole a thousand taels of silver from Yuan Wai Zhao's house last night. Yuan Wai Zhao woke up this morning and almost fainted from fright. Yuan Wai Zhao wants to arrest her now, you have to save her!" The people watching the excitement were talking about it.

"Bah, I didn't steal his money! I'm innocent!" Zhao roared angrily.

"Mrs. Zhao, stop making excuses, are you admitting it?" someone shouted from around.

"You're talking nonsense!" Mrs. Zhao gritted her teeth.

"It's okay if you don't admit it. I'll send a Yamen servant to take you to the Yamen!" The young man glared at Ms. Zhao threateningly: "If you are smart, cooperate quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!"

Yu Xueyao snorted coldly, took out her jade token from her arms and threw it to the young man: "Since you want to report to the official, then go ahead! This jade pendant is enough to prove that Zhao is wronged!"

Mrs. Zhao covered her mouth in surprise, not expecting that the beggar she picked up casually had such a noble token.

"Who are you?" The young man looked at the jade token in his hand, his face changed slightly, and he asked hurriedly.

"You don't need to know who I am, but if you don't go to the Yamen, this token will be destroyed." After Yu Xueyao said that, she turned and left, leaving behind the young man with a dull look on his face.

This jade token is a royal token, and if it is lost, it will definitely cause disaster.

"Sir, why don't we go to the Yamen? It will be terrible if we are found out!" The boy next to him suggested in a low voice.

The young man looked hesitant and confused.

"Sir, if you don't go, you won't be able to keep this token." Another boy comforted.

In the end, the young man lost to his greed. He gritted his teeth, turned around and caught up with Yu Xueyao: "Girl, wait!"

Yu Xueyao turned around and saw the three of them chasing after her: "What else do you want?"

"I promise to go to the county seat with you, but you have to promise not to talk nonsense along the way."

"I, Yu Xueyao, have always kept my word and will not reveal your secrets."

"Your name is Yu Xueyao? I remember your name. My name is Zhao Hu. This is my cousin Liu Baozi and Gou Sheng. There are five of us. We are scattered in different cities in the south of the Yangtze River working to make money. If you want to go In Kyoto, we need to take a boat to cross the river, so we are going to the pier to take the boat together now.”

"I understand." Yu Xueyao nodded.

"Sir, why should we go to all this trouble? We can just rob this girl and she'll be fine soon." Liu Baozi said viciously.

Zhao Hu immediately patted his head: "Asshole, how could I do such a thing? Besides, these are people who are messing around in the world. They don't have many lives on their hands. If we provoke them, we will be doomed." !”

Yu Xueyao raised her eyebrows: "You turned out to be bandits in the world?"

"So what? Do you still want to seek justice for this stinky bitch? I advise you to shut up, otherwise..." Liu Baozi glared at Yu Xueyao fiercely.

Yu Xueyao glanced at them lightly and continued walking towards the entrance of the town.

"Stop, you are ignoring me!" Liu Baozi jumped in anger: "Zhao Hu, she despises you so much, let's teach her a lesson together and let her know how powerful she is."

"No!" Zhao Hu said with a look of resentment: "Have you forgotten what our mission is? We are just ordinary thieves now. If the noise becomes too big, I'm afraid we will be caught by the patrol. of."

Yu Xueyao curled her lips and smiled, these three people are not very courageous.

Seeing this, the three people felt that Yu Xueyao was even more arrogant: "Little girl, don't think you can scare me with a bad sign. I tell you, you'd better not play tricks!"

"I didn't." Yu Xueyao shrugged: "What do you want to do with me?"

"You..." Liu Baozi was furious, and finally glared at Yu Xueyao fiercely: "You'd better behave yourself, we are people with rules!"

Yu Xueyao sneered: "Rules? How funny. Since you have become thieves, you should learn the basic qualities of thieves. You can only show off your strong words, but you don't even know what you are going to do? Aren't you? I want to leave this matter to Mrs. Zhao and escape punishment naturally!"

The three people were struck by what they said, and embarrassment flashed across their faces.

"Don't spit on people with your blood, we don't even bother to play these little tricks." Liu Baozi became angry in embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense. I will take you to the Yamen right now. I don't believe that with this jade token, these people can still protect you." Zhao Hu glared at Yu Xueyao fiercely: "We You can only succeed and not fail every time, otherwise..."

Yu Xueyao rolled her eyes. This man looked so much like a bully in movies and TV shows.

"Sir, I heard that these government officials are all evil-minded. If they find out that we break into private houses, won't we be sentenced?" A tall and thin man reminded worriedly.

"She's just a farmer. We just send her to the Yamen and hand her over to the county magistrate. As for what happens next, it has nothing to do with us!" Yu Xueyao said casually: "Anyway, you have no losses!"

Zhao Hu was speechless. He indeed had nothing to lose, but Liu Baozi and Gou Sheng suffered. After all, they were just ordinary people and had no support at all. If these people wanted to punish them, it would be very simple and easy.

"If you keep talking too much, I'll sew your mouth shut!" Yu Xueyao warned with a frown.

This sentence successfully shocked the three of them.

"Master, look at her, she dares to threaten us like this, it's so abominable!" Liu Baozi muttered angrily, his eyes burning.

"Okay, you all should say less." Zhao Hu sighed and looked up at Yu Xueyao: "Girl, don't worry, although we are bandits, we also pay attention to integrity. We will only try our best to help you. , as for other things, you don’t have to worry.”

After Zhao Hu finished speaking, he quickly walked forward. Yu Xueyao hurriedly followed, and the others hurriedly left when they saw this.

Yu Xueyao couldn't help but sigh as she watched them disappear into the night.

"Master, those people won't be harmful to you, right?" Bi Lan asked worriedly.

"What can they do to me? I am the leader of the martial arts alliance." Yu Xueyao raised her head proudly, her eyes full of triumph.

"Then Master, why did you pretend to be so weak just now?" Bi Liu couldn't help but mutter.

"Silly girl, we are new to the world and are not familiar with these places. Of course we have to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers. If I don't pretend to be weak, how can they believe my identity." Yu Xueyao said with a smile.

Bi Lan and Bi Liu looked at each other and were speechless.

The master is so cunning!

"Master, where are we going now?"

"Let's find an inn first." Yu Xueyao looked around and chose a relatively clean inn nearby.

"Ouch!" Suddenly a girl's voice came. Yu Xueyao looked sideways and saw the woman wearing a pink dress falling to the ground.

"Ouch, what's wrong with you?" A woman ran in in a panic and helped the girl who fell to the ground: "Get up quickly, the street is dirty, please take care of your new clothes. It's dirty, what should I do?" The woman was worried and kept complaining.

Yu Xueyao looked at the girl and saw that she was pretty and cute, but with tears in her eyes and pear blossoms with rain, she looked particularly pitiful.

"Why are you so careless, kid? Wipe your tears quickly and don't scare anyone later!" The woman felt distressed and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"Mom, it hurts so much." The girl cried harder and harder.

"Mom, my stomach hurts, rub it for me!" Another slightly older boy was holding his stomach, his face turned blue, his eyes were blurred, and he seemed to be about to faint at any time.

"Ah?" the woman exclaimed, "I'm going to have diarrhea!"

"Mom, my stomach hurts. My stomach hurts so much." The boy's face was pale and cold sweat was pouring from his forehead.

"Hurry up, help him go to the room and lie down. I'll call the doctor later." The woman hurriedly told the waiter to call the doctor, and she helped the child into the room and lay down.

Yu Xueyao stood at the door and did not move. This kind of disease can be cured by just drinking some medicine.

"Hey, what are you doing so stupidly? Hurry up and help your cousin!" the woman urged.

"Oh." Yu Xueyao walked in and squatted down: "Let me have a look."

When the woman took a look, she saw that the girl was so pretty, no wonder she was coveted by the two little brothers.

"What are you doing? Are you a doctor?" The woman stared at Yu Xueyao suspiciously.

Yu Xueyao glanced at the woman lazily and said two words lightly: "See a doctor!"

"You girl, do you know what it means to see a doctor?" The woman said disdainfully: "My son has had gastroenteritis since he was a child. He has taken medicine to no avail. Now he still has a fever. Can you help him?"

"I don't know medical skills, but I know that they have gastrointestinal cramps caused by hunger." Yu Xueyao explained: "Their diarrhea must be related to their eating habits. Just cook them a bowl of noodles."

"You...what are you talking about? Who knows if what you said is true?" The woman's face turned red: "You just saw that my son was sick, so you made up lies to defraud money! Let me tell you, you today If you don't give us five taels of silver, we will never give up!" The woman gritted her teeth: "These days, we, brother and sister, are relying on these few taels of silver to support ourselves. If we don't have any, we will be dead."

"I don't know you, what does your need for money have to do with me?" Yu Xueyao raised her eyebrows and mocked, "Could it be that you want to kill me?"

"You... you damn girl!" The woman was so angry that she pointed at Yu Xueyao and stamped her foot: "Okay, if you say you don't want to, forget it, but you have delayed my son's illness and you must pay for it. You must pay it quickly!"

Yu Xueyao looked at the mischievous woman in front of her, frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "I don't owe you anything, why should I compensate you?"

"Hmph, if you don't give it, then I will report it to the official." The woman snorted coldly.

"You crazy bitch!" Yu Xueyao suddenly became unhappy: "It was obviously your son who injured me, but you still dare to blackmail me. I tell you, you'd better not offend me, or I'll beat you to death. you!"

"Let me tell you, both of us, brother and sister, have been injured. If we don't seize the time for treatment, will you be responsible?" the woman yelled, holding her neck.

"Then go and seize the time." Yu Xueyao stared at the woman without fear.

The woman did not expect that Yu Xueyao had no intention of giving in. Her chest was bulging with anger, and she wanted to tear Yu Xueyao's mouth to pieces.

"Madam, you should hurry up and see a doctor for this girl." The onlookers finally couldn't help but persuade her.

The woman glared at Yu Xueyao fiercely and cursed angrily: "Stinky girl, just wait and see!" The woman left angrily. Before leaving, she did not forget to glance at the two children next to her with full eyes. disgust. (End of chapter)

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