Zombie World is definitely a place to go!

This must be the case, no doubt about it.

However, before that, we still have to let the containment world develop for a while and adapt to the second-order world first!

Moreover, it was getting dark, and after a busy day, it was finally time to rest.

Of course, before that, Ye Qing did not forget to order Dr. Clef to drive those spaceships and battleships to clean up the meteorites around the containment world!

Pack them all up and return them to the containment area to increase the area of the containment area!

Similarly, Ye Qing also handed the number -184, the dice, to Dr. Clef.

This thing can increase the area of the room. At that time, his containment area will appear to be only 1,100 kilometers, but in fact, each room may reach thousands of kilometers.

A small world inside a big space, infinite nesting dolls!

Immediately, Ye Qing returned to the room and began to rest.

Perhaps due to being too tired during the day, Ye Qing slept particularly soundly that night…

Until early the next morning, Ye Qing was woken up by Jiang Yuqing’s phone call…

Ye Qing looked at the caller ID and sighed….

After answering the phone, I hummed for a while, got up sleepily, washed and brushed my teeth, and finally went out.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the community, he saw that Jiang Yuqing had been waiting here for a long time.

“Now, here it is for you!”As soon as he stepped forward, Jiang Yuqing handed over a transparent bag with steaming steamed buns inside!

“Yo, the service is so attentive? Ye Qing smiled, took the bun and started eating it directly.

“Phew, who serves you?”

Jiang Yuqing snorted coldly, and then muttered:”My dad insisted that I give it to you!”

This bun, um, was made by Jiang Yuqing’s mother herself.

Jiang Yuqing naturally told what happened during the day. Although she lost a family, everything is easy to do if she has money. Although she didn’t have time to decorate, she should buy it. Things were delivered directly to your door and reinstalled, and it didn’t cost a lot of money.

Maybe Ma”410″ was a little annoyed, but it wasn’t a big problem. Of course, because of the two billion, Jiang’s father and Jiang’s mother talked about Jiang Yuqing a lot.

“Tsk, Aunt Ye’s craftsmanship is better!”Ye Qing ate the buns and said vaguely.

“I can’t even shut your mouth when I eat it!”Jiang Yu pouted.

Soon, the car came.

Ye Qing ate up the buns in two mouthfuls. Soon, the two of them got on the car and drove to the school.

However, as soon as they got on the car, they talked less. Get up.

It was only at this moment that Ye Qing had time to check the world log.……

【Log: Early Third Era: Due to the large amount of resources invested by the World Lord, the containment world has entered a stage of rapid development! At the same time, because of the strange objects given by the World Lord, the containment world began to build a large number of houses. With the presence of strange objects, the containment world seemed to be only 1,100 kilometers long, but in fact, the total area of all houses and other spaces was already More than eleven thousand kilometers!】

【Early Third Era: Under the leadership of Emperor Apocalypse, the entire containment world began to adopt the farming model. They began to introduce soil into the expanded space, began to introduce plants, and began to introduce animals.……】

【Early Third Era: Under the leadership of Emperor Apocalypse, while building houses to expand space, the gods were also sent to drive spaceships to collect meteorites and space magic ores in space!】

【Early Third Era: As a large number of space meteorites and space magic minerals are transported to the containment world, the world area of the containment world is also rapidly increasing!】

【Middle of the Third Era: After a long period of mining, almost all the space meteorites near the containment boundary were mined. On this day, Emperor Apocalypse drove a legendary space battleship to deep space and discovered a huge meteorite that was thousands of kilometers long. Magic mine!】

【Middle of the Third Era: Under the order of Emperor Apocalypse, all members of the containment world mobilized and began mining the huge magic mine 12.3 light-years away from the containment world!】

【Middle of the Third Era: During the process of mining magic mines, they encountered a group of void monsters. After a round of firefight, Emperor Apocalypse led his army to annihilate them all and continue mining magic mines!】

【Middle of the Third Era: With the mining of magic mines, the containment community has gradually begun to use magic mines. According to research, the ores produced in magic mines are the most basic energy ores, which can be used for various energy consumption and even placed in small spaces in houses. Be a small solar energy source in the world!】

【Late Third Era: The containment sector continues to grow, building houses and expanding space! 】

The log is over.

It’s the end of another era… the area of space, the world…

Ye Qing was a little dazed, and for a moment, he was really curious.

Immediately, his mind moved, and the next second, his mind went directly to the containment world, and he began to examine the containment world after an era!

However, as soon as Ye Qing arrived at the shelter, he was stunned!

At this time, the entire world area of the containment world has expanded to 1,600 kilometers!

The surrounding meteorite mines were enough to increase his world area by 500 kilometers!

Of course, part of it is because of the huge magic mine.

Overnight, the world’s area suddenly expanded by 500 kilometers!

Well, that’s normal too!

These are actually benefits for novices who are apprentices to the world master.

After the surrounding areas have been mined, it is normal to have a world area of five hundred kilometers.

However, Ye Qing frowned slightly and looked at the containment world at this time…

The containment world at this time has undergone great changes!

The containment world is divided into two levels, one in the sky and one on the ground.

There is no daylight on the ground, and buildings rise from the ground, occupying most of the entire world.

Only above the sea, things are still the same as before.

The buildings were densely built, and tall buildings were rising from the ground!

The second floor is built on the top of all buildings.

The same buildings are rising from the ground. The former Sky City has long since ceased to exist. Now, every second floor is a Sky City.

However, compared to the dim ground, the buildings on the Sky City are more or less sparse, but they are still arranged in rows!

On the surface, there are no animals at all on the ground. All the animals have arrived in the expanded space in the room!

Ye Qing looked at the buildings one after another, but what he saw was that every room was full of sunshine, with grasslands, mountains, rivers, and even part of the artificial ocean!

This is true on the first floor, and so is the second floor!

Ye Qing looked up and saw an eighteen-story building with similar small spaces on each floor.

One building is a multiverse of parallel worlds!

And each floor is one thousand square meters!

One building is 18,000 square meters!

There are a total of 13,000 18-story buildings of this standard in the entire containment area!

The entire land area is 234 million square meters!

Good guy!

Ye Qing was speechless!

This does not include the City in the Sky…

The City in the Sky is similar to its previous layout, divided into eight areas.

The first city area, inhabited by the dragon tribe, is located in the east.

The second urban area, inhabited by the tiger people, is located in the west.

The third urban area, inhabited by the lizard people, is located in the northeast.

The fourth city district is inhabited by the Protoss and is located in the central area!

In the fifth city district, there is a clan of dragon snails living! Located in the south.

The Sixth City District is home to the Squirrel Crusaders! Located in the southeast.

The seventh city district, inhabited by the Taotie Rabbit clan, is located in the southwest.

The Eighth City District, inhabited by the Winged Human Race, is located in the north!

There are thirty buildings in each area, each building is the same eighteen stories high and each floor is the same thousand square meters.

A total of 4.86 million square meters!

This does not include the sea area!

There are also buildings under the sea, and those buildings also have expanded spaces.

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel)

There are also ten buildings under the sea, each floor also has a thousand square meters of space, and each building has eighteen floors!

Altogether, that’s 180,000 square meters!

Good guy…

Ye Qing called him a good guy!

How much does this add up to?

He made a rough calculation and was shocked…

At the same time, the relevant world panel also appeared in front of his eyes!

【World: Containment Zone】

【World area: 1,600 kilometers/239,040 kilometers】

【Total population: 1.2 million】

【Races: Gods, Dragons, Tigers, Lizards, Murlocs, Wingeds, Dragonsnails, Squirrels, and Gluttonous Rabbits】

【Civilization level: 3】

【System: Abnormal]

Normal area of 1,600 kilometers. and an additional two hundred and thirty-nine thousand in additional area.

Ye Qing was speechless. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He called him a good guy!

An additional area of 230,000 kilometers! what is this?

Ten thousand kilometers is the third level world master, and one hundred thousand kilometers is the fourth level world master!

What the hell, he suddenly became an invisible fourth-level world master overnight?

Of course, this is a joke!

Additional space is additional space, which does not count towards the world area.

Even if there are more additional spaces, there is no way to improve the world level, and there is no way to improve the world master!

Therefore, Ye Qing is still the second-level world master, and there is no obvious change in his strength.

It’s just that the extra world area can allow more and more creatures to live. The living area is not a problem. With more people and more bases, Ye Qing’s strength can still be doubled!

It can be said that with this additional space area, if there is another big explosion in the population and the levels of countless creatures rise, as long as there is enough time, then he can be called the strongest second-level world master. Who will come? It doesn’t work!

“Sure enough, containment is the most outrageous system!”Ye Qing sighed.

In other worlds, even if there are space formations and means of space expansion, no matter whether it is immortal means, magic means, or technological means, they have limits after all!

Ye Qing’s is a containment object!

It’s completely unreasonable, and it won’t tell you any scientific principles, nor will it tell you any metaphysical principles!

The contained object is just a bug!

What’s the reason for the bug to tell you?


At this time, Ye Qing felt a little bit about the consciousness of the world..

Only then did he realize that the world consciousness felt a little overwhelmed.

The world consciousness is like a giant tortoise. If you build a house on top of the giant tortoise and expand your home, that’s no problem.

However, once the limit is exceeded, That giant turtle can’t bear it anymore!

It has reached a certain critical point now. If it continues to expand, the world may collapse.……

“Sure enough, although the contained object is buggy, the world consciousness is still a normal system!”Ye Qing sighed. It’s better to ask Dr. Clef to stop for a moment. Don’t build any more buildings. If you continue to build

, the world will collapse. What’s the point?

Dr. Clef seems to know this very well.

He seems to have already Being regarded as the son of destiny, he could vaguely feel part of the world consciousness, so for a long time, he no longer used 184 to fill space, nor built buildings!

The most important thing was to find meteorites and expand the real world area!

Only Only in this way can there be a higher upper limit

“Well, I don’t know if there is any way to strengthen world consciousness.……”Ye Qing murmured, thinking in his mind.

It would be great if the consciousness of the world could also be transformed into a containment object.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the world collapsing or the world consciousness being overwhelmed!

Of course, even if the world consciousness is not converted into a containment object, there are still ways to strengthen the world, such as those law fragments and high-dimensional fragments! only……

“Sigh… As expected, high-dimensional fragments and law fragments are always in short supply! This thing is hard currency!”Ye Qing sighed.

At this point, Ye Qing finally had a clear understanding of the current containment world.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, his consciousness returned to reality.

“call……”He let out a long breath, and immediately looked at Jiang Yuqing next to him…

But he saw that Jiang Yuqing had woken up early, and then blinked his big eyes and looked at Ye Qing curiously.

“What’s wrong? Is there still flowers on my face?”Ye Qing raised his eyebrows

“How’s it going? Tell me, how is your development going?”Jiang Yuqing was very interested and asked quickly

“Well, the world’s area has expanded to two to three hundred thousand kilometers!”Ye Qing said with a smile.

“Bah, I believe you! Jiang

Yu curled her lips lightly and snorted:”Forget it if you don’t tell me!””

Ye Qing smiled, what’s the matter? To be honest, no one believes it yet?

Well, of course no one believes it…

It’s not that there is no world master with an area of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, but what Ye Qing said is too outrageous!

Just yesterday What looked like a thousand kilometers turned into 200,000 kilometers today. Who believes this?

Of course, Ye Qing’s area of more than 200,000 kilometers is not the real area!

“How are you?”Ye Qing was too lazy to talk about himself. He looked at Jiang Yuqing curiously and asked with a smile.

“Alas, I encountered a bottleneck……”Jiang Yu sighed lightly

“What’s wrong?

Ye Qing was surprised:”Don’t you get two billion for nothing?” Why is there still a bottleneck?”

“There are not enough species of creatures in the world!”Jiang Yuqing said, and then told what she encountered…

Her current system is still based on the reproduction and birth of new creatures!

In the current Super Leaf World, there are human race, orc race, demon race, orc race, The Trolls, Demons, and Trolls have entered an endless cycle!

Even if they breed with each other, it is impossible to give birth to any other new races! If the cycle continues indefinitely, it is possible that other epic Warcraft will be born. Human race, but it is almost impossible to give birth to an epic!

She now needs an unprecedented, unique, new race to join the Super Leaf World, so that it can break the balance and have biological diversity.!

Now her situation is 4.8. The area of the world has expanded further. From yesterday to now, plus the tilt of various resources, the void is mining meteorites, and even mineral veins, the area of the world has already reached 702 kilometers!

But these 700 But there is no way to convert 0.2 kilometers into combat power!

That’s what the so-called vast land and sparsely populated area is all about!


Ye Qing pondered for a long time, and then asked:”Tell me, what kind of beasts do you have in your beast clan? If possible, you can let some of my creatures go to your world to leave some seeds!”

Leave seeds……

Jiang Yuqing’s face turned red, he spat, and he glanced at the driver secretly. Then, he pretended to be nothing and said:”The primitive beast tribe includes cows, horses, lions, tigers, snakes, sheep, monkeys, pigs, Elephant, crocodile, bear, leopard……”

Jiang Yuqing talked about a lot, including some weak herbivores, of course!

But they are all land creatures!

Of course, there are also some flying in the sky, but they are all small animals and are not counted in the combat power!

“No sea life?”Ye Qing asked

“No! Jiang

Yu shook his head lightly:”We haven’t added oceans yet, only land animals!””

“Even if there are no marine life… there is no reason to enter a bottleneck, right? Different beasts can also give birth to new species……”Ye Qing said…

However, Jiang Yu shook his head lightly and said:”I tried it, but it doesn’t work. There seems to be a barrier between different beasts. Only orcs and Warcraft……”

“Maybe it’s because the laws are imperfect, or maybe it’s because the world isn’t qualified enough.……”

Ye Qing speculated, then shook his head and said:”Forget it, there’s no point thinking about this.……”

“On my side, there are dragon tribes, tiger tribes, winged tribes, etc., and you must also have them there… However, I have three special races here, one is the dragon snail tribe, the other is the gluttonous rabbit tribe, and the other is the special devil heart. A clan, maybe it can be of some help to you!”.

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